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| Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 1:37 pm
Cricket, I was talking about the 2 foursome as soon as Ben left and now it's even more obvious and they realized they split in 2 groups. I saw right away that Mad would stay with Jade, Mikka and Ed. I liked her at first but I no longer do, and Boog seems more spontaneous and I hope she doesn't go. It's time to go.... Mikkayla!!! But would the Australians vote the way I want. Looks like they don't as Ed is still there.... We will have to see how they will edit Mikkayla versus Tahan and Boog. Big Brotha can influence the eviction 100%.
| Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 2:29 pm
I didn't think Mikkayla thought out her noms either, but she may have thought more people would also nom Drew, to knock her out. But, no such luck. I think she may go this week, but then again, I thought Ed would have gone over Ben, so, who knows. I just wish Tim had been nommed. I noticed BB focused on the sob fest of Tim, which I thought was fake, in that he's playing the public to make himself look like a good guy now, when for so long he was trying to get Ben out, he got his wish, so I think inside he's giddy with delight, but outwardly he's still playing the game. I wonder if Tim saw BBUK this past season, maybe he took a look at the book of Dexter before entering the house. Anyone else notice Sonya saying something like maybe the next name will be it's time to go Tim, 'I can't wait to say that.' I thought it was telling, maybe a little, but it was funny when she said that. But I do hope Tahan stays, she's grown on me and I'd like to see her make it to the end.
| Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 6:35 pm
Tahan dropped for me on the likable scale. She is very much more immature than most the HM's (except Tim) and kind of a spoiled brat. I noticed the last week how much she loves to talk about people behind their backs. She used to be one of my favorites, but see her now in a different light since the intruders came aboard. Boogs I do not care about one way or the other but I like Maddie.
| Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 8:55 pm
I think Ben's leaving rocked Tim to the core (as it did many of us). He thought Ben would be his biggest competition & if Ben went, then maybe Tim doesn't have a chance either. I truly believe Tim cared deeply for Ben. I think Ben helped Tim grow - as he said "we are both islands - way different islands, but islands none the less & we *need* people in our lives" Tim realized he wanted people in his life & didn't want to end up like Ben & didn't want Ben to go back to his old life. Mikkayla's noms sucked, she knew she had a good chance of being nom why would she want to be up against Drew!! Mik had a chance of going on the block, I'd want to be against the intruders if I was her. Why didn't Mik give Maddie 2 pts knowing Boog gave Maddie 3 or 2 points to Tahan - I had no clue why she thought 4 pts to Drew would be helpful to her. Tahan has been on the block almost every week, if she wanted Drew up she should have nom Drew 4 & Boog 1 & see where it went from there with the superpower. Mik - Boog 3 Tahan 2 S/Mik Drew 2 + 2 Tahan Mik 3 S Ed - Boog 3 Tim 2 Drew Ed 3 Mik 2 Jade - Tah 3 Boog 2 Mad - Boog 3 Tim 2 Tim - Jade 2 Mik 3 Boog - Mad 3 S Boog 11 Mik 8 Tahan 5 -------- Tim 4 Drew 4 Ed 3 Mad 3 Jade 2 I'm surprised they don't break up their votes with 4/1 instead of 3/2.
