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   | Archive through July 08, 2014 | Mamabatsy | 25 | 1 | 07-08-14 5:51 pm |
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| Thursday, July 10, 2014 - 2:50 pm
I don't like this two thread thing...Again, I responded to your post, Wilson, in the other thread. (I'm always a day late, lol...keep losing my live feed sites.) I'm not so sure Ashleigh will be going Mama. We'll see I guess. I hate that the mean girls have set her up to go, so if she doesn't go, less power to them.
| Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 11:43 am
Day 48: Biannca, Danielle and Matthew return to the House! See more at: http://bigbrother.channel5.com/day-48-biannca-danielle-and-matthew-return-house#sthash.tT7pPyil.dpuf
| Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 1:28 pm
I wonder why Matthew and not Jale, if they're looking at the last few evicted.
| Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 3:06 pm
BBUK producers double-crossed the "Power Alliance". Not only did they reveal their identities to all the HMs, they allowed the 4 nominees to save one (of course it was Ash) and replace him with one of the power Alliance members (of course they picked Ashley). So we went from the public picking Ashley as the power HM to BBUK producers figuring out a way to screw her. BTW, looking at the videos, when they announced to Ashley she was the power HM, they told her she was safe & immune from nomination this week. Told her the same thing when she had to pick the 2nd member of the alliance (Chris) and also said he was safe & immune. Didn't say the same thing about member #3 (Mark) so this 'twist' should be Mark goes up in place of Ash. I stopped watching BBUS because of Grodner's trying to control the outcome. I'm done with BBUK after this season too because of all the BBUK producers twists to help their favorites. Thankfully BBAU starts soon as it the best and the only one I'll continue watching in the future.
| Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 3:19 pm
I think Steven will still go though. There was a chance with Ash up that people would have thought they should get him while he's up, in case he's not up again, but I think Steven would have still gone, it just might have been a close vote. Although many don't like the idea of the newbies getting to the end, I can't imagine people trying to vote them out over Steven. Ashleigh is quite popular at the moment, she's even odds on favourite to win. Unless she explodes at the news and gets b___y like during the mask thing I think she's safe. There's just no one who likes Steven enough to vote someone else out to save him. Unless it's a double eviction of course.... then it might be Steven and Ashleigh, and I'd be crying foul.
| Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 4:25 pm
That is just horrible. Shame on the HG's for not respecting that Ashleigh finally got the power. Makes me wonder now if the people really voted her in or did BB do this for drama? I've never seen BB UK be this underhanded and controlling in a wrong way before. They are going backwards towards U.S. BB. Sad.
| Wednesday, July 23, 2014 - 5:58 pm
Jbw I am so sickened by the producers of BBUK. It dawned on me today tho.... it is all about money! Helen is a HG the public and HG love to hate. So the public goes on a huge campaign to save Helen's enemy, Ashleigh.... they pay to vote. So the producers are laughing all the way to the bank. Greed rules, so they are tapping that account again, give Ashleigh the power, promise her immunity, even let us hope a few days that Helen may lose her golden ticket.... just as all is right in the BB World and the birds are chirping and the sun is shining we learn first, Helen will be allowed to keep her golden ticket. Then we enter the darkness.... not only is Ash saved to keep Helen happy, and the salt sting a bit more in our wound as we watch Ashleigh take his place... they pissed off the fans, they one up'd them... want Ashleigh? Well it is going to cost you... so get out your wallets and pay! Jale's fans want Ashleigh out too, so you better vote several times, it is up to you public.... save your dear Ashleigh or let Helen and her minions win.... tsk, tsk, tsk.... what will it be? Personally I would like Ashleigh, Chris and Christopher have final three, but I have accepted this is the producers game,they are running and ruling it to milk every dime out of the public they can. Who wins is of no consequence, because it is simply allowing the greedy to line their pockets, the game is not played and determined by the public, but it is manipulated and the public reacts to it. So we will never know who, on a level playing field would have been the winner. My greatest wish at this point is that the people would understand this is why producers are doing this, not because they like Helen more or Ashleigh less, it is about money! I wish the UK would boycott votes, not one more, call a spade a spade, realize this season is over, throw in the white flag, and save their money... take back the game! If it hits producers in the wallet this will change, if they get bonuses over this kind of manipulation, it will just get worse next season.
