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| Thursday, August 15, 2013 - 7:48 pm
Oh goodness, I thought I was all caught up and here comes another episode to watch! I'm having Big Brother indigestion this summer. Was taping the US eviction night while watching the Aussie one... wow! I am sure they all felt a bit like fools to believe in Big Brother and got all dressed up for nothing! Well, a cute dog but no George!! That was wicked of Big Brotha! I was expecting Mikkayla to return the favour to Tahan and save her but nope, had she done that I think the audience would have loved her all the more. That Matt was picked a replacement didn't bother me as he was also one that got a tie nomination and so justly he deserved to be in the halfway house. Poor Caleb, he's an emotional fellow, isn't he? Compared to what I'm used to watch these folks are surely 'very nice' folks, even Tully isn't that bad compared to what I've seen lately in the BB house. One thing I really like in the Aussie version are the diary room sessions, there is real a conversation going on in there, finally a DR that makes sense. Well, I'm ready to see either Tully or Rohan gone next.
| Thursday, August 15, 2013 - 9:08 pm
Kellee, you commented about the wall coming down - is that going to happen that you know? I guess it would at some point. I hope they keep the wall up & always have 6 (or half the HM whichever is less) in the HWH & up for nominations. I was thinking last week at least the HWHM get to eat well (compared to UK's rich side, poor side season) but with the basic rations for everyone, it's going to be even harder for them. So far, the HM aren't nom the same HWHM & allowing them to get a break at least or may be they are rationalizing their noms for that reason. I was really surprised that Matt thought Mikkayla choosing him was personal. I was so glad that at least the parcel was a package in a package in a package so that they couldn't try to control the save. If Mikkayla had chosen the Barbies, Caleb (& Matt) would have really have been pissed. I guess there is no answer that would make all happy but I think she did the best thing. Caleb seems to be more attracted to the other sister but settling on the single one. I can't imagine it getting too hot & heavy with sis 9' away. I knew Tim was "off" of Heidi (for a bit), I didn't realize he was attracted to her romantically & felt rejected, I thought they were just best buds. I sure hope it's not a double eviction yet. I just don't think Rohan has had enough time to settle in & I'm afraid he'd have to go in a double eviction. I haven't seen anything to make me want him to stay but I really don't think he's been given a fair chance. I'm sure Tully will be evicted though.
| Friday, August 16, 2013 - 6:34 am
There was an ad in the episode I watched which said that there is going to be a shock double eviction freedom for all with the wall coming down and a new superpower that will truly change the game. So it is for sure a double . I went to the BB website and they talked about the wall coming down and new bedroom ect. Also they said that the new superpower will allow the holder to switch a nominee (which is actually an old superpower they used to have) Even better they are introducing a new spin off of Late Night Feast to show some of the things that they can't show at 7pm but they say it is a smut free zone not like previous versions of Un-Cut. This show should allow a better view of all the true nature of housemates. The actual BB page said that "When the music stopped in the final round of a loaded game of pass-the-parcel – it was a gargantuan mistake" . Yes it was an error that he dropped it but their articles and facebook page seem to show a very pro Matthew slant. Every year they seem to chose a "winner" to seemingly back and I think he might be this years chosen one. Tim had mentioned how Heidi was his equal in a lot of ways. Though I do like his friendship with Drew the whole "framing the dog" thing was funny especially since the dog has been curled up with Speaking of Drew what the heck is going on with him and Tully? I think she is seeming more and more like a jealous ex than a friend. OH and a bit of a spoiler the showdown is done (though it won't be shown until tomorrow Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | but there is speculation based on the viewing of video from afterward but it looks like Caleb won and kept true to the promise Tully forced out of him earlier this week to take her. Now if she goes will they start wondering if the guest of the presidential suite is cursed as Sharon went last week? |
| Friday, August 16, 2013 - 6:35 am
From the official website: Next week the Divide that has kept our Housemates in two separate camps will fall. And with its demise comes the rise of some more chaos and tell-all conversation complements of Big Brother! On Wednesday, a new-look Big Brother House is revealed as BB brings together those who have and those with half! A new Bedroom, a revamped Backyard and no more dog flaps for Mr Clooney to dodge! Winner Changes All The following night, Showdown moves to its new Thursday time slot. And yes, the winner will still be afforded a night in the luxurious Presidential Suite but will also be granted the power to swap a Nominee. Beginning Tuesday August 27, Big Brother will offer you a more intimate insight into the lives of the Big Brother Housemates as part of a brand new show called Late Night Feast. Going where the prime-time daily show cannot, Late Night Feast is your chance to hear the Housemates talk candidly about grown-up issues.
