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| Sunday, October 06, 2013 - 5:30 am
I liked Mikkayla at one time. But the longer she stays the more she annoys me. I do think being locked in a house with her would be hard on my nerves. I really hope Ed is the one who leaves. It will be interesting how Jade reacts if that happens. Nathan should go next. I keep forgetting he is even in the house. What a waste of space it was putting him in as an intruder.
| Sunday, October 06, 2013 - 3:42 pm
Hi Kitt, good to see you. I agree, I mentioned upthread weeks ago the superpower was almost like getting 2 powers when others feared nomming the holder. I wish they had kept the superpower secret. Then only the holders would even know of it's existence. Luckily the superpower really hasn't had an effect on the noms also (so far at least) I've wondered if Mikkayla might be pregnant, she's gained a lot of weight fast in the trunkal areas & she's been what I seems to be overly emotional compared to when she first got there. I'm assuming she's not, but I still wonder. Since they only put the male intruders in for 3 days before removing one, they should have put one in at a time before voting to see how they interact with the group. I doubt it would have changed the outcome though. I'm sure Nathan will be voted out next week. Spunky, If Ed plays under the radar people will hopefully forget to vote for him, but since it's vote to save & not vote to evict, that should get him out since least votes goes. I think his family has been saving him in the past. Hopefully Ed doesn't scoot past this eviction & then get a free ride the next 2 weeks while the intruders are evicted. I have to agree with Cricket, Tahan has lost all her buddies. I think that's why Tim has tried extra hard to be nice to her. Which pisses Mik off
| Monday, October 07, 2013 - 5:17 am
LOL... you're right Will... I keep thinking of what happens in the US BB, stay low and they'll forget about you... I thought also that if people don't see Ed so much on the live feeds or on the show they'll forget to save him... LOL So, it's really about playing it for the audience and hope they'll save you. Tim is doing so... but is Big Brotha also airing less of Ed for a purpose? Who knows...
| Monday, October 07, 2013 - 11:31 am
I have been trying to be patient & nada. Does anyone know where to watch today's episode?? If so, could you PM me pleassssssssssssse. Thanks!
| Monday, October 07, 2013 - 3:02 pm
I always have to laugh at BB Australia's absolute obsession with "world firsts". Every single season, at one point or another they start crowing about this or that "world first". Maybe its some kind of national inferiority complex since they started out as a penal colony. Anyway, this world first is a bit of a joke. Of course "in the history of Big Brother, no housemate has ever sacrificed their place for another housemate", because it was never allowed! The only reason it was possible this time was because they didn't do a real paid phone vote so there are no legal issues involved by cancelling out the vote. Plus, all of that drawn out melodrama was not necessary since they knew ahead of time that neither girl was going. Plenty of people have quit Big Brother Australia and pretty much every other version of BB. Lots of times when someone quits they postpone that week's eviction, so in effect, the same thing happened then as well, just not in such a dramatic and pre-scripted fashion.
| Monday, October 07, 2013 - 3:07 pm
Ok, it's finally posted!!
| Monday, October 07, 2013 - 6:22 pm
actually in Big Brother Australia walking out is rarely done Belinda did it in series 3 after she revealed something on live feeds about her family that she probably shouldn't have, Rima in series 7 because she was injured and it was advised for her not to continue and Josh who left because of the death of his brother. So a housemate making the choice seemingly out of the blue is kinda unprecedented for BBAU. i agree it is not really a world first and not worth half the hype they put out there.
| Monday, October 07, 2013 - 6:35 pm
Nathan must have known he was a goner next week so might as well go out with a bang and save Madeleine in the process and make it tougher for the originals to nominate an intruder for next eviction, unless both intruders are still immune from eviction. (Talk about unfair advantage!!) And so after Ed another orginal will go and I hope it will be Mikka. Other than that, I really don't know what else is going to happen, with no showdown and no one being able to save themselves unless they have the superpower it's going to be who Australia wants to win at this point, nothing to do with the housemates playing comps to fight off eviction. (This part I don't like, they should be able to fight to stay by winning competitions). So, you can guess who's going to have AGAIN the superpower??? It's going to be Jade again and Mikka saved again... her nine lives!!! Come'on Big Brotha... surprise us otherwise it's getting too predictable.
| Monday, October 07, 2013 - 7:39 pm
Is Mikayla nominated?
| Monday, October 07, 2013 - 8:24 pm
This is the real Big Brother format, its supposed to be a popularity contest with the public. Their only way to "play the game" is tp try to influence others to nominate how they want (without breaking the rules) and play to the public both to gain their own favor and manipulate others to lose favor with the public to get them voted out.
