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Archive through September 25, 2014

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: Big Brother : Australia 2014: BBAU 2014: Archive through September 25, 2014 users admin

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 8:06 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kellee a private message Print Post    
Flagg oh I know I still think he should have beat Anthborey in the end

Aisha didn't even flicker or protest not even a little minor consideration there, that will not play well for her.

It was cruel for them to do that to Gemma and Katie starting it off with a huge speech was so nasty.

I wanted Travis gone sigh



Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 8:09 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
This voting process is priceless. One by one they all go stand behind Jake and all give pretty much the same reasons, which are also direct digs at Gemma and her "strategy".

"Jake, you always have time for everybody, you are the most inclusive housemate", etc etc. and then they all say "its nothing against you Gemma.", when that is exactly what it really is.

So far only Priya has voted for Gemma and she seemed very embarassed to do so. I think it solely a pity vote.

Yea at the last minute there I had a glimmer of hope that it might be Travis and Kat with the least votes. That would have shaken up the house.

Aww no fair, BB took pity on her and ended it before they all voted "the result is now beyond doubt."

Now to see if Sonia actually brings up some of the obvious flaws in her "strategy".



Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 8:23 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Even though it failed miserably, Gemma still thimks she had a good strategy,.

"I wanted the cameras on me all the time, positive or negative."
"I wanted that dinner party to be about ME, not Tim."

I don't think she realizes that is exactly what turned off the viewers.



Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 8:34 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Well at least evictees get a prize this year, I think I recall that the last 2 seasons they got nothing at all.

Gemma got "a $5000 voucher" for

I assume that means a store credit and not actual cash.



Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 9:29 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Spunky a private message Print Post    
A bit too predictable for me the eviction show, the 20k to Aisha as I thought, but Jake getting the 5k was a nice touch for Lawson who is playing very smartly, he has made at least 2 sure allies who will not nominate him.

The eviction was a bit brutal and I felt for Gemma, that must be very uncomfortable to bear such a rejection. Priya was a surprise, I'd love to see what else she'll do against the house later on.

But the whole show was as expected and hopefully the nominations one will be as last year. Don't know what Lawson's power will be... and who knows, maybe Aisha could use her money for immunity unless BB says no, she can't, but that 20k will make her a sure target.

We should also see the breaking up of the couples and everyone plays individually... Skye seemed the only one who like the pair thing.



Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 1:24 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Puzzled a private message Print Post    
I thought the eviction was cruel, too, Spunky. I felt so sorry for Gemma. Props to Priya. I hope they never do this again.



Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 4:57 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Gibraltar a private message Print Post    
There was no need to humiliate Gemma that way. This wasn't a surprise to anyone and it was not entertaining watching.

I like Lawson (and the HMs seem to like him, too) but he's a target now since Tim chose him as HOH and he was a nice guy by giving Aisha the money. If he somehow got the $20 thousand, I'm sure Katie (?) would have been griping about that.

I hope they return to the public voting because the HMs choosing just reminds me too much of BBUS ... I guess Priya doesn't know about voting with the house. Good for her.

I thought Travis looked mystified when he was one of the last two couples left up for eviction. (I'm sure he was thinking he should have shaved his entire head LOL). I don't care for him but I kinda liked his "ugly head" comment. And I don't think I heard Katie (I get her and the other one confused) apologize for her comment. Instead lectured about respect?!



Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 5:07 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Gibraltar a private message Print Post    
And Jake ....

I wonder if he's struggling with his finances, or if he can't afford the same lifestyle as Tim? How many "woe is me" stories has he told his HMs?



Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 1:10 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
Tim joked in one of his Youtube videos that if Jake won he might finally start buying his own groceries. So maybe he does have money troubles.

When they said the votes would be in front of everyone, I knew groupthink would take over. I'd love to know how they would've voted if the votes had been kept secret. I'm glad Priya showed the strength to go it alone, which was good strategy. Any chance to stand out should be taken. The crowd loved it. After the talk she and Katie had, I expected both to vote to keep Gemma. Jake had already gotten a piece of the prize money, and had two showmances in 17 days. That guy's a threat.