| Friday, October 11, 2013 - 12:42 am
The way I see it, they all talk behind each other's backs. All of them. It's what all Big Brother contestants usually do. Who is Tim to call people out? He's a contestant, like the others who call him out on a regular basis. Except in Tim's case he's usually got them pegged. But Jade, Ed, Mikkayla, and the Sugar Sisters pride themselves on not being "mean" which to them means waiting for the person to leave the room to say nasty things about them. Tim and Tahan consider it more honest to say it to their faces. I guess there are people who prefer to know where they stand with people, and think others would also appreciate honest critiques. Others prefer not to know what people really think of them and just want politeness, and think others would also appreciate fake friendliness. Hence Boog's frustration with Mikkayla's friendly overtures when she knows she really doesn't like her. Mikkayla thinks she's being nice, but Boog would rather she just be honest. The latest live feed clips are very interesting. They keep talking about the house being divided, and Mikkayla likes to refer to her little Jade/Ed/Mikkayla clique as The Misfits. She's hooked up with the gorgeous athlete and the model. Yeah, such misfits. And then they're complaining about feeling excluded. The others keep saying "I'll gladly be friends with them, but they don't want to do anything fun." They're not the ones talking about not wanting to "associate with" certain types of people. Any attempt by the others to include the so-called Misfits would likely be eyed with suspicion anyway, now that Ed has them so paranoid. What's most disappointing is that Ed isn't nominated. I still can't believe he didn't go home. The cynic in me wonders if that whole business about wanting a date was to get more airtime to save himself rather than really wanting a date with Jade. I find him to be the manipulator at the moment. Maddie came off as Ed's ventriloquist dummy in the DR. Everything she said about Tim and Boog could've been scripted by Ed, so he has definitely succeeded in manipulating at least one person. I loved Drew's comments in the diary room about the Ed situation. "I'm not entertained." Actually Drew's comments about Mikkayla and the house division were also spot on. Between Ed's obsession with Tim and Mikkayla always stirring the pot, the division was inevitable. It all kind of reminds me of BB USA season 2. The Other People were supposed to be the good guys taking down Chilltown. But by the end they had become what they claimed to despise, and were seen as the villains while "the Evil Doctor" slowly became the hero. Nobody cares about his failed plan to fake leukemia for sympathy. They just remember that he was funny and that he defeated Nicole and Hardy who had become hypocritical. That Boog is a hoot. I can see her beating Mikkayla in this vote. She's more entertaining and doesn't cry about people being "mean." Loved when Tahan gave Mikkayla her points. I had a feeling she would, but when she said "Just joking" I cringed. But she did it anyway! She had the perfect excuse, thinking Mikkayla would retaliate anyway. That superpower really backfired. It saved her two friends, though.
| Friday, October 11, 2013 - 7:02 am
It saved her two friends... how? Curlyq, you (and Cricket) seem to be in my head and I thank you so much for expressing your thoughts so much more clearly than my funny attempt at describing them.. usually I'm like... (can't stand him or her etc). I don't remember who Tahan wanted the other 2 points, did she tell Mikka? If it was Jade then, she would have been safe anyway since she would have reached only 4(Tim being the only one who nominated her). And Boog, did she say who the other 2 votes were for? Definitely by giving 4 points to Drew she saved Tim as well because if she gave those 4 points to Tim combined with those he received from Ed and Mad, Tim could have been up there. She did not have a clue that Drew would only get Mikka's points, no one else nominated him. If you read posters from Australia they seem so frustrated with the mood in the house..... Hello????? I wish those posters got a glimpse of what it was like in the US house, if we compare the Aussie one to us is still summer camp. And to call that Aussie house toxic (Nathan's word) they don't know the meaning of it, come up here and you'll see what toxic is really like. I'm still convinced that Big Brotha will save Mikkayla because of her relationship with Mr. Clooney, her scenes with the dog are most loved by Australians I'm sure but it's just merit to the dog not Mikka... in my view. Watch how they will air the best moments of Mikka with the dog and the votes for save will swamp eviction night. Although Boog is quite funny there is a feeling among Australians that she won't get that many votes to save.
| Friday, October 11, 2013 - 8:38 am
Cricket, I was talking about the 2 foursome as soon as Ben left and now it's even more obvious and they realized they split in 2 groups. I saw right away that Mad would stay with Jade, Mikka and Ed. I liked her at first but I no longer do, and Boog seems more spontaneous and I hope she doesn't go. It's time to go.... Mikkayla!!! I agree with everything you said, Spunky. I hope Australia does decide to keep Boog and boot Mikkayla. Madeline saw what was going on in the house and purposely befriended Jade and said she was attracted to Drew, not Ed, on purpose....putting Jade at ease and making a friend of her. Then, she nommed Boog! Mikkayla's jealously of Tehan showed through on today's episode again. Don't blame her beauty, Mikkayla. If you leave, it's because of your overbearing and nasty personality. Willwillbee, I hadn't realized Tim's voting streak had been broken. Did he nom Mikkayla this week?
