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Archive through October 10, 2013

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: Big Brother : Australia 2013: General Discussion: ARCHIVES: Archive through October 10, 2013 users admin

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Tuesday, October 08, 2013 - 11:51 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
I havent checked the pilot but in ep 7 she had that 1 close-up with 1 short line and that was all I saw of her in the entire episode.

I read on another forum that she had to leave the show to go into sequester for Big Brother so she was acting immediately before going into the house.



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 2:23 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Jbw a private message Print Post    
Kind of surprised Tahan had the most votes to stay and Ben had the least.



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 2:53 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cinnabarry a private message Print Post    
16.2 - 16.9 - 17.0 - 17.8 - 32.1
Ben - Ed - Drew - Tim - Tahan

I didn't want Ben to win and I'm glad he left this early on. Not looking forward to more Jade/Ed escapades.

Did Sonia say Makkayla will be seeing all the HM's votes? I'm so sleepy I'm not sure what she said.



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 2:58 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Stormie a private message Print Post    
I wasn't surprised Tahan had the most votes, I thought it was bc of what Jade and Mikkayla had said about her this past week; they showed their true colors imo and at that point, Tahan didn't look so bad.

I'm very surprised Ben is out, he was such a great housemate, I thought for sure it would be Ed. It was so close, though, it could have been anyone. But I think people just thought Ben was safe and didn't call as much.

Initially I wanted Mikkayla to go next, but after tonight's eviction, I really would love to see Tim go next week, I think of him as fake, I just don't like the tactics he uses to stir things up. I think he's had his fun playing mind games and now it's time for him to go. To win, I wouldn't mind either Tahan or Drew winning at this point.

One thing, though, I loved the standing ovation, that was a great BB moment, Ben deserved it, he was a great housemate. And I hope we see and hear more from him in the future.

ETA: Yes, Sonya did say said something like that, but I didn't catch it all either.



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 3:28 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lake_gal a private message Print Post    
Well that was rather shocking. I assume it was like the Ray eviction last season. Everyone assumed he (Ben) was safe and voted for the others in danger. Tahan probably was helped by being the only female up for eviction.



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 10:20 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Spunky a private message Print Post    
It was a very enjoyable eviction show, (only speeding up when Ed and Jade were together) I was hoping Ben to last a little longer although I liked him a bit less than in the beginning. You could tell the rumours may be true about him being a very self-assured or self-confident stand-up comedian, the way he was walking among the audience and the way he was talking to them when Sonia was interviewing, so I'm ready to believe he played his role in the house, while he's very different in real life.
However, many fans are saying their votes were not counted and I knew this would happen when you have this type of voting system. It really could happen to Tim as well... who knows.
That Tahan got that many votes could be that Big Brotha wants to fool the public a bit and the housemates by telling them that big majority and everyone thinking it may be for Tim. When in fact Tahan may have had a slighter majority. Who knows what really happened.

So Mikkayla will snoop the nominations and the others may not understand they need to nominate her in full force if they want some of their nominations stay but yet again she has nine lives!!!

I noticed the groups are re-forming in the house, Jade, Ed, Mikka and now Madeleine taking Ben's spot in that bedroom, that foursome is so clear now. Tim may tell Mikka he's not with Tahan, but Mikka could be right here by saying, we have each other (Jade, Ed but now Ben is gone she'll have Mad) and so Drew, Tahan, Boog and Tim the other foursome but not so trusting of each other.
Which foursome will go ahead?? Well, with Mikka's superpower now her foursome may survive while one of the other 4 may go next week.



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 11:19 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Sonia said that Mikkayla will see TWO of the housemate's nominations.

I'd guess she will pick Drew and Tim, or maybe Tahan.

I was glad to see Ben finally go. I did not buy his act, he laid it on a bit too thick.

Thanks are probably due to Ed's brother for his aggressive voting campaign to keep Ed in the house, as well as BB production for that convenient Ed/Jade show the day before eviction and then almost entirely replayed on eviction night. It's pretty obvious that production wants Ed to stay.



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 12:44 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
I WISH they would have a vote to return for all evicted HM!!!! Give the voters a chance to correct past mistakes.

I hate vote to save!!!! I'm assuming everyone thought he was safe, I was beyond shocked. I thought for sure he & Tim would battle out for the winners spot. I will be disappointed if Tim doesn't win.

