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| Friday, April 25, 2014 - 3:54 pm
Miracle of miracles, Sabrina and Adel are in the kitchen and not fighting! They aren't talking either.
| Friday, April 25, 2014 - 3:59 pm
So once again Sabrina did not go home? Why? I'm not watching much but from what I'm reading Adel has a bit of HOHitis? At the end of last Thursday's show, the group talked about putting the gals up and Rachelle going home when Adel wistfully stated: "I wish you guys wanted Sabrina to go home." Umm, Adel you are can tell the peeps if they won't commit to voting Sabrina out, you'll put one of them up or something. When the instant eviction happened Neda stated she wanted Allison to go home and that's what happened. Why wasn't Adel more forceful about telling his housemates to vote Sabrina out. Why did he let them run his HOH and yet it sounded like he was a bit authoritative. I'm just not understanding these people. Sabrina is everything all of you post and yet they just won't vote her out. It sure would stop a lot of the problems. Is production forcing them to keep her in the house?
| Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 4:10 am
So BB spooked the HG's earlier. I did not see it live. I had to go looking at other sites. Finally found one with video to back it up. I have been watching the live feeds out of the corner of my eye for hours while watching other stuff. I haven't seen another scare, just snoring HG's. Adel is a restless sleeper. Is this site dying? I hope not. I came here mid season BB1, by AOL chat.....I was caught up in all of it the Saturday Chicken George wanted the whole house to self evict because all of them would win. Is it just BBCAN? That this site is not interested in? Dang I saw so many posts last year comparing BBCAN to to BBUS that I had to give Canada a try. Now I get nothing. I can't type fast enough to give live updates. My typing skills stink. Does anyone even care about this BBCAN 2? If you do care about BBCAN2 then start typing what you see. Keep this non trash talking site going.
| Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 7:08 am
I care about BBCAN2 and I appreciate your live updates very much. I think it's just that Canada's ten times smaller than the US, so there probably aren't as many people invested in BBCAN2, but I know that there are still a whole bunch of fans. I also believe that when the show runs over the winter most people don't have time to post. Didn't that happen once when BBUS ran over the winter?
| Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 7:44 am
I watch, just not the live feeds. Never have, not US not this. The pool of watchers is much much smaller as gmg said. I really just think there are far fewer Canadians on this site and as the US can't watch there isn't a lot of posting. But I do read the posts and post in the show threads.
| Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 8:22 am
Like Jasper, l'm not watching live feeds at all but really appreciate and enjoy the posts here.
| Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 8:24 am
Cricket--you have a good point about Adel not making sure Sabrina went home. It was his HOH and he let Joneda direct it. Maybe he was afraid of repercussions afterward, but Neda sure wasnt and she is still calling the shots.
| Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 10:30 am
I know, Cablejockey, it makes no sense. I was kind of rooting for Jon/Neda, but I don't know what she's up to anymore. I'm in the U.S.; can get the feeds if I want to and can watch the show; however, this season is just sooo boring. After watching UK and especially AU Big Brothers, it's very hard to get interested in the scripted, predictable U.S. & Canadadian BB shows. This year they did let the audience participate, but the players kept the person the audience wanted out. Until they start letting the audience vote out the players, the shows will be dull with no suspense, hence no reason to watch.
| Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 11:07 am
I enjoy watching Sabrina. There I said it. It just amazes me to watch how she manages to stay in the house. I enjoyed Rachel in the same way. Sabrina can be so annoying and act so crazy but yet she manages to stay in the house. Neda and Allison said her strong spot is her mouth. She can be very funny when she tells stories and imitates people. Her imitation of Arlie when he first entered the Big Brother house was priceless. I really like Heather too but I think Neda and Jon want her out because she is too strong. Adel I am liking less and less.
| Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 12:08 pm
Maybe she is as good as she says she is... If Heather goes and she stays... well, I think she should win.
| Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 12:33 pm
I also enjoy watching Sabrina. That makes two of us. And Adel can not go soon enough for me. I do not like people like him in real life, and certainly not on the feeds. Sabrina is right, he can be a bully. And he always thinks he is right. And he is loud. And very passive aggressive. Go home Adel.
| Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 1:15 pm
I agree. I liked Adel for awhile but he has more than worn out his welcome. Heather is my favorite but it isn't looking good for her. The other three are okay.
| Sunday, April 27, 2014 - 2:37 am
The feeds were down for over 6 hours. When they came back everyone was getting ready for bed. Very little talking. No news on the POV.
| Sunday, April 27, 2014 - 7:37 am
BB only let them sleep for about 5 hours. Sounds like Heather won POV. Not a 100% on that at this time.
| Sunday, April 27, 2014 - 7:55 am
It does look like Heather won the POV and Neda[correction] took money. It's hard to decipher what happened overnight.
