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| Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 3:06 am
Jade, Boog and Madeline are this week's nominees. Kind of expected but I am surprised that neither Ed nor Tim even received one nomination point.
| Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 4:27 am
Jade seemed none too pleased. Too bad she and Ed were not both on the block together. Triple eviction? I wish.
| Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 6:05 am
I'm surprised Jade already has the same percentage as Boog but you guys are right, it's an easy eviction this time with Mad going, as I predicted. Oh well, might as well get rid of her now to make it tougher later on. As a boring intruder I'd rather see her go. Strategically it's a no no of course because you want to use her nomination as a buffer when more originals are on the block. Oh well, as Flagg said you can't really have a strategic game since the end result it's left to the Australian audience. Can someone please, pretty please explain to me what is "staples" regarding their food, I mean, to me staples are 'office supplies'. They are left with very little food but I see them snacking so often and eating their dinner. I'm amazed how much like a well behaved family they are, everyone sitting at the table at the same time, going to bed at the same time, compared to the US house where they cooked and ate whenever and wherever they felt like, I find the Aussie BB a very civilized house. I am just as naughty as Big Brotha and I love the tension in the house and the face to face nomination is just the way to build that up till the end. Ed and Jade still bickering about Tim but it's becoming obvious to them that it's the opposite, the sully mood is strangely coming from the "couple" and even Tim is feeling a bit down and not feeling as chatty as before. I hope he will bounce back and finds more creative ways to survive in the house, he's right though when he says his game is played in the Diary Room and with the Australian public.
| Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 6:35 am
Jade, Boog and Madeline are this week's nominees. Thanks for the info, Jbw. Oh my gosh. With Mikkayla going home over an intruder, Jade is most likely quaking in her boots. Can't wait to watch today's episode. Finally, Tehan is not nommed. A week of not being nommed for her is almost like winning. Hah, hah @ a triple eviction, Rehtse. Any chance it might be a double, or are they all done with double evictions for the season? I could see Jade and Madeline going in a double. It's really going to be interesting to watch how Madeline plays the game now.
| Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 7:21 am
They need to work a bit harder on the writing for Sonia. Tonight we have yet ANOTHER "most confronting nominations night live". Didn't we just have that last week when Mikkayla sat in on 2 nominations?
| Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 11:27 am
Ok not a fan of Jade.
| Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 11:44 am
My curiosity led me to the online dictionary and 'staples' also means basic food supplies usually needed in greater quantity like sugar and flour, etc. Well, I had to know because it was the first time I heard that word used for food. It seems housemates who got close to Jade have left or soon will be leaving, the sisters, Ben, Mikka and now Mad, so would Ed go soon? MMM... It was really strange of Tim nominating Boog (AGAIN), one of his own group, it didn't make sense to me but maybe he realized that Boog is 'another Tim', she is really becoming just as popular and her reactions are very similar to Tim's. He may see her as a competitor... still I don't understand it, he wanted to keep the intruders for later evictions. Who knows...
| Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 11:50 am
Nomination speculation: The finale is apparently November 6th, so this may have been the last nominations. I'd guess: Wed 23rd – 7th place HM eviction Thu 24th – All nominated Wed 30th – Double w/ 6th & 5th place HM eviction Mon 4th or Tue 5th – 4th place HM eviction Wed 6th – Finale with final three
| Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 4:22 pm
By the way, I, like Tahan believe that Jade is on the show in order to further her career. However, isn't this the case for all of them?
| Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 4:55 pm
Yes, a large number of them are actors, models, and radio or TV personalities. Despite what some of them claim as their jobs.
| Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 11:06 pm
I would imagine they're all there for that reason, just like in most reality shows. How did Ed escape nomination again? They must really see him as a lightweight. Can't wait to see the video of the aftermath of those noms. The audience sure didn't like Jade's comment about the "horrible" people being saved. It's amazing how people can only see the things other people do and ignore their own actions. Loved when Big Brother called Maddie on playing the game while pegging Drew as playing the game. Still love Boog, but peeing on the peas was not okay. Especially with their food shortages. Not that peas are an exciting food, but at least they're fresh. From what it seems, their staple items are tuna, pasta, flour, rice, lentils, and other bland, boring stuff. They then get $5 each to spend on luxury items. Could've done without the nudie run as well, although the dog's reaction was hilarious. I liked what she said to Maddie about putting in more of an effort being an intruder who got a second chance, and the audience even applauded. Shows she's more savvy than she makes out. I just think Boog might be in danger of crossing the line into "trying too hard" territory. Question: Is something considered a spoiler if it's in the live feed clips but hasn't aired in the regular broadcast yet?
| Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 11:49 pm
That was the BEST face to face noms I've ever seen. They may have changed their reasons for noms but couldn't change their noms. Every other face to face I've seen they knew that's what it was before noms, this time they nom as they would have usually. CurlyQ, you said Maddie's kicking herself for the choice she made, she had full access to the show before she came in, she knew what she was choosing. She's just not a wild child type. I think they nommed Maddie in case they were up also. With Ben leaving & Mik losing to an intruder, they can't be as brave as they'd like to be. Tim would be, but I doubt the rest are as assured. Staples are basic rations - I believe BBAU staples include flour, eggs or powdered eggs, pasta, tuna, milk, rice, beans, lentils, oatmeal, sugar & then they are allowed to buy $5 per person extra & Tahan wanted a jar of mayo (which I would consider a staple but not in BBAU) - it's still apparently a fairly good list much better than BBUS slop or what Survivor folks get. As a low carber, which I'm sure the models are most of the staple food is not allowed - mayo, tuna & eggs are allowable low carb foods. A high carb diet puts the appetite into overdrive which makes calorie restriction almost impossible. Tim nomming Boog & Drews noms were the most surprising (to them at least). re: peeing on the peas - I laughed because urine (diluted in water) is a good source of minerals for plants & is actually good for them. CurlyQ, it's probably best to discuss live feed clips in the spoiler section. Face to face Noms - written privately without knowledge of face to face noms but reasoning told - they are allowed to discuss this nom but not future noms. Tahan Mad 3 Jade 2 Maddi Boog 3 Drew 2 Ed - Drew 4 Boog 1 Tim - Jade 2 Boog 3 Boog Mad 3 Jade 2 Jade Tahan 4 Boog 1 Drew Jade 3 Mad 2 Nominated - Jade 9 Maddi 8 Boog 8 ====== Drew 6 Tahan 4 Ed - 0 Tim - 0
| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 12:25 am
Isn't that weird that nobody nominated Ed or Tim? They didn't even nominate each other. So after all that complaining about Tim, Ed and his friends all chose to nominate Tim's friends rather than striking out at him directly. And Tim didn't bother going after Ed. Everyone seemed to get the same idea. Go after the intruders, Jade, and Drew. I have read elsewhere that urine is good for plants when you put it on the soil, but I can't imagine it's so good on the actual grown, ready-to-harvest pea pods. I wonder if that's the only thing they've grown or if there are other vegetables as well.
| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 7:41 am
I find Jade so dull; even her tone. She seems awfully serious. Was fascinating that she condemned Tim and Drew for voting for her but she was ok with Ed threw her under the bus. Drew was more likable before Tully. Love this show-way better than the US version!
| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 8:06 am
Well, from this post nomination tv episode Jade is becoming so obviously sanctimonious to a lot of people, mirroring Ed for that matter. These two may actually be right for each other. She must know she is in no danger of elimination against Mad and yet instead of silently rejoice over her good luck she makes a big deal of being nominated for silly reasons (like the bug). Ed trying to play the defensor looked silly to everyone knowing how he got her on the block and Drew saved her, just because he feels closer to Jade now than then. She never nominated Drew because she keeps nominating Tahan, but anyway she would have looked a real lady if she silently kept smiling at her good fortune to have Mad in there for an easy eviction. Everyone would have thought she takes her nomination well (but we know better). As Rethse listed above these may be the last nominations, and next week all of them are up for eviction and the Australian public will finally decide who can go next, and it's a double eviction which should hopefully see the 'couple gone' at the same time, it would be a blessing for everyone who love Tahan, Drew and Tim. The last fourth gone could be Boog, oh well, she is so like Tim that she is becoming a real threat to his game and I'd rather she goes before Tim. The last 3 Tim, Tahan and Drew would make my day! And Tim for the win even a better day! I just jinxed these three however... 
| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 9:37 am
Dear Jade, are an idiot to be playing the game with your heart. Nominating Tehan week after week after week and then saying if you're up against Tehan you know you will go home is not smart at all! What does this girl use for a brain? Was she previously so sure she WOULDN'T be up against Tehan she ontinued to vote for her? Her expectations in this game are over the top bordering on entitlement. Too bad Madeline is up because it's time for Jade to go.
| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 12:17 pm
Ed has made me ill from day one... nice shell, but ugly inside. At one point in the game he was making up stories to turn HG against each other, his deck of cards is that of Mother Goose, he tries playing a gentleman and he is anything but! The funny part is, he is skating right now. Him and Jade have both nom'd Tim. I hope Jade goes then Ed, then the intruders, F2 Tim and Tahan!
| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 12:23 pm
Its always funny when Jade talks about him like he is perfect. How enamored she is with him is nauseating but entertaining at the same time! lol
| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 12:36 pm
I don't like ed but he has gotten better looking with time. I <3 Tim.
| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 12:40 pm
I know they were allowed to discuss this weeks noms but BB made it very clear future noms weren't to be discussed but nothing was said about past noms. Jade said I never nommed Drew, Tim or Ed. I really can't imagine Jade wanted this confrontation again. She had already confronted both Tim & Drew once. I'm sure Ed instigated this "family lunch" Ed sat at the "head" of the table & led this confrontation. Wait til Jade finds out Ed nommed her but I'm sure she will rationalize it. If this was BBUK, they would make sure the HM knew exactly who had nommed them & the reasons throughout the series. I still have hopes ... I don't find either one amusing. I thought a few weeks ago that Jade might really blossom & be a contender but she's become Ed's lackey & I will be thrilled when they both go.
| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 4:16 pm
Jade is a beautiful girl, she seems to be intelligent, it is sad that she can not see Ed is merely putting up with her... and what the heck is maggie even doing on this show? Do I even have her name right? Does she not look like she is posing for cosmopolitan all the time? lol Why Nathen, Why?
| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 6:20 pm
Jade said I never nommed Drew, Tim or Ed. I know, Willwillbee. She should have gotten a punishment or a strike for talking about past noms. Big Brother was very clear in their statement. I do believe, however, she couldn't let it go about Drew & Tim nomming her and wanted to confront them, even without Ed's help; however, did I miss something or at first was she about to let it go when the subject came up and Madeline confronted Boog? Is that what you mean by Ed's prodding, Will? Very surprised how thin-skinned Madeline is. I laughed when Boog brought up the fact that Ed put Jade up over Tim. Can Jade not see how weak Ed was in doing that? I don't think there has ever been a HG on BB AU (haven't seen them all) who has nommed the same person every single week like Jade has Tehan. That is soooo boring and goes beyond strategy. She must be uber jealous of Tehan.
| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 7:38 pm
When you choose to nominate only the people you're not friends with, and then proceed to consider nearly everyone a friend, it narrows your choices. I couldn't believe Ed at that table. Bad enough saying his putting Jade up wasn't the same thing because they weren't as close as they are now. Pretty sure they were kissy face back then, and certainly closer than Jade and Tim are right now in any event. In one sense it wasn't the same thing. He didn't just give her nomination points like Tim and Drew did. He actually put her square on the block to avoid competing with Tim. And she made such a point of making sure he wouldn't think she was upset with him about it, even though she was crying. I don't remember her ever crying about being nominated before or since, but she wouldn't acknowledge even to herself that it was his betrayal that had her so upset. But what really gets me is the way he sat there saying he would never nominate a friend in this game when he went and threw some more points her way just a few weeks ago. Even Ben couldn't believe it as he watched it happen. So at what point did Ed finally decided Jade was his friend? Have to wonder if this is why he keeps telling Jade to wait until they get out of the house to decide about their future. He knows she's going to find out he was stabbing her in the back. Loved that Boog was the one sharp enough to not only bring up Ed nominating Jade, but also to point out that they were at least friends at the time if not more than that and therefore comparable to Tim and Drew giving her points. Boog does have a brain when it comes to people. If it wasn't Ed's idea to have that "clear the air" lunch, then it might've been Maddie's. I don't think Maddie gets it. She thinks she was nominated for not doing crazy stuff, but she herself has acknowledged in the past that she's closed off with people. She asks them questions about their lives, but doesn't reveal much of herself in return. If the viewers don't get to know her, why would they call in for her? I imagine if Jade gets in trouble for talking about who she didn't nominate in the past, it would probably just be in the form of a strike, which doesn't seem to amount to much.When you choose to nominate only the people you
| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 7:47 pm
I realize we saw an edited version of the lunch, but giving Maddie any airtime with her gripe against Boog was wasted IMO. Ummmm, it's time to go ... It seemed Jade was talking against the other group throughout the past week. Gee, surprise! They "heard" her and she's upset?! I don't know if it's Ed's influence or she really felt it didn't matter that she was "through with Drew" and she doesn't trust Tim, but she didn't say it to their faces so THEY should continue with the pretend friendships and not nominate her? Tim is playing the game constantly and I understood his nominations. Ed nominated Drew because of the Tim ... so why didn't he nominate Tim?
| Friday, October 18, 2013 - 9:57 pm
I suspect Ed thought he might be nominated and didn't want Tim up against him. He said he nominated Drew because Drew had carried something he said back to Tim and had also carried what Jade said about falling in a hole back to Tahan. So he knew Drew couldn't be trusted. It was so hard to understand Ed in that speech, though. I'm glad Big Brother had him go back and clarify what he was saying.