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Archive through September 23, 2014

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: Big Brother : Australia 2014: BBAU 2014: Archive through September 23, 2014 users admin

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Sunday, September 21, 2014 - 4:34 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Tim announced that after the eviction the "pairs" thing will be no more.
So what was the point of it, if it only lasts one eviction?
What a complete waste of time.



Sunday, September 21, 2014 - 4:45 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
At first I was sort of giving Gemma the benefit of the doubt and hoping she would stay, but after her reaction to Tim's news and basically hijacking Tim's dinner and making it all about her, well I will be happy to see her evicted as soon as possible.

She tries to pass it off as all strategy with Tim, but I have to wonder. frankly I dont care if its an act or real, Im tired of her.



Sunday, September 21, 2014 - 5:19 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Looks like BB production wants to keep Dave in the house and are pushing hard to get rid of Gemma.

While Gemma gets more of a crying, "Im a victim" while lying and scheming edit, Dave gets singled out by Tim for a night in the "sanctuary", given advice and some obviously coached rehabilitation comments from Tim.

"Your chick friends on the outside get your humor, but you have to be really careful what you say to the chicks in here. They will take any excuse to get offended and play the victim and make it the whole house's issue."

While completely true and a good summation of the situation, it really stands out against the seriously bad edit given to Gemma. It seems fairly obvious that Tim was sent in with an agenda to rehabilitate and save Dave.

And all the while Tim is talking up Dave, Gemma is digging her hole deeper and deeper and saying how she dislikes everyone and doesn't care what they think, their relationships are fake and played up for the game,etc.



Sunday, September 21, 2014 - 12:12 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Spunky a private message Print Post    
I wonder if Tim re-entering the house is a desperate move from BB to bring back some of the excitement of last year's BB because obviously there is something lacking this time around. I can't believe how much he looks the same, like a year hasn't passed for him.

The end of the pairs was something I expected but not so soon. I think the fact that no pair has really clicked made it look boring and partners are joining others and so this pair thing didn't really work.

Of course Gemma would know she's the target by the houseguests and would react like that and Tim trying to change David to get approval from the house seemed a bit superficial to me, but then I remembered that this BB is all about 'appearance' and not winning comps like in the States to survive. At first I thought David should keep the beard but then I was curious to see the reaction of the house... I still think changing appearance does not change the person, it does not change the behavioural pattern of the person and even without the beard he would still show annoying traits.

I don't mind Gemma going, she is really too different but not for the better.



Sunday, September 21, 2014 - 3:44 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
I don't think shaving the beard has anything to do with changing how he is perceived or treated in the house by the other housemates.

The public is probably turned off by the beard, and apparently production wants to keep Dave, so they send in Tim to rehabilitate Dave and convince him to shave the beard.



Sunday, September 21, 2014 - 4:23 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Gibraltar a private message Print Post    
My first impression of Gemma was that she was really awkward. I think Tim wanted to boost her confidence but after hearing how she's playing her game, he may have figured he wouldn't waste his time.

I sorta get what Tim is saying about Dave shaving his beard, but I really don't think Tim would have cut his hair during week 2 to get further in the game.

I do think that Dave's beard and the fact that it seems everyone wants him to shave it, shows arrogance in Dave that the others aren't comfortable with. Arrogance is probably too strong a word, but if you're going to stand for a cause, IMO, an ugly beard just doesn't seem worth it.

I dont' care if Gemma stays or goes, but I'd like to see Travis go.



Sunday, September 21, 2014 - 7:38 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
Somehow I think shaving the beard will change the way David's perceived. I think there's some kind of unconscious effect on people when they see someone with half his face covered, particularly if he doesn't have a very open personality. They get somewhat suspicious.

I'm happy the beard's going, just because it somehow didn't feel right for his face. It's just something that might've been more effective if he'd teased it ahead of time, like "If I make it to week 6, I'm shaving the beard off."

Tim has always seen himself as a champion of the misfits, so I'm not surprised he'd zero in on David and Gemma. It's the boring people and the "cool kids" he didn't have much use for. Gemma's strategy is confusing me. She's now aware that only one person leaves by the vote of the other HG's, yet she's still telling Jake that her tears are fake. What's to stop him from telling everyone? They're no longer in it together really.

Ironic that Gemma ended up crying for real after Lisa came to cheer her up. Boy, she's really good at that, huh? It was basically: "Oh, are you crying? Well, maybe that's why nobody likes you. You're pretty unbearable. Enough with your sad stories! Feel better yet?" Gemma thought she was just pretending to be unlikeable but found out she was just as annoying when she was being genuine.

