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| Friday, September 20, 2013 - 3:25 pm
I don't know how to create a spoiler box & not going to figure it out The HMs are playing Naughty Corner – they each have to sit on the Naughty Chair and confess the naughtiest thing they've done inside and outside the House. Tahan is first up. “Tim, you won Showdown. Congrats. So you went to the Presidential Suite. I thought it would be a prime opportunity to use the wasabi and I put it on your undies!” She cracks up as she makes her confession. A chuckling Tim says he cottoned on to the joke and washed his underwear.
| Friday, September 20, 2013 - 5:25 pm
Thanks Will, this is great, I guess that's the Friday late night party which will be shown next ep. I love that kukabarra, would have been nice hearing him laugh... So it was Tahan who played that prank on Tim... and he had to wash his underwear... ha, ha... The night school was made for Mikkayla, I'm sure, she is a teacher and she was quick in getting Tim to give back whatever he took to his naughty chair... Who cleans up the mess after the party? I guess someone in the morning will have to do that.
| Friday, September 20, 2013 - 5:44 pm
It's odd Tim didn't say anything at all. I'm a bit sad he was either too upset to tell them he knew about it or too embarrassed (maybe thinking it was something wrong with him).
| Friday, September 20, 2013 - 5:49 pm
Tidbits from the live feed threads that I found interesting, funny or disturbing. This was the original posting I saw about the chili powder prank. It sounds like all 3 did it but apparently Tahan confessed first at least. Drew, Tully and Tahan whisper in the Spa about a prank they set up last night where they rubbed chilli-powder on Tim’s undies. One of them says they saw him walk funny earlier today, but besides that there’s been no sign of the spicy hoax. Meanwhile, Tim is gathering some washing. Has he caught on or is he just quietly dealing with jock itch? Which one is Lucy? rofl Day 53 - 4:23 PM Mik to Tim - Tim, you've lost the trust of Lucy. Tim says, Which one is Lucy? The loud one is Lucy. She thinks you nommed her. Guess he finally figures out her name - Day 54 - 6:45 PM “Everyone keep me away from Lucy tonight,” Tim instructs the boys, telling them he doesn’t want a party pash tonight. “I want to know what these mugs mean,” Tahan wonders, still unaware that it’s part of the Brotherhood competition called ‘MugShots’ that everyone can enter on BB's official Facebook page. The HM wonder like I did if these are clues to the Intruders. Drew & they guys went nuts over the last mug & Tully is furious! Awful Thing To Say Tully tells Drew the she thinks he wouldn't care if she was to be evicted on Monday.
| Saturday, September 21, 2013 - 12:08 am
Intruders - looks like 2 males Tuesday the 24th & then at least 2 more intruders on Monday the 30th They’re both boys. They’re both bearded. But that’s where the similarities end. One of them is built like a giant huggable teddy bear – full of warmth, energy and fun. He’ll be a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on and perhaps even someone who can provide a few romantic pointers for Ben. The other is tall, dark and handsome with a bit of a mysterious streak. There’s more to this guy than meets the eye I’m sure of it! With hair to rival young Tim’s – he might just be able to give the Puppetmaster a run for his money. Live Intruder Surprise Special - Monday 30th September 2013 Monday 30th September 2013. Sonia takes to the stage to shake up the dynamics of the house with Big Brother’s Live Intruders!
| Saturday, September 21, 2013 - 7:03 pm
I like those clips, it's a bit like having Live Feeds. It must be Sunday afternoon at the moment, it's Saturday night here. So that means this is their last night in the house before eviction. The sisters don't seem particularly sad about it and just please let them go. And then we can enjoy the intruders.
| Saturday, September 21, 2013 - 9:56 pm
I read this just a bit ago re the schedule. "It is changing. Not this week but next. Evictions are moving to Wednesday and Monday and Tuesday will now be 90 minute regular shows and LNF will still be on for an hour Tuesday night. Nominations will be on Thursday for 60 mins and Confidential will follow after that for another 30. Friday will still be 30 mins." And this about the Intruders: "Two male intruders with big personalities and beards will enter the BB house this Tuesday, September 24, during an Intruders special." "According to EPG information for September 30, the first Monday to not have an Eviction, one of the two bearded intruders will be evicted while a second set of two intruders will enter in a two hour special."
| Saturday, September 21, 2013 - 10:27 pm
Oh wow! I hadn't heard about the intruder eviction, thanks for sharing!