| Friday, August 16, 2013 - 9:02 am
I said earlier that they should do just what they are doing, make the nominee swap the superpower. Having a superpower and a separate, randomly awarded swap that is vastly more powerful than the "super" power is stupid and confusing.
| Friday, August 16, 2013 - 11:58 am
Thanks Lake_gal, sounds like it's going to be a much more interesting season with that change. I'm really loving this season so far. I think Tully should go this week, she doesn't seem to be doing very well. I'm not sure who the second should be, but I think it will be Rohan, bc we haven't seen a lot from him, but you never know.
| Friday, August 16, 2013 - 4:49 pm
This was posted but I don't know where it came from originally which has much of what was posted on the official site but *if* this is true then after 8/26 the evictee will give the save & replace power to their choice of HM. I had read that the Showdown program was only scheduled for the first 4 weeks, so this would align with the ending of that superpower winner. - - - In a massive week of BIG BROTHER next week, two Housemates will be evicted Monday, the house will unite Wednesday, and SHOWDOWN will move to its new time on Thursday. On Monday night, the Australian public will decide the fate of two of this week’s nominated Housemates in a massive Double Eviction, followed by a live Nominations show on Tuesday where another six Housemates will be facing possible eviction from the BIG BROTHER House. Wednesday will see the demise of the wall between the Safe and Halfway Houses as the House finally becomes united for the first time this series, and a brand new bedroom will be unveiled. The weekly SHOWDOWN will take place on Thursday with the winner being granted the power to swap a nominee, as well as the coveted night in the Presidential Suite. From the following Monday onwards (26th August), the Evictee will throw a bomb in to the house as they leave, by handing over the Nominations Superpower to a Housemate of their choice. BIG BROTHER has listened to his audience and due to demand has created a brand new show called Late Night Feast, which will premiere on Tuesday 27th August at 9.30pm. Late Night Feast will offer viewers a more grown-up and intriguing insight in to the lives of the BIG BROTHER Housemates. Voting lines will re-open on Thursday night during the show once the SHOWDOWN winner has swapped a nominee.
| Friday, August 16, 2013 - 6:52 pm
Awwww, the HWH was so good to test the HM & think it has been especially good for Tim, Ben, Tully. Tully may have hidden her whininess better & I am guessing she emotionally blackmails HG to control them. I was shocked she didn't receive more noms last week, but it could have just been a one week pass since (other than Mikkayla) no HWHM were sent back. I would hate for good HM to have left & then midseason Tully comes out in full whine, get her out now & anyone else that can't take it in good spirits. I liked Mikkayla's metaphor of the HWH teaches HM how to swim by throwing them into the deep end. It's just too soon to do a Double Eviction - we just don't know any of the nominees well enough. I hope moving Showdown to Thursday doesn't cut into the highlights. Right now, it doesn't seem fair between 30 min show on friday (versus 1.5 hr M-Th), Showdown on Saturday (with no house info), no show on Sunday & between Monday's eviction & Tuesday noms - that's almost 5 days with minimal house info. I hope the new show adds to the schedule. I agree Flagg, the "super power" is the save & replace not listening in on HM noms. I thought the Showdown was only scheduled for 4 weeks & 2 have already been done.
| Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 8:34 am
Tully won the showdown not Caleb. She took Tehan . Pretty sure she will even find a way to complain about this. Just hope this doesn't save her from eviction.
| Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 1:17 pm
If Tully is evicted, she won't have access to the superpower & will have to give it to another HM. I'm betting Matthew. If there was no HWH, I'm betting she would have taken Drew (per Jasmine's whisperings) but I'm betting Tully would have gotten the friendzone treatment, even after Tully assured Drew that cuddling & pashing were ok & just for funzies. Rightttttttt, she's put up a perimeter around Matthew already, you know she would with someone she was cuddling. Jasmine to Ed & Matthew - "We were talking about the Drew & Jade situation" "I said, 'I dare you to take Drew' & she said 'yeah yeah'" The next lines don't translate without face movements but paraphrasing she said that "She looked at me when she walked pass like uh huh, so it should be interesting" "but she'll get in there & get the guilts & take Tahan." I found it interesting that she would not only share this private info but specifically with the 2 single male hunks to let them know that *if* Tully invited Drew that Jade would have probably have been jealous. Letting both of them know that if you pursue Jade, you will hurt Drew. It would have more context if we knew if Jasmine & Tully were best buds or frienemies. Drew is his last name, his first name is Anthony but I think Drew suits him better. It must be confusing if he introduces himself as Drew without explanation & if people ask his last name & they say, "Drew Drew??" It's going to make for long weekends with 20 min on Friday & NO show on Saturday & Sunday with Showdown moving. I understand, the Showdown only got half the ratings of other nights. I always skipped the Friday Night Games when watching the youtube series. The Games are ok but they should intersperse more of the house info to keep people interested. The spoiler may not have been correct, but hopefully the curse is still be on!
| Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 2:34 pm
I don't understand the long weekend without BB... maybe Aus has very heavily viewed sports or something at the weekend and no shows stand a chance? Or maybe they're all out having barbies ;). If they're going to keep to the non-weekend formula they should move their eviction to Thursday so we can at least see the build up to it.
| Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 4:19 pm
I vote for Kitt for BB producer! I totally agree Kitt. I feel let down over the weekend, not knowing what the hell is going on & then they evict someone & I don't feel we've even got to know any of them yet. Having a Thursday eviction would be the best option, then they could build a story line for M-W & then do Friday noms. Apparently BB is grueling for the production workers - working day & night for 100 days straight. Understaffed & overworked. Cutting out live feeds & basically shutting down weekends to just a skeleton crew gives them a break. Remember BB Canada turned off feeds on the weekends. BBUS is the only (or one of the few at least) english language BB with 24/7 live feeds but they only televise 3 days a week. BBUK is 7 days a week show & BBAU is 6 days a week so they have MUCH more work to do.
| Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 5:43 pm
I find that there are so many episodes to watch that I barely catch up. Just saw the last 2 with the showdown won by Tully. It's a bit confusing to have another winner when she is still on the block and may be evicted, what's going to happen to her super power, I don't think it makes sense to win and having to handover her power. This really doesn't make sense at all. They should have showdown and a new winner after evictions. I assume, before the showdown, the audience has been voting to save some nominees and what if Tully didn't get enough to be saved, but now that she won could the audience vote and vote to save her?? This is the only side of this BB version that is a bit confusing to me and doesn't make much sense. Other than that I really like the mood in the house, very entertaining. My friends in Adelaide complain it's been raining, I remember being there at this time of the year in 2005 and watching BB (with the twin boys in there), it was cold at night, with a small wood fireplace in the living room, in 2012 we didn't think of BB at all, because I was there during the fall season, I love Adelaide.
| Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 1:46 pm
It was hard for me to watch the Showdown because I knew Tully was going to win. Not my outcome of choice. I noticed even the hosts make comments about Tully always latches herself to the strong guys in the challenges. It sounded like she got help from the onlookers about spelling. Tully kept repeating that she was taking Tehan with her because Tehan may not be there next week. Did she hope if she said it enough she would make it come true? I want to see their faces when they find out it is a double elimination. I think Ben, Matt and Tehan have the most chance of getting save votes. That means a combination of Tully/Rohan/Xavier are probably going to be the 2 leaving. I just hope it is Tully.
| Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 4:09 pm
Quick question... Isn't Tully the HM with a girlfriend waiting for her? I thought that was what I saw on the Launch episode. I'm wondering this because it made me wonder if she told Drew it was okay to be friendsie's, wouldn't that interfere with her outside relationship? Add me to the crew of BBUS viewers that finds this version far more entertaining that the current American batch of knuckleheads. 
| Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 8:18 pm
Yep Tully is the one in the committed living together relationship. I think she is hoping the gf won't mind cause Drew is well male. I don't know about you couldn't give a tinkers damn what sex the person is that my partner cheats with it is still cheating. Is it sad I am more excited to see the outcome of this eviction than the final night of the UK one?
| Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 11:38 pm
Yes, Tully is the one with a gf (I think serious live in type relationship)but I don't think she would think anything of hooking up with a HM - I just don't think any of them want to hook up with her - but I don't think she will be around long enough. She seems to really have a thing for Drew (& Matthew). I was thinking the same thing about BBAU vs BBUK. Put us all out of our misery already lol.
| Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 11:39 pm
I'm in total agreement... Flirting is flirting unless they had an agreement that anything goes as long as you come home with the money. However, I wouldn't be able to handle that. I'm pretty excited to see who goes this week. I'm thinking Tully and Rohan. I would be okay with that since neither had done much for me. I was skeptical about Rohan from the beginning based on his lack of enthusiasm for his so-called girlfriend. Maybe their standard definition is different than mine because there is no way I'd go on international television (YouTube) being the girlfriend of a guy who'd rather play video games than be with me. For that alone, I'd evict him... Petty huh? Tully, too much crying and pouting for me... She can turn on a dime when things don't go her way and that's too stressful for me to watch. Balled up on the ground, stashed away on the toilet, missing parties, grouching about her challenge... Meh...
| Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 11:45 pm
Thanks, Kelle and Willwillbee... I've managed to miss her attraction to them. I've been too busy trying to figure out the ever evolving Drade situation. I had to watch a ridiculous amount of shows earlier this week to get on board, so I know I missed some key information.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 7:04 am
I didn't really agree with either of the evictees, though I can see how they hppened. A vote to save with 6 nominees and its always the ones with the least screentime and/or drama that leave. Matthew should have gone, he is the most boring of all of them.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 9:09 am
What I am so ticked off about is that a lot of the second evictee nominations seemed to come a lot from his Surly task. I was so thrown when he went into the safe house to say goodbye cause I thought I misheard and Tully was going. I will miss the Canadian connection in the house..always got a kick out of seeing the Vancouver Canuck hockey jersey.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 10:52 am
I felt particularly sorry for Rohan, he had so little camera time it was obvious no one was going to vote for him. I'm surprised Matt got so many votes, apart from looking good he hasn't stood out at all to me. Tully and Tahan presumably got some "drama" votes. Early vote to save = boo. I quite liked Xavier. And Rohan for that matter.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 5:38 pm
As ya'll have mentioned, it was vote to save not vote to evict. So no one could vote to evict Tully & she does create drama. And I've got to admit, I am interested in seeing how the Drew, Tully, Jade triangle continues or to make it quite appropriate, a square if you add Ed. Tully is pursuing Drew, Drew is being the nice guy to Tully but he still knows Tully makes Jade jealous. I can't believe Jade is still pursuing Ed, it is now obnoxious & being rude to Drew treating him like she's using him. If she gets nom, which I believe she will, she might be gone if she doesn't make it up to Drew soon. Mikkayla's reporting to the sisters about Tahan's words was just stirring stuff. I thought Tahan was Mikkayla's best friend in the house. It sounds like Ben was a flight attendant for 10 years. That surprised me I had the impression he wasn't used to being around people. I guess Matthew does have a gf (I assume he misunderstood Sonia's question) He said, "Oh, you mean in here, yeah Caleb then" No prizes for first few out. I wonder if the HM even get a stipend while in the house. The graphics were shown on the show but it flipped through so fast I didn't actually see who was what. Facts about the nominees - Ben, Xavier & Tahan would rather stay in HWH with good food Mattew, Tully & Rohan would rather eat lentils on the other side. Matthew, Tahan, Ben & Tully want to see a relationship in the house (I thought this was strange, unless I was wanting in a relationship, I sure wouldn't want to see one & apparently Matthew, Tahan & Tully are all involved). All (Matthew, Tully, Tahan & the evictees) but Ben would betray a HM for a task - I bet BB will test that Matthew, Tahan & Tully think they can win BB, Ben & the evictees don't think they can win BB.
| Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - 4:09 pm
Nominations today. Tully's superpower was "the lurker," she was able to view the tally board for the entire process (but not know who was doing the nominating) as it changes. She'll have six points to nominate with, but she has to use the points two at a time. She has to distribute two points at three times during the process (after sets of four people have nominated). Host mentions that the others don't know Tully's superpower and therefore they might not nominate her in the way they would have done (good point!). Caleb: Tim 3pts, Jade 2pts Drew: Tahan 3pts, Matt 2pts Tahan: Jade 1pt, Sisters 4pts Heidi: Tahan 3pts, Ben 2pts Tully has her 2pts and gives Jade 1pt and Mikkayla 1pt. Jade: Matt 2pts, Jasmin 3pts Ed: Mikkayla 3pts, Tim 2pts Jasmin: Jade 3pts, Mikkayla 2pts Sisters: Tahan 4pts, Jasmin 1pt Tully gives the Sister 2pts to try to get Matt and Jasmin off the board (but it didn't change anything). Ben: Ed 3pts, Mikkayla 2pts Matt: Mikkayla 3pts, Jade 2pts Tim: Jasmin 3pts, Ed 2pts Mikkayla: Jasmin 3pts, Matt 2pts Board stands at: Mikkayla 11 Jasmin 10 Tahan 10 Jade 9 Sisters 6 Matt 6 Ed 5 Tim 5 Ben 2 Tully gives 2pts to Mikkayla (if she'd given Ed and Tim 1pt each there would have been four people on 6pts (Sisters, Mat, Ed, Tim) and only two of them would have gone to the HWH, so Matt might actually have been saved, which was Tully's aim). Provisionally up for eviction, pending the save: Mikkayla 13 Jasmin, Tahan 10 Jade 9 Sisters, Matt 6
| Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - 4:13 pm
Tully's points turned out to be pretty useless, not much she could do with them being given to her after sections like that. She's going to be mad when she realises she might have saved Matt (she did think out loud about giving Ed and Tim points but didn't seem to understand what the result of that would be). Unless she secretly didn't want to... At the end of the show the host said the walls to the HWH are coming down tomorrow!