I was surprised by the support for Travis and Cat. I was almost sure they'd be left on the block and Travis would go.



Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 8:16 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
I dont think it would have been any different if it had been a secret vote. Gemma deliberately and repeatedly burned any bridges and the BBAU players are not strategic enough to think it would be a good thing to keep her for that reason.

Nominations today with solo players finally feels like they are actually playing the game properly. Some of the choices are a bit surprising since there was no indication of a lot of these issues on the highlights shows previously.

I am also quite glad to see the apparent end of live nominations and the cheesy glass box nominations. Nominations were done in the diary room, and pre recorded and thankfully, edited.

Nominations superpower this week was excessively over-powered. Lawson had 12 points and he could spend 1 point per name to see where on the nominations list anyone was placed. Nobody has ever been given THAT much power in any superpower before.
Surprise surprise, it was given to Lawson the actor who was allowed to bring in his entire magic kit. Lawson the actor who was personally chosen as HoH by BB via Tim.



Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 8:27 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
To clarify, he could spend however many points he wanted to see where people were on the list, and THEN he could use the remaining points to nominate . He was also shown the changes in the list to his revealed names as he made each nomination. He spent 5 then gave Katie 5 and Skye 2


Katie 15
Kat 14
Dion 10
Travis 9
Priya 8

Vote to save and they put up 5 without a tie? Either its a double or they need the money.



Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 8:34 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kellee a private message Print Post    
In the end he only had 7 points after spending 5. I would have spent one to see where he was and then piled all the rest on Katie imagine her face.

Okay noticed at the end all the nominated housemates automatically put their arms around the shoulder/waist of the next one up except Travis. Poor Priya had to grab his arm which was almost locked down on his side.

It was rich of Katie to say she couldn't trust Cat and called her sneaky when it was Katie who his the cans.



Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 8:39 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Out of those nominations I would say Dion should go since he does nothing, but knowing the voters I suspect he will be safe. Probably will be Kat or Priya unless Travis does something really stupid.

We almost never see Dion saying anything on the highlights, and from the nominations we learn from multiple sources that all he talks about is "cross-fit". So Gemma was definitely right on Dion's account, "he goes to the gym".



Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 9:30 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Gibraltar a private message Print Post    
The only one I hope to see saved is Priya. I didn't like that Travis didn't include Priya at the front of the room, either. Bad form.

I thought Cat was still talking about the soda hours after the incident, but then it sounded to me like her comment was said when they were actually drinking the soda. Did Katie confront everyone hours after the incident? I hope she goes this time.



Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 9:59 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Spunky a private message Print Post    
I'm surprised mostly with those who haven't been nominated at all... Jason, Aisha, Sandra... these will fly under the radar for a long time.

Lawson the magician did not play any of his tricks with his superpower, all he managed to do was to put Katie a the top, only 1 point higher than Cat... big deal! Cat must realize he had some kind of power to change things but when she saw that she was still up there may have thought Lawson did not try to save her at all. (I noticed Cat chatting a lot with Lawson maybe in hopes to be saved).

I certainly would eliminate from the game those who are boring and not the controversial ones. So Cat and Dion would be my targets.

Gemma taking a bit of revenge on them in her address to the house was a bit useless and the farewells to her so fake, Gemma soon to be forgotten and no one really missing her, maybe Jake, but he's definitely playing a role.

I can see an increasing deterioration of interactions, they're becoming more rivals and frictions will be very apparent soon.



Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 10:04 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Spunky a private message Print Post    
Also... they now know that Pryia and Katie's money came from the jackpot, but do you know if Aisha's 20 k are also from the total prize money?



Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 10:52 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kellee a private message Print Post    
Gibraltar yep Katie is the one who kept stirring up the soda thing. Cat pointed out others are not hiding things which seemed to be the thing that truly damned her in their eyes.

It has been shown in past seasons that hiding things never leads to any good.

I am still adjusting to shaved Dave lol every time I keep having to remind myself who he is



Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 12:45 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
Spunky, I too was wondering if the $30k was from the prize money but BB didn't specify. I don't think BB mentioned that the $20k that the first HM got was from the prize money til after the girls took it.