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 5:21 am
This week the betting odds are all predicting Tully will leave. I so hope they are right. Earlier it was the Sugar Sisters but they have changed in the last couple days and the odds are Tully will leave. Her own supporters are hoping she leaves before she does more damage to her reputation.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 10:59 am
I wonder if whatever happened that stopped Tully's girlfriend supporting her turned off her fan club too. It would be so good to have her out, that and the intruders would be a great restart to the house dynamics.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 7:41 pm
eviction odds - 1.30 Tully 2.75 Sis 5.50 Tahan Kitt, the lady that was running the twitter account said she quit because of what BB showed or told Tully's gf (for the second time) that may or may not be aired due to the sexual nature.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 10:58 pm
2 hrs til the show airs eviction odds - 1.10 Tully 4.00 Sis 17.00 Tahan
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 11:00 pm

| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 12:40 pm
looks like both intruders are entertainers - I think they will try to team up with Ben & Tim as bf (at least for one week) to try to stay in the house. I don't think they are out to "compete" with Ben & Tim as rivals for BB. They just seem to want the exposure. The pair will enter the house on Tuesday night to bump up the male numbers in the compound on the Gold Coast, but history is against either of them winning the Nine Network series. No intruder has ever won an Australian series of Big Brother. Justynn is a 33-year-old lumberjack from central NSW, and Nathan is a 35-year-old web designer from Melbourne. They were told only last Tuesday that they were going to be intruders, and have been in lockdown on the Gold Coast since Friday. When they enter the house they'll increase the number of male occupants to six, while only five females remain following the teary eviction of Tully Smyth. Nathan, who also hosts trivia nights and is openly gay, has seen only a handful of episodes, but thinks Mikkayla and Ben are two of the people he is most likely to gravitate towards. "The thing I am most concerned about is getting over my initial nerves and excitement and showing how funny I am straight off the bat," Nathan told AAP from his hotel on the Gold Coast. "I would be so disappointed if I went out straight away and people thought I tried too hard. "I think Ben is sweet... and I think I will get along well with Mikkayla and Tim." Justynn also thought he would probably seek out Tim after he entered the house. Justynn said he was aware of Tim's mind games and intended to take advantage of that knowledge. "I've already got a bit of a fondness for Tim and enjoying the way he is messing with people's minds and the way he is playing the game," Justynn told AAP. "He'd be a good guy to have on the inside. "Hopefully people will like me instead of being the evil guy. "I'm not sure if I will get my foot in the door (with the rest of the housemates) or whether they will shun me from the word go." Justynn Harcourt's Adventurer Showreel wants to be an actor or presenter Model, Actor, Musician, Dancer
| Thursday, September 26, 2013 - 3:37 pm
Two female intruders are entering on Monday after 1 of the bearded intruders have entered. 1 is a smart, sexy lawyer and 1 is a loud mouth pocket rocket. Most likely only 1 will stay like the boys. Maddie Cogar's the name of the lawyer/model Drew said he wanted to be a bodybuilder but didn't have the physique. His ex-gf who he would drop everything for is named Maddie. Drew is 24. Maddie Cogar is (allegedly) 24. Could it be?!?!?
| Friday, September 27, 2013 - 12:24 pm
I was looking for the intruder poll. I didn't see it on channel 9 site or BBAU facebook site. Apparently it was a "jump in" poll (whatever that is) but is no longer available. The intruders were sent to the presidential suite (last night, Friday night 8:30pm their time) & sounds like they might not be out til Monday. Rumor's amok. It seems strange to me that the intruders only had 3 days to make an impression & for viewers to vote & it didn't seem they let people know where/how/when to vote. They have profiled one new intruder (Madeline Cogar) The other they refuse to name but claim the name will be known & shock the viewers. Rumor's range from someone named Tully (but maybe not Tully), to Tully (Tully's backkk) to her gf Tahlia Maybe Maddie is Drew's ex & Tahlia & then drop Tully back in the house for a visit Wednesday??? Tully claims she is now single. The ad JUST said "Tullys Back!" It was just an ad advertising the female intruders and the Wednesday eviction and than it said: "And guess what? Tully's backkkk". the ad
| Friday, September 27, 2013 - 12:25 pm
The "live feed" clips & updates are reposted on this site & available to USA at least.
