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| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 1:44 pm
Sure, I can do that! Have a good ride. 
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 1:49 pm
In third place is... James!
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 2:06 pm
Second place is Audley! Gary is the winner of CBB!!!!
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 2:14 pm
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 2:22 pm
I wonder how awkward this interview with Gary will be.
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 2:24 pm
Thanks Amy! I think Emma will just let him do what he wants, it might be the only way to handle it. It's going to be very hard for him to hear over the crowd.
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 2:51 pm
Stormy, kudo's for speaking such truthful wisdom! I never thought of that... if it is a woman stripping down to nothing... cheers all around! You spoke so well on here. Thank you.
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 3:05 pm
Stephanie.... ermmmm.... not looking good right now!
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 3:28 pm
ohmygod, I made it on time to see On the side show and Gary won?????? Unbelievable!! I will have to catch the finale episode some other way, I couldn't come back home on time to see the streaming. I can't believe it! Wonder what the Brits like about him and why none of their own. Unreal!
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 6:35 pm
I did the same thing with this one that I did with the summer series, turned it off the minute the winner was announced because both of those twisted manipulative rude people winning in one summer just turns my stomach to no end. Ever bit of bile that people spew about the others could be said for Gary as well, and worse. Watching the best bits made me see how much we missed having to deal with the whole Living With Busey Show. There were so many bits in there where they seemed happy and enjoying themselves that we NEVER saw because everything was HONKED up by the spiritual bullcrap that is Buseyisms. I am sorry I am not thrilled with him dropping his pants he could have just sat down and asked for help. I was not thrilled with Bianca's strip tease either, as for flashing an ass cheek or a boob that is a whole different thing than everything. So many say they couldn't see anything but really how could they know as it was shown from the other side of the counter. I am a bit sad that this might be the last BB UK winner and he is a twit who played the voting public to no end. I have to say thought I am glad George and Edele had a cheeky kiss. I like both of them and Steph friendzoned George so what right does she have to call Edele a wh*re (only know she did this on Bots cause it was on DS). Could you get any sillier?
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 6:45 pm
Stormie, when someone (especially one with hygiene issues) puts there bare bottom & genitals on a chair in the kitchen area, I would be concerned. He could have asked someone to bring him a towel to cover himself or pull up his pant legs or go to another room. I disagree. I think the HMs embellished on any hygiene issues, making it look worse than it was. I think Gary was being himself and James decided it wasn't good enough. Many HMs over the years don't shower every day, some don't have to, some got lazy, some were depressed, while others didn't care, regardless, we saw one instance where James confronted Gary, who then corrected his behavior immediately. In the general BB, some HMs said Winston didn't have good hygiene, didn't clean up in the bathroom, or flush, things like that, but he looked put together all the time. What is being told depends on the perception of the person talking, gossiping really, which, to me, doesn't tell the true facts about the person being gossiped about, it does, though, tell me about the person (or people) gossiping. Maybe Gary didn't aim well, who knows, but again, like Audley said, he was told some things and made the changes. Gary's knee popped out and the first thing he should have done was ask for a towel? I don't think so. I don't care about a chair, which can be washed, I care that someone doesn't fall down. Gary even said he was nervous in that moment, (forgot his wording), but it was an immediate medical issue that needed to be addressed. I could not care less of Dee was aghast by a naked butt, she could have walked away. The HMs, people in general, don't have to like Gary, or think he'd be a good roommate, but that doesn't give anyone the right to gossip about and lash out at him.
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 6:57 pm
Thank you Mamajenn I'm glad Gary and Audley were in the final two, they both were deserving to me. I wish they had a show on the wrap party, that would be fun to see. Like others, I'm glad this season is over, it was exhausting. Wasn't channel 5 sold? If that's true, maybe whoever bought it will make some changes for the next season. I hope we see Audley again, he's so calming, like Yoda, lol, maybe he'll get some chat show, I think he'd be great.
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 7:27 pm
Audley or Gary?!! All's right in the BB World! Doesn't even matter to me who won! (now to see who actually won!!)
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 8:23 pm
Audley was a gentleman to the end, and I'm glad that he and Gary were the final two. The rest were sore losers, and Stephanie was just awful.
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 9:24 pm
So agree everyone! Audley and Gary F2 was perfect! I was aghast by James and Dee's display of total bitterness and disrespect right to the bitter end. James chalks all his rude, insulting, backstabbing, and obnoxious behavior as "British humor", while calling everyone he does not like "RUDE" his favorite word. This was the most bitter sore losers in BB history. I do think George played the women to further his game. a woman doing that would have been labeled a . Way to go Gary and Audley! I adore Audley, he is a gentle soul.
