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| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 11:10 am
Probably, I am just going on what Britney said in her interview with Jeff, that I re watched the other day
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 12:41 pm
Has any interview discussed when Amanda swung the storeroom door open thinking Elissa may still be behind it?
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 1:03 pm
Oh yeah - funny how no one has brought that up! Even in her twitter followers - hmmmm
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 1:04 pm
Now, that was taken totally out of context!( Being very sarcastic) She was not trying to hit Elissa, but if it swung her way and hit her, Amanda was behind the door and could not see her.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 1:14 pm
Thanks to all who listened to our interview.... I'm "Mike" btw - you silly people that forget I 'own' Look, we did a 2 1/2 hour interview with a houseguest. We got LOADS of info that I for one had never heard. I do not feel Amanda was making things up - I am sure some things were seen from her point of view. We were not attempting to do some 'hard hitting' interview - but we DID touch on a TON of topics and tried to do it in chronological order and ask things that TV only viewers would not know to ask - or regular 'press' people who don't really know Big Brother. Colette was/is a HUGE fan of Amanda - was all season (this was our 14th podcast of the season). I'm not sure what people expected out of us - those that have listened all year got exactly what they expected. I was a mumbling stumbling fool - I was trying to phrase things perfectly (there is a VERY good reason I write and don't 'talk' for my Big Brother sites). Thanks again for listening 
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 1:21 pm
*waits* lol 
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 1:36 pm
Me too..... 
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 1:47 pm
I would have loved to listen to the interview, but it took 6 minutes of silliness, before the interview even started. Someone was kind enough to summarize what was said, and post it, written out. Your heart was in the right place, "Mike," as there was a lot of new information...when one picked through the babble. On future interviews, less side noise would be helpful...and maybe just a tad less pumping up an already viciously opinionated interviewee. Good score, though;). Amanda was the one I wanted to hear from. She didn't disappoint; mean as ever.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 1:50 pm
I hadn't got around to listening to it but I think I will now. 
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 1:56 pm
If Amanda had so much information that we didn't know, then I would say CBS blocked the feeds a bit too much and owes people some money. I don't think that anyone is criticizing your attempts or your questions. I feel that to give Amanda another 2+hours to add to her 15 minutes of fame is the issue. She showed herself to be a poor sport beyond any other house guest ever and even at the finale, she was glaring and couldn't stop gaming.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 1:58 pm
Hi Ryn.. I would think your regular listeners would know what to expect. I was a first timer and I have no idea who Colette is. She is of course welcome to her opinions and I guess for me it was sort of like Amanda was being interviewed (or more correctly just recorded) by a super fan, maybe more forgiving than even some parents, when I was thinking in terms of an interview. I did appreciate that Amanda was allowed to say what she wanted to say without being cut off or talked over. Having just lived through the last weeks of the show and being almost driven off the feeds from the moment I confirmed that Andy had won final HOH, and not enjoying the many descriptions of the extreme bashing, maybe it was too soon to hear more Elissa bashing and bashing of most of the other HG. So my take wasn't altogether positive. The implication that the site was set up so as to mislead people into voting for Elissa as the MVP nominee by viewers rather than for another week of MVP.. of course people should have listened carefully to the instructions, but I wouldn't consider that a shining moment. And of course she is going to see things through her own personal filter, as anyone would, but for her own sake, I kind of wish she could slow down and realize that there are other views. I did have some time to listen last night and I like to hear/see things for myself when possible, but the length was a bit daunting. And I can see that you tend to believe her take on things, but I just don't trust her reporting and definitely thought there were pretty obvious inaccuracies in her descriptions of things I DID see and hear on the feeds. Thus, I have to question reporting of off feed happenings. She is free to be who she is, but I am free to question her judgement in many ways, which doesn't lead me to trust everything that she says. I certainly agree that for such a long interview, it was well organized, you all had clearly prepared with so many questions and, of course had clearly been involved with the show and feeds and that is great. Thanks for the background info.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 2:04 pm
It does not seem like an interview to me. It was Amanda fans giving her a forum to spout her views. Which is OK. But it was not an interview, that probed into her game play etc. Not sure if that makes sense. I am not criticizing, just was not interested in hearing most of it.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 2:09 pm
It seems disappointing to some but Amanda isn't going to change to make you like her. 
