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| Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - 11:59 am
I was so glad to see Ed go! I think Jade will mope for a while but then she will shine. I think the percentages must have been Ed 18.8 - 18.6% Drew 22.1 - 22.1% Jade 23.9 - 24.2% Tim 35.2 - 35.1% The reason I think that is because when people saw the percentages they probably assumed it was Tim who was safe, so it makes sense his number dropped slightly. People probably thought one of Ed or Jade would go, so voted between them and Ed lost votes to Jade, with Drew staying the same. Just my guess of course (plus I think Jade is more popular than Drew). Another scenario I thought of but which is probably wrong is Jade being top (like she was the previous time she was up) and Tim actually being second from the bottom (his votes were about the same as the others last time he was up, and he's been a real pain since then). BB giving Tim his eviction coat seemed so ominous I did wonder if there was a good chance he was going home! But I think it was probably the other way. I think Boog and Drew will go on Monday unless Drew is really sweet and loving to the mourning Jade AND we have time to see it... which we might not with just a 20 minute show tomorrow between now and the Monday eviction. And I agree, Mr Clooney's getting upset and maybe it's time for him to go too.
| Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - 12:29 pm
Monday can't come soon enough... the polls so far have Boog then Jade as the lowest votes to win. They are voting for the winner, but they are voting to evict... I'm a bit confused, wouldn't they be confused and keep giving their votes to their favorite when in fact they are giving them votes to evict? Wouldn't have been easier to vote to win? The housemate with the most votes wins, but if they vote to evict they have to be careful not to vote to evict their favorite housemate. I would be confused. Let's say, all those who liked Ed would want to give all their votes to Jade, but they can't if they're voting to evict. I'm thoroughly confused!
| Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - 12:34 pm
Spunky, there is no vote to evict (hasn't been all season), it's a vote to win *but* the 2 with the lowest votes to win by Monday will be released from the game. If (as you say) all those who liked Ed would want to give all their votes to Jade, they can vote for Jade to win. Hope that helped. I probably confused you with my betting theories which has nothing to do with Big Brother's winner.
| Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - 12:40 pm
I think Jade's tears made him sad - Mr. Clooney. He is the best one in the house <3 him.
| Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - 2:45 pm
Thanks Will.. just got confused when Sonia said... but you're going to vote to evict... so I thought the ones with the most votes will be evicted. So, it's going to be who gets the highest number of votes, but this seems to me the same as the vote to save. Still a bit confused I guess. I hope the Australian people will get it right and pump those votes the way I'd like to see... Jade and Boog the lowest, don't care who's on top of that on Monday, as long as they keep on voting till November 6 for the winner and hopefully the one I want, Tim.
| Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - 3:43 pm
I would rather see Ed in the house than Tim. I am very surprised that people are so malleable to Tim's manipulation. I don't see anything clever about him, he just lies and spins lies. He never talks about himself, his family, oh, other than he doesn't get enough Christmas presents bc most go to his nephew. He doesn't ask others about their lives, their hopes, dreams, he tells them what they should do, as if he knows all sees all, which he does not. Most of the other HMs were much more interesting to me than Tim, I'd rather see any one of them still in the house than him. I mean, this 29 year old man said he wanted to marry a 15 year old child to live at the zoo, that should have been a clue to his manipulation. How is that not considered inappropriate to some people, bc it sure is to me. He's a grown man, not a little boy, but in saying that, to me, it seems he's trying to make himself appear childlike, but he's a grown man, not a child and it's not appropriate. It seems to me, people just buy into whatever Tim says, that is what I don't understand. For all his faults, I do believe Ed was real, but based on Ed and his words, not based on Tim's spin. I would love to see Boogs win, although it would be great if Jade did. But the producers know who they want, they highlighted Tim from the beginning and he'll likely be in the final 3. I don't find that interesting, just predictable.
| Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - 4:21 pm
I have been most entertained by Tim. The others were good supporting cast members. Ben was great, but over time he became cliche.
| Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - 4:23 pm
Tim was given most of the airtime.
| Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - 5:40 pm
For me, the Tim show could have ended weeks ago.
| Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - 5:49 pm
Stormie I hear what you are saying and agree to a certain extent. However, Tim was given most of airtime because right from the beginning he's been the storyteller in the Diary Room, his narrative in the Diary Room is what made his game, and he did say it, "my game is with Big Brotha and the Australian audience", it is an essential part of the whole Big Brother experience and through that narrative he makes an intimate contact with the Australian viewers (or with me for that matter). People loved from the very beginning his 'troublemaker' approach to the game, he wanted to create tension and discomfort for some to make them react, and that's what I wanted to see too, especially when I realized the Aussie version was so different from the American one and wanted to see someone who wasn't afraid to stir the pot and get a reaction from the others. He did that and he told us his reasons for doing what he did and told us what he wanted to see and do in the game, and the whole childish play by Tim was done in the most natural way, he has a funny side that comes so naturally to him, sure he's 29, but did you see his father, you don't lose your funny side just because you're getting older. His fixation with Bindi is because he would love to have her life, work in a zoo and the huge variety of animals in Australia must be attractive to him. When he says he wants to marry her... I laughed, because he wants to marry Sonia as well, and any other pretty girl out there, he wants to marry them all. LOL
| Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - 6:56 pm
I wanted to be entertained, not to watch people sunbathing all day.
| Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 9:49 am
Well, I can't agree more and entertaining they are, for sure! But what makes it more entertaining is the editors of the show, kudos to them because every show I saw was very very entertaining. And so this latest one Trick or Treat was one of the most entertaining, I think, these people really know how to put together a show! That the US can't think of a similar pattern for their BB version I don't understand it, hopefully with the new boss next year it will be better. What a fantastic way to spend an hour watching this Trick and Treat show, I enjoyed it very much. Enough of this sugar, Spunky!!! But it is more clear to me who the winner is, Big Brotha is definitely a Tim and Tahan's show and Drew comes in close, then Boog and then Jade, so I don't know if this is the order of elimination, leaving Tim as the last in the house. I don't mind because he truly made this show. The treats were great I think, to see Bindi actually showing her tigers to Tim and the newly born nephew, wow! He was so emotional! That Jade got to finally see Ed nominated her didn't mean a thing to her, she will always find excuses for him, she's hopelessly in love with him. So, finally everyone knows who Tahan's boyfriend is but don't know yet what their reactions were. All in all I think they showed some of the meanest acts but also mixed in with the friendlier ones it made it less embarrassing for the 5 remaining housemates. Ed was among the audience and by now he knows how much Jade cried over him and he must be so pumped with pride. Still can't wait for Monday! Happy Spooky Halloween everyone!
| Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 11:12 am
Loved how BB showed Ed to be the liar he really is especially after his lecture to Tim & Drew on not nominating your friends. He denied ever nominating Jade and it was shown that he did nominate her in week 8 when he had the superpower. Jade did end up being one of the nominees for eviction that week and was 'saved' by Tim when he won the Showdown challenge. Ed was the biggest phony in the house. Just like many politicians Ed is a "do as I say and not as I do" kind of guy. What a hypocrite. So glad he was evicted earlier this week.
| Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 11:18 am
Check out the background music they played while Tim was explaining everybody's rocks. Kind of obvious who production wants to win this. Though his obsession with Bindi Irwin is a bit creepy, with him 29 and her being barely 15.
| Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 11:21 am
Trying to figure out who might win BB this coming Wednesday: If we assume that Boog & one of Drew/Jade will be evicted on Monday, I see Tahan winning if she's up against Tim & Drew. Besides having a strong voting block behind her due to her celebrity boyfriend, she'd be the only female in the F3 which could help her in the voting. Similarly, if it's a finale of Tahan, Tim & Jade, I can see Tim winning as he'd be the only male in the F3 and would probably get some votes from Drew's supporters.
| Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 11:42 am
Ya I noticed the music for Tim too. I think Tahan is going to win this. I loved the Halloween episode. And at the end that big brother reminds them this has been a game; there is a good nature quality to the show that the USA version lacks. It has been so fun to watch and I will be watching again next year! thank you australia bb for being so fun spirited and good natured! Love it!!!
| Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 11:46 am
I have been a Tim fan since day one! I can not imagine the house without him. There have been HG accused him of using them as a punching bag, but never did I see him be "mean". I did hear Ed who thought all he had to do was use Jade and his looks to win the game make up out right lies to turn one HG against the other, who he considered his threats. It is funny to read our board, and then read AU forums, they all predicted Ed heading out the door. Tim played a good game, won his share of comps, but I loved the funny side of him. and wish he was more carefree, but understand the pressure must be rough at this point. Both of Tim's parents seem very happy, love to laugh type of people. So many times we hear "lighten up" well, this family seems to find joy in laughter and for me that is a plus! Tim did not race for a showmance, he spent his time entertaining us, Like when he asked Big Brother to tell him a story, and each time he was tempted with ice cream, he did not get upset over his jacket being thrown over the fence, it was part of the game. Ed never had one thing on Tim, and he admitted so last night, the only thing he had was inuendos and lies, because he knew Tim had him beat. But how many times did he make these dire exposing threats against Tim. Ed's game was Tim, Jade, and then Drew, "the horrible people" who were enjoying the BB experience. Superhero Ed was going to enlighten us... (on Tim/Drew) How many times did Tim say, "He is trying to make me look bad". Tim's Dad was right, Ed is missing a few cards in his deck! Turning up the romance with Jade at the end was sickening in his bid to stay. I like Jade but even in her plea for votes she referred to "the horrible people", for that alone I hops she is 4th or 5th. running for cover,,,,, lol
| Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 11:53 am
You all seem to know more info.... not good for Tim? Watching the Halloween Special now..... "scary" Happy Halloween to all you ghosts and goblins 
| Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 1:12 pm
What I love about BBAU is that the HM even with all the squabbles end up bonding together tightly. It is *so* refreshing compared to BBUS. I was glad that all the secrets came out, especially now after Ed's eviction. I doubt if Ed's nom of her would phase Jade in the least *but* him telling the others that she wasn't his type, he had no interest in her, just may make her reevaluate. It appears Tim & Drew are trying to help her reevaluate Ed. I think Jade might have had a shot at winning if she hadn't got involved with Ed or if he had left earlier & she reevaluated. If she pines for him, I think that will definitely sink her ship. She's so obsessed she's twisting his words into something else. I was glad that they didn't involve Tully for Drew's "treat" (as in, I'm single & waiting for you) but was surprised that it wasn't mentioned at all. I loved most of this cast. I wish Ben & Mikkayla had made it to the end though. I fear Tahan's bf will make sure she wins or do everything he can to do that but the public might surprise us. With this last eviction having the highest ever votes, surpassing the previous double the normal & the record levels after the double amount. I am expecting even more for the final. I think the public wanted to make sure Ed was out (while saving their fav) & not allowing his family to buy his way in. The rumor is that the girl Ed kissed on the front row at the stage & that he said I'm sorry is his "roommate" & ex-gf. Flagg, Tim said about Bindi, someday, he doesn't have a sexual interest in her (yet) but his perfect woman would be someone who is interested in animals & has a zoo (which kind of narrows it down to ... Bindi). In 5 years, she will be 20 & he will be 34 - not so creepy.
| Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 1:57 pm
What I loved most about Tim's rocks is that he kept each one of them. If he had been a cold hearted strategist, he would have tossed them when the HM were gone, but he kept them all together. He got so choked up on Heidi's rock, I was touched. I think he meant, wish he'd said about Ben's rock being "old" that it had a feeling of an old soul. I believe Tim thinks differently than most people & I find him interesting. I really don't think he cares about the money, although I'm sure that's a nice bonus. I think he likes to win because it makes him the center of attention, I just don't think the "prize" is what drives him. Thank you all for sharing the season with me. I've greatly enjoyed your thoughts & company!!
| Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 3:16 pm
Thank you Willwillbee, I don't know what i will watch...... it will be hard to keep interest in BBUS after seeing such good productions of this show. The cast care about each other, and BB cares about giving them a positive experience.... such a great show! I enjoyed watching with all of you and reading your opinions.
| Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 3:48 pm
I enjoyed the Hallowe'en show, after I ff'd through Tim's diary bit and his stone bit.
| Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 4:12 pm
Mamajenn, BBUK starts before BBUS so I become so obsessed with it, I barely notice BBUS. It's different from BBAU but very enjoyable usually.
| Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 4:27 pm
What was the rissole they said Tim ate? I looked the word "rissole" up & got *lots* of different responses. It looked like a hamburger patty to me.
| Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 5:05 pm
Did you see this article on Tim? He's from the Blue Mountains area which borders on Sydney's metropolitan area, its foothills starting about 31 miles west of the state capital. It's called the Blue Mountains because the oil in the Eucalyptus trees that populate this area reflect a blue haze.