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| Monday, September 08, 2014 - 7:36 pm
I'm still trying to figure out who decided that Gary is a legend. In the film business he is a joke. Hollywood is tired of his nonsense.
| Monday, September 08, 2014 - 8:20 pm
Oh, sorry Mamajenn, I was in the editor while listening to the show to get the transcript right, and your post snuck in while I was typing. I was replying to the couple of posts before yours. I'll pm you the link.
| Tuesday, September 09, 2014 - 1:03 pm
Thanks Kitt 
| Tuesday, September 09, 2014 - 1:53 pm
Have to agree with all of you. Yesterday's show was horrible. So tired of "The Gary" show. He is too mentally unbalanced to be in that house. What he did to Dee is inexcusable on his and the producers part. Please let the public boot him this week so we can see what the show may have been.
| Tuesday, September 09, 2014 - 2:25 pm
Well, Dee apologized to Gary and he accepted the apology. But certainly it is good that the public votes to save, otherwise Gary would not have lasted this long. However, I find it pathetic that some 'one time celebrities' should put themselves in these reality shows where people could end up disliking them and thus ruin whatever good memories people had of them. I only remember Gary as an American actor who ended up really bad because of drug use and the accident he had. Don't know the others at all. Oh goodness, is it such a tragedy if one doesn't get a letter from home?? It's such a short time in a nice house, not in jail, and they're watched and their loved ones know they're doing okay, the tears would be such for drama. Do you know why there is the number sign before CBB.. like #CBB ...
| Tuesday, September 09, 2014 - 4:53 pm
The # is how you search for topics on twitter, for example if you tweeted a comment about CBB you'd put #CBB somewhere in your tweet, then someone searching for CBB tweets would find yours with all the rest. They tell you what the "hashtag" is because otherwise some people would write "#cbb," but others would write "#celebBB" or "#celebritybigbrother" etc and you'd have to search through all variations.
| Tuesday, September 09, 2014 - 5:59 pm
I think the way Gary has been treated is just awful, and I'm not alone--listen to all the cheers. (Since I have relatives in the film industry, and one of her friends has an Emmy, another an Oscar, all I can say is that Gary is definitely not considered to be a joke in their circles.)
| Tuesday, September 09, 2014 - 7:51 pm
LOL I guess that's why he's getting so many parts in movies and TV. He can't even get on a reality show here any more. BB UK is the only show that will have him... because he is such a legend. From what I remember, the British public loved Speidy and Janice Dickenson. I guess they are legends too. The British love troublemakers, quirky people, those who are considered bonkers. He sure fits that bill.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 8:30 am
Gary was on Celebrity Apprentice twice. Gary's flaws and faults are on display, what you see is what you get, You also see his heart. The difference I see is the rest of the cast group attack at the slightest chance, Dee made a big show out of apologizing for the cameras in a touching dramatic scene... but 10 minutes after letters she is in the kitchen with her knife out going so far as to call his wife a while the others stood around in silent support. Not one called her on it. I would rather deal with what I can see, then a spider spinning a web behind the scenes. Later when Dee kept slamming Gary's letter Edele stood up. Gary's heyday is behind him, we all know that. BBB UK has never had an American celebrity before that could fit that catagory here... Spidy... Steph.... Frenchy... so yeah, Gary was an odd pick, but just look at last season, who would have guessed Helen would win? I guess the sad fact is, we keep the drama. I would take ten Gary's over the likes of Dee, Ricci and James any day...but then again James is liked, and George is another one who brings nothing but is favored to win.... I don't care who wins, rather who does not.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 9:15 am
Thanks Kitt... about that # sign... I just don't deal with FB or twitters, or instagram or selfie, that's the exaggeration of the net world.. I think. Thanks also for all the info on Emma, I admit the show is a bit boring for my taste but Emma is a pleasure to watch.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 1:04 pm
Is it still warm in London, Emma dresses so light and here I'm freezing... I think Garry's time has come tonight.. double eviction, I'd be surprised if he stays. They think George will win.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 1:05 pm
Final (double) eviction before the finale about to start. Spoilers ahead! My guess is two of Ricci, Lauren and Edele will go. I still don't really understand why Audley gets high votes. Cheers and jeers: Audley cheers Dee cheers some boos Edele cheers some boos Gary cheers and loud boos George big cheers James big boos Lauren boos Ricci boos
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 1:07 pm
I think it's a bit nippy there. 60F if they're lucky.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 1:13 pm
Not sure I like the new Edele. She was better before that feedback person told her to get a personalty. I preferred her when she was nice and quiet.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 1:16 pm
Was she flirting with George and Gary was complaining about it? Edele (she is married, right?) was so defensive but after that confrontation George seems to detach from Edele... (reminded me of Christine and Cody).
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 1:27 pm
Edele is the one who is divorcing/recently divorced (not sure if it's official yet). George is single. Gary (and someone else, Dee I think) complained that they were talking so loudly that it was difficult for the other group and especially Gary to hear each other. I think she handled it really badly, not sure if she was drunk or not. They could have just moved a bit further away and then everyone could have continued talking. And then of course Gary starts using his accusatory language and people get fed up again, but Edele and George should really have been a bit more thoughtful.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 1:32 pm
Two housemates going out together are Ricci and Lauren.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 1:32 pm
And Emma talks to the house... Chant is "Get James out!" with other stuff thrown in. The two hms with the fewest votes and leaving the house together are: Ricci Lauren
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 1:35 pm
I'm surprised they're getting rid of the 'mild' ones and keeping the 'controversial' ones...
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 1:38 pm
That's what a vote to save does and why a lot of people like it, it gets rid of the boring ones and keeps the ones that are good housemates, even if everybody hates them. With vote to evict the big characters go (which I quite like, but I seem to be in the minority). For instance James would have gone first time he was up in a vote to evict, but with vote to save he's in the final.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 1:46 pm
Either Ricci's stupid or he's playing up the "being played" by Lauren. It was pretty clear to everyone else she wasn't interested.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 1:56 pm
Vote to WIN is open. I'm sure this is the shortest final voting window they've ever done. I wonder if there's a reason.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 2:10 pm
I prefer vote to evict over vote to save. I think they go with vote to save for celebrity big brother because they want all the celebrities to feel liked because fans cant target people for eviction with a vote to save.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 2:13 pm
Yeah, and they don't want to lose a controversial hm they've paid big money for in the first vote.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 2:17 pm
I agree completely about Edele, she is crazy lately. Gary is wearing thin on the crowd, but glad he made it to finals. Ricci, I really think is slow on the uptake... Lauren spelled it out more then once. so how do you want to see the ranking go Friday? I would like to see: 1. Audley 2. Gary (but think he will be lower) 3. James 4. Edele 5. George 6. Dee How I think it will go.... 1. George 2. James 3. Audley 4. Dee 5. Gary 6. Edele