I have a feeling Lisa is going to be there for a while. She has the potential to be the "love to hate" girl. That is if Katie doesn't beat her to it.



Monday, September 22, 2014 - 4:03 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
I think Gemma may be hiding her tears and calling it strategy, trying to be a villain & being ineffective as one - feeling any airtime is good airtime. This is vote to save, only the ones that are remembered will be voted on.

Someone pointed out that the week on shakes was really only 3.5 days & the HM got a meal & $300 as well. It doesn't even get interesting til after the 4th day but I guess giving the other HM cash negated the effects but BB could have controlled that by saying ONLY the power HM could purchase meals for other HM & no splitting meals.

It almost feels like they are making things up as they go along.



Monday, September 22, 2014 - 5:06 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Final for the 30K was a dance battle voted on by the public during the live show.

BBAU certainly does like its dancing numbers and tasks.

Sonia also revealed the pair with the most votes to save and safe as of tonight, it was Skye and Lisa, who were both extremely excited to hear this.

I missed the first half hour or so but apparently Lawson is HoH, and Dave looks much better without the beard.

Aisha and Lawson won with 51.8%

They aer not allowed to split it evenly. One gets 20,000, one gets 5,000 and they have to give 5000 to another housemate. BB also stressed that they are not allowed to make a pact to split the money outside the house.



Monday, September 22, 2014 - 9:05 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Spunky a private message Print Post    
Well finally a very entertaining live episode that reminded me so much of last season, always a pleasure Tim's presence, short and sweet, and David without the beard reminds me of the actor in the spiderman movies. I still think the beard was his unique feature, now he's just like everyone else.

The house challenge was a very funny one, Travis almost had them going in the pool, I would have loved to see that! The tiebreaker saw Gemma losing and going straight to the crying room. Oh well..

The dance challenge was hilarious, not so much Aisha and Lawson who won but the other couple was much funnier to watch. Splitting of the money is so BB... they must have expected there was a 'catch', and one may end up with only 5k. I think Lawson will be the gentleman (especially now with the power given to him by Tim) and will let Aisha take the 20 k but I'm surprised to see who they're going to give the other 5k.

Skye's reaction to being safe was just as I predicted. I hope she stays this natural and outgoing... but someone has to tell her the pink lipstick gotta go...

Sonia's dress was lovely as always.



Monday, September 22, 2014 - 9:57 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
Somehow I think shaving the beard will change the way David's perceived.

It sure seemed to, Curlyq. He's very nice looking. I think the HG's are finding others who 'annoy' them now.

Today's show was great! I agree, Spunky...BB AU is back! I laughed so hard during the dancing. The whole show was funny.

Finally seeing some the true colors of the HG's. Changed my opinion of Ryan a bit. He sounded like a gossipy girl when he was talking about Dave.

I'm not a huge Tim fan, but he was spot on about the HG's. I think it's interesting that Cat likes Lawson. She is so pretty and accomplished. Those six years shouldn't matter one bit.



Monday, September 22, 2014 - 11:05 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Nolanry a private message Print Post    
I don't know why but I suddenly got curious about BBAU so now that BBUS is finishing up I decided to dip my toes in and yesterday I marathoned this show on youtube. I think I got through episode 10 (maybe only 9, not sure!) but I definitely like it.

But, seriously, how the heck many episodes are there during a season?!?!?!! I couldn't believe it when I was on episode 6 or 7 and not a single HM had been voted out yet!! I was like "ummmm are these people ever going to start leaving??" haha, it's been an adjustment for sure. I'm also not used to the BB voice talking to them in the diary room yet, I'm getting there and I do like that BB has a sense of humor.

I also like how on this BB the HM's actually get in trouble (like for taking the stuffing out of that pillow) it definitely *feels* like Big Brother is "watching".

I'm LOOOOOVING Lawson. I also like Aisha and Cat. I dislike Gemma and Dave (although I think he is improving). The rest of the HMs are in the middle. I have moments when I like them and when I don't.

I do like the different feel of this BB although it's very strange because it makes BBUS feel like competitions....competitions....COMPETITIONS. Like that is all BBUS is about (it just feels that way compared to this one).



Monday, September 22, 2014 - 1:55 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
Nolanry, Welcome to BBAu! You should try to watch last year's BBAu, which was exceptional! This year's is "off" so far & will be a short season compared to BBAu normal 100 day season.