| Friday, October 11, 2013 - 10:29 am
Yeah! Cricket, Tim gave Mikka 3 points!!! My vibes reached them down under... who would have thought they got smart and beat the superpower!! LOL Looks like Big Brotha broke the bad mood in the house with Oktoberfest and who knows if the megaphone (remember Spencer??) used by Tahan and Tim will be edited in a funny way or if Big Brotha will portray them as the usual pranksters and troublemakers. But I think it was a hoot to see Ed and Jade and company having to obey Tahan and Tim...
| Friday, October 11, 2013 - 12:43 pm
Watching the latest episode, I am getting so sick of Tim, Tahan, and Boog with their holier-than-thou attitude. They go out of their way to be annoying, and then say "we just want to have fun," when all the time they are bashing the other group. I would throw a major fit if someone pulled my bed apart and jumped on my sheets and blankets with their dirty feet!
| Friday, October 11, 2013 - 1:35 pm
Who is Tim to call people out? He's a contestant, like the others who call him out on a regular basis. Except in Tim's case he's usually got them pegged. I would disagree with this, bc I see Tim as a liar. Yes, everyone gossips, but Tim aggressively goes after someone with a fabrication or embellishment of what actually happened, if anything at all. Tim knows what people think, feel and believe? In Tim's world, he can say whatever he wants about whomever he wishes, but anyone challenging him is wrong. But Tim is wrong about people, he doesn't have any deep insight, he's just a manipulator. What Tim did to Ed on the last show is a prime example, he blamed Ed for a divide, yet Tim was the person speaking of a divide, making something small into something it wasn't. Tim aggressively went after Ed, he did so in front of others and when confronted, Tim tried to spin what he said, what Ed said, but Ed wasn't having it. IMO, all Tim is, is a manipulator, not Yoda. I don't think Tim disliked Ben, but I don't believe he learned anything or was in any way close enough to get to know the true Ben, I felt Tim said those things to appear to be upset and humbled by Ben's leaving, but they weren't close. Tim annoyed Ben many times over, not to mention made snide comments about things Ben did, or liked, etc, which Tim does to everyone, always with the cheap snide comments, but the learning something, making it appear they were close is one sided on Tim's part and to me part of Tim's game play. Tim's entitled to play the game however he chooses, but I've been over Tim since Nathan and I wish he were up this week, but he's not, so, I suspect as less people are there, more of Tim's true colors will surface, but, we'll see. After the Tim and Ed conversation last night, I have a new found like for Ed, he was very calm, cool, and collected. So at this point, I'm now hoping Ed makes it to the end and I wouldn't mind him winning.

| Friday, October 11, 2013 - 1:43 pm
The holier-than-thou attitude seems mostly from Ed, Jade, Mad and Mikka. I think it will stop or get worse, it will stop when Mikka goes and there may be a chance for Mad to switch to the other group when Ed and Jade are left alone as a couple. Otherwise she will be singled out as the next to go. I liked Ed in the beginning but his paranoia is infecting Mad and Jade and Mikka is only adding to that discontent. Tim is right when he says, we are not the ones excluding them, they set themselves apart and don't feel like doing nothing else but sit around and complaining they're annoyed. I'd say get up and be just as playful as the others, form two teams to play balls, they did before, but since Mad is in there they got worse. Hopefully that Oktoberfest cheered everyone up even if it's only for appearance's sake.