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 11:52 pm
Sorry if this has been asked already, but does anyone know what Gary's prize is? Money? If so, how much? Something other than money? (I was only able to catch about half of the episodes, but I don't recall hearing anything about prize money.) Very surprised he won over Audley and George. First Helen, now this. Amazing!
| Saturday, September 13, 2014 - 2:51 am
Ricky, There is no prize money for CBB. Each celebrity is paid an amount previously negotiated as long as they don't walk & fulfill all their contractual obligations. Some have been rumored to be paid a few thousand pounds & some a few hundred thousand pounds. They don't get anything extra beyond their fee except for having the title of CBB winner, which is kind of useless to an American but can help a flagging career of a British celebrity by providing them with exposure. A popular celebrity is more in demand & CBB is a popularity contest. I was shocked the GBP chose an American, I never thought that would happen. I was surprised that Stephanie gave George & Edele such a hard time, she made it clear to all that they were nothing more than just friends. They really emphasized that CBB would be back in January, apparently there was a huge shake up in the production staff when Viacom finally took over but it was way too late for them to have any effect on the season & production seemed to be just biding time til it was over. I was terribly disappointed in BBUK this year but I'm hopeful for BBAU new season and have really got hooked on Fox's Utopia, which is a year long project with 15 HM & live feeds.
| Saturday, September 13, 2014 - 9:20 am
Thank you, Willwillbee, for the comprehensive explanation - just what I was seeking. I hope that for you and all the growing number of Utopia fans that the show survives (Fox needs a hit!).
| Saturday, September 13, 2014 - 10:39 am
Mamabatsy stated: I doubt that I will watch any future CBBs because the way this show was slanted towards a disgusting old has-been really turned me off the whole idea. Right there with you, Mamabatsty. The last few CBB's have been awful, so I won't waste any more time even starting to get invested in them. Thanks for the clarification Mamajenn. I saw the part you are talking about and not just Dee, but the whole house was trying to tell Gary not to take noms personally. He previously had been upset when he was nommed. I still feel it was rude of him to say "Get out of my way" to Dee. Was she mad @ him; had she had enough...yes, so I guess you could say she argued with him and wasn't going to let go. I think every single person in that house was upset with Gary at one time or another. It was dead wrong that he won. This show seems more like 'You're being punked' than a real show.
| Saturday, September 13, 2014 - 2:22 pm
I totally enjoyed CBB! I so agree with the comments from Mamajenn, Stormie, and Puzzled ... Thank you Willwillbee for all your comments and help all season long! Gary winning is wonderful! He was fascinating and entertaining to watch. Dee and James need our prayers as they are so bitter. There were several very damaged souls on this show that needed to see the "healing" that God brought Mr. Gary through. We can all heal and change, but we must "allow" God to do it by asking him for it like Gary did! I feel the message from this CBB can give them and us HOPE for healing, and change no matter what age or stage in life!!! Congratulations CBB you are a Winner!
| Saturday, September 13, 2014 - 3:39 pm
Well each to their own I guess. I like the calm seasons. This summer of fighting is just too much for me, not entertaining at all. Makes you wonder whether to even watch next year. At least we have a short CBB in January to try out, if that's full of "drama" again that might be it for me.
| Saturday, September 13, 2014 - 6:25 pm
Yeah Gary won! Gary & Audley finish 1-2. The GBP finally got one right this summer. Best outcome possible. Much better than the civilan BBUK results. USA! USA! USA! USA! LOL what spiteful a-holes Dee & James continue to be after the game was over. They're the textbook examples of sore losers. Hope they realize Gary won BECAUSE of their actions towards him. H-O-N-K!
| Saturday, September 13, 2014 - 6:37 pm
| Sunday, September 14, 2014 - 11:59 am
Caught up on the entire show and after show. I'm surprised that Dee and James are still carrying such malice against Gary. Dee said something on the after show about using reverse psychology, being nice to Gary so that he could get voted off?? Obviously admitting that they haven't been nice to him (regardless of the bs she spouted about enjoying her talks with him, etc.) I expected this from James but who the heck is Dee ... I think she could have been just a little more humbled that she was invited as a celebrity. George and Edele seemed thrilled to make it to the finals. I agree with other comments that Gary didn't win because of his behaviour, but the others lost because of their behaviour. And Audley's exit showed a true gentleman!
| Sunday, September 14, 2014 - 2:00 pm
Thank you Needlenose. I enjoyed the season, loved F2, and look forward to Jan. Peace!