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| Thursday, March 06, 2014 - 4:50 pm
Big Brother is the gift that keeps on giving. On again tonight! 
| Thursday, March 06, 2014 - 6:32 pm
I hate having to wait until the next day, grrrr! But hey, I'm more than grateful it's on three times a week 
| Thursday, March 06, 2014 - 7:13 pm
And it starts. HOH has gone to Paul's head.
| Thursday, March 06, 2014 - 9:05 pm
Well this was a fairly frantic episode. I'll try to sum it up but I may be a bit confused. They recapped how the HOH was won and then Paul started acting like the godfather summoning people up to the HOH room. Then the nominations. I'm not sure if I missed it but I don't recall much of an explanation for the noms. The POV involved being the first to get through three barriers and hit a button. They had to remove a number of bolts and use some wire cutters. Andrew won by a wide margin. They then showed Andrew vetoing himself and Paul replaced him with Ika, again without explanation. They did a "live" vote with Anick receiving all votes. Obviously planned but I haven't watched the feeds enough to know the details of why they all voted for her. Then they introduced the three new houseguests to the audience, blindfolded them (in a rather silly exercise) and lead them to the "secret room" where they will be staying for the week. They have screens in there and will be able to watch the other houseguests! Canada will vote to determine which of the three will enter the house. There is a side show that follows but I didn't know about it and didn't record it. I think that's it!
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 10:23 am
I think here in Canada we have Big Brother OVERLOAD, the show it's repeated twice or three times a day then we have that side show, I didn't even try to watch, then we have 3 hours of Big Brother After Dark, which I zip through in about 10 minutes. With all of that I can't get excited about it like I did with the last Aussie one. It seems to me that BBAD is aired with a delay of 1 day since after the eviction show the BBAD last night still showed the funny girl who got evicted, she was the only one who brought a bit of craziness and she's already gone. Maybe the drag queen will stay... but why couldn't they find some more good looking people like down under... I miss Big Brotha's voice... the voice over we have here reminds me too much like the one in the US, I find it's too similar to the US one, when they could have been more like the Aussie one.... oh well.
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 11:02 am
That's a half-hour of my life lost: That side-show was a juvenile train-wreck. If it doesn't improve, I'll stick with the regular Wed/Thurs BB-CA shows and the occasional BBAD. Not bothering watching the online stuff this year, just not motivated to get that hooked this year. Of course I retain the right to change my mind at a moment's notice. LOL.
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 12:00 pm
What days are the main tv shows on? Just Wednesday and Thursday?
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 12:08 pm
Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday are the tv shows.
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 12:26 pm
Sorry Kitt & Mysticlady, I meant to say Wed/Thurs/Sun @ 9 pm EST.
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 1:42 pm
I was so disappointed they voted out the crazy girl. When they first showed Gary on the Sideshow he looked out of proportion to me. Did he lose weight? He kind of looked like a real life bobble head. I liked seeing Jillian. Peter not so much. Maybe Peter and crazy girl hooked up after the show. They seemed to like each other.
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 2:22 pm
Yea the side show was a waste of time. I never thought Id see a BB spin off show that was actually WORSE than UK Bit on the Side, but they have done it. It might not be bad if it was just Arissa given more time to interview evictees and maybe catch up with past houseguests, but Peter and Gary ruin it. Both of them are cringe-worthy They had a week of footage in the house that we can never see, why didnt they concentrate on that?
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 2:24 pm
I am afraid to admit I liked the side show last night. I liked the bit with Gary in the house. I like Peter's bit (I just wish he would talk in a normal tone of voice.) and I LOVE the Jillian and Emmett bit. I think they need to keep having Jillian on the show to balance out the other two clowns! 
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 2:40 pm
Thanks, I think I can manage three times a week so I will try to keep up!
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 4:48 pm
Could all those tears when Paul read his letter be any more phoney? They must think we're dolts.
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 5:32 pm
I wish they hadn't voted off the only interesting person there was! What did she do that got everyone wanting Anick out?
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 5:57 pm
I literally laughed aloud when Kyle said this about Anick- "This girl's hoppin around this girl's acting like a goof, it's like tone that sh*t down, you're scaren' me, you look like you're on crack at a rave party." AHAhahaaa. Maybe it made me laugh so hard because I agree. lol And there were a few other comments he made one on one with the camera that made me think he's actually a pretty funny guy. I'm not saying I'm a fan yet, but he's certainly better than Jesse. That room with all the beds seemed pretty damn messy already! Oh and by the way WTH was Arissa wearing?? I did not like it at all. It looked like a something you wear to bed.
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 6:12 pm
So when each of them were voting...some were making hand gestures and it took me until the second or third to realize they were doing a "one" with one hand and a "five" with the second. So I guess those are all the people in the "first five" alliance?
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 9:54 pm
Haha. Nolanry good catch. I was was wondering what they were doing. I thought it was weird that so many of them were sending their loved ones secret messages. Instead they were all doing their version of THE SHIELD.
| Friday, March 07, 2014 - 10:59 pm
Haha, I needed a little help though because at first I was like "fifteen....fifteen...what does fifteen mean?" and then when I glanced in the live feed thread someone mentioned a first five alliance and it clicked!
| Wednesday, March 12, 2014 - 11:18 am
Arisa makes me cringe the most for some reason, not sure I will be able to stand the side show, Gary is hit and miss with me, I liked his visit of the house, it was funny, but he's just too much for me. I like Peter except for his tone of voice, tone it down man, tone it down! Loved seeing how well Jillian and Emmett get along outside the house!