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| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 10:41 pm
Jade to Tim: A BUG over a life experience? Tim to Jade: Sometimes Jade it comes down to a bug.
| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 11:45 pm
I've got insomnia and am obsessed with the show. I will experience BB withdrawal when the show ends! Found this on another forum and thought it was hilarious...the patty Hearst line. ( hope it is okay to post it here.) Cynical October 3, 2013 at 12:00 pm - I thought she was still largely non-committal, and it’s easy to handle yourself well when you’ve had guidance from psychologists on what to say and time to rehearse. And the issue isn’t so much that she cheated, but that she tortured Drew and twisted everything he said so that he would crawl back to her. In our house we call him Patty Hearst. And I’m sick of these housemates, including Tully, being apparently brave in saying they won’t change, or they need to focus on the positives. Sorry, but life is about taking cues from the majority and considering that maybe you are the problem.
| Saturday, October 19, 2013 - 3:52 pm
Rehtse, re your nomination schedule speculation. Last year at least, they had 5 HM in the last week & 3HM in the final. 2HM left a couple of days earlier. 6HM will be left Wed after 10/23 eviction & they still have a regular eviction week left before the finale week. They may change the finale week to have fewer HM but I can't imagine a double eviction this next week. The house gets really boring with too few people. I am guessing they will have a single this coming week & then a double a couple of days before the finale. My nomination speculation: The finale is apparently November 6th, so this may have been the last nominations. I'd guess: Wed 23rd – 7th place HM eviction Wed 30th – 6th place HM eviction Mon/Tue – 5th & 4th place HM eviction Wed 6th – Finale with final three
| Saturday, October 19, 2013 - 4:11 pm
I wish they'd let all the exHM (that wanted to) back in for the finale week.
| Sunday, October 20, 2013 - 12:28 am
I'm rather sad about how this season has gone. Drew, who always seemed sweet, if gullible, has become a total jerk. Tim went from obnoxious to great and is now back at obnoxious. Boog is ultra-annoying. Mikkayla just got more and more miserable. Maddie doesn't seem to serve any purpose. Ed is still there. Tahan is being completely overshadowed by Tim and Boog. And that just leaves hapless Jade playing with her emotions not her brain. I could bear Tim winning because he has completely dominated the game, even during his obnoxious weeks, or Jade because she seems all round the nicest one left. Or maybe Tahan because despite being so mean earlier she seems to have learnt a few lessons about herself. Drew, Ed, Boog, Maddie: bleurgh.
| Sunday, October 20, 2013 - 9:13 am
Kitt, I totally agree with everything you just said! And I really, really, really cannot stand Boog!
| Sunday, October 20, 2013 - 9:30 am
I agree Kitt, I've lost my enthusiasm for this game, not enough to give up on it but the last week was pretty miserable. I think 100 days without an end game plan is what hurt this season. The weekly tasks haven't been much & putting them on staples at the end sure didn't help. Mik would at least try to make something tasty out of the staples but the others aren't that interested & they are getting bored & lethargic. At this point, they should be having 24 hour really intensive challenges or *something*. The change in schedule came too late & they don't seem to have maximized the opportunity.
| Sunday, October 20, 2013 - 11:22 am
I keep thinking about Jade and her never nominating 'friends.' Earlier in the game, I thought she was very serious player, but as others have said, if she won't nom friends, she can't be that serious about winning. Had she given Drew 4 points rather than her boring usual nom of Tehan, Drew would be up now and she would not be. She wouldn't have to worry about leaving her beloved Ed. (Barf)
| Sunday, October 20, 2013 - 1:59 pm
Oh, dear....I just recently started watching BB Australia 2013 & am loving it. Today, however, I finished watching Episode 20 & when I tried to find 21 and the rest, they had apparently been deleted from where I was watching. Can someone please email me with where I can watch the rest. Thank you so much!!!
| Sunday, October 20, 2013 - 3:28 pm
Ed is easily my least favourite of the HMs left. And I think Jade is losing fans. Complaining about why do they want the "horrible" people to win brought out the boos. And her continuing to complain about Drew & Tim nomming her. She talks about them behind their backs all the time. And unknown to her Ed has nommed her in the past also. I just wanted her to get a strike for talking about het past noms more than once. Maddie just wants to stir the pot. Whenever we do get Ed to quit talking about Tim she brings him back to it. Ed really just wants to be Tim. He even copied Tim's rock method for voting. Only Ed used spoons and food. But he can't even think up his own ideas. When Ed talks he just sounds like Charlie Brown's teacher. The guy is such a bore.
| Sunday, October 20, 2013 - 3:50 pm
Watcher, I PM you a link that hopefully has all the archives.