They evict one weekly. I think BBUS HMs are in the house for a week or so before they start airing, so it just feels longer, plus BBAu is a 6 day a week show compared to BBUS 3 day a week.



Monday, September 22, 2014 - 2:30 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Spunky a private message Print Post    

I felt like you last year... had this year been my first time watching BBAU I may not have felt so enthusiastically as I did last year.

Will is right suggesting to watch last season and you'll understand when you watch the next two episodes when the winner of last year Tim enters the house for a short time. The housemates this year are not as exciting as last season but maybe we'll start to warm up to them a bit more knowing Big Brother has lots of fun in store for them.

Big Brother is a real force in this Aussie BB, he has the best voice for a BB. He speaks to them and he is a big participant in the whole BB game.

I know the US version is all about comps to survive evictions and win the game, but down under the public has all the power and so they just need to win challenges to win treats and money, obviously this year, is the money, and immunity, which is big in this type of BB where EVERYONE nominates.

I hope others from our discussion boards join in the fun!!



Monday, September 22, 2014 - 2:32 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Txkaykay a private message Print Post    
I loved BBAU last season and am just thru episode 9 so far but it is much better than BBUS! Can't wait to see the episode(s) with Tim!



Monday, September 22, 2014 - 2:34 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Martyc a private message Print Post    
I just watched the latest episode and laughed out loud til I cried watching the dance competition and the practice session before. These houseguests keep themselves entertained and entertain us along the way. Wish BBUS would take note. They all go to bed around the same time and are awake during the day. I like the family dinner time and the conversations they have during these dinners.



Monday, September 22, 2014 - 3:03 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kellee a private message Print Post    
I have been watching BBAU for years now (started in 07 but watched all the ones before it except 2 have had a hard time getting my hands on that one). By far this one is a big disappointment because not only have they taken away the live feeds they have taken away any information outside of what you see on the shows. Several people have speculated if they even run the cameras all the time.

Alex M (producer) needs to straighten up and get somewhat back to the concept of big brother, that it is a social experiment for our viewing pleasure not to be spoon fed what they want us to have.

There are some housemates I know nothing about because they haven't had a story yet, like Ryan or Dion.



Monday, September 22, 2014 - 10:23 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
I would not be surprised if they are doing what they did on "The Glass House" and secretly sending everyone to a hotel for the weekends.

With no feeds and no updates, there is nothing stopping them and they'd save a lot of money and manhours.



Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 12:15 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Hober a private message Print Post    
@Saguaro I just wanted to thank you for doing the screen captures from the show. I do watch the show live but like to look at your pictures also because sometimes I may miss something. I know this has to be a lot of work for you, so I just wanted you to know that it is appreciated.



Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 7:06 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Lawson pretty much decided for them that Aisha would get the $20k while he would get $5k and they would give the $5k to Jake.

Very shrewd move on Lawson's part. He obviously has his eye on the big prize at the end and this "generous" and "selfless" move can only help propel him there more easily.

If Aisha were a little more game savvy she could have at least protested a little bit, while still accepting the $20k. She just accepted it and all they discussed was that they thought Jake should have the other check.

I hope that having the biggest monetary prize so far, 3 times as much as anyone else and apparently no risk of having to spend any of it, doesn't hurt her chances at staying in the house.



Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 7:15 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Early voting percentages are given and its 38%, 36% and 26%.

I think its fairly obvious that it will be Gemma, and she has done herself no favors by deliberately coming off as so unlikable and repeating incessantly how she dislikes most of them. Does she really think thats going to keep her in?



Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 7:24 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kellee a private message Print Post    
Accepting a cash prize has lost others support (Eugene in BBUK most likely would have won if he hadn't taken the money) so Lawson game played that well. Haven't watched today yet but curious why they chose Jake?



Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 7:28 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Every time we see Gemma she is either crying, or saying (over and over) how important it is for her to be there, and then showing the opposite by going on about how much she dislikes everyone, there is nobody there she would "hang out with", and so on.

Does she know nothing about the Australian BB voters? Its like she is going out of her way to make sure she is the easiest choice to be evicted.

Im sure a lot of it is editing but the words are coming out of her mouth in the first place, its not like production is making this stuff up.



Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 7:31 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
They chose Jake because apparently he has mentioned to others how he is broke.

As for Eugene, he got the same prize money as the winner so he basically tied with the winner anyway.



Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 8:00 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
David/Sandra are saved.

Final vote, losing pair, Jake/Gemma.

Gemma starts crying and says "I'm screwed"

BB announces to them that they have to vote face to face for which one is to be evicted.