| Friday, October 11, 2013 - 6:08 pm
Stormie..I agree with all you said about Tim. He is very good at manipulating the HM. And I agree with Merrysea about the behavior of Tim, Tahan and Boog. They are acting like teenagers and show no respect for the other HM when they get in the "lets be fun and different" childlike moods. They have a "We own the house" attitude I find very annoying.
| Friday, October 11, 2013 - 9:02 pm
Why didn't Mik give Maddie 2 pts knowing Boog gave Maddie 3 or 2 points to Tahan - I had no clue why she thought 4 pts to Drew would be helpful to her Willwillbee, I found Mikka to be very sneaky in her votes in front of the two gals. She had just voted for both Tehan and Boogs, but wouldn't vote for them in front of them. Like you, Spunky, I also feel it's the Ed group who are setting themselves apart. Mikka has made it clear that Boogs 'annoys' her; we know Tehan annoys her and so on and so on, so for any of them to say it's the other way around is wrong. I had to laugh on today's show when Jade said something like they think we're 'boring' as she slouched on a barstool and no one was really talking, lol. Looked boring to me. Jade really is in to this game, but she's let Mikka literally ensure she will not win at this point. Next time she's up, she could go.
| Friday, October 11, 2013 - 9:49 pm
I agree with Spunky. The holier than thou comes from Ed and his girls. It used to be that Mikkayla would at least have fun with Tim and the others. But since the Sugar Sisters left and she grabbed onto Jade and Ed she is just sitting it out with them most of the time, looking down their noses at the others. The thing about Mikkayla is that she can be fun if she chooses to be. She's pretty funny at times, when she's not doing things like talking smack about Tim only to turn around and tell Tim what others are saying about him. I just wish she'd remember when everyone was annoyed with her personality, and she shrugged it off and said "I'm not changing for anybody." Why complain about other people's behavior then? The house divide will end when Ed goes, not when Mikkayla goes. He has been obsessing about Tim with his conspiracy theories since way back when Tully and Heidi were still there. Take him and Jade away and Mikkayla would likely go back to having fun with Tim and the others, even Tahan. And oh, how it drives me crazy when the girls accuse someone of playing the game. I want to yell at them "You're all supposed to be playing the game. If you're just there for the experience, get out! You took a spot from someone else who would've loved to play for real." The Ed group has chosen to act like the parents sneering at the immature children. They forget they're on a TV show and people aren't entertained by sticks in the mud. Now they're getting grumpy about the use of the towels. Sounds like Mikkayla was threatening to give them to Big Brother so they wouldn't use them anymore. That to me is a "we own the house" attitude. I haven't noticed Tim getting it wrong about someone's motives and behavior, which is probably why they get so uptight about it. If he was wrong they'd just explain where he got it wrong or tell him off. Instead they wait until he's out of earshot to complain that they feel manipulated. Ed on the other hand sees evil all around him. Remember when he told Tully that Drew was just using her? Drew is still hung up on her, so Ed was wrong. That was unnecessarily hurtful and based on nothing but his suspicion. Yet he whined that his feelings were hurt when Tim called him an idiot. He has pulled these girls, and now Maddie into his paranoia and negativity. Unfortunately for them, Tim and the others have now figured out that all they have to do is keep having their fun and watch the sourpusses ruin their own chances. It's a shame Caleb and Xavier left so early. They had a sense of humor and didn't take themselves so seriously. All this victim/misfit stuff is a drain. Spunky, what I meant was that by taking 4 points from Boog and Tahan, Mikkayla made it safe for Ed and Jade since that's likely where their votes would've gone. At least that's how Tahan would've likely voted. Boog might've voted for Mikkayla or Jade with her other points. Mikkayla must've thought Jade would nominate Drew based on the conversations they'd been having about not trusting him. But she should've known Jade is too sentimental for that. Or else she was just too scared to nominate Tim in front of the girls, even though they couldn't ever tell him about it. Either way you could tell she really thought a lot about what she was doing. There was just no way to save herself.