Eviction votes were -

16.2 Ben
16.9 Ed
17.0 Drew
17.8 Tim
32.1 Tahan

Centrebet eviction odds were -

Ed 1.08
Drew 5.50
Tahan 7.50
Tim 17.00
Ben 26.00

Hypothetical situation -

If I was Ed's brother & determined to keep Ed in, since I was promised $50,000 if Ed won.

Kitt & I have worked out from past voting numbers that there is appx 200,000 votes cast per eviction.

That would only be 1400 votes (.7%) between being evicted & not being evicted but to make sure I had enough, I would want to know how many between second place & evicted which would be appx 3200 votes (1.6%).

If I took $375 & bet it against *everybody* but Ed (the other 4 nominations), I would make enough *at the very least* to fund 3750 votes assuming Drew left.

So I wouldn't be out of pocket anything no matter who was evicted as long as it wasn't Ed & that's more than enough to get him out of last place.

If Tahan left, I would have enough for 3750 votes & still make $750 or if Tim left I'd make an extra $4300 or if BEN left an extra $7687.

Since BEN left, I'd have made enough to fund nearly 14,000 votes in another eviction.



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 1:10 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Stormie a private message Print Post    
I wouldn't be surprised if Tim's friend's had started and perpetuated that rumor about Ben, to lessen his votes. I just don't buy Tim's little boy act, he's very calculated, so I wouldn't put it past him to have had a plan with his friends prior to his going in.



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 1:20 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
regarding - Camp which was filmed in Australia with Australian actors (including Jade) playing Americans (except for one who played an Australian lol). I only looked up the main characters but Rachel Griffiths, Tom Green, Nikolai Nikolaeff, Dena Kaplan, Tim Pocock are all Australians. I assume the actor that played the Australian was an Aussie.

I watched the series & had no clue that these weren't Americans. The video from the series has been wiped off Hulu & NBC's websites. I would have liked to rewatch an episode to check out Jade & the accents but not going to pay for it.

It was a cute little show but not worth recommending or missing.

From what I can tell, Ben did a stand up act twice in 2006 or 2007 & not before or since, so I can't really consider that a career or ambition but hopefully this will give him the courage to reconsider it. I don't believe it was a rumor, we saw pictures of a young Ben (before male pattern baldness) on the tickets of the "white trash lesbian tour" (as they called it)



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 2:03 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Stormie a private message Print Post    
The rumor is Ben was deceitful, not what he did, to me it's the spin, not the act. People try different things in life, but to say he is an actor playing a part deluding everyone, well, to me, that rings of Tim, not Ben. I've liked Tim less after the way he was speaking to Nathan, it was very unnecessary, but Nathan had Tim pegged, so I guess it should not have surprised me how Tim behaved.



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 4:33 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
32.1 Tahan

What a shocker tonight was! I'm so happy Tahan was the top one. After Ben was evicted, I thought it was Tim @ the top.

Jade was starting to lose it after Drew & Tahan were saved. I want Tehan to win. I absolutely adore her and this past week or two, I've gotten so tired of Ben's ..."I don't have a life to go back to" if they should hand him the game.

I was thinking it would be Ed and Drew might try to get closer to Jade, as he's letting his feelings about her out more every day.

I'm elated that Ben is out. That gives someone else the chance to win. It was discussed here about the HG's talking about nomming Mikkala even though she has the power this week. I so hope they do because she can only do so much, so if she gets several noms, she can still be up for eviction. That would be awesome because she's just gotten too big for her britches.

I forgot to post the other day about the convo in the kitchen where Ed was trying to smooth things over re the housemates votes to keep either Maddie or Boog. Ed's mumbling about how it could have gone either way and Boog says, "Yes...1 to 7." I just cracked up. She's funny.

I so enjoy the group of Tim, Tehan, Boog, Drew and Ben vs. Ed, Jade and Mikkala. Haven't figured if Maddie has chosen a group yet.



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 4:37 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
I noticed the groups are re-forming in the house, Jade, Ed, Mikka and now Madeleine taking Ben's spot in that bedroom, that foursome is so clear now

Oh no, Spunky. I think Maddie likes Tehan now, but that group will get her to dislike Tehan. I hope she wakes up and tries to stay on both sides.



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 4:50 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
Tim's streak of nom the evictee was officially broken. I'm surprised that he was allowed to say that much, I'm guessing he can't say that it's now broken but I doubt he'd want people to think he nominated Ben. Tim is shocked to the core.

Another crazy betting theory -

Ben's odds started out at 13 went up to 23 & ended up at 26. It's obvious no large bets were placed on Ben.