| Sunday, October 20, 2013 - 6:15 pm
Willwillbee and Jabelljba, thank you So much!!! I appreciate your taking the time to send that information. I can't wait to go continue watching it is so addictive. lol Thank you again. 
| Monday, October 21, 2013 - 5:10 am
Hi Willwillbee, can you send me the link as well? I have run out of episodes! I love it too Watcher much better than USA version in my lil opinion!
| Monday, October 21, 2013 - 10:09 am Missy, this is the one I use and it has all the episodes in sequence, the above is the latest one. Great quality and good audio. I just finished watching it and I really enjoyed it. It may become a drag for some but I still enjoy it. I'm amazed at how wicked this Big Brotha is! So we finally heard what Drew said and it was all about Tim, meaning Big Brotha is really playing a game with Tim, it seems, and uses the others as his tool to continue Tim's narrative in the Diary Room, it's really his narrative that keeps continuity in this BB game, but it's also a way of showing Tim has the 'leading role'. I don't mind because I find Tim entertaining and it comes to him quite naturally. Boog on the other hand is starting to annoy me... she wants too much to be Tim's rival and she doesn't mind joining Mad and Jade and Ed in faulting Tim for everything. Tim did suspect this housemate of the week had something to do with getting Tim annoyed at something or someone. The fact that he told Big Brotha it was 'stupid' may have in fact annoyed the fellow with the sexy voice. The best part of the freeze and release was seeing Tim and Tahan eating and joking while Ed and Jade were frozen. How wicked Big Brotha! Ed's twin brother seemed to me not as handsome as Ed but I think he has the better personality and may in fact have been more fun in the house. I really feared for Tahan losing the challenge when her mother and little sister came to her while frozen, I expected at any moment Tahan would release and hug them both while crying, but she managed to not move that much. So bravo! We will have to wait till tomorrow, I guess to find out if they passed the challenge, or how long is this thing going on for? I don't mind seeing more of it and see who they bring in the house, I can't believe however why no one is losing their cool, I would not have been able to even manage to stay still with the pie in my face. Anyway, I really would love for all of them to be up on the block and the double eviction with Ed and Jade leaving together. It would be a great eviction show and it will be Halloween when we see it. Next Boog please, enough already! The last three Tim, Tahan and Drew.
| Monday, October 21, 2013 - 11:27 am
Missy, I PM you. I *highly* recommend not publicly posting source links, that's how they get shut down for copyright strikes. Youtube used to allow a user to just start a new channel after one was closed down, but they don't any more. If you lose your source, it's now gone forever. It may be too late in the series for the channel to bother with closing down sites but they regularly go on crackdowns. There are pieces of series that are completely missing & can't be located anywhere.
| Monday, October 21, 2013 - 11:37 am
Thanks Willwillbee, I sent you a reply message. I was surprised when that link is posted on another discussion board at every new episode and it's not disappearing so let's hope it will stay on.
| Monday, October 21, 2013 - 12:44 pm
Cricket, I too have grown to detest Boog, she drives me crazy in her attempt to be a better "Tim" then "Tim". But Jade is in no way here to win this game, and her noms are enough to earn her a ticket out the door. I disliked Tahan in the beginning but she has won me over. Jade has no reason to fixate on her or Tim, I think she uses Tim as a way to have something in common to talk with Ed about. I love Tim, and hope he gets back to his super wacky ways. Stealing the chocolate was something I would expect from Tim, like a child with his hand caught in the cookie jar. Boog was wedging herself between Drew and Tim, and when talking to Drew she was not very nice in referring to Tim.Tim again reminded me of a little kid, jealous over someone trying to steal his best friend, and I think his crush on Boog was way over. I am glad he was able to communicate with Drew and say, you are my friend, she is being mean, and you are laughing with her. Tim is growing! I also liked the way Big Brother gave Tim a reward when he needed one. Jade and EDhead had their date in the garden, yet they were throwing their heads back and roaring because Tim got a meal with Drew when he needed something to lift his spirits. Yes, written by a Tim fan. 