| Friday, October 11, 2013 - 11:11 pm
Just watching the eviction show... what on earth is happening with the voting??!? Running away again until I've caught up with the noms show...
| Saturday, October 12, 2013 - 4:01 am
Wonderful analysis, Curlyq. For me Tahan or Tim for the win.
| Saturday, October 12, 2013 - 7:20 pm
It was quite the surprise, wasn't it Kitt? I was so happy to see Tehan at the top. Curlyq, you explained it very well. When I'm watching Ed, Jade & Mikkayla these days, it's dull; however, I can't stop laughing with the others. Ben had fun with them as well. If Jade goes before Mikkayla and Madeline is still there, I could see her trying to work her way to the other side. Will be interesting to watch her progress. Rehtse, I'm with you. Tehan or Tim. I know Tim's not perfect and was upset with him when he wouldn't do the kiss dare with Boog because he expects the others to go along, but overall he and Tahan are the best HG's left.
| Saturday, October 12, 2013 - 7:54 pm
I don't believe Madaline will be there very long. She's even less exciting than Ed, because Ed at least has his paranoia to make him slightly interesting. On the other hand, strategic players might refrain from nominating her in order to sit next to a dull person at the end. Risky strategy for some, though. I never thought in the beginning that my feelings about these people would flip-flop the way they have. I didn't like Tim because I felt he was trying too hard to get attention and be the weird one. I bought into the "Ed is Mr. Perfect" nonsense. I thought Tahan was too much of a whiner (over that hair dryer) to be of any use. And I thought Jade would be cool. Now I hear Jade and Ed plotting to investigate Drew by telling him lies and seeing if Tim hears about it. Amazing how Jade has forgotten that when Ed put her up, it was Drew who saved her. And Ed got angry about it. I wish she'd wake up and get a clue. In any event they should be investigating Mikkayla, since she's the one who tells their business to Tim. And now she's blown up at Tim for telling Boogs what she says about her.
| Sunday, October 13, 2013 - 1:12 am
I'm a bit behind the conversation but I think Ben's eviction just shows how few people are voting. When the first percentages were revealed everyone assumed the top percentage was Ben and didn't bother voting for him during the show. And with so few people voting that's all it takes. I'm a bit sad to see him go, even though perhaps he wasn't adding much to the house (from the viewers' perspective) anymore. Plus if just a few of his fans realised he was at risk Ed would have gone! I've just read through lots of posts so I don't know who I'm agreeing with or not agreeing with, but I feel Tim is very genuine with his emotions, and mostly pretty accurate in his assessment of people and situations. He clearly tries to manipulate what's going on in the house, but I find his manipulations pretty easy to spot, and are not at all filled with malice or insecurity... unlike with Ed, whose manipulations are also rather obvious but are a lot to do with insecurity and personal battles than long term strategy. (Btw, at the end of the nominations show, Sonia says "and I will see you at evictions!" Strange way to say "at the next eviction show" and that makes me curious.) Madelaine doesn't have whatever it is that gets people to vote for them. I think she'll go when she's up unless it's a situation when a vote for her is a vote against someone else (which is probably how it was with the Boog/Madelaine vote). I so want to still like Jade and Drew, but it's getting hard! Jade is so gaga over Ed and Drew is definitely showing a more negative side lately. I was very surprised when just before Nathan left he said that Drew was one of the people who'd made his time in the house worse, I'd like to know what happened there. Although what the "cool" side is doing is mostly harmless (at least from what I've seen) that "they're not fun" thing that "cool" groups do is pretty much playing up for attention and to exclude other people. The bit on the Friday show reminded me of Amanda on BBUS being that old lady character and harassing Elissa. I hope it's a stage they're going through because they're behaving like idiots. I think Boog is bringing out the worst side of Tim (the side he showed in the first week) and even though Tim thinks he's got it together most of the time he's very childish when his feelings get a bit hurt. I want Mikkayla to go, she's completely negative about everything now and she's just not enjoyable to watch. I don't think any amount of playing with Clooney is going to make her attractive to the voters, but as usual I could be wrong. Not sure how the voting with Boog will go, I would guess some people really like her but I expect there are many who don't, and some who do but don't want an intruder to win over an original.
