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| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 9:52 am
I don't recall him making racist remarks either.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 9:56 am
I do not recall anything racist he said. I do remember him not saying anything about the racist comments. I remember him mocking children, I remember him using the c word, I remember him slandering other HG's in a personal way. But he should not get the racist label.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 10:00 am
I don't remember anything racist, except laughing at GM and I do understand that he had to stay good so if she happened to win, she would take him.. The C word B word combination was repeated so often and in a voice where he just knew he was being so cool just turned me totally off on him even before some of his cruel remarks that in some cases were total lies. and not funny..
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 10:03 am
Post game interview with Andy in the Hollywood Reporter. Excerpt: The College of DuPage issued a message on Facebook last week saying that you do not "currently work" for the college and that "any behavior or language he uses ... does not represent the opinions or values" of the college. What are your thoughts on that? I don't know what to make of that because I wasn't essentially teaching there. I didn't have a full-time job. I was adjunct faculty, and so I worked semester to semester. If I lost my job over this, I'm going to be very upset because I don't think I did anything to merit me losing my job. Sure some of the stuff I said might have been ridiculous or vulgar but at the same time I did comedy and things like that so people understand it's my personality. I never said anything that I thought was super mean. I mean, ughhh, maybe a little towards Elissa. I never said anything I thought was really, really malicious or hateful or racial or things like that, like a of of the controversy of the season stemmed from. And I hope they understand that. You can ask any of my students that I have taught before, I am a caring, loving professor who loves what I do. If this hurt my career, I would definitely be upset about that. Hopefully people will see the true me and realize that if I'm associated with that stuff, it's wrongfully so. I hope all will be well.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 10:11 am
I hope he understands that no one really cares what he said except for his Elissa comments. That is how Gina Marie got fans.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 10:13 am
A little toward Elissa? I wonder what he considers really malicious or hateful. On second thought, I don't want to know.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 10:16 am
I wonder what he considers really malicious or hateful. That was my thought exactly Tresbien.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 10:20 am
He should know that being a contracted/per semester adjunct instructor in a community college does *NOT* merit using the title 'Professor'. Sheesh!
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 10:22 am
I never said anything that I thought was super mean. I mean, ughhh, maybe a little towards Elissa. I never said anything I thought was really, really malicious or hateful Seriously Andy!!!! I will go back and gather your hurtful malicious mean AND vile words you used against her- about her - and what you would do to her!!!! Wow Andy **not to mention it was non stop day in and day out on the hour every hour even when she was out of the house- obsessed much Andy? Pfffft
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 10:31 am
I seem to recall before Jury HG were interviewed on OMG INsider (that show has serious issues trying to be different than other hollywood shows, it started out fine with Lara Spencer, and now its just unrecognizable!) we'll never get answers about Elissa - but he needs to own up to that - and Professor indeed! pfft is right! and I have a feeling my DS could run in to him in the Chicago area! I'll make sure to let ds know Andy did wrong!! ;) (in regards to Elissa, the trash etc is not how a "loving kind "Professor" is!)
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 10:33 am
Post game interview, GM with Zap2it. Excerpt: What's next for you? Are you running off to Hollywood to try to be famous? "Everything I do work-wise, whether it's MCing pageants or make-up or whatever, I have a big personality and I think my personality shines more than my looks. If there's anybody that would want me for a job that my personality can get them money and get me money in my pocket by me having a check and there's the right job out there for me and I can make a living and just be happy -- if Hollywood comes a-knocking, I might have to take that opportunity. I'm taking applications. [laughs]" So, what's going on with you and Nick? "Nick is amazing. Soon as I ran out, I ran right into his arms. That's where I feel the comfortablest. We walked hand-in-hand in the after-party together. We talked a little bit last night on the phone, but after today, we're going to meet up and talk. Kind of plan our first date. Nothing too serious yet, until we get talking about what was said in the house and if he lied to me about anything and I get know Nick even better than I had known him. There might be a future for GinaMarie and Nick, we'll just have to wait and see."