*But* Tim's odds started out at 11 went up to 19 but ended up at 17. Ben & Tim were fairly close in odds til big bets were made on Tim. Without big bets, I would figure Tim's odds ending up at 21 instead of 17.

What if someone figured with those odds, it was well worth *trying* to fix the game. They *assumed* Ben would get more votes than Tim, so only needed to effect Ed, Drew & Tahan's numbers.

Figuring Tim would get about 30% of the 200.000 votes & Ed would probably get 10% - so add 50,000 votes to Ed, 40,000 votes to both Drew & Tahan & Tim should be gone. That would cost $71,500 in votes *but* a bet of just $3,765 (with odds of 19) would make that much. Anyone who is able to come up with $71,500 should easily come up with a big bet. A 15,000 bet would have a pay off (with odds of 19) of $285,000 subtract the cost of votes & you still have $213,500.

*BUT* if your assumption of Ben getting the most votes was flawed & Ben goes then you are screwed with a break even cost of $75,163 plus more for the bigger bet.

But this crazy theory would easily make Tahan the top vote getter & leaving less than 1% difference between Ed, Drew & Tim.

There were only 1800 votes difference between Tim & Ed (if the total votes were 200,000).

Maybe voters thought Tim & Ben were safe *maybe* they aren't as popular as I thought or maybe someone tried to rig the game. hmmmmm



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 5:04 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Merrysea a private message Print Post    
It was discussed here about the HG's talking about nomming Mikkala

I thought they weren't allowed to talk about noms. Did that change?



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 7:17 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    

I only noticed they were Australian because about half of the lead cast, and some of the guest actors are from "Dance Academy".

They did a much better job of making it look and sound American than the show they seem to have copied, UK's "Beaver Falls". That show did okay with the accents but the dialogue and slang were decidedly British. I guess thats probably due to the intended audience being British for "Beaver Falls" but American for "Camp".

Looking at the current crop of actors in Hollywood, there is obviously a market for Australian actors who can do a good American accent.

As for Tahan's percentage, I couldn't help but think that her nice display during the twister game couldn't have hurt her vote percentage, at least from the male voters. Mike Goldman certainly seemed to enjoy it.



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 8:37 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
I can't believe it wasn't Ed.

I really hated this eviction. I always thought of Ben as the heart of the house. As other people would get into feuds, he would just keep on doing his thing. It never mattered to me what he did in the past. Anyone can take a stab at standup on a lark. Even if he was a highly trained actor, I wouldn't have cared. I only cared about what he brought to the show. From what I've read several of them are actors and not being open about it. I really think his lack of airtime and the public taking his popularity for granted hurt him this week.

I didn't think I'd like Tim in the beginning, mainly because he'd do dumb things without thinking it through, like the fake birthday. But I have come to appreciate his keen insight into these people around him. What they call stirring is really calling them on their stuff when they're trying to be all high and mighty. But then on yesterday's show he showed a different side to that. Boog was griping about having to spend the night with Mikkayla when she knew Mikkayla really wanted to take Jade to the presidential suite. She, Tim and Tahan were discussing it and instead of letting it become a Mikkayla bashfest, Tim explained to Boog that Mikkayla needs to get to know someone and make sure they're not going to upset her applecart before she'll warm up to them. He then said that if Mikkayla and Tahan were to spend a day alone in a room together they'd be fine. Then again, he was also the one who told Boog that Mikkayla really wanted to take Jade.

But let's face it, if Tim behaved like Ed or Caleb or Matt, he'd have been voted off a long time ago. So he knows enough to keep it interesting.

Merrysea, the HG's weren't discussing noms directly, but saying having the superpower doesn't count toward Mikkayla's 9 lives because she can still be nominated. Then they talked about how it hadn't happened to anyone with the superpower yet.



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 9:42 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
Merrysea, if their conversation had any hint of crossing the line, expect it to be featured in an upcoming show with a strike attached. BBAU doesn't give HM much latitude. I am even shocked Tim has got away with his nom evictee streak but I don't know if he actually told anyone or if he just reacted to Jade's guess & she told the others.

I am betting that after the show, Tim will hook up with Ben to do radio, comedy or something. I don't think Ben has the impetus to do it on his own but with Tim driving him, I think it would be good for both of them. Ben's not *enough* & Tim's too *much* but I think they can bring a fun balanced synergy together.

