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| Thursday, September 05, 2013 - 12:18 pm
Thanks Flagg. Did anyone notice Mikkayla put Washington DC for the STATE given by those clues instead of Washington. Not that it mattered, because Ed didn't know any of the questions except that one. Tully is such a sore loser. A sore everything actually.
| Thursday, September 05, 2013 - 9:45 pm
I actually had the boy song in my head all afternoon! 
| Thursday, September 05, 2013 - 11:20 pm
I was afraid this was going to happen. People had been publicly posting the source I watch BBAU on youtube on several forums & the source received 2 copyright strikes & will no longer be posting BBAU. If you aren't caught up with what's available, you might want to before the site is closed down. If anyone knows another trustworthy place to watch BBAU, *please* PM me, I can't watch live at 4am though. I thought there was a back up source, but it has been using source one also. I'm skeered.
| Friday, September 06, 2013 - 6:57 am
Fridays short episode is only 15 minutes of actual content and basically a waste of time. Ed is given a task where he has to be the first to do everything in the house before anyone else can do it. They won the food task with about 100k hits, Katie gets her hair dyed and it turns green. Tim and Drew have a bad magic show,
| Friday, September 06, 2013 - 10:28 am
Thanks for the voting info, Kitt. Flagg...not again. I just can't believe it.
| Friday, September 06, 2013 - 11:08 am
I forgot to post yesterday about Tully of all people teaching the other girls how to walk. As if, Tully. She slouches around. Her walk is not attractive at all. She needs to straighten her shoulders. I think of a horse when she is stomping around stooped over.'s just the image that comes to my mind when I see her uh..walk.
| Friday, September 06, 2013 - 11:36 am
Yes, Tully has the worst walk. She clomps around with her shoulders stooped forward. But she always manages to be the first person everywhere. That woman can push past everyone to always be first. She really has the "me first" and "look at me" attitude. Not an attractive trait in anyone. I often wonder if Ed likes Jade but is afraid to admit it because Heidi dislikes her so much. Ed always hung around a lot with Heidi and Jasmin who both continually put Jade down. Ed seems afraid to admit to them that he might really like Jade. I also think Caleb's sudden chill with Lucy was because of Tahan. Caleb was close with Tahan and she has a big dislike of the Sugar Sisters. Caleb started to lean towards the way Tahan was thinking and avoiding Lucy. Now it looks like Tim and Lucy are getting close. Interesting.
| Friday, September 06, 2013 - 12:14 pm
I often wonder if Ed likes Jade but is afraid to admit it because Heidi dislikes her so much. Ed always hung around a lot with Heidi and Jasmin who both continually put Jade down. Ed seems afraid to admit to them that he might really like Jade. I think you are on to something here, Lake_gal. When he's drinking, he's more affectionate with her and when push came to shove he said he would go on a date with her. If he really didn't like her at all, that question wouldn't have been so hard for him. The cuddling of Tim/Lucy to watch the movie shocked me. I know Tim said he was crushing on her but I didn't really think she'd go for it so quickly. I have to say I loved Tim's answer @ the Tues. night dinner show about porn. He nailed it and will make a good partner for some gal.
| Friday, September 06, 2013 - 12:25 pm
At the first "Late Night Feast" where they all got lots to drink (& Tim was making googly eyes at Jasmine), they showed a clip of Caleb & Jade hugging & in the background Lucy was squeezing Drew's bottom. Matt touted very strict lines for male/female interaction & it probably pissed him off & he got Caleb riled up. That's my guess at least. Caleb never seemed interested, just a right now, no other options kind of thing. I wish we had more insight into the house but ch9 seems to want to keep this PG & it may have been a little racier than they wanted to mention. Maybe Tim & Lucy had a pash in front of Caleb? At the video viewing, Tim had his hand on her hip & her hand was over his. I know Caleb was long gone by now but maybe something happened while he was there. When Caleb left I didn't see him even acknowledge the girls - no hug, not even a wave. I was really surprised he didn't even glance at them, that seems to me to be a sign of someone that had been pissed off. All the other girls were wailing & they didn't seem to even care. I couldn't tell a bit of difference in their expression, still smily, bubbly girls & they barely acknowledged his leaving other than following the crowd to the door. I think Ed is either gay or has someone on the outside. I just don't think he's interested in Jade at all & it's easy to see, she'd be a Tully type clinger. Even when they had their legs entangled in the bed, it looked more like a defensive move to hold her legs down so they wouldn't "wander". She's come on so strong, I think he's just turned off & trying to be polite. Even after BB suggested she back off & be "coy", that didn't seem to deter her. I don't doubt he's sending her mixed messages but it's a game & he doesn't need to piss her off & get "the girls" nomming him because he's hurt their friend's feelings. I was really disappointed in Fri episode 15min & mostly Ben & his PJ's but I guess 15min doesn't leave much time to tell a story. Are ya'll as surprised by the Tully Drew conversation about this isn't a real relationship just temporary til I get to my gf. I just can't believe the major coincidence of that convo after the gf calling it quits publicly. I wondered if it would have made a difference to Tahlia but I haven't seen any acknowledgement from her & don't expect any. I haven't got any PM's, I guess we're all watching the same channel. I can't believe BBAU is cutting off worldwide access to their program. Our source isn't even watching BBAU, he just did it as a favor for us.
