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| Tuesday, August 13, 2013 - 3:09 pm
I think Ed is very aware he is on a TV show and does things for the audience. Taking Sharon into the suite. Pairing up with the female that was just playing married with Drew makes him uncomfortable. He doesn't know how the public will react. He doesn't want to be seen as the bad guy in case the public likes Drew. I think Ed tries way too hard to be the nice guy. Several times during the noms they mentioned events that we had not seen. I wish they would show more of these moments and less of the Jade triangle. Ben appeared to be nommed for the same reason that Sharon was. Ignoring the people in the halfway house. I am so happy Tully is nommed. I don't want her saved in their twist. I want her to leave. I read some fans are going to vote for Rohan to stay in hopes that it will boot Tully. They feel Tully and Rohan are the most likely to get the least SAVE votes. So a SAVE for Rohan might help evict Tully. Too bad they can't vote to evict. I wish Matt was in the halfway house over Mikayla. And I loved Tim's vote and calling out Tully. George Clooney is a dog. I love when they put a pet in the house.
| Tuesday, August 13, 2013 - 5:02 pm
Ed is a strategy player no doubt but I thinking the end he is going to regret how hard he pushed back Jade. Could have just said tonight has been emotional and we can discuss this later rather than pash and I do think being on the HWH side could truly force some new friendships and reinforce some others. I wonder if we are going to see Tim be less militant about not giving the HWH anything knowing how the other half live. I think Ben will be the one that is saved from eviction and I think it will be either Matt (if it is someone who bases it on the fact that he was tied) or Jade (the flirt angle or if they don't take into account that her being the last one over there was in no particular order)
| Tuesday, August 13, 2013 - 6:22 pm
Have I said how much I am enjoying this show? Tim (my favorite) was hilarious with his Tully nomination. I totally lol'ed.
| Tuesday, August 13, 2013 - 7:29 pm
I'm caught up again! Wow! Didn't much care for Sharon going, but the nomination process is quite interesting, I find that they can express their choices without fear of becoming a target (like in the US version) and the way the nominated move up the ranks is also quite interesting. Never expected Ben to get nominated!!! I'm sorry to see Tahan up there, I like the girl but again we don't see the interaction so maybe she could become annoying to me as well as the others are saying if I were to see everything she does in the house. Tully is a good nomination and I hope she'll go next. I don't understand what is going on with Ed and Jade. Were they thrown in together for a bet or something, I don't get it. Obviously she likes him but him? Nah, I could tell she's not his type! (Maybe his twin would love her, usually they're opposite in taste, at least my twin boys are). I'm sorry Heidi didn't get a nomination. I hope she follows Tully soon. Maybe Australian will not save Rohan, I don't much care about him either. Again, why didn't Caleb use his extra points? What a waste of power. Mikkaila and Matt both with same points, here where this BB is unfair, they should be both on the block, space or not space, they should have made the half-way house a bit bigger to accommodate all the ties, they're going to happen again and again. Last time Tim volunteered to go instead of Heidi, but this time they had Tully choose for Mikkayla and saved Matt. Not fair. And are we so sure the Australian vote is legit?? Mmmm, Big Brother down under may not be that different from us up here....
| Tuesday, August 13, 2013 - 7:47 pm
Spunky, Caleb's superpower of double points was just for one week this weeks super power was the spying one listening in on Noms/ I know the voting is done by phone or on facebook and they limit the amount daily that can come from an account on facebook (at least they did last year as I was able to't looked further into it this year as I haven't had a desire to save anyone..) Tehan just escaped the HWH last week due to the superpower so I am not surprised she is there especially with how bitter Heidi seems to be about the switching thing, whine whine it wasn't fair her taking that call, she didn't do the right thing ect.
| Tuesday, August 13, 2013 - 9:12 pm
Spunky, last time Tim didn't volunteer (just like this time) the highest point holder had to choose between Tim & Heidi. Mikkayla as the highest point holder last week chose Tim. The nominees were increased from the top 3 (which could have included 6 or more if there were ties) to the top 6/max 6. Which I think is much fairer to the audience than just 3. It's possible they could have had a tie with 4 or more people in the last spot & the sisters as one HM would have made a total of 10 people which wouldn't have been fair either or really interesting when the house is divided into the privileged majority versus the underprivileged minority. As Kellee, said the superpower changes weekly & is only good for one eviction. At first I thought Ed's superpower sucked, because it didn't allow him to effect the nominations too much but I guess getting a glimpse into the thought processes of 3 competitors is a good thing & let's him see who he can trust. This year's superpower doesn't allow the holder to do as much direct damage as last year's did - which I think is a good thing & it's sure more fun to watch. I've never been on the edge of my seat about nominations before. I was so glad that they didn't target the same people but I wonder if that was deliberate or if targets changed that much. I guess with the HWHM segregated, the chances of someone in the safe house agitating a player are fresher on the mind at least. And I'm sure HWHM are sweet as pie so they don't go back again. No hint yet how they will do the save & replace. My theory that the evictee would choose has passed it's feasibility period. sigh Please don't let it be a random "here you do it" again. BBAU is pretty good about keeping things shaken up & I have high hopes. Loving this season & these HM so far. Sure glad after the disappointment of the other BBs.
| Tuesday, August 13, 2013 - 9:19 pm
Hello everyone! It's fun to hear others opinions on this BB. I am enjoying it so much more than what we've got going on over here in the US this year. The last nominations were very unexpected! I wish Tahan would have sent Matthew over to the HWH rather than Mikkayla though. I think if she hadn't had to "share" that decision with Tully, she might have done that. My favorites are Jasmin, Drew, and Ed. Least favorites... Tully and Heidi. I loved Ed's power this week. He made great choices with Xavier, Drew, and Tim. All the guys, minus Ben and maybe Caleb, came to play. Who do we talk to about getting a banner with all the HM's pics at the top of this page? 
| Tuesday, August 13, 2013 - 9:47 pm
Mistletoe, we could shout JIMMER and link to this page of beautiful housemate pictures and see if anything happens ;) I feel like I only know a few of them. I'm not really good with names or faces and it always takes me a while, but I feel like the only ones I have impressions of are Ben, Drew, Jade, Mikkayla and Tim (favourable); Tully and Heidi (unfavourable), and Rohan (mixed). I still feel I don't know the hunky men, Tahan, the sisters or Jasmin.
| Tuesday, August 13, 2013 - 10:37 pm
Thanks Kitt!
| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 9:30 am
I've added an Important House Happenings thread so that it's easier for Jimmer to get the latest info for the banner. Please feel free to update it when something happens!
| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 10:19 am
Wow. The ice cream shop task has been stolen and cloned wholesale from BBUk, even down to the stupid saying when they answer the phone and the ridiculous hats.
| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 10:29 am
i swear I can not stand Tully, could she be anymore self involved? Her tantrum at being up plus the fact that she moped for over a day. Xavier only broke down on his birthday, and even Ben seems to be handling it better than what I thought. I am so glad someone pointed out to him that he seems more interested in talking to the photo than the people in the house. I hate to say it but he really needs to stop that cause for one I feel like he is trying to communicate with the outside world which is a big no no, and also it seem very much shut him off from others. Tim and the ice cream is just become sad, okay fine you want your ice cream but you do not need to come out and rub it into Tehan's face as BB said it up to him if he tells. There is no point in that other than to be cruel. The whole Jade getting upset with Jazz over a pash, I get so frustrated with this girl code. ed was never Jade's to own, Ed obviously wanted to, so I can understand being irked but cmon to bash Jazz like she did really? Speaking of girl code, i do not find it okay if Jade was WITH Ed for Jazz to pash him but the man is also responsible which Jade seems to let slide (which everyone seemed to do with Daley in BBUK), why is it always the girl who gets demonized (not saying Jazz is on par with Hazel by any stretch of the imagination but you get what I am saying) There is talk about it being a double this week apparently something was said on Hamish and Andy (a radio show) that that it was a double. There is no official confirmation yet.
| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 10:34 am
If I have to hear Ben mention "his comfort zone" one more time I will have to vomit.
| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 10:38 am
Thanks for explaining. I just finished watching the latest ep and these people are so hilarious, so fun watching. Whoever did the casting did a great job picking these 'housemates' (we call them houseguests up here). Did you notice Big Brother (BROTHA!!!) voice is not the same every time, there must be someone else replacing the sexy voice we usually hear. Poor Jade, her pride was hurt but she's young and beautiful, I'm sure she'll find a more fun person than Ed. My message to Jade: Cara Jade, se ritorni in Italia troverai l'uomo perfetto per te. (If you return to Italy you may find your perfect someone). Well, it's really not true since she got out of a disappointing relationship over there. Actually Ed opened up a lot during his power week, sometimes a close up shot of him reminds me so much of a young, very young Robert De Niro. Tahan puts a brave face considering she used to a better treatment than the halfway house, she is quite a beautiful girl and her way of complaining is a cute one. The guys, Caleb, Matt, Xavier are great together and Tim is also great as the devilish housemate. Eating all that ice cream should give him some tummy ache. Ben was simply adorable during his twist dancing alone in the room... Simply put, this BB is a treat!!!
| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 10:38 am
Jade has flirted with most of the guys in the house. She can't use the Girl Code to keep the other girls away from all of them. Her and Ed were never "together". And Jazz and Jade are not close friends. I don't think the girl code counts on this one. Ben talking to the photo was cute the first time he did it. But not so much anymore. And I do think he is breaking the rule about talking to the outside world. Jade was told not to wish anyone at home a greeting when she did it in the nomination booth. Ben might as well be looking at the camera and talking to his mum & nan. They need to give Ben a challenge involving his photos. Would he give up the photos for the house to have a feast? Ben wants to be polite and kind. Would he be selfish and refuse to give up the photos for the house? It would be a way to get them away from him. Tully is even turning her allies against her with her sulking and crying. I hope she keeps it up and gets booted his week.
| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 1:15 pm
One saving grace for Jade, she did say she was upset because her pride got hurt, there's no fake "I loved him" or anything like that. I guess she's not used to being rejected, especially on tv. All the grunting over those two guys pulling the rope!! And the blond one's crazy faces!! Ben talking about his background (absent father, no money growing up, fallen out with his sister) was surprising. I'm not sure what to make of him, right now I still believe he is being authentic, and he's just a gentle and eccentric person but it is hard to know for sure.
| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 2:31 pm
I'm hoping that not much will save Tully from eviction. Her negativity has to be intense in the small confines of the HWH & it must be miserable to live with an emotional vampire. I found it funny that she said that we don't have any fun boys we're stuck with the bad boys but it was *her* option to not choose Matthew to be in the HWH. Jade was a little over the top with the reaction to Jasmine kissing Ed. I'm sure it was just her pride as the "hot one" being hurt but sobbing about it (insert eye roll) To me, it looked like Jaz was trying to clear the uncomfortable spot Jade & Ed were in with everyone chanting JADE & ED & them nodding no. I wonder how much of a coincidence in the bed situation with Drew - Jade - Ed sleeping side by side. I would think it would be awkward to all, especially when Jade invited Drew to crawl in her bed & scratch her back with Ed laying 3 feet away I was so glad Mikkala explained to Ben why he was nominated that HM wanted him to broaden his experience by metaphorically throwing him into the deep end of the pool. So far, I think he has taken that on board & is opening himself up to others. Hopefully he won't get creepy lol. HM are allowed to talk to themselves, God, or inanimate objects & are probably even encouraged to do so - especially ones that withdraw from interactions with others (as pointed out by Mikkayla). BB shows Ben speaking to photos they have control over what's shown to the outside - it's not like there are open feeds. Ben doesn't know if what he's saying is being broadcast, so it's not like he's intentionally contacting the outside world (as in a live show or during a diary room session).
| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 9:12 pm
Like the rest of you, I'm truly enjoying this BB. Caleb's faces were something else when he was pulling the rope with Matthew. I so hope AU boots Tully this week. I've never seen such a negative person. She's not just ruining her own experience, but that of the rest of the house as well. She's no fun to watch at all. I love beautiful and fun to watch. Hope Tim ends up back in the halfway house next week. If I was Mikkala, no way would I be consoling mean Tully, who was the reason Mikkala is in the halfway house and up for eviction with Tully's refusal to vote for Matt to come to the halfway house. I wanted to cry when Ed gave Mikkala the two votes. I agree with some of the HG's that putting Matt in the halfway house would be a good thing. Did I miss something or wasn't today the day they finalize the nominations?
| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 9:34 pm
Thursday...which it already is hasn't been shown or announced yet who the switch isbut from their "live feed" you can account for everyone being on their sides other than Mikayla and Matthew so i think it was an even swap. All the talk is about double eviction soooooooo me i would like to see Tully, and Rohan go. That or Ben though I do believe he is coming out of his shell more which is good. Tully REALLY needs to go/
| Thursday, August 15, 2013 - 8:19 am
Once again a BB cast is led to believe that some huge hollywood star is entering the house and they all fall for it with no questions whatsoever. Anyone who stopped to think logically about it would realize that no Academy award winning actor would ever enter the Big Brother house, and especially not Big Brother Australia. Come on, the biggest celebrity they have ever seen in BBAU is Pamela Anderson and that was only so she could promote her own reality show that was filming in Australia at the same time. It was funny how not one of them caught on that BB said the "guest is a major hollywood name, synonymous with acting, film directing..." blah blah blah. He never said the guest actually did or won any of those things, just that the name is synonymous with them.
| Thursday, August 15, 2013 - 9:07 am
i think they play along and edit it in a way, BB is never going to edit in the yeah i don't think so comments. They are all over Mikayla for picking Matt saying she should have picked the Barbies but the only logic in that being that they are new, I think it was Tully who said that no one likes them..uhmmm sweetie they aren't up so someone must like them.. I wonder if having the wall come down will effect how many people they have up for nominations, if it will go back to being the top three. The switching will most likely still happen. Smart thing would have been to not nominate Mikayla and keep her for the switch. If they had thought this through Matt should have gone over in the
| Thursday, August 15, 2013 - 9:34 am
Tully is just mad because she wanted someone that she thinks she could beat and thus make herself safer. She didnt want Matt there when she had the choice, not because he is her friend but because she knows he wont be going home so thats worse odds for herself.
| Thursday, August 15, 2013 - 10:19 am
Tully can't be generous about anything. I hope she doesn't have fans who like her for "drama" as the house would be so much better without her. I don't get why they don't think it's fair that the other person with high nomination points is the one who's swapped in. When there isn't a tie, that's when they will start making personal decisions about who they change with and that's when they can judge them!
| Thursday, August 15, 2013 - 11:13 am
Tully continues to annoy. I am sure if she had the package she would have saved herself. When they say Mikayla was selfish it is ridiculous. If you don't save yourself you are either stupid or so arrogant that you are sure you have the votes to stay. Also Matt was the right decision since he had enough votes to go in the halfway house. So someone in that house was nomming him. I am starting to dislike Matt. I find him a bit arrogant. And he is also boring. And not to be mean but he has beady little eyes that kind of creep me out. I hope that a double eviction is enough to get Tully out.
| Thursday, August 15, 2013 - 11:24 am
Thursday...which it already is hasn't been shown or announced yet who the switch isbut from their "live feed" you can account for everyone being on their sides other than Mikayla and Matthew so i think it was an even swap. Thanks, Kellee....just watched the show and indeed the switchup happens on Thursday. You were right in that Matt went. It surprised me that over half the house seemed to forget Matt was tied with Mikkala in the nomination votes. Made me like Ed less with his two votes for Mikkala, as I would have liked to see Matt go to the halfway house as a straightup nominee. He does seem to think he's in the controlling group of the house. Tully is sooo annoying. I thought for a minute she might be happy Matt would be on 'her' side, but no....she was furious that it put a bigger target on the rest of them in the halfway house. If she only knew she puts such a huge target on herself. When she goes (I so hope) she'll most likely blame Mikkala instead of her own bad attitude. I just love the inventive ways BB AU comes up with to switch things up. Tim is so on to Tully's personality and behavior. If he stays friends with Mikkala I just might (maybe) stop wanting him to go so much. I like that Drew/Jade also like Mikkala. I don't know what it is about her but I just want her protected. She is just so real and makes me root for her.