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| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 9:29 pm
Bitter party of one or more. Emmett was so full of himself saying Gary robbed him of what was his. Hope Jill drops him like a hot potato. Shocking end to the season. I think Topaz made a huge error, I don't beleive she would have ever voted for Jill regardless of who was sitting there. It is going to be a bittersweet victory for Jillian. I really enjoyed the season and watched right to the end. Oh and Peter is one weird duck.
| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 9:33 pm
There was HoH 3 where Tom won due to collusion not quite a rule break but still questionable There was the Bees Knees HoH where Emmett was crowned HoH, given his room for a night then we lost feeds for an entire weekend while the redid the HoH and 3 others were DQ'ed and made have nots. There was the toothbrush veto where Emmett was disqualified for breaking the rules by helping Jillian. He then threw a tantrum. There was at least one more where Emmett was disqualified thatI can't recall. The iceberg maybe?
| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 9:33 pm
VOTE here on who you think should have won: So far it's Gary 60.92 to Jillian 39.08
| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 9:38 pm
Not much of a poll. No limit on voting
| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 9:38 pm
I tried voting twice and it wouldn't let me.
| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 9:38 pm
yes the iceberg. The majority of it was Emmett, perhaps he is one of those guys who thinks rules are for other people.
| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 9:41 pm
Yea but the iceberg was more of a lapse in concentration than a real rule break. He lost because he scratched and removed his hand. Of course Topaz won it with probably the most costly Big Brother mistake in history.
| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 9:43 pm
It seemed to let me vote multiple times but I guess theres no way to be sure. SOrry ignore that post ;)
| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 9:44 pm
you're right. Did you see the look on his face though. lol like a little kid, if he could have gotten away with it I think he would have. Yup Topaz is going right up there with the grave digger on Survivor leaving with not one but two immunity idols.
| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 9:48 pm
Best comment on the BBCA FB page: 'Even Talla got her vote right.'

| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 9:53 pm
But are they sure? Talla could possibly still be confused and think Gary won thanks to her vote to evict Jill.
| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 10:43 pm
Can anyone explain/figure out what AJ meant when he said someone was making a $100,000 mistake....was this prophetic or what? It made me think that there was talk about their votes ahead of the broadcast and maybe Topaz was thinking about flipping????
| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 11:10 pm
I was about to post the same question Wavewatcher - does anyone here understand what AJ meant by that comment? I was actually surprised AJ voted for Gary.
| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 11:25 pm
Just finished watching the show. Great finale. Wow, my funny scenario with Gary winning and booting Emmett panned out. I thought that first part was a bit unfair to Jillian. Men are known to have upper body strength. Gary did amazing considering he has been on slop. You have to wonder if they gave him food, once the live feeds went off. I thought Emmett left the house very graciously and did not seem bitter when talking with Arisa. I cannot believe what happened with Topaz's vote. How could she do that. Thought crossed my mind too that maybe she wanted Jillian to win and didn't think they would read the names. Feel bad for Gary if he lost due to Topaz. Certainly not fair but Jillian really did earn her win. I don't blame Emmett for saying that to Gary. He was telling Emmett that the jury house hated Jill and then he picked her for final 2, so he immediatly knew he was him. It's a game and Emmett was lying to him too. He was the only one who had a good question. The other questions the jurors asked were ridiculous and irrelevant. I wouldn't be surprised if they brought Gary back to make up for this, although it was not production's fault in the least. Oh, and Emmett is still saying to himself..why didn't I keep Talla...why didn't I keep Talla.
| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 11:31 pm
I like Gary, had there not been the mistake, I would have been okay with his winning, but I'm very glad it was Jillian, I think she deserved to win. I did like the episode, although I felt bad for Emmett, he did work hard too, and even Topaz saying she made a mistake didn't bother me--who knows, maybe she changed her mind and didn't want to hurt Gary's feelings. But, she didn't listen and I didn't mind the mistake, bc Jillian did work to get to the final two, had it been someone riding coattails, then I would have felt differently. Plus, Jillian didn't get to leave, experience the jury house and return, which was part of the game, but she did stay in throughout. So, all in all, I'm glad for the outcome. And I also liked the recaps, those were very funny. I am looking forward to the interviews tomorrow.
| Thursday, May 02, 2013 - 11:42 pm
Meant to mention the gag reel too. They did a great job compiling that. It was hysterical. So far, Jillian doesn't feel guilty about her win. I'm sure she is thinking, why should I. I worked hard. Topaz better go crawl under a big rock. We will have some interesting fall out for awhile probably. I felt bad for Emmett too. He really did play flawlessly in so many ways, well, with the exception of the disqualifications. I wonder if Jillian will finally move out of her parents' home.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 12:27 am
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 6:32 am
I minded