| Wednesday, July 23, 2014 - 8:06 pm
Yep, I've been saying this for a while. There is absolutely no reason for them to favour Helen and every reason to have her not win in the end. But in between they can use her to create drama. They create drama, drama creates buzz, buzz creates a want to vote and voting gives them money.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 8:35 am
first part of the money twist: Ash, Ashleigh and Chris were told to pick one of three envelopes, which had either 1K, 5K, or 10K. The nominees had to pick someone. That person would be nominated, but the amount in their envelope would be added to the prize fund. They picked Chris, who had 10K. So right now the winner will get 110K- but Chris is nominated- and it's been announced it's a double eviction this week.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 9:14 am
That's a bit of a let down. I thought at least there would be a difficult choice. Nothing hard about choosing someone else to be on the block with you. They should have at least done it so Chris got the money if they put him up, so that they were rewarding the person they wanted to suffer with them. And they should have included Helen! So Mark, Pav, Winston, Christopher and Chris on the block. I think Mark and Chris will go.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 11:50 am
two more parts to the money twist- Ash and Winston were offered the chance to add 1K each to the prize fund if they let Helen cut their hair- since Helen isn't the best hairstylist, they both turned it down. later on, Chris, Christopher, and Mark can either see their family and friends or add more money to the prize fund...
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 12:04 pm
It's not much money, these challenges, when you consider it's being added on to the prize fund. If it went to the recipient of the task that would be one thing - hard guaranteed cash - but to only let it go to one person, who might not be you, who already has £100,000 in winnings, I just don't see much of an incentive. I guess with £25K minus Chris' £10K and the haircutting £2K there's £13K left for the three people to lose.... £4K each, especially if I didn't think I'd likely win it, I'd see my family.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 1:00 pm
There may still be a twist to this Kitt- I wouldn't be shocked if it's related to the double eviction in some way...say the person in first eviction position leaves, then the remaining four nominees can either take their chances knowing one of them will go, or take the money earned this week and walk- even if they would have been safe. Apparently the family thing is that all three of them go into the DR individually, and are given the chance to see their families- at the low price of £20 per second from the possible addition to the prize fund..
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 1:02 pm
Now that actually would be a twist worth watching!!
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 2:26 pm
Wow, watching today's show "before" Chris was nominated. Ya think BB wants him out or what? They keep setting him up. Why? Were they not happy with the nominees and wanted to add Ash, Ashley or Chris? It's so obvious what they are doing this year. It sickens me.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 10:21 am
And of course all the tasks that have been earning money are pointless- They took a vote via the app to ask the audience which of the remaining HG's they believe has the best judge of character. At some point, all the HG's will be called into the DR one at a time and asked if they want to take the money that has been accumulated (£10,500) for themselves or leave it in the prize fund. The person who won the judge of character vote will be called in last- but will be asked to guess which of the HG's said they'd take the money. If they're wrong, the money earned this week is lost, if they're right, the whole 25K will be added to the prize fund...
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 11:24 am
Even if they were a good judge of character that would be a hard call, getting seven matches with the other hms. I think the viewers will choose Chris. I think Helen would take the money. Ash, Winston, Pav maybe, Mark, Christopher, Ashleigh will say no.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 2:41 pm
Wow, I've never seen anyone as self-absorbed and selfish as Mark (except Frankie on BB U.S.) Mark thinks he's going Friday and he just sat there with his relatives and chatted away while the money ran out. He really thinks the world revolves around him. Does anyone know what he does for a living?
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 3:00 pm
I tried to find out what Mark does for a living and came across this: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/warrant-sent-big-brother-house-3698749 It appears he owes rent to a former landlord. Here we go again. Helen hears the end of a convo and goes and tells everyone about it instead of talking to the people she listened to from another room. Ashleigh/Chris were complimenting her and then Chris stated that she was most likely their worst nightmare in school. That's all she heard and there she goes. Chris called her "little girl lost." Pretty apt description. Both C&A were saying how beautiful she is and she doesn't realize it. I hope she doesn't get Chris evicted over this. I've only seen a little, but Winston, Pav and esp. Mark seem to be leading those who may be evicted Friday.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 3:07 pm
ROFL, the guy on BOTS re Helen: "The truth of it is you can't please all the witches in the world." So true. Other panelist says Helen chooses to listen to the negative. She does do that. She likes being angry at people.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 3:17 pm
The viewers chose Ashleigh, and she guessed wrong- so they lost the 15,500 they had earned (after being told three people would have taken the money, she guessed Ash, Chris and Pav- Ash and Chris were correct, but Mark said he'd take the money instead of Pav; which considering he already had 5K makes him look even worse)
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 3:58 pm
Sounds like Mark is completely securing his own eviction. Maybe he wasn't lying when he said he wanted to be out the week before the finale so he could get his BOTS time!