| Sunday, April 27, 2014 - 8:03 am
Neda took money.
| Sunday, April 27, 2014 - 8:04 am
Sorry the correction wasn't there when I posted.
| Sunday, April 27, 2014 - 10:12 am
Thanks so much for the updates. I'm happy to hear that Heather won POV! 
| Sunday, April 27, 2014 - 2:05 pm
So happpppppy that Heather won the POV, cuz I was VERY worried. Thanks muchly for the updates.
| Sunday, April 27, 2014 - 2:22 pm
I'm very happy too. I thought she was a goner. I find her to be so genuine and decent - even though she has an unusual voice. The rest of them seem so very crude at times.
| Sunday, April 27, 2014 - 2:29 pm
I can't help, but compare Heather to GinaMarie from BB13. Heather is a Model Agency Coordinator and GinaMarie was a Pageant Coordinator, but they are like night and day. From what I've seen, it seems like Heather will leave BB2CAN with dignity and respect. I'm sure her employers will feel like she represented them quite well. (I should say as well as possible, considering this is BB)
| Sunday, April 27, 2014 - 3:57 pm
So happy for my fellow Albertan Heather! This is going to be interesting. Adel has been trying to talk Jon into putting Neda on the block. If Jon wants to separate from her now would be the time. I don't know which way Heather would vote. Her and Jon have had some secret final 2 talks. This of course while they were drunk. And though Adel's dislike of Sabrina has blinded him he would be stupid not to keep her. I don't think Adel is that smart. JMHO. Last night on BBAD they were playing that game where one person says a word, the next person repeats the word and adds another word until a story is made. The funniest part was not the story but of Adel's frustration of trying to remember all the words when it was his turn and then adding a word that made sense. One time Neda said a word and added coma after it so they would get what she meant. Adel flipped out thinking that now they were supposed to add "um you know what you ma call ims," he said. Jon seemed to be able to remember and just spit out the string of words no problem and would always add something difficult. Heather would repeat them slowly but she always was right. Sabrina was very quick. It was interesting to watch.
| Monday, April 28, 2014 - 12:12 am
The feeds were down for a few hours again and the HG's were able to have a short conversation with a loved one tonight. I missed most of the conversations after the fact, but they each had to give up something for the privilege. At the time I thought BB was just letting them have a nap. They had all been put in the HOH room for a while and the Food Network was calling me. (The only reality shows I can get Hubby to watch.) What I have pieced together... Jon, saw his Dad, 24 hrs of isolation, starting tomorrow. Speculation is after nominations. (poor man if they made Jon wear the baby costume for the visit.) Sabrina, her sister, on slop, not sure how long. Heather, her boyfriend, can't go in the HOH room...not clear on the conditions. Neda, her sister, from Neda's mouth...clothes, maybe even makeup? I think we all assume she can wear her own underwear. Jon gave her his clean clothes....he can't wear them. Adell, can't remember who he said he saw, no sleep, unsure of how long. Either 24 for 36 hours. Adell is campaigning hard to Jon to put up Neda and Sabrina is campaigning hard to Neda and Heather assuming Adell will go on the block. Sabrina has come close to telling Heather at least two times today, that I saw, that Heather was the original target this week. Neda and Heather had a private conversation outside weighting who to send home. I didn't know Adell has asthma. Both of them are weighting that into their decision about who they can beat in competitions. Yikes when Neda and Heather came back inside Sabrina was right back out of bed and joining them in the bathroom. Her new pitch is that if she goes to jury after Adell she can tell people the truth about what Adell has said because she had been in the house longer. According to Sabrina, Adell has a different spin than everyone else on how things happen. (I think sometimes that is right, and sometimes that is wrong. Adell wanting Neda up for eviction probably is good for Jon, but only if Neda leaves. Adell's plan is just to save himself, prove Neda's loyalty and get rid of Sabrina.) Sabrina's example was Adell continuing to claim that she had bashed his religion. Sabrina is working every angle she can find to stay in that house. We finally have people campaigning in the BBCAN house. People wanting to stay and fighting for it. Finally the game begins. So this post took me hours and I need to go. If anyone is watching tomorrow during the day, will you please confirm, correct, expand on the loved ones talks and what the HG's gave up to get them? Corrections and additional information would be appreciated. Oh, seems Jon and Neda's loved one told them not to be cocky.
| Monday, April 28, 2014 - 12:18 am
Mame, your little jumping red guy inspired me. Thank-you. Sorry to say with the new border crossing laws I can't even make it to Windsor, much less Toronto.
| Monday, April 28, 2014 - 4:01 am
Thanks for the long post update. Mummy. I'm sure it took you quite some time to put together.