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| Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 12:35 pm
And now got to Priya's bit... I think she did well. Her first couple of tries were a bit useless, but she managed to get more people up which helps her, she was the first to work out you could kind of work out where people were by giving them one point (assuming you wanted them to get more points) you didn't have to waste one point to just reveal their name but not move them up. Bit of a shame Aisha wasn't up, I'd have loved to see where she was in the ranking. I presume Marina will go unless she has a lot of fans. And maybe Leo too. I presume it will be another double as they were willing for three to go this week and only two went. They've obviously got evictions to spare.
| Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 4:31 pm
Yea the way they show the blank slots moving around as you give them points, there is not really any reason to reveal any names but your own, or that of someone else you may want to save.
| Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 5:09 pm
Friday's 30-minute show has been removed from the Channel 9 schedule. Next show is Monday at 8:30pm (Aussie Time) which is 5:30am (Eastern)/4:30am (Central)/2:30am (Pacific). Interesting that they didn't show to the viewers Sandra's video to the HMs. Guess she wasn't critical enough of Kat/Lawson or she was too critical of the HMs that are the BB producers favorites. Don't be too sure of the accuracy of the percentage of the 'vote to save' results. Tim Dormer was the guest on Couch Potato radio after Tuesday's eviction. Tim claims the BB producers are NOT required to give accurate numbers. The only legal requirement (since people are charged for their votes) is the correct order of HMs must be maintained. So Tim said BBAU 'massages' the percentages to possibly 'encourage' more voting. I just love that the BBAU Channel 9 website refers to Travis/Aisha as Trasha. Perfect name for the coupling of a bogan and a footie WAG.
| Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 5:13 pm
I think she messed up, I agree Kitt that she had to give one point to some just to see where they were but when she saw where Skye was with that extra point she went back to Skye after she wasn't getting what she wanted and then, all too late checked Lawson but couldn't change much... When she saw that she was way up she should just let it go and don't even try to come down, she managed Leo to go 1 point above her, and then managed to get a couple a ties and this is why there were so many in the red zone, if the lowest score was 6 instead of giving extra to Skye she should have given the to Lawson who already had 2 points, he could have been up tied with Marina and Skye, making 8 people up instead of 7. But I think there are enough people and the two intruders may be the target, at least Marina, unless the public is fed up with Cat and Lawson and evict Cat. But if they want the controversy going, then Marina will go, UNLESS, they want her to mess with Travis and Aisha... who knows..
| Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 6:17 pm
I'm not sure what to think about today's show. I agree with whomever stated that Jason, in addition to being extremely critical of Cat/Lawon, kind of let the cat out of the bag on his and Priya's real opinions of the situation, leading some to believe Priya isn't being real with them. Yes, Priya kind of messed up with her points. I was laughing at how the only one so far to save someone was Skye. Priya was quick to want her new bestie Marina up for eviction as soon as she saw she was up. I just want her out to see how a regular show would play. I don't want to see everyone manipulated again this year.
| Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 8:58 pm
I think Priya did the best she could to help herself. With Jason gone there's not really a close ally she has to protect, and she was too far up the list save herself completely. So she widened the field. Having both Marina and Cat in there gives her a great chance of staying (and everyone else for that matter). I can't imagine people voting to save Marina when we've seen so little of her. Unless they really don't like Aisha and want Marina to keep busting her chops by flirting with Travis. It looks like some of the Skye fans are wanting to save Leo to keep them together, but I doubt he'll get huge support. He's so gossipy. I'm sure he's probably just trying to stir the pot as a strategy, but it just comes off weird. Cat takes much of the blame for the Clawson relationship because she was the one who pursued him. He likely wouldn't have given her a second thought had she not been fawning over him since the first week. Of course Lawson should've done what Sam did and cut it off at the beginning, but there's a lot to be said for respecting someone else's relationship. If you can't do that, at least wait until you're out of the house before setting your claws in. You don't have to humiliate the girl. Cat pursued him, brought him to the sanctuary, invited him to bed, etc. And after later saying she wanted to keep a distance from him, she drops her top when they're alone. This kind of behavior will not command respect from people, so naturally she's taking the brunt of the criticism. That doesn't mean people see Lawson as innocent. They're just not letting Cat off the hook for not being the committed one. If you really love someone, you don't put them in such a position. I don't understand Cat and Lawson's reaction to Jason's message when Jason had told them very clearly how he and the others felt the morning they returned from the sanctuary. He couldn't have been clearer. Did they think he'd changed his mind after they got even more involved? Meanwhile there's a guy claiming to have been Skye's boyfriend saying he dumped her after seeing her kiss Jake. The situation is a little bit different, as Skye's relationship was only a couple of months old and apparently they both agreed she'd pretend to be single for the show. I guess he changed his mind when he saw her kissing someone else. But it does make you rethink Skye's intentions with Jake and Leo.