| Monday, October 07, 2013 - 9:16 pm
Nathan sacrificing himself so both of the female intruders to stay, means that next weeks eviction which was most likely him leaving, will now end up being one of the original HM's, since Madaline and Boog will be immune from nominations this week. This week's eviction will leave 6 orig HM up for nomination next week. Then if the intruders leave in the next 2 weeks, that will only leave 4 left for the final. I think they usually have 5 in the final week. Last year they had 5 & 2 left on day 85 & 3 left on day 87. This is cutting it too close & making it too predictable, they may allow the intruders to be nom this week to get back on schedule since one was saved. Jabelljba, Mik's not nom, Spunky is just hoping she will go for the next eviction. I couldn't believe Tim made that Boogie declaration speech - I can't believe that it was even sincere. It must make it very awkward. Didn't they do the same thing with the male HM - make them vote for who they wanted & then said but your votes don't count. Surely they wouldn't expect their votes to count this time, just to make the voting awkward with the one that stayed. Tim should have known that there was a chance she would stay. I don't know I think his declaration was BS or maybe not. I think his declaration was BS but think he wanted the statement out there hoping to manipulate/sway her. Like taking Jade to the PS, he forced her to go with him hoping that it would change her opinion.
| Monday, October 07, 2013 - 10:08 pm
It all worked out for the best, really. Nathan wasn't fitting in so it worked out for him. Both girls get to stay, so it worked out for them. Australia's favorite intruder got to stay, so it worked out for them. And the housemates preferred intruder got to stay, so it worked out for them. I think BB knew the HM's wanted Madaline to stay and that's why he made them vote publicly, even though they already knew it's the audience that votes. If they'd just said the audience chose Boog, Madaline would've felt weird getting to stay just because of Nathan. This way she knows the house wants her. Plus, it made for a little extra drama and tears. Tim's declaration was hilarious. I think he really meant it. He thought she was leaving, and he wouldn't have to deal with the awkward aftermath. So funny! But I think he really wanted to keep that streak going of always choosing the person who leaves, and he thought it was going to be Madaline based on everyone else's sentiments. He finally got one wrong. Strategy-wise I would've voted for Madaline to stay just because Boog would pose more of a threat in future votes. Likely Tim and a few others thought of that, too. I feel bad for Nathan because I think he'll regret his decision once he gets home, but who knows? His talk with Tim and Tahan was interesting. I have a feeling the Sugar Sisters had a strong influence on how he saw them.
| Tuesday, October 08, 2013 - 12:01 am
I got the feeling that they mainly voted for Maddie because they thought Boog would align with Tim & give him even more power. CurlyQ, I didn't think of Tim not wanting his streak of voting who gets evicted broken. I assumed he voted Maddie so he wouldn't be distracted in the game but *that* makes much more sense lol.
| Tuesday, October 08, 2013 - 7:35 am
I'm getting tired of Ben and Tim and their oh so surprised looks and Ben's tears. I've begun to believe everything they do is an act. I never 'got' Nathan; always thought he was odd, but never saw him that much to try to figure out who he was. I feel he's a bit critical and judgmental. I wonder if he surrounds himself with 'yes' friends, those who will never confront him. Curlyq, interesting point about the Sugar Sisters having an influence on him. Maybe he wants to live in a land of sugar and sweetness, where everything is light and fluffy, but that's not real life. He was right about Tim and what he does, but I didn't understand his comments about Tahan. Was that in relation to the sugar sisters as well? Nathan had to know he wouldn't be around long, since he was just there, so hard to see a real personality. Interesting theory that in him doing what he did, a regular HG will go next week. I never thought of that.
| Tuesday, October 08, 2013 - 10:55 am
I noticed when Ben was doing his vote between Maddie & Boog that it was all about himself and not them. Ben is very self involved when he votes. It is always a nom for someone that said or did something that he took personally. He really is a delicate flower that gets slighted so easily. I hope that both Boog and Maddie are up for noms next time. They have been in the house longer than Justynn and Nathan were. They didn't get shipped off to the PS. And the fact Maddie got saved by Nathan makes it unfair that no intruder is up for noms for still another week. I really hope Ed goes this week. We all know it won't be Ben or Tim. So it is really like having 3 HMs up for eviction and a vote between Tahan, Ed & Drew. The minute someone is up for noms and Tim and Ben are the other noms it will be very hard for that person to survive. Who gets 3rd to them is going to be who escapes the nomination block near the end.
| Tuesday, October 08, 2013 - 1:34 pm
Darn it!!! Mikkayla has a good luck charm tucked away somewhere. Did you watch the Showdown competition? What lucky spins for her! Tahan, bless her heart, had to become a human pretzel. Ed & Jade's date was good, thanks to Sully. Except that it may have given the illusion that Ed deserves some votes. Have I said before that I want Ed to go, like tomorrow?
| Tuesday, October 08, 2013 - 5:30 pm
It was unbelievable, Cinnabarry. Earlier in the game I would have been thrilled for her, but at this time not so much. Oh..forgot to say Hi, Kitt...glad your around and okay. I'd rather Drew go, Cinnabarry. I really like Maddie so much. Like Boog too, but Maddie is such a beautiful gal inside and out. Today's show was very fun and enjoyable. I love that Tehan finally has a couple of women she likes and they like her. It's about time. ETA: Is Jade up for eviction? I wouldn't mind her going this week. Let's see how Mikkala would get along with the other girls. Drew has such a crush on Jade. Look how he lit up when Tehan said Ed said it wouldn't be a relationship on the outside; however, he was a bit worried after their date.