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 2:12 pm
Sept.16 issue, New Yorker has interesting article, Unreality Star: the "Truman Show" delusion.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 2:13 pm
I don't think really anyone cares of she changes or not. She is what she is and she can live her life and I hope the best for her. She is not going to own anything she said or did in the BB house and I think we all realize that. I think that is what flabbergasts many. Well, maybe just me.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 2:16 pm
I just read the above referenced Andy interview. He really does have an ability to twist things just enough to make an observer question what they thought they had witnessed. If I hadn't been watching him ALL summer long, I might have bought his tale. But a tale it was. He was a low class jerk and nothing anyone says will ever change how he sees himself nor how I see him. And they are VERY different! If and when Andy matures, he will realize that NO amount of money buys you happiness or respect or peace of mind. So let him rewrite history - most people have dismissed him and moved on.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 2:25 pm
We are not an 'interview' podcast. We did 14 this season - that is the only interview we have done. As of right now I don't think we plan to do any more. Frankly 3 people interviewing one on skype is not an easy thing to pull off. We do much better when it is just the three of us. Scott and I have been doing this three years and Colette joined us last year. Amanda said she LOVED the opening - that was good enough for me - lots of people say its too long - but it was about that long all season. We like playing the snippets for the folks without the feeds. I found her take on Diary Room stuff very interesting. I thought she was very candid about the Jury house (believe her or not I don't know what to tell you). She explained her non-connection with Grodner, with Boogie. She explained the Howard whispering incident from her perspective (we all felt he really said it already so we would have no reason to challenge it). If you were not an Amanda fan you were not going to like it. Anyways - I don't want to hog or take over the thread - just saw it was being discussed and wanted to thank those of you that took the time to listen 
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 2:55 pm
Thanks for "coming out" Ryn, Mike or whoever you are..hahaha I remember you from here and was on when you came to say hello awhile back. I listened for the whole 2 1/2 hours. I'm not a fan of Amanda's by any means but was sucked in and didn't realize it was going to take 2 1/2 hours (I did take breaks lol). Of course it was from her "perspective" and I took it as such. They will never realize what we as viewers didn't like. I've accepted that and moved on. It's pretty much the same ole same ole with most of them. We were wishing they weren't that way out of the house but they are convincing us more and more that that is exactly the way they are in their real lives and the house had nothing to do with it. I am an Elissa fan and it had absolutely nothing to do with Rachel. Just like my not liking Andy had nothing to do with him being Gay. Just glad it's over and we never have to watch them again unless we so choose! JMHO 
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 3:14 pm
It was a glorified ego driven non stop bash fest with the egging on by the hosts of show. When your saying how sorry you feel for hurting any feelings and than turn around and bash the heck out of Elissa and Jessie and family - doesn't say much for her or the person egging her on. Shows over no need to trash it up. She should be getting over it and moving on to something more positive .... But I guess she Chooses to remain mean and vindictive out of the game. Good luck with that Amanda - that mean streak will follow you around in life.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 3:19 pm
Wow Ryn, good to see you. I havent listened to the podcast but kudos for getting Amanda for 2.5 hours. I will check it out.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 3:20 pm
I just went and read the comment section to that "Interview" and O.M.G.. I only read the first page but that was enough for me to know that 99% of the listeners are saying BS.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 3:21 pm
I listened to the whole Amanda interview and thought it was done very well. Bigbrothergossip did an excellent job with their questions, which were backed up by actual recordings of the live feeds. Thank you Ryn, "Mike". I have listened to many of your pod casts in the past and you have always been fair. Thank you once again. I think you clarified many questions I had, especially about production involvement.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 3:44 pm
It sure seems like someone needs to mention to these HG's that is it not the shows that upset people, well except for a couple where they actually showed what we saw, but the live feeds. That is what Amanda should be watching not the TV shows.
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 3:50 pm
DIPO...that's what I keep's the feeds stupids...the feeds!!!
| Sunday, September 22, 2013 - 3:57 pm
Maybe she is still trying to figure out why on earth America put her up? She was sure America loved her. Umm not so much.