| Friday, September 27, 2013 - 3:12 pm
The betting odds have changed a bit, the sis aren't so low & Ed's dropped a bit. I'd be happy with either going. 2.00 Sis 3.25 Ed 4.00 Drew 5.00 Mik 8.00 Jade 34.00 Tim
| Saturday, September 28, 2013 - 2:55 pm
The last posting about the intruders were that Justynn was in a "hairy" situation (maybe a waxing like Ed got??) in the diary room to win the HM the KFC chicken dinner. Apparently he did win & food was delivered. There was a comment made that there was only enough for 10 not 11 though, but that may have been a specific item because it looked like they got buckets of chicken & stuff. Ben is a vegetarian & probably doesn't eat most of the KFC food. the intruders were packed up & sent to the Presidential Suite Friday night at 8:30pm, I guess for the weekend - hard to intrude from there. Rumors are flying that maybe one of them wanted out or pissed someone off or did something & are being quarantined. One is suppose to leave on Monday the free voting poll apparently was only for 24 hours & closed 8:30pm on Wednesday night, The end is near (or is it). BBAU apparently doesn't have a set schedule & it apparently was scheduled to end Oct.23 but has been extended to Nov.6th making it the longest running BBAU at 101 days. This is a good sign that BBAU will be continuing next year. They won't tell the HM when the end will be & this can be very disconcerting for the HM. I think last night was the first Friday night without a "Late Night Feast" party & everyone seems down in the dumps today. It's also rainy & overcast unusual for this area. This is a touching moment between Ben & Tim. Ben has withdrawn within himself because all the guys (Tim, Drew & Ed) were "roasting" him & it hurt his feelings. Tim said he was with him in & out of the house, whether he wanted him or not. Tim realizes that he was as much of a recluse as Ben on the outside but wanted people in his life & said that they were both islands just different islands. Ben cried because he didn't have anything to go back to after BB & Tim said don't worry about jobs & rent & other practicalities, embrace your life & those things will take care of themselves.
| Saturday, September 28, 2013 - 3:14 pm
re: the longest running BBAU at 101 days. shortest BBAU = 85 days for many series BBUK longest 94 days in 2007. 2013 = 68 days (9.5wks for BB & 3.5 weeks for CBB) Shortest was 64 days for many series. BBUS longest 90 days in 2013. Shortest 71 days 2008
| Saturday, September 28, 2013 - 8:33 pm
Interesting tidbits. Big Brother Exclusive: Housemates share their diaries for the first time From Day 63 Live Feed discussion forum - the latest rumour re Justynn's disappearance from a poster who signed up to tell us: "Justyyn was escorted out of the house on Friday night. He'd been drinking,became abusive toward the females,then tried to take a swipe at Ed (I think) and missed,2 of the boys held him down until security arrived. BB is going to say that he left due to medical-reasons (diabetes)." "apparently it was on the official BB site this AM. i tried looking for it and could not find anything. any mention of justyne in the feeds is being deleted.
| Saturday, September 28, 2013 - 10:40 pm
Same source; this just added re Justynn but there's no mention of Nathan. Perhaps someone knows who John CLune is? Sounds like he has a work connection to BB but employees would not be allowed to discuss any details. Puzzling event to say the least. Read from the FB page: "John Clune UPDATE- I can confirm this story is true, however none of this footage will be shown and Justynn is in lock down at the moment and will be returned to the house and evicted Monday night. Viewers will NOT be told about this incident at it will look like nothing has happened. NO chargers will be laid against Justynn however he has signed a contract stating he will never discuss what happened. about an hour ago · 9 Matt Cooper John are you working today or tomorrow night? about an hour ago John Clune Off now till Wednesday night Matt Cooper about an hour ago
| Saturday, September 28, 2013 - 11:48 pm
Who is John Clune to confirm this story? I can't imagine a BB employee/representative releasing a statement saying they are going to cover up an altercation (but it wouldn't be surprising to me if an altercation did happen). What is strange (if it isn't true) is locking the intruders away for the weekend. I just read the HM diaries & was surprised Tully was included as well. Ch9 is advertising that Tully is BACKKKKKK & it's been done before. She is now single & ready to mingle. I am wondering if the new intruder "Maddie" going in Monday is Drew's gf (he broke up with her before going in the house but told Tully he would drop everything to get back with her) - let them rekindle & on Wednesday send in Tully & see who he chooses.
| Sunday, September 29, 2013 - 12:41 am
I think Tully was included in the diaries because it was linked to the "photo shoot" they did while Tully was still in the house. I have no idea how she'll be "back" but I'm not looking forward to it.
| Sunday, September 29, 2013 - 8:44 am
No, no, no! We finally got rid of Tully - I don't want her to come back! 