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 10:39 am
Andy's interview with Zap2it. Excerpt: We don't know how much you've seen, but there's been a lot of backlash about some of the offensive things that were said or done in the house. How do you react to that? "When I was in the house and I knew that it was happening, I didn't realize the magnitude it was happening and how it was offending so many people. When it did happen, I did not take it lightly. I pulled Howard and Candice aside a couple times and told them I don't condone the things that have been said to you, I do not condone the actions that have been displayed towards you and I'm sorry that it happened. It sounds like people are ostracizing for not speaking up when we were in large groups, but my goal was to never put a target on myself or be in the middle of trouble, so I think it was just as effective to pull them aside and more reflective of the type of game player I was. Any comments that offend people or come from a place of hate is not something I condone whatsoever and I apologize that I've even been associated with it."
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 10:44 am
From -- Big Brother wrapped up its controversial 15th season last night, and we spoke to all three finalists this morning on Entertainment Weekly radio (SiriusXM, channel 105). Rather than the usual celebratory nature these interviews can take, our chats with Andy Herren, GinaMarie Zimmerman, and Spencer Clawson centered mostly around their behavior in the house, specifically comments or conversations all three took part in that have led to each of them being either fired or publicly rebuked by their employers. And you can now hear all three interviews right here on the InsideTV Podcast. There is an audio link at the bottom of the article.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 10:52 am
So basically, don't speak up against racism or bigotry if it might cost you money? Got it.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 11:06 am
My take on it too keldogg. Money is so much more important than standing up for what is right. He said last night he was a coward. He is right.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 11:09 am
Only a couple of them said anything about the comments directly. So it wasn't just Andy that kept his mouth shut.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 11:11 am
Actually I take that back. Both Amanda and Elissa commented that things were inappropriate but neither said it to the entire group. Elissa said it in smaller groups and Amanda said it directly to Aaryn. But neither had any effect on anyone. Aaryn thought Amanda was being over dramatic.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 11:11 am
I realize that, but I'm just commenting on what he said. When others are asked and say something I will comment on them too..I'm an equal opportunity commenter 
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 11:16 am
OK all you live feed watchers...did any of you ever witness Andy pulling Howard or Candice aside and apologizing for the other HG's comments? I don't remember ever reading about it if you did and posted about it. ETA: IMO, Amanda was directed in DR to say what she did to Aaryn. It just sounded SO scripted and she kept looking into the camera instead of at Aaryn during her "pep talk".
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 11:17 am
Amanda was also a contributor to many of the racist conversations, so not sure what effect her speaking about it is going to do. Elissa was not there for most of the racist comments, she heard almost all of them second hand, and she was clear in her disgust with them. Would be very curious if she has been told yet what was said about her son. I get the feeling she's a Mama Bear and she might confront the people who criticized her child.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 11:17 am
Zero respect for Andy, he got the money but it can't buy respect or class.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 11:19 am
Holly...I never saw Andy pulling anyone aside. It would have been commented on. In my opinion, Andy is white washing his behavior.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 11:20 am
Amanda lectured Aaryn about being racist then went and said thing far worse. Way to go Amanda.
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 11:40 am
I think Andy is re-writing history .. retrofitting big time..
| Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 11:41 am
From Spencer's interview with Zap2it: We don't know how much you've seen yet, but how do you react to the backlash outside the house over some of the offensive things people have said? "Yes, I have. Unfortunately, I said some things that were inappropriate and ugly comments to have said about people. I can't make any excuses for it. Sometimes I try to say things joking and I just make bad jokes. It was in poor taste, some of the comments I made. I'm terribly sorry if I offended anybody. If you know me ... I'm not a hateful person, I'm not an ugly person. The things that I said, I hope they didn't cause a black eye on the show 'cause I do love the show. I find it unfortunate that sometimes I just ran my mouth and would've done better to keep it shut. Some of the other comments that were said, I wasn't privy to a lot of stuff. Some of the racially-charged things I didn't hear first-hand. I'm not using the game as an excuse, but if you know the game, you know it's better if there's an argument that doesn't really involve you that you just kind of stay out it. With Howard, who was one of my best friends in the game, I know he was offended by some racially-charged comments, and I would say, 'Dude, I;m so sorry that stuff was said.' I would try to handle it on my own without putting a target on my back. Actually, the stuff that has gotten the most attention is stuff that I was not even around for."