| Friday, September 06, 2013 - 12:38 pm
Lakegal may be right, Caleb did tell Tahan that he was very interested in her, if she was ever single. I wouldn't doubt the girls & Tahan had a face off & they forced him to choose a side & he chose Tahan. They were constantly going to him saying, "she's so meeeeeean to us"
| Friday, September 06, 2013 - 1:35 pm
I PM'd you willwillbe, about 10am(ish) this morning. Maybe check your spam folder? Didn't Ed say something like if they met on the outside he'd be all over Jade? I think it's the cameras and he'd decided not to have a romance in the house. I like the idea of others (Caleb, Heidi) not liking Jade and that turning him off the idea too. I was doing other things when today's (short) BB was on... I'll have to replay the Tully-Drew conversation.
| Friday, September 06, 2013 - 4:26 pm
Ed may say he'd be all over Jade on the outside & he may even do it (heck, I've heard of men doing sheep) but I have no doubt that he's got no interest in her. The Tully Drew convo was the day after Caleb's eviction. The night before they were saying "I love you, I love you" when she thought she was going & the next day, they had a convo about we're just playing, there is nothing between us, I love my gf. This was episode 34 10 minutes in.
| Friday, September 06, 2013 - 4:39 pm
Thanks for the video marker, just (re)watched it (I multitask during most shows so often miss things). I did replay today's show and thought I'd just missed it again. Yep, definitely seems like she wants to have her cake and eat it too. I feel bad for Drew, although he's made his own bed, because she really seems to say exactly the right thing at exactly the right time to stop him moving away. I'll be really interested to see how may votes he get on Monday - presuming we get to see the show on Monday - as he used to be so popular with the voters.
| Friday, September 06, 2013 - 5:13 pm
Can you imagine the BBUS guys in their skivvies 1) having a pillow fight at night & 2) sleeping in bed next to another guy? I find it kind of refreshing that Man Law hasn't taken over the house. I'm going to miss this show when it ends. Hopefully, I have a few more weeks of fun since I'm pretty much done with BB15.
| Friday, September 06, 2013 - 5:52 pm
I really like that they swim in good old fashioned trunks too, I don't know when they got so taboo in the US.
| Friday, September 06, 2013 - 8:15 pm
oh my!! Big Brotha sure knows how to keep them entertained and us as well... I think I can sing that song already. This is a totally different BB house compared to what I'm used to see in the US BB house. Right now in the US house is a total snooze with only 5 left. I can't believe what a drag it is over there compared to all the fun they're having Down Under. These kids sure know how to be social, besides the obvious rivalries among the girls, they are all getting along quite fine. The tricks the guys played on poor Ben made me laugh so much, I would have loved to be among them and play along... Oh I miss Australia so much sometimes and too bad is so far away, can't always go there. Well, I'll be happy with Tully going or Heidi. Can't stand those two sisters. I'm glad Mikkayla saved herself. She must want Tully or Heidi gone to put likeable Ben in there, ooops, she's friend with the sisters, maybe she is hoping Tahan goes.... drat!!!