| Friday, October 24, 2014 - 8:21 am
My goodness, Skye at 20 is certainly young enough to have fun with whomever she wants in the house, no one had put a ring on her finger or promised marriage to her, at 20, oh my, she should feel free to experiment as she pleases, even her relationships before entering the house may have been experimental, not engaged or long term relationship like Lawson had. And even Lawson, is only 23, my goodness, what's the big deal, he's young enough to be tempted by someone else, I think the public, and certainly Jason, are making too much of a federal case because of a 23 year old kid feeling for an older woman in the house. I think Cat is the one who should not have pursued Lawson knowing he had a girlfriend, if she didn't maybe Lawson would not have felt so tempted to get intimate with Cat. If today is Friday, it means that down under is already Saturday, but I don't think there was a show for us this morning to see. I can't find episode 38. Maybe the daily show did not air Friday night.
| Friday, October 24, 2014 - 10:12 am
I love the new nick TRASHA....but I guess that's because just not a fan of either really.
| Friday, October 24, 2014 - 10:25 am
They changed the tv schedule, Spunky, and cancelled the Friday show. No show Sat or Sun either, so we wait until Monday AM.
| Saturday, October 25, 2014 - 2:40 am
Jason and the others apparently don't realise how they're hurting Lawson's girl friend. How embarrassing to have to listen to these clowns discussing her business on national TV.
| Monday, October 27, 2014 - 3:06 am
It comes off a bit desperate that they dumped in these 4 new intruders with almost no warning or buildup whatsoever. The first mention I saw, and it was never mentioned on the actual show, was this past weekend after they were already in there.
| Monday, October 27, 2014 - 3:44 am
Food task this week is "You snooze, you lose". Only 4 people can be asleep at any one time, and they can only sleep in the designated "snooze room". To entice them to sleep outside of the snooze room, BB has set up a "comfort room", and the first 2 invited into the comfort room of course are Travis and Marina. Travis proceeds to make a fool of himself, whining about not being comfortable in there with Marina, he wants to leave but Big Brother won't let him. Eventually BB lets Aisha in and she of course questions him as to why he had such a problem with it and why he thought it was a "romantic" room just because Marina was in there. Once the task starts the "neighbors" have been completely forgotten, as if they dont even exist. I have a feeling that BB has been doing some creative editing and time-shifting to put the more interesting and ratings-grabbing content at the top of the hour. Obviously all of this task footage is from before the intruders were discovered.
| Monday, October 27, 2014 - 9:37 am
But the show as it is edited feels 'disjointed', at least to me, there is no buildup, as you said Flagg. The 4 intruders in the Sanctuary right at the beginning of the episode made me feel there were really 3 days activities lost to the viewers. Usually Sonia introduces the intruders but this way there was no preparation for the viewers or anticipation, they were already settled in the sanctuary and then the housemates heard them and the surprise effect lost on them when they entered the house briefly and I imagine they will join the housemates or joined them by now. Leo is throwing diplomacy to the wind, he's on top of the nominations, he already knows he's unpopular and doesn't try too hard to impress the newcomers, as David and others seem to be doing. His relationship with Skye bothers me now and she is quite astute in feeling this is playing against her and would like to 'play individually' but his insistence makes her look weak and the public may lose interest in her I think. Marina is playing the victim and reacts to Travis rejection by throwing Travis under the bus and of course the others jump on the opportunity to gang up on Travis. The power to Ryan was another letdown, here we go again with Lawson even more safe now and the usually nominated people up for nomination again with his 12 point power. After Pryia, they should realize it's possible to nominate the power holder and the more nominations the more difficult it will be to make him come down from the red zone as it was for Pryia, but this bunch I think won't realize it and won't give him any nomination especially if he's keeping under the radar as he is now doing. Of course Leo, Pryia and others (who are not admitting it) are right to feel a bit territorial but should have questioned Big Brother's motive in bringing so many intruders, I can't believe they are not realizing there is something wrong with the cast this year if Big Brother is trying so hard to bring in so many intruders at once. They can't really protest too much because it's always what Big Brother wants and they have to accept what he's doing to them. The 'snooze you lose' is doomed, but I don't know if they're just loosing some food items or the whole food purchase and go back on staples again. I just want to get to the eviction show already and see either Marina or Leo go.