| Sunday, October 13, 2013 - 10:50 am
Boog might benefit and get the votes like the Sugar Sisters did to oust Tully. Fans that want Mikkayla out are voting for Boog. I don't think Maddie can beat anyone in the house in a vote. I forget she is even in the house. Boog beat her when it was just the two of them up. I would like to see Mikkayla go this week and Ed next week. I don't expect the intruders to win. I would be OK with Tim, Tahan, Drew or Jade winning at this time. Another reason I want Mikkayla to go is that Benjamin (winner last season) is supporting her and trying to get votes for her. I never liked Benjamin.
| Sunday, October 13, 2013 - 1:31 pm
Just imagine if Tim had given those 2 points to Mad instead of Jade, Mad with 5 nominations would be going on Wednesday and Boog would be target next time. They just don't know how to spread their nominations because they can't talk about it. I think it is the most frustrating thing with the Aussie version, not being able to test the waters... I find this way of playing much tougher than in the US version, where at least you can rely on your alliances for some peace of mind (although traitors (Andy) show up in there sooner or later). At least talking about it relieves some of the stress. There are some Aussie posters complaining that their voting is not working and it could happen again what happened to Ben. It could give you unpredictable evictions. No one should feel safe.
| Sunday, October 13, 2013 - 3:59 pm
I agree with you, Kitt ... I want to know the story behind Nathan's comment about Drew, also. I understand his dislike of Tim (although I love Tim!) I read one of Nathan's tweets and he said he took Tahan to task for referring to her friends outside of the house as fat and had ugly hair? For some reason (and I'm not a Tahan fan) I can't imagine she would have involved Nathan in a conversation like that especially if her "friends" could possibly hear this. I don't know, doesn't make sense to me. But what's the story with Drew? And I have to admit, I was really surprised by Ben's eviction. I can't say I miss him ....
| Sunday, October 13, 2013 - 7:27 pm
I think Mikaila mentioned that story about tahan to Nathan.
| Monday, October 14, 2013 - 8:31 am
I have mixed feelings about this latest show, was it a good edit for Mikkayla? I'm sure she's looking more like the victim here and may gather some more votes to stay. It's obvious that Jade is the one who pushed Mikk to confront Tim, and she liked every minute of their fight in the kitchen. She's the pot stirrer and she does it so quietly... Mad is another one who likes to do the same in her own way. You could tell Tahan didn't feel comfortable doing the Warden job, I would have told Big Brotha... "no way, they already hate me and this job is going to make them hate me even more..." and a good thing that she didn't really push it towards the girls but taunted a bit Ed who didn't seem to mind if the order came from her LOL. The radio show, well, it was a good one with Tim, Drew and Mikkayla, but just a washout with Mad, Jade and Tahan and the one with Ed even worse. I think Drew was put on the spot by Big Brotha, I don't think it was his idea to vent about the stories around the dinner table. It could be Big Brotha sees Drew too laid back when in fact he's fuming about something and maybe Drew was encouraged to vent in the Diary Room. Mikkayla and Boog was mostly for the voters who will save Mikkayla I'm sure. Well, this is for the spoiler thread... so I'll go there.
| Monday, October 14, 2013 - 10:50 am
I actually thought that Mikaila looked very foolish. I'd say that Tim and Boog got a better edit than she did. Jade is quite the stirrer. There was no need for her to tell Mikaila that information. At the same time, Mikaila did not need to go and confront Tim like she did. Sometimes hanging onto information can be more powerful than blowing up. Eviction night will be here soon enough.