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| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 9:40 am
Here is a clip of Topaz on the Today show for anyone who missed it:
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 10:59 am
Interesting video Miz. I did miss it! Funny how one of the hosts felt she was faking her surprise at voting for Jillian--I felt that her reaction was off also. The six early evictees looked uncomfortable to me. They have been out in the real world and know what's been said about them all. Tom looked as if he wanted to be anywhere but in that studio last night! Peter is the skeeziest guy ever! Those remarks he made to Jillian(did he ever win one HOH?) and about her after the show were just mean and pointless.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 11:03 am
Although I am tired of Evel Dick, he hits the mark on this take on the show.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 11:33 am
Loved, loved, loved Evil Dick blog - he was so spot on about things. Also watched the morning show clip above - I am with that reporter - don't really believe Topaz.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 11:40 am
Great vid Miz, but it's THE MORNING SHOW not the Today Show.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 11:46 am
I think AJ was saying that Jillian made a $100,000 mistake, maybe referring to her speach? He said it as he was voting for Gary and they all knew Gary was to have 4 votes. Which brings up a point made here before... 3 of Gary's 4 planned votes came from the 3 he spend weeks with in the Jury house, then the 4th was from Peter who was alone with them for a week as well as being closest to one of them. Now explain how THAT is fair to put someone in at final 5 with that kind of influence over the Jury.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 11:50 am
I thought the reporter on the Morning Show was out of her mind about the Topaz fiasco. There are still a lot of angry people not happy with Jillian's "win" and I think it is the reporter's attempt to validate BBCA not giving Gary the victory. No way did Topaz want to vote for Jillian. Gary seems to be handling everything with a lot of class which is more than I can say for Emmett who feels "robbed".
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 11:52 am
While I agree with Emmett that Gary should not have had a second chance, Emmett still comes off sounding like an idiot when he goes on about it. If he was so much against Gary being there, Emmett had a perfect chance to rectify it by voting him out with his SOLE vote at final 4. But he kept Gary because he thought it helped his game. Now that he knows keeping Gary ruined his game, he starts spouting a different story. Gary should have mentioned that instead of the absolute BS about "earning" his place back in the game.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 11:56 am
How can BBCan give Gary the victory? He didn't get the votes. What if the next day Topaz were to change her mind (not likely but anything is possible)? Would they then give it back to Jillian? The voting is the decision process. Over and done.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 12:02 pm
You are right. She screwed up her vote and has to live with it. There is no way they could do a re-vote after half the votes have been revealed, that would be far worse than one person having a mistaken vote. I can't see any way that it makes sense to give Gary the win when the rules were made quite clear. I imagine the host just had a hard time believing that anyone could make such a stupid mistake. She had weeks of leisure in a resort with no responsibilities other than making one vote at a live show and she couldn't even get that right.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 1:14 pm
I read somewhere that a person who was in the audience when this happened--hours before it was televised--and the audience was getting upset chanting for Topaz to get a do over! Really this should have been done live not taped.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 1:17 pm
Here is a link to being in the audience when Topaz said she didnt mean to vote for Jillian!
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 1:21 pm
Flagg, you hit the nail on the head about Emmett. He had his chance to evict Gary and didn't. Now 'sour grapes' that he was 'robbed'? He robbed HIMSELF by making a bad decision and now has to live with it. Boo Hoo! Jillian: Run, don't walk, away from Emmett.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 1:27 pm
Cable, thanks for posting that link. Amazing! The producers must have needed a case of valium after this mess! OMG!
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 1:36 pm
I still don't understand why Emmett/Jill didn't keep Talla over Gary. That would have also have told BB is was BS to bring back a player that had been in the jury house with all the other players. How did Gary come to be the one to decide who went to the F2 with him? Did he win the last two comps or something? Talla wouldn't have. SO glad Jillian won. She deserved it completely!