I'm glad Gemma is gone, the Gemma show was tedious. I was glad to see that prizes are back for the evicted HM, they seem to be much more generous this year, maybe they are trying to entice people to apply??

I can't believe they had a whole show about stolen soda.



Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 3:05 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Saguaro a private message Print Post    
I'm also glad to see Gemma gone. I was a little surprised that the pair thing only lasted to the first eviction. I thought it would be a little longer than that.



Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 6:58 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Puzzled a private message Print Post    
They had pairs in one of the BB US seasons, and it didn't last long either. Unless they double the amount of contestants they have to end it early. One pair was an actress whose much younger partner called her a cougar--and the fight was on. He lost his job because he referred to the clients as "retards," and after he won, he invested in illegal drugs, was caught, and went to prison.



Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 7:16 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kellee a private message Print Post    
I was surprised as well at how early they ended the pairs especially with how long they carried out the have and have not divide last year (24 Days). I really expected at least one more eviction based on couples.



Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 2:27 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
This soda business was confusing. Wasn't it Lisa who had the confrontation with Cat? I think "stealing" was a poor choice of words. "Hiding" would've been better. But I also think Lisa was being very insulting to Cat by calling her comment childish, ridiculous, and stupid. In any event how foolish to insist that everyone was hiding food when she clearly didn't know that for a fact. It's funny that Lisa and Katie have no problem talking about people behind their backs, but get annoyed when it happens to them.

Just when I think I might like Priya, she turns out to be a tattletale. Since she was the one who told the girls about the group's repossession of the soda, maybe she was also the one who told them that people were still talking about it behind their backs. That's going to make people clam up when she's around.

Not surprised by Dion's nomination. He and Cat may be the most vulnerable. How funny to hear Dion say someone else is too boring. If nothing else, the great soda controversy gave Cat some much-needed screen time. She may get sympathy votes, especially from people who don't enjoy Lisa's style of dealing with people.



Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 2:55 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Willwillbee -

I would imagine they are being more generous with the prizes because they actually have a sponsor this year to provide them.

The evictee prizes have always been provided by sponsors. Apparently in earlier years they had better ratings and better sponsors willing to fork out more prizes. When it was on the other channel they originally all got cars, a few thousand cash, trips, cell phones. For the first 5 or so seasons they would all get a car.

With hardly any tasks so far, I guess they had nothing else going on to fill the show except for the soda drama. It did have a significant impact on nominations so it made sense for them to spend time on it.

If it had not happened, Katie, Priya and Cat may not have been nominated. Katie would have been nominated anyway but Cat and Priya, probably not.

Lawson didn't do much mostly because he couldn't. He was safe. Kat was top of the list so he knew it was impossible to save her anyway.



Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 7:23 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Spunky a private message Print Post    
I think Katie is getting in trouble if she pushes things too far... now making BB darling Skye cry is not a good way to win a safety vote from the public, they all hugged afterwards but Katie needs to lay low for a while...

The joke on David and Jason by Lawson and Sam made the perpetrators look more ridiculous than the poor victims who still believe they had questions from BB fans... thank goodness it all ended up in a big laugh but when David finds out he won't be pleased.

I didn't understand a thing Pryia said in her stand up act but she sure has the gift of the gab.
Dion wasn't even smiling, the boring guy who finds everybody boring...

When I look at the girls I'd just want them to all get a hairdo, they all seem to have damaged hair... compared to the alwasys beautifully Tahan last year, these girls need some help...



Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 12:07 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Well to be fair, Tahan was a lingerie/swimsuit model, so it was pretty much her job to look good all the time.

Katie definitely came off looking bad tonight. If its one thing BBAU voters hate, its somebody who comes off as two-faced. Katie did it several times tonight, telling Skye and Kat that it was all forgiven and forgotten, it wouldn't leave that room, and then immediately going to Lisa and complaining and lying about the awful things Skye and Kat had done.
She tells Lisa "I'm happy to leave it." and then later is shown complaining to Sandra about it, and lying and saying Skye didn't even remember saying it and Kat made it all up.