Their was a clip of Mikkayla talking about Tahan (maybe when they were tied up together) & she was saying how much she had enjoyed being with her that day. This was during the HM walking & some people assumed it was Tahan because Mik was saying such nice things about her. Mik & Tahan have a love/hate relationship - they are too much alike to like each other but are so much alike that they like each other.

I *hate* that Ed outlasted Ben. I wish they would do at least one vote to evict.

I will *so* miss Ben. I wish him all the very best!



Wednesday, October 09, 2013 - 11:53 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
Another factor apparently in the voting is a 2 hour time difference from one part of Australia to the other. Apparently the voting was only available to the local time zone. The other areas were talking about having to wait 2 hours for the show to start. I would think some fans knowing how close 4 nominees were might have voted.



Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 12:41 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Stormie a private message Print Post    
IMO, who is Tim to call out anyone on anything? He's a HM, just like everyone else, not the enlightened HM. He doesn't have some deep insight into anyone, he manipulates people, he's been doing this since the beginning. Nathan actually asked him why he did those things, bc it was mean to him and Tim said something like, he wanted to call people on things to show who they were, or some such nonsense. But it's Tim's opinion, that doesn't mean anyone actually is thinking what he claims, for whatever reason he says, it's all manipulation to pit people against each other, or even just one person. Like I said, who is he to do that, to call anyone out, to say they said this, that, or the other? And in the end, it's all to keep himself in the house, that's his game, everyone has one, but I like his the least.

I would hope that Ben has more sense to work with someone he doesn't trust and I can't imagine Tim would want to share "his" spotlight.



Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 8:22 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Spunky a private message Print Post    
Well, maybe they are that smart after all, I didn't think they would nominate Mikkayla but maybe my strong vibes managed to get through, from the north to the south pole is a long way but somehow they've heard me. I don't think I would have been as cool as Tahan, Big Brotha has a nasty way to put her on the spot, but also Boog held her own in front of Mikka but with her predictable nominations of Mad, actually the only one who had the courage to nominate her, if no one does next time Mad could skate all the way to the end.

So Boog, Mikka and Tahan are up and it's going to be even harder to survive this time. The high percentage of votes for Tahan may tell people she is safe and may not vote as before (it happened to Ben) and I don't trust Australian vote system and I still believe it's a smokescreen Big Brotha like to use but only Big Brotha makes or breaks a housemate. If they want Boog to go to keep the original rivals then Boog goes. But if it's true that Mikka was the favorite to go a week ago... well, who knows. But it could be Tahan if everyone thinks her rich boyfriend will save her and not enough votes will keep her... again, I am for conspiracy theories and Big Brotha may decide in the end.

In the meantime Jade, Ed and Mad can relax with no stress at all while Tahan has the toughest time in the house. Drew and Tim are too popular and their nominations would have been wasted anyway.



Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 9:14 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
This superpower was not very well thought out by BB or Mikkayla.

The fact that she picked the 2 she nominated and dislikes the most, of course they both probably know she nominated them and have no reason not to nominate her right back.
If they nominate anyone else then they would be revealing more of their nomination strategy to Mikkayla, but if they just nominate her then she doesn't learn anything that she doesn't already know. So nominating Mikkayla right in front of her is really the most logical and safe choice for them. They really have nothing to lose by nominating her.



Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 9:27 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Guess I spoke too soon, I thought Boog would have nominated Mikkayla as well. She should have.



Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 10:17 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
I thought they weren't allowed to talk about noms. Did that change?

Merrysea, I believe I posted the above and what I meant was there was a discussion about the person with the power never getting noms but maybe that would change. Indeed it did change. I don't think they'll get in any trouble because they were talking about the power as well.

Spunky, I'm so glad they were smart enough to nom her. Just wish one more person had nommed Drew so Tahan wouldn't be up for eviction yet again.

I agree Flagg about Boog not nomming Mikkayla. Tehan had the balls to nom Mikkayla to her face, but Boog didn't. She's playing the game. She wants to stay badly. I wonder if Mikkayla will go home over her?

I noticed Mikkayla worded her power a little differently to Boogs vs Mikkayla. She didn't meantion she was 'stealing 2 points from Boog.' So..I don't Boog really got it.

I do think the super power was well thought out by BB. They didn't really want Mikkayla not to be nommed or be able to save herself. If the viewers have had enough of her....home she will go.



Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 11:00 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Merrysea a private message Print Post    
Thanks Cricket. I haven't seen the episode yet so I was confused about that.