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| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 7:49 pm
Well I don't think Peter threw jack, he just sucked at everything. And Emmett thinks by repeatedly saying why he took Gary that will all be too stupid to think well he took him cause he thought a)Gary would take him to final and b) he could beat him in final. But we the great unwashed public would never think that. Well BBUS should take a page from their book then because I think it becomes a big snooze after the first half of the peeps are gone.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 8:12 am
Now that BBCan is over for a few days I have a few thoughts on how everything went down. 1. I think Topaz did Gary a favour with her "mistake". A gary win would have always been tainted by the fact that he went to jury and came back, hgs should be sequestered if there is a chance to come back. He now looks like a gracious victim of someones error. 2. Peter and Alec should never be asked back to play again, they blatantly tried to maninupulate what little intergrity the show has, bragged about it, and think they should be admired for it. Jillians win is so much sweeter because it ruined their plan. 3. I think Jillian deserved to win. She won 4 hoh and yet no one thought to put her on the block, she was smart enough to know her enemies and get rid of them. Emmett gets all the credit for thinking but it was Jillian who nurtured the relationship with Andrew and Talla, and it was Jillian who got rid of Peter and Alec. Jillian was playing her game not Emmetts. 4. I really despised Alec's question to Gary, I think it is horrible to use something such as bullying to manipulate the outcome of a game, bullying is too serious to be used this way, and coming from Alec , sorry but I saw him and Peter as bullies when they tried to force Jill to keep them. 5. Emmett screwed up his own game, I wish he would own it. There was a pt. that I thought he should win but he messed up. Perhaps ED is right, the letter from home should never been allowed. 6. Unlike many I like Arissa as a host, she seems very real and interested in the game. 7. I love the fact that the rules were pretty strict, and that punishments were given. All in all pretty fair although I do think they dropped the ball on Gary's veto, he did sleep, those pts should have been taken. He got to drink 3 times at least with food. Sorry did seem to me that he got special treatment. 8. Will I watch again, for sure, hope they do another one, get the wrinkles out and I hope I don't know anyone in the game.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 11:23 am
I have read that the ratings were very good for that type of cable channel, so there will probably be another season. ...and unfortunately, they will probably continue with the ridiculously over-restrictive feed practices.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 11:48 am
I just read an interview with Arisa, and she said the producers knew before the votes were announced that there was a mistake, but they didn't tell her. They just told her a mistaken vote was possible. So its obvious that there was never any possibility of a re-vote. Production could have fixed it or done a clean re-vote with no issues and they chose not to do so. Obviously for the drama and publicity.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 12:55 pm
Really. Well that's terrible. In that case maybe they do owe Gary the loot. Good thing he's being gracious about it.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 2:31 pm
Why is it terrible? So what if they guessed that she voted incorrectly? Should they have asked them all to re-vote until they get it "right"? Talk about tampering.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 2:35 pm
Whether they knew she made a mistake or not, they still couldn't change it. She clearly held her hand over Gary and then changed to Jillian, her choice, her stupidity, her one vote. Anytime I have voted, once my vote is in the ballot box, I don't get to say oops, give me a do over.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 2:41 pm
I agree, they made the right choice. I found it very interesting that they even allowed Arisa to admit that the mistake was known prior to the vote reveal. If they had wanted it to go smoothly, they could have easily had the jury all double check their votes and not aired that part, and nobody would have known any different. Topaz made her vote choice blaringly obvious at every opportunity. But they chose to go with the drama and controversy, using the "rules are rules" excuse.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 2:58 pm
They could have done that but I think Emmett, Jillian and Andrew would have raised a big stink if that happened. I agree they handled it to get the most drama and controvery, using the "rules are rules", much like they used bringing Gary back after he was in jury to get the same effect, this time using "expect the unexpected", it is all about a tv show.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 3:08 pm
Sorry but we are not voting for President here. We are voting for a reality show contestant winner. Production could have had a commercial break and polled each juror privately and fixed the error. It is more important to the production team to be talked about than to be fair. I think Jillian's win will always have the * next to it but she's laughing all the way to the bank. Some of the twists were so bizarre to me that I just can't take this version of BB seriously. The show became a parody. I have a new admiration for Gary who has shown remarkable poise and restraint. He is a winner all the way and I wish him tons of good luck in his future.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 3:26 pm
If they wanted to, they could have done the re-vote in a way that nobody else would have known the mistake even happened.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 3:40 pm
In a jury trial once the verdict is rendered either attorney can "poll the jury". Each juror must state if they voted in accordance with the verdict. If a juror says "no, I did not vote that way" a mistrial is declared and the case is retried. The reason for this safeguard is because someone's life or property is at stake and the court wants to "get it right". Believe me, if you were on trial you would want this safeguard. The court regards the correct verdict as paramount to anything else. Here, $150k in prizes was on the line. Of course production has no obligation to act like a real jury but it was certainly within their Power to correct the error. None of this is on Gary's or Jillian's shoulders but I now have super low regard for the production team of this show.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 4:28 pm
If I am being honest I love the way Jillian won, loved the smug looks being rubbed of the bitter jury faces, loved that in the end Topaz screwed over Alec wishes. To me, Jillian doesn't have an asterek by her name, she has a shiny star. Do I feel sorry for Gary, no, not even a little bit, he should never have been brought back after 2 wks with the jury. I am now done with BB Canada, on to BB US.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 4:36 pm
I am glad it went that way as well. Alec, Peter, Topaz and AJ thought they controlled the jury, and Topaz ended up screwing it up for them. After what Ive been reading about their plans to give it to "anyone but Jillian", perhaps future seasons need to change how they deal with the jury. They should probably have them all sequestered separately until the final jury discussion at the last show. There have been too many bad jury decisions due to bitter juries. A separated jury would have made the return of Gary a bit less ridiculously unfair.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 4:49 pm
If Gary had won I would have put a * next to his name too. For me, many of the "twists" were so ill conceived as to render the season and any outcome a joke. Hope they get it together if there is a next time. Jillian was a great competitor but not a great gamer. She told many unnecessary lies and made so many unnecessary promises that the Jury would have voted for Marsha the Moose to win before voting for her. Lots of people play to get to the end but not to win. Gary re entered the game at F5 after living with the other Jury members. Personally, I could not take delight in either of these people winning for different reasons and a win by "error" is just the icing on a messy cake.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 8:43 pm
Ok, I know I said I was done but have to post this. I saw some tweets that said Jillians fan page was taken down because of deaththreats, checked my facebook, it is gone, I asked around and apparently this is true. This is just sick. I am a big fan of this show, I get very emotionally involved with my favorites, but to take it to this level is insane.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 8:56 pm
Ive been a fan of Big Brother since season 1, but it astounds me that anyone could possibly care that much about this stupid show to consider making any kind of threats. What did Jillian do that was so bad anyway? Too many psychotic people out there.
| Saturday, May 04, 2013 - 10:43 pm
ITA with HWest's 3:08 and 3:40 posts.
| Sunday, May 05, 2013 - 5:28 am
ED is one to talk about getting coded letters. LOL.
| Sunday, May 05, 2013 - 7:04 am
Cute pic of the East Coast Alliance arriving home to Nova Scotia

