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| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 1:12 pm
I should find it astonishing that Evel Dick has the nerve to criticize houseguest behavior but then again nothing about Evel Dick astonishes me anymore. 
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 1:28 pm
Jun write a very good blog on BB I liked it so maybe you might to so here is the link.
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 1:51 pm
Getting Amanda out when no one else would wasn't a strategic game move? GM deserves more credit than that. She not only separated McCranda, but did so in a fashion that was guaranteed to bring minimal reaction from Amanda (because Amanda knows GM is a bigger loudmouth than she is and isn't intimidated by Amanda).
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 2:01 pm
I am of the belief that each HOH helps set up the power of the next HOH. Did GM separate McRanda? Yes, but she was able to build on the HOH of Elissa, who put the first crack into the 3AM alliance. Elissa was able to put the first crack into the 3AM alliance, because after Aaryn got rid of Helen, Elissa put together a short alliance with Judd and GM...and so on and so forth. It's not just always one "big" move, but a series of small moves that lead up to that move.
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 2:13 pm
Rachel said: "Andy is definitely not the master strategist and the only reason players left him in the game so long was because nobody was threatened by him as a game player." Exactly! The rest of the house didn't see him as a serious game player which means they completely underestimated him.
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 2:17 pm
Keldogg, there is a lot of truth in your post. Everything leads up to the final ousting. BTW- I read Jun's blog the other day and I couldn't remember much about that I youtube'ed it and watched several of the episodes...BB seemed to to better casting back then (season 4)and even though there was the usual backstabbing, bad mouthing, alliances thrown to the wolves it was a civil season. They had a bunch of Food challenges that were fun, luxury comps that were fun and kinda team building. They made a big deal out of the HOH room being private and when the hoh left they locked the door. What we saw on this summers BB was a cast trippin on some bad brown acid. Nasty stuff....stay away from the brown acid!mmer.
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 2:22 pm
Ah but did you watch the Season 4 live feeds where they attacked Robert's daughter and made derogatory remarks about his ethnic background just to mention a couple of examples?
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 2:32 pm
Jimmer I had feeds from the start but I don't remember poop from one year to the next HAHA...the only thing I sorta remembered was that I didn't particularily like Jun but remember liking her X Jee. So I wanted to see if the shows would help my didn't really. Even now I don't recall the bashing of Robert's daughter-that obviously that was just wrong. I've always liked Jun's blogs and follow her most BB summers. Like Jun I basically stopped watching when Elissa was sent packing. Not because my fave went home but because of the vile remarks about her after she left. These people left are just not interesting which wouldnt be all bad but top that with their disgusting minds and mouths I couldn't watch. On a side note my sister tells me that the reason I have long term friendships and a looooong marriage is because my mind erases all bad things that happen....I guess that carries over to BB too.
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 2:37 pm
You're not the only one, Lilfair. As time passes, I think many of us try to block out the bad things from past seasons and remember good things about the houseguests. Though I will say that this one is going to be hard to forget. 
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 2:39 pm
Rachel said: "Andy is definitely not the master strategist and the only reason players left him in the game so long was because nobody was threatened by him as a game player." She is not the person to ask about strategy. She is just like Dick both won in rigged seasons and both think that strategy had anything to do with their wins.
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 2:54 pm
Why do so many people think that you have to be an aggressive power player to be a good player? I think staying under the radar and out of the hot seat is a good strategy as well. I am not crazy about Andy and I would personally like GM to win but I think Andy played a good game and was instrumental in Macranda getting as far as they did. I think he deserves to win but I do not want to see him win.
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 2:59 pm
Spencer will be the only one who can handle all the negative stuff being said. so I am thinking Andy or GM will need the money for therapy.
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 3:07 pm
Anyone that makes to the end deserves to be there regardless of their strategy or lack there of. My thing is that there should be fundamental rules in regards to racial, ethnic slurs or joking over child porn. There is no room in society for those ideas, words or jokes...there should be no tolerance for them in the BB house. Only CBS sees it differently than I do.
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 3:10 pm
Rachel said: "Andy is definitely not the master strategist and the only reason players left him in the game so long was because nobody was threatened by him as a game player." Exactly! The rest of the house didn't see him as a serious game player which means they completely underestimated him. Absolutely! I think he wore those silly clothes and acted like a 9 year old so that he wouldn't be seen as a threat. It was a very clever game strategy. I do not want him to win because he is mean. He goes way beyond the scope of the game in his meanness.
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 4:18 pm
they have to use the memory wall to bash today
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 4:21 pm
Spencer kept saying "Gone, but not forgotten"
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 4:53 pm
I think they are bringin Will on to make sure Andy wins. I think they are bringing him in to point out to the jury he was great player. CBS doesnt want the other 2 to win.
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 5:03 pm
Well, unless the HOH comp changes to "Be In 3 Rooms At One Time", there is no guarantee that he will even be there.
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 5:24 pm
I still think Julie is going to use Will to somehow deliver the message as to how America feels about their behavior. Why else would she say, Dr. Will will grill the jurors? I think he is going to confront all of them.
| Monday, September 16, 2013 - 5:32 pm
Considering that some of the offenders are still in the house, what would be the point?
| Tuesday, September 17, 2013 - 4:49 am
Yesterday, I wrote to CBS. I told them that although I had only spent $9.99 on the feeds for the final month, a lot of people had bought for the entire 3 months. With this group of people being hard to watch most of the time, people did not get what they paid for. The HG's were vile, bigoted/racist/homophobic, misogynistic people. Every other word uttered was the f word and the c word. There was bullying, talk of child porn and violent acts they wished on other houseguests. Yes, we all could have stopped watching at any time.....but CBS response reaffirmed the they are all about the ratings and couldn't care less. Instead of any utterance of an apology or even their weak and lame disclosure..the one line reply was.... Thank you for writing to CBS about BIG BROTHER LIVE FEEDS. For assistance with cancelling your subscription please call the BIG BROTHER LIVE FEED HOTLINE toll free at (877)211-4367 . While I'm sure its some kind of a form email...when you fill out the complaint form it states at the top "we read every email" Can't wait for this season to end......
| Tuesday, September 17, 2013 - 5:01 am
I think Dr Will is on more for us, the viewers, than the jury members. We deserve a treat demmit!! Although we are owed way more than Dr Will's charm can provide...for the travesty that is Season 15...I'll take some time with Dr. Will as a down payment... YUP... any day...
| Tuesday, September 17, 2013 - 5:19 am
I was never a huge Dr. Will fan (did not see him in his season only All-Stars) but I will take almost any of the alumni (cepting Dick and Maggie) over what we have left now! ****Disclaimer: I did not see the winter one either so do not know those names.
| Tuesday, September 17, 2013 - 5:56 am
If you paid the $26.00+ for all season, no need to call or do anything. Just got off the phone with them. When she asked if I needed any other help I told her..."yes, is there any way you could get rid of Andy for me?"....She laughed and I laughed and told her Thanks!
| Tuesday, September 17, 2013 - 7:13 am
Sooo sad to hear that Britney's baby girl has cancer... Praying for her recovery.......