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 1:44 pm
Cricket, Evel Dick pointed out in his blog that when Emmett won HOH, the letter from home said that his mom "LOVED Gary". I think he took it as a clue from his mom that Gary was the one who was loyal to Emmett, and he went with that. As Dick said, a letter like that should never have been allowed into the house. I'm sure the producers read the letters from home to make sure that there's no info in there that the HG shouldn't have. They screwed up, I think, by not redacting certain information. I do hope that BBUS uses some of the tasks and rewards that BBCA used, though. It was one thing that BBCA did right!
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 3:20 pm
Flagg ITA with your post. Gary's votes all came from the people he spent time in the jury house with except for Peter, who would be highly influenced by Alec. Emmett I do not feel sorry for. As someone mentioned he had his chance to vote Gary out and didn't so too bad. Also remember when Gary first came back into the house in Emmettt's DR he claimed that he was happy that Gary was back in. He was playing a pretty good game up until the final 5 then he started making bad decisions and ended up where he is. Peter - what is up with this guy. I liked him when he was first in the house and he could be funny when he wanted to be but his attitude just seemed to get worse and worse. And what was up with calling Jillian and idiot. Hello she made final 2 - you didn't bud, hate to think what that makes you. As for the vote there was no way they could do a revote - not after some of the votes were already read out. Topaz was sleeping for 99% of her time in the house so maybe she was sleeping when she voted as well. She certainly seemed to be when they were reading the votes as she was quite slow on the draw to realize the so called mistake on her vote.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 3:37 pm
So have any of the houseguests been commenting on this situation?
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 4:30 pm
Kid Craig, from, interviewed the houseguests last night, clips found at the above link. Below are his interviews with Jillian and Gary.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 5:16 pm
Peter and Alex - what a couple of maroons. Watched their interview from above and their plan was to not only vote for anyone but Jillian but also if she was on the jury to vote against whoever she would want to win. So if Emmett had been in the final 2 with either Talla or Gary they would have voted for them because Jillian would have wanted Emmett to win. This wierd stragety from the so called experts of the game 
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 5:40 pm
Gawk I listened to Emmett's interview. I wonder if he really believes what he is saying.. The only reason he took Gary was he was sure Jill would take endurance and he would crush physical???? Really then it would have made more sense to take Talla. And people know he should have won, and the only way he would have lost final two would have been from a bitter jury. Lol even his constant I had a target on my back from day one is crap. Wasn't he only ever nominated that one time? Gry was nominated 5 times! He is still harping on if you need two lives to win you haven't truly won. Too much
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 5:44 pm
Then he can't help himself and must put in the boot as to what camera hogs Talla and Gary are and for him it was only about the game not the money.. Shouldn't matter then that he lost
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 5:51 pm
Ita agree with March.. A big pair of maroons, embezzles! They really seem to think they are clever though..Alec still skeeves me out. The pair of them keep insisting how they threw everything. Yeah okay. Jillian's despicable bested your got no game. Get over it she made the final you didn't .. She won you didn't.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 6:46 pm
Cricket, Evel Dick pointed out in his blog that when Emmett won HOH, the letter from home said that his mom "LOVED Gary". I think he took it as a clue from his mom that Gary was the one who was loyal to Emmett, and he went with that. Thanks, Rosem. Shouldn't Emmett have read that letter as to the fact that Gary was popular and he couldn't win against him? That's how I would have taken it. She might have been trying to give him a clue. Jasper, I agree that it would have made more sense to take Talla...I just don't get it. She couldn't win comps and annoyed the jury peeps. I just don't get his thinking.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 6:47 pm
They think they are clever by throwing everything, but the good players throw it without making it obvious they are throwing everything. Their idol Dr Will would have never thrown a comp so poorly that everyone knew it was throwm, like Alec did to Andrew. Rosem, ALL of the new tasks and rewards they added in BBCAN were taken wholesale straight out of BBUK. BBUS has had 12 years to borrow from BBUK, and they have used a couple things but nothing like BBCAN did.