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| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 11:08 pm
Flagg, Sonia said they had twice as many voters than usual when Tim was up for eviction & had 40% of the vote.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 3:50 am
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 8:45 am
Tonight she said there were more votes than any other eviction this season and the sisters got 49% to Tully's 17%. I don't get why the sisters would get half the votes. I thought they might have had a chance to go this week. Tully's interview was interesting, she has some big surprises in store when she gets on the internet. She seriously downplayed her relationship with Drew, though its far too late for that.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 8:53 am
I believe a vote for the sisters was a vote against Tully. People really wanted Tully out. I don't think the sisters will ever get that great support again. Tully has been cancelling some of her radio interviews. What? Tully is turning down the attention. I think she has to get her stories straight first.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 9:10 am
Oh Drat, those sisters are still in the house! And they got so many votes to stay, I don't like it!! Now that Tully is gone Tahan is definitely all alone against those 4 girls who can't stand her and want her out. If Tahan goes next then this Aussie version is going to the dumps as well. I'm sorry to say but even with the intruders it's not going to make it very enjoyable for me to watch. Can't stand the sisters, Mikkayla and Jade is just as bad. I didn't mind Tully at all, I liked her for her controversial side just as I like Tahan for her controversial side. The sisters are so boring and can't stand those fake smiles or cheers ....I've had it up to here!! I sound like Tahan.... So Big Brotha, do something to keep the fun players in the house and get rid of the boring ones. Australia, what were you thinking?????!!! Getting rid of Tully was a very lame lame thing to do for your Big Brotha game. Enough already with Ben's special treatment, this is getting so sugary, just like those sugar sisters. Eek! I like Ben but enough is enough! I'm just very disappointed in this eviction and can't see any thing better coming up. Those intruders already I don't like... Gee, I sound like Tully. Well, yeah. Such a big deal about her and Drew, so what if her girlfriend is mad, that's not reason to evict the one player who creates drama in the house.... Now we have those sugar sisters and lousy Mikkayla and Jade against Tahan. Ooops, I've already said that. But com'on Australia, where's the fun in that?? 
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 10:37 am
I'm the opposite, I'm so happy to see Tully go! She soaks up all the joy in the house and everything is about her. I want to see Drew pull himself together and I want some conversation in the house that doesn't revolve around Drew and Tully! I'm still watching the show and haven't got to the intruders part bit but I'm hoping it will be like watching a whole new show from now on. p.s. yep, most of the votes for the Sister were votes against Tully. I'm pretty sure Tahan would have been top otherwise.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 10:42 am
Oh wow she's completely denying all the Drew stuff! I don't get how she can be so emotional in the house and then not even shed a tear when she sees Drew saying he'd be devastated if she goes. First interview that has actually made me like the hm less not more.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 10:56 am
Bit miffed that one of the intruders is in it just to mess with Tim. Hopefully Tim is cleverer than he is.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 11:31 am
Kitt, do you know if the intruders are just temporary and are not part of the BB cast ? If they're just there to mess with Tim I hope Australia votes smart and keeps him. What do they want left in the house??? Mr. Clooney and Ben? Gee...
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 11:32 am
I agree Kitt, I think voters were voting the sis so there was no chance of Tully staying but I was *shocked* that they got that many *especially* when Sonia said this was the highest votes *ever* (this series) & we know when Tim was up there were twice as many votes as normal. The eviction odds yesterday afternoon were - 1.30 Tully 2.75 Sis 5.50 Tahan These odds were about the same for Ed (1.40) & Matt (4.00) & Matt left I think voters wanted to guarantee Tully left. I would have rather the Sis left, I find them annoying at best. I am *so* glad the whole house is up next week. I was worried Ed would escape nomination. I wish it was a double, get him & the sis out, but I doubt it will be. Kitt, I was shocked as well with Tully's composure when she hadn't been all season. She acted like Drew was nothing & maybe he was. I wish she hadn't toyed with him though, I would love him & Jade to connect. I'm glad Tully's negativity has been removed from the house. She dragged down everyone with her. I am *thrilled* that one of the intruders is in it to compete with Tim. I think he will love the challenge also. I think the other intruder is to compete with Ben. The intruder & the HM may become best friends or fierce competitors. Either way it should stir up the house. Apparently only one of these intruders will last more than one week & then be replaced by 2 more intruders. Spunky, it's my understanding that the 2 bearded intruders will be up for eviction after one week & only one will become a HM.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 12:42 pm
I posted lots of stuff on the new intruders on the spoiler page - they found pics, videos, facebook pages, naked butt, everything.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 3:13 pm
I checked those links Will about the intruders, I think the Intruders could change the dynamics in the house, but to be fair they should be targeted for eviction right away unless they get immunity for the first week. They were not in the house from the very beginning and did not suffer the stress of nominations and evictions as the others did. If one of them wants to get close to Mikkayla then it will be automatically allying against Tahan because Mikkayla will make sure they know she's the mean girl, I just hope one of the intruders will not agree with Mikkayla. From some of the clips of the live feeds I noticed Drew and Ed talking strategy a bit, clearly Drew is getting closer to Ed and further away from Tim, but Drew asked Ed (this was before eviction) what if Tahan goes, meaning if we lose Tahan then they'll start coming after us (the girls). Ed was saying someone not getting nominated enough should be targeted... and I hope Drew realized he was talking about Drew and Tim. I don't know if these two were talking together thinking that maybe Drew would get a superpower if Tully was going and maybe testing the waters... too bad they can't talk about nominations. Also, about nominations, how could they ALL be nominated, and would the showdown winner save them except for the three nominees. How is that going to work... Mmm, I guess I'll have to wait and see... Just make sure those sisters are up for eviction.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 3:17 pm
radio interview with tully:
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 4:13 pm
Looks like Andy is not the only one guilty of revisionist history! I totally could have sworn that Tully and Drew were very intimate...must have been the editing.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 4:43 pm
Are they still doing the showdown? Sonia said this week's Tuesday Late Night Feast (which show's this past Friday's party) was the last Feast of the season, so maybe they are stopping showdown too. I assumed when Sonia said they were all up they'd all still be up by the end of the week. Sounds like both Ed and Drew could be punished for that conversation... didn't Mikkayla get a strike for something less direct than that?
