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| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 4:38 pm
Thanks Kitt! My browser has a pop-up blocker, so I hadn't thought about that. I just installed one and it seems to be working.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 5:00 pm
When I use Firefox I don't get any pop-ups, but I still get those twitters on the screen (I guess from the show) I don't like them very much. I think the eviction should be on an individual basis and then some intruders will come to fill some vacancies. But if they evict in pairs, there won't be many housemates left pretty soon...
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 6:05 pm
I suggest if you want to see BBAU to watch it ASAP - videos are being removed & our sources are getting fewer. This is suppose to be the shortest BBAU season ever so they may not have time for intruders. BBAU is usually the longest season at 100+ days but this year is suppose to be 80 days. The shortest US season was 71 days & 7 US seasons have been shorter than 83 days, so it's still a full season's worth of BB.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 8:42 pm
I love the BB Diner idea, that they're not making it easy on the HOH pair. The reaction from the group was way too supportive at first, like nobody wanted to be the first to complain. Now they'll have to deal with temptation. Especially if those shakes really do "smell like feet." Desserts are easy to resist, but if they see a dinner plate, there might be some rumblings. And Big Brother didn't say they couldn't share a plate, did he? I was confused by Katie's comment "I've had to live with this for 3 days!" It was only supposed to be day 2 at that point. And when they sent the last four into the house, Gemma said the others had already been in there for 2 days. So those launch shows weren't live? Were they actually two days apart? Did anyone else think the magician was going to pull a dove out of his jacket when he kept reaching for his shoulder?
| Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 9:55 am
Did you understand who told Priya where the money was hidden? Was it BB or some other housemates... I couldn't understand the activities because the whole episode was jammed with background music and the screen was smaller. It was a bit funny to see Priya looking for her money, but it seems the housemates already know she was the one who wanted the money against their food. I didn't see any other activities there that grabbed my attention other than the money stolen and found again by Priya. If they have to jam the episodes it may not be that fun watching, unless later on the normal uploading will show up but I won't have any interest in watching this again. Sorry, but so far it doesn't even come close to last year's enormous success. I miss Tim's storytelling in the DR, it was like seeing the whole BB game through his eyes and kept the viewers interested this way. Seems to me all those stairs up the DR room is to discourage them from going there too often like Tim did. Who knows.
| Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 10:41 am
I don't think they showed who told her where her purse was, but it seemed like someone did because of heading towards those plants. Crazy show tonight. I have trouble remembering who said what but some of them are complete vultures over the money! They know it's a game, they know BB made them do this, yet they have no respect for Katie's individual decision. I like the idea of giving everyone $200 each, but forcing them into it is pretty despicable. And I have to notice they put all the pressure on Katie, who they think they can get to, instead of Priya who to us seems more like she isn't going to budge. I'm not sure if she's saying soothing things to them off camera that we didn't see or she's just, perhaps wisely, kept herself hidden from them and out of the firing line.
| Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 11:00 am
I noticed that they immediately tried to head off any complaints of "racism" when Katie started doing Priya's accent. She's pretty good at it too.
| Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 11:39 am
Have none of them watched this show before? Travis comes up with this plan to budget $6400 to get everyone 4 meals each. He is assuming that BB will keep the price at $100 per meal. OF COURSE BB will not keep the price at $100 per meal. As soon as everybody has calmed down and agreed upon this "plan", BB will conveniently up the price to $200 or even $500. It has happened many times before when luxury items or calls home or whatever were for sale in the store. One week when they have no extra money, they're priced $10, and then the next week when they have money to spend they are jacked up to $90 each.
| Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 11:47 am
You can't really judge the success of this season or this season's cast by day 3. I didn't think last season was all that great and it certainly wasn't very good at day 3. CurlyQ, I believe the Sunday launch show was actually shot on Saturday.
| Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 11:47 am
I didn't like the power trip thing in BB UK, and I'm not liking it here.
| Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 11:56 am
Flagg they should have caught on when they said they wanted ribs and lo and behold it's the next thing to appear in the food shack. Big Brother hears and Big Brother uses it against you.
| Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 12:04 pm
If they get this worked up over $20k out of the final prize, BB should bring back the $5K fines for not wearing microphones or other rule breaks. Or maybe less since the prize money is a lot smaller than it used to be. Make it a $1K fine then. the show will last what, 10 or 12 weeks? I think it is no coincidence that the HoH pair get $20K between them. I imagine this will happen every single week. 11 x 20,000 = $220,000 which will leave $30,000 for the winner if they take it every week. Probably ultimately a budget cutting move by BB production. They either eat meal replacement shakes all summer or their food is paid for, at excessively high prices, by the final prize fund. Remember when every evictee would actually get a car and several thousand dollars?
| Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 12:32 pm
I guess it makes sense that it was Sam who was most bothered by the money being deducted from the final prize, since he is pretty much a lock to win it as Im sure he well knows. I hope they do give $20K to every HoH pair for that exact reason. Nobody else has a shot at the money otherwise. I know its seen as this terrible thing on BBAU to actually want to WIN the game, but anyone else who thought they had a chance to win should have been quite pissed off to see Sam hobble in. The only time a person with a disability does NOT win a public-vote BB is when they act like a real a-hole. (Blind Mikey BBUK) I guess the jury is still out on Sam.
| Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 3:09 pm
So far I'm not happy with this season, I don't like this power thing. I want Priya and Katie to keep all the money for themselves, I don't feel they need to share it with anyone. What was the point of taking it, if they are just going to give it away? I think the HMs who want a part of it are selfish, they should not expect anything. This show is the no fun zone right now, I hope it changes next week.
| Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 3:15 pm
It's *much* too early to form an opinion on this season. It doesn't specifically say anything about evictions but I assume being nominated as one, would include evictions but maybe the public gets to evict one & the other is held to come back??? thanks to Saguaro's screen caps - Big brother says in 2014 you will play as pairs. Each pair will nominate as one, and be nominated as one. Each week one pair will become the head of house.
| Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 3:37 pm
Yea they keep saying nominate as one, be nominated as one, but they dont say anything about being evicted or voted for as one. If only one is evicted then I would imagine that some of them might be eager to get rid of their partners.
| Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 4:26 pm
On the contrary, I got hooked from the very first episode, the Launch, last year. If this bunch were in the house last year I would not have followed as closely as I did. It was exactly that very first episode that got me hooked. The great audience, Sonia and the housemates sent to the poor house, that was very funny and different. But of course I will keep watching but not with the same passion as last year.
| Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 4:36 pm
I have trouble even remembering anyone other than Tim and that guy with all the red hair. or was he the previous year? none of the recent seasons have been anywhere close to the quality of the earlier seasons.
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 1:13 am
I can understand the feelings of the HGs about the way the HOHs handled the money revelation. They were trying to be good sports about it until they found out they had been hiding the source of the money. That came across a bit shady, and then realizing this may very well be a one-time thing made it worse. They may have assumed each pair would get a similar chance to get a cash prize, which would make their discomfort more bearable. Knowing it's coming from the prize money has them thinking they won't do it each week. And what did Priya do to win the first HOH for her and her partner, thereby winning the money? Nothing that we were shown. She was just chosen. If I were in the house I'd be at least a little annoyed. Especially if it meant caffeine withdrawal like that one girl was going through. Priya getting sick after the reveal was unexpected. She's not so steely after all. Looking through posts in the US section, I saw a reference to Lori of season 5 (US). I had to look her up to remind myself who she was, and saw that she was also offered $10,000 to take food away from her housemates and put them on PB&J for a week. She took the money and was booted out the next week. It's easier to get voted out when you've already won some money. At this point in the last season I was disliking Tim (whom I ended up enjoying by the end), and was caught up in the Drew/Jade mission. I think Tully was getting annoying already, but otherwise I hadn't formed opinions on anyone else. Too many people to keep track of at this stage. I can only tell who's standing out by whose names I remember. Priya, Katie, Skye, Sam, Gemma, and Jake. Oh,and Lisa but only because she looks a bit like Tully and is apparently a friend of hers.
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 7:35 am
Only one person of the pair is evicted by the public. However, there has to be at least two pairs nommed, right...possibly three, so there are people for the public to choose from? Who does everyone want the public to choose as power couple this week? Watching yesterday's show, I realized Katie is horrible at this game..awful. I wanted to root for her for being manipulated and played by Priya, but I just can't now. Two to three days after the fact, she's complaining about being pressured? Much too late, Katie. Skye might not be that smart, but she has great common sense. She told Katie how to play it yesterday, but Katie ignored the advice. Every move she made was the wrong move. I'm liking this season okay. It seems Travis (that's the guy I 'thought' was Tim's roommate) likes Asia and Katie is egging him on to get with her. Methinks Katie likes him herself, so I don't know what she's doing. Right now my two faves are Skye and Asia. They are very cute together. Thank goodness I had swallowed my coffee before Skye fell off the DR chair, or I'd be having coffee all over my computer. 
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 8:07 am
Im starting to get really annoyed by the Italian guy that never shuts up, I think its Travis. My current favorite is probably Skye, though she needs to grow a thicker skin. Every time she talks to Gemma she hears something nasty about herself and then dwells on it. The rest of the blonde females are all a blur as they all pretty much look the same to me. BB should not let them split the meals. They specifically say $100 per housemate, and then let them buy half as many and split them .
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 8:36 am
I like Skye too, she's spontaneous and quite good looking, especially without the pink lipstick on. Hopefully she won't become catty when Aisha or other girls are going to be mad at someone else. Travis seems so familiar, I must have 2 or 3 relatives who look like him. This year is the food, last year was the half house, which I found more interesting to watch than the food for sale thing. I find myself forwarding the video, when I never never did last year. Oh well... Skye falling off the DR room chair was funny, she's a good sport (I just hate those wings in the DR) I don't mind the white and blue furniture but the pink and arched trims and chandelier... eek... I loved the 'desert' colours of last year.
| Friday, September 12, 2014 - 12:45 pm
I think Travis is the one I'm not keen on too. I couldn't remember which of them I was so annoyed at yesterday and then Travis (I think) is in bed with Katie when I thought yesterday he was the ringleader against her. Skye strikes me as one of those people who gets the wrong end of the stick all the time and gets offended by it. She might get a bit tiresome. Funny how reluctant they are to spend money now it's theirs, isn't it? ;)
| Saturday, September 13, 2014 - 2:13 am
One thing Skye did that I found a little odd was asking if she could keep the money if she doesn't spend it on food. The food was the only reason they were giving them money from their stash. I was surprised that didn't bother Katie. Hopefully this food thing will only be for this week. I prefer the food challenges where they all work together to win.
| Saturday, September 13, 2014 - 3:01 am
Curlyq, Skye was the biggest proponent of the power HM NOT sharing any of the monies with the others & encouraged the girls to not be bullied into sharing. So I can't blame her for not wanting to waste the money on food. No Saturday show but at least there will be a show on Sunday. I encourage any BB fan to check out Fox's Utopia, which is a year long project with 15 HM & has free live feeds as well as paid fees for $5 a month. I can't seem to get the free ones to work yet.