| Monday, October 27, 2014 - 1:34 pm
Its the weekly food task so if they lose the snooze task then they are on staples with no food budget.
| Monday, October 27, 2014 - 3:23 pm
What a bleh episode today. BB needs to work with what they've got because the intruders were no better, if not worse. What are they doing? Do we know how long the 'neigbors' are on BB or are they already gone? I know some of you don't like the games, but I loved them and also the power the games brought with them, like saving someone and picking someone to replace them. You could see who was 'playing the game' like Tim. I'm just not impressed this year. Just as I'm getting to know the HG's they keep bringing more people in. I think one of the problems with this season may be that they all got along almost too well right at the beginning. Sad that makes for a boring show, eh?
| Monday, October 27, 2014 - 5:59 pm
It's amazing. They brought in four new people, and I was bored to tears. Travis was a real jerk in that comfort room.
| Monday, October 27, 2014 - 9:22 pm
I think spending so much time showing the efforts to try to put the housemates to sleep worked against this episode. It made the viewer sleepy, which is not good. They should have just shown very brief clips of that part of it, and much more of the neighbors. So far I like the neighbors. Maybe it's just that they're fresh and bring a new energy into the mix. Or maybe it's the effect they had on the others. I'm sure they must be putting it together and realizing they just tried to tempt two people to leave and now 4 new ones are there. It's possible the purpose of the comfort room was lost on Travis. Obviously it was designed as a challenge to make them sleepy, but he just saw it as a romantic luxury that he could say "thanks but no thanks" to. Someone needed to spell it out for him.
| Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 2:46 am
Does anyone know the start times to this show M-Th EST? I wake up at all hours and today turned it on at 5:30 am, it had already started so I clicked out of it.... would rather wait and see it from beginning later. Is the show doing so bad in ratings they keep shaving days? I have to say, going Fri, Sat, Sun makes it hard to maintain interest. What a shame, last season with Tim was one of my favorite BB season's ever. I also loved the UK season where they had to ride a bike for electric, crank for a warm shower.... This year they all seemed a bit like "watered down" versions.
| Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 3:30 am
Wow. Ryan finally did something I'm happy with. Only caught the last 45 minutes or so. I'll have to catch the rest later.
| Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 7:24 am
It's still a bit jarring to hear the way Australians pronounce "debut". "duh-boo" Then for the "weekly" recap on the eviction episode, they actually go back 2 weeks! Is there really so little going on that they have to go back 2 weeks to show anything in a weekly recap? Maybe theyve been doing that all along but if so I never really noticed it until now.
| Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 8:13 am
Yes, Ryan split the couples, that was to be expected and got Pryia out of the way to just bug her, I guess. But is that all the superpower he's going to get? If all are up for eviction what else is he going to do as power holder? He's also up for eviction and so can't save himself. Seems to me a bit of a lesser power compared to the previous ones. Out of the 4 Lina seems to me the most interesting to watch, but Richard could be another Ryan in disguise, seems a bit stuck up and not that open. So, we'll have to wait and see what are they going to do in the sanctuary, I would feel claustrophobic in there. And the 4 intruders will get on David's nerve, I'm sure and Skye and Aisha sticking together even more. That should be interesting to see, however I think Lawson will not miss Cat much and will stick with Ryan and David even more. So that leaves the 4 intruders to stick together... LOL 
| Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 8:32 am
Another very predictable eviction. The person who we never see on the show gets the least votes to save.
| Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 11:36 am
Whoa, did you see the percentages? 27% Skye 21% Travis 14% David 13% Cat 12% Leo 10% Priya 3% Marina Everyone's voting for Skye or Travis again!
| Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 11:51 am
This week's shows: Wed 8.40-10.10pm AusET = 2.40-4.10am PT = 5.40-7.10am ET Thu 8.30-9.40pm AusET = 2.30-3.40am PT = 5.30-6.40am ET Then the US clocks fall back so it's different again Mon 8.30-10.00pm AusET = 1.30-3.00am PT = 4.30-6.00am ET Tue 7.30-9.30pm AusET = 12.30-2.30am PT = 3.30-5.30am ET I think 
| Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 11:55 am
Ryan's very brave to split up Travis and Aisha! I wonder if Travis will behave, the others seem level headed and I don't know what he will do when he doesn't have an audience. No shame to see Marina go, not enough personality shown to warrant votes. Everyone up for eviction (except the newbies) is interesting, makes me think the Sanctuary task will be short lived.