| Tuesday, October 08, 2013 - 5:37 pm
Did someone actually asked her how many lives she has left and she signalled 2 more lives?? Well, giver her the game! Ed and Jade's date, was that Ed's last card to play? Big Brotha seems to think so, playing it to the audience so that he can be saved. If the average people watching that reacted like me (eek!) then I'll know they won't be saving Ed. Thank goodness for speeding up the video, couldn't stand a moment longer of that sugary date. I never saw so much favoritism as in this Aussie BB. Some housemates get a lot of breaks while others none. Anyway, the producers may want Ed to stay and Drew go because Drew didn't get very good edit lately. I think what turns the audience off that Jade and Ed thing is that she is the one who constantly makes the first move, while I'm sure people may want to see the male pursuing the girl... Jade being the one to initiate their smooching makes Ed look like he's really 'playing along' and faking so that the audience may save him. Whatever Big Brotha decides to air on the show is their way to play it to the audience. A bit of unfair treatment of the housemates. Big Brotha can make them or break them as he wishes. So, if Ed is saved it was thanks to this special date or whatever that was. Mikkayla won't be told of the superpower until Thursday, I guess they want to see who goes first and then adjust the superpower accordingly. If she can use it to save herself, then they really shouldn't give her the benefit of seeing the others nominations, that would be way too unfair, usually the superpower should help the holder to stay in the game but to get both things, save and snoop on the others I just don't think it's fair. If it's not used to save herself, and to snoop and void the other nominations, then I hope they get smart about it and all of them should nominate Mikkayla so that she can erase some of her votes but not enough to be saved. I don't think these housemates are smart enough to figure that out... and yet they experienced that in the past, Tim should know his nominations to Ed were shredded. Just because she has the superpower doesn't mean that the others can't nominate her and if they do it in a block she can't save herself. They'll never think that way.... oops I said that already!
| Tuesday, October 08, 2013 - 7:50 pm
I don't see Jade, and Ed if he's still in, giving Makkayla any votes. Both new girls should know that Ben and Tim have been safest from the beginning so votes for them are wasted, right? It isn't as if they can put their heads together and decide to each give Mak 4 points to make sure she's on the block, even if her super power allows her to shred one ballot. Wait, Jade did that last week. What will the power be, do you reckon? (A little Aussie rubbing off here) I don't understand the betting whatsoever, but it's reported that someone wagered over $1,000.00 that Ed goes home. One votes to save and bets to go home? So what time will it be posted who goes home and what time do they usually post a YouTube of the show? I'm Central Daylight Time. TIA.
| Tuesday, October 08, 2013 - 7:52 pm
Cricket, Jade isn't up for eviction.
| Tuesday, October 08, 2013 - 8:41 pm
Spunky, I kind of got the feeling by the conversation in the spa that they are thinking about Mikkayla getting nominated in spite of her superpower. The upshot I got from that talk is that even though it has never happened before, that doesn't mean it can't happen this time. I imagine Tim and Drew were both thinking about this. At this late stage of the game, Tim wouldn't be shy about nominating someone just because they had the superpower and might find out. This is the same guy who shouted Tully's nomination directly at her. If they don't nominate Mikkayla, it might be more about believing they could beat her in the end. Very interested to see what will happen between Boogs and Mikkayla in the future. Something tells me Boogs could make Tahan look like a sweetheart if you cross her. I can't imagine voting for Ed just because of that date. It was a bit dull, even with the fish pranking them. I felt like it ate up way too much time. Why would someone want to see more of that in the future? I don't see why Ed and Jade couldn't tell the others the truth about the date. Is it because they want people to find out about the fish on their own? It put Ed at a disadvantage because that rock business made the others think less of him.
| Tuesday, October 08, 2013 - 8:41 pm
Cinnabarry The fish's name is Surly, not Sully. Wednesday's 90-minute eviction show will start at 3:00am (Central). The show's usually posted on YouTube by 9am. If you're up early enough you can view it live at: or or on Sopcast on Channel #145572 which is TIMMYVISION
| Tuesday, October 08, 2013 - 9:14 pm
Thanks! Yes, Surly. I can spell it but can't type it. 
| Tuesday, October 08, 2013 - 9:15 pm
Just watched Jade in episode number 7 of NBC's summer show, "Camp". It was broadcast back in late August but I never noticed her in it when I first saw it. It was shot in Australia on the Gold Coast with a cast of mostly Australians doing American accents. It supposed to be a summer camp somewhere in the US. She makes a really bad attempt at an American accent with her one line. It really is a cast full of actors this season.

| Tuesday, October 08, 2013 - 9:46 pm
Oh wow, I knew Jade modeled but had no idea she had been an actor. This show filmed in NSW Australia so guess they used local talent. This shows she was in the pilot also as Alex CIT. I watched this show on HULU but it looks like it's been wiped off. I don't remember Jade. Ed & Jade kissing always makes me think of forcing magnets together that are in repel mode. He always looks so uncomfortable.