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 6:08 pm
Tully made it very clear in her exit interview she was using Drew. That made me completely dislike her. she is messed up. I can not stand people who play with others emotions. Glad she is GONE!
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 6:30 pm
It's been said that if naughtiness happened between Tully & Drew, & *if* it was to be aired, it would be aired at this week's LNF (the only BB show for mature content). I can't imagine *if* something happened them not at least alluding to it. Her friend that publicly withdrew her fan status said that something happened last week that hurt the gf further. I believe it was the night Tim slept in the other room on the floor - wonder why he didn't sleep on the couch. Sonia didn't mention anything about the save option & I can't find anything about it on the website. I *hope* it won't be available. Tully seems very composed for interviews. She didn't seem too concerned about Tahlia's single status nor did she indicate there would be anything in the future with Drew (I hope not) She said she hadn't had a chance to have a proper talk with Tahlia yet. Usually BB is *very* strict not only about nom talk but even the appearance of nom talk. I would expect their to be repercussions. Hopefully the new schedule will allow more footage to be shown in proper order. I would think with them cutting out LNF that they might give us more house footage or maybe we lose the hour. If it's rerun material then it's not a big loss.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 6:56 pm
Thanks for the link, Tober. Not a tear when she got evicted, or on the radio show. Seems she might have used the crying bits as a ploy. Well, if she did, it backfired.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 7:41 pm
During the show they did mention that more from the party could be seen on Tuesday, which I don't think they normally do, so it might be then. But you'd have thought because she was up for eviction they'd have made it a little more obvious even if they couldn't show anything. I don't know what to think about her not being emotional in the interviews. Is she just really good with a "business" persona? I just can't believe that all the crying was fake, why would she think that would work for her? I meant to say earlier, does anyone know what happened with Tahan's family? Tahan's mother seemed very upset about something, I don't know if it was someone ill or worse, or something like a bad weather event. Does anyone know?
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 10:35 pm
I have a question. It was my understanding from a friend of mine that lives in Perth that when it was summer here it was winter there. If that is the case how can they be having all that hot weather in July, August and September since it should be winter time. My friend would complain about how cold it was during that time frame.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 10:49 pm
No one knows if it was related but a 23yo girl died in a car accident in Tahan's town. Tully seems to be wanting to reconcile with Tahlia. I think in the daily show's 7pm time slot "the family hour" very little is allowed. LNF is at 9pm & more mature footage is allowed. Last week's LNF was mostly already aired footage. I can't wait for tomorrow's show. I'm so excited for the intruders to stir up the house. The gay man is apparently very loud & flamboyant & he may scare Ben.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 10:50 pm
BB Aus is filmed in Queensland, which is pretty close to the equator, so there's not that much difference between winter highs (yes, it's Southern Hemisphere so it's their winter now (or entering Spring)) and summer highs. Even further South in Perth their winters are going to be reasonably warm so I think "cold" is a relative term.
| Monday, September 23, 2013 - 10:53 pm
Small town like that and I guess it's quite likely Tahan or her family know the poor girl. I thought the first intruder might be a bit intimidating for Ben. Both of them sound like they would ruffle some feathers but then they don't always live up to (or down to) their VT pieces.
| Tuesday, September 24, 2013 - 8:15 am
Funny how the first eviction with only 3 nominees and for the first time its not the mot boring nominee going home. If it had been 6 up this week, the voters would not have been able to control the numbers enough to send Tully home and she undoubtedly would have been safe. But with only 3 up, all they had to do was give all their votes to the sisters and it was done.
| Tuesday, September 24, 2013 - 9:03 am
Yep, but it's time, I think. It's good to get rid of the boring ones but at some point you have to shake up the house and change the story. BB said there will be a Showdown which suggests at least one person will be saved.