| Friday, September 06, 2013 - 10:25 pm
Spunky, they usually add great looking, personable male & female HM (intruders) about mid season to shake up the house. I'd love to see someone go after Drew with Tully in the house. I haven't had too much time for BBUS the past few years but remember how boring it got at the end. I prefer BBUK & BBAU with 5 left at the end. I'd like if BBUS would keep all the evicted members in the house & able to play in the HOH comp. If they win the HOH competition, they are back in the game. That might stop people from not trying for HOH as much. And how much drama would it be to have the evicted HM in their face every day. That would save on a jury house & keep a full house til the end. Betting odds have Mikkayla in a comfortable position, right now at least. Originally Posted by RenThraysk Interesting, betfair winner odds. Tim 3.4 Ben 4 Mikkayla 5 Drew 7.6 Matthew 12 Ed 14 Katie & Lucy 22 Jade 22 Heidi 23 Tahan 27 Tully 48
| Saturday, September 07, 2013 - 7:50 pm
The show made a mistake about the voting on Friday's show. They did not give out the voting numbers for Tim and Tahan. Instead they showed the numbers for Ben and Tully twice. They are worried what will happen if Tim or Tahan get evicted. Fans would complain and say it is not fair.
| Saturday, September 07, 2013 - 7:54 pm
Eviction shows will move to Wednesdays as of October 2nd according to sources at Dreamworld. Tuesday’s Nominations show will also move as a result – we assume to Thursday. Big Brother will still air for 90 minutes on Monday. Nine’s decision to move the Eviction may be due to ratings concerns. On the upside, with Monday now expected to be a daily show, this change should give us access to weekend house footage at last.
| Saturday, September 07, 2013 - 8:59 pm
The songs are really catchy. I especially like the boys' song. BB Australia is a breath of fresh air compared to what we have out here. I just wish tat it were easier to view the shows. I mean, after all, they sell KFC and maybelein (sp) makeup in the US.
| Saturday, September 07, 2013 - 9:00 pm
Say it with chicken.
| Sunday, September 08, 2013 - 11:03 am
Flagg...not again. I just can't believe it. Quoting myself here to say the above comment was directed to Willwillbee. Sorry. Thanks for all the interesting info you posted on Friday, Will. I missed a lot of that. Guess I need to pay closer attention. Lake_gal stated: They are worried what will happen if Tim or Tahan get evicted. Fans would complain and say it is not fair. Oh noooo....are they doing anything to remedy this problem, like having longer voting or something?
| Monday, September 09, 2013 - 8:59 am
The BB Australia producers seem to have finally figured it out. Yet again, the most boring person with the least screen time has been evicted. The 6 nominees with a vote to save was a smart move this season. As predicted, Heidi was evicted
| Monday, September 09, 2013 - 9:14 am
The twist for next week, the housemates are going to be told it is a double eviction, but BB is playing a trick. The person with the lowest number of calls to save will be evicted. Then the person with the highest amount of calls to save will be evicted (fake), this person will go to a safe house. Sounds similar to BBUK's safe house.
| Monday, September 09, 2013 - 4:22 pm
Why....why won't they boot Tully? What in the world is going on with her and Drew? Why does he let her treat him ? So chilling when he told her what Jade asked him when Tully accused them of 'talking about her.' He told her Jaded asked how he would feel if Tully was evicted. She waited until he left the room and then says, "And the answer is??" Creepy, creepy and crazy. The Drew/Tully convo at the beginning of today's show was just odd to say the least. I just don't know what to think about him. Not only does it boggle my mind as to what he sees in her, but to then let her make these wacky accusations and constantly have it completely backwards is so confusing as to what of guy he is. As the other HG's said, theirs is not a healthy relationship. Why can't Drew see that? I know I'm being mean but I wanted Tully evicted, Jade consoling Drew and they get very close. I could just see Tully throwing things at the TV. It's so very odd in how she seems to commit herself to Drew and want the same from him, but brings her girlfriend up at random times. I've never seen anything like it. Heidi seems to have an opposite opinion of how she was perceived in the house vs. reality. Anyone else surprised she gave the super power Who was it that was sobbing for quite awhile....Tully again, Mikkala or Jade? I'm just sad because the very toxic Drew/Tully relationship has taken over the show. I so wish it had been a real double eviction tonight. I could see Ben getting evicted in the second eviction next week and being able to watch the HG's. If AU has a great sense of humor they should vote the most for Tehan and let the HG's think they finally got her out of the house, Hah, Hah. I still like most of these peeps, but not anxiously awaiting noms tomorrow.