| Monday, October 21, 2013 - 3:39 pm
I'm not quite caught up, but I did see the Makkayla eviction. I was okay with her leaving, but I didn't understand the boos. I don't think she is any better or worse than anyone else in the house and I don't think she deserved that. I also didn't like what Tim did, I am really tired of him, I wish he were up for eviction. Tim claims he calls people out to help someone, or benefit something, but he's full of it. You call someone out by saying something to their face, not behind their back. What Tim does is take something someone said--which he likely sneakily overheard- and blows it out of proportion to something that it was not, to make that person look bad, like what he did with Makkayla. She called Tim out on it, but he lied and twisted things to make himself look good and a victim. This behavior of Tim's is ongoing and I am bored with it. Tim acts like a little boy all the time, his claiming there was a house divide was, in my opinion, a web of lies Tim spun. Some HMs didn't want to do the same things Tim did, like rip apart the bedroom or play kazoos--basically things children do--so in turn, Tim used it against them, as if they were wrong for not joining in on whatever he chose. It would have been just as easy to find something to do that everyone could join in, but then there would be no divide for Tim to talk about. Something else I think was deliberate on Tim's part. And what 29 year old man says he wants to marry a 15 year old girl to live at the zoo? Even though he said not now, saying something like that is inappropriate, it's what a little boy would say, not a 29 year old man; a 29 year old man would say they want to learn a skill to work at the zoo. And he made her something in the art thing? Get real. I wouldn't be surprised if her mother puts his picture in the front of the zoo with a red line through it--no admittance. I don't find it funny or cute, Tim's not a child. So inappropriate. But sadly, Tim's not up this week. I hope Boog goes, as I would rather Maddie and Jade stay. And to win, I'm now hoping it will be Ed, Tahan or even Jade, moreso Ed. But, for some reason people like Tim, I just don't get it.
| Monday, October 21, 2013 - 5:31 pm
I agree completely about Tim, he's getting on my last nerve. I think it's paranoia about not being in control, when he felt more like he understood the game he didn't act up so much. He seems to equate being childish with being popular or "fun." I think Tim's lost a lot of his fans. In the last eviction Tahan got double the others' votes and Tim was pretty much level with the rest. If he was nominated with Tahan and one other he could very easily go.
| Monday, October 21, 2013 - 5:44 pm
Wow!! Somebody fixed up all the housemates photo above the threads here. Nicely done!! So Mad is going to take Boog's place on that row. Then Ed and Jade close together for a snap double eviction!!! Zap!! Then Boog. Zap. Actually if it's Boog gone after Mad, it's also quite fair. I can take a bit longer of Ed and Jade since they seem now nicer than when Mikk was with them. If you look at all those housemates, they were quite a lot, maybe a lot of people made this BB house more interesting. I liked Xavier and Caleb and also Matt wasn't bad. Tully and Drew kept the soap opera going, I didn't mind that at all. Hey, remember Ben??? Seems so long gone already and forgotten. Now that Mikka is gone, the divide has almost disappeared. But something big has to happen soon to keep the viewers interested till the end.
| Monday, October 21, 2013 - 8:56 pm
I absolutely love and adore this big brother show! I'm totally up-to-date and really like Tim. I was truly surprised at some of your reactions to these housemates. After big brother 15 USA I needed something to delight me and this one has. Tim told about his sisters at the beginning and I think they all must've bothered his things . . . He hates to have his things bothered, even his bugs, and now Drew is bothering his Boogs. Anyway I do love the show and can't wait to see what they have on for tomorrow. I love you all for being here . . .
| Tuesday, October 22, 2013 - 5:53 am
Thanks Willwillbee! I totally agree love Tim! BB USA left such a horrible taste in my mouth. It was like the worst of the worst people and just so negative. Love that Big Brother AU, big brother is actually "big brother".
| Tuesday, October 22, 2013 - 5:54 am
Jade with the "life experience" stuff. She has been in there for quite sometime; either way she has had a lot of this life experience. Really dislike her.
| Tuesday, October 22, 2013 - 8:25 am
This latest episode was quite funny, even though I can't understand half of what they're saying I seem to understand enough to make me laugh. I think Mad got the wrong perception of Tim because she was influenced by Mikka and Nathan and now that Big Brotha got the two together she may even like him a bit. It certainly took Tim to play out that Diary Room challenge with Mad, no other would have made it that fun but him. I didn't quite understand what happened in the Presidential Suite with Surly, I got the main gist but a lot of words I didn't understand. Was Surly actually prompting Tim and Mad to act romantically so that the housemates watching in the yard got that impression? Tully seems the only housemate that is still very much a presence in the game because of Drew and her coming back was a nice highlight. So, the choice Ed had to either spend the last night with Jade or return some favorite lost items to the housemates was clear with him in bed with Jade and Mr. Clooney stealing their show! The dog is hilarious! It's quite evident to the others how Ed isn't into Jade but how Jade is persistent (Tahan's word) and in the end even Jade knows it but will follow him to the end of the earth if she must.
| Tuesday, October 22, 2013 - 10:36 am
Yes Surly was playing a gag on the guests. He wanted Tim and Maddy to act romantic with each other and the housemates would watch on. Neither Tim / Maddy or the housemates can discuss it! I love it!! I have hard time understand Drew. I really dislike Jade. I can see why Ed is not interested. Mr. Clooney is hysterical and def does steal the show! What a character!!