| Sunday, May 05, 2013 - 7:16 am

| Sunday, May 05, 2013 - 7:26 am
LOL Grendelsmom. Remember that Dick's coded letter wasn't cheating because the coded information was no longer useful to him when he got the letter. In Dick's world it doesn't matter if you conspire to cheat if the cheat isn't effective. I am sad that anyone would threaten any of the HG's. Production wound up with a finale that invites controversy for people who are fans of either of the F2. But there is never an excuse to express your displeasure with a game show outcome by threatening the participants. This is very alarming, disturbing and inexcusable.
| Sunday, May 05, 2013 - 8:03 am
I'm also a huge BB fan since S1, I get mad, I get sad, I get annoyed, but I never, ever think of harassment or violence (!) toward any HG. I was never a fan of Shelly, but really was upset to see that some fans were targeting her and her family a few years ago. It IS inexcusable, absolutely. Not to mention scary. I remember Dr. Will saying that winning BB is mostly luck. You can win comps, not win comps, get into fights, be a floater, whatever...none of these things guarantee a win, because of the producer 'interference', 'twists' and unpredictable jury votes. BB always says: 'expect the unexpected' - so I have to give props to BBCA for truly living up to that tagline! Heh.

| Sunday, May 05, 2013 - 8:36 am
Is it time to start the countdown for BB15? 52 days!! (I think) I really enjoyed Big Brother Canada, but can not wait for BB15!
| Sunday, May 05, 2013 - 9:23 am
52 days is what I will need to clean this house after all the neglect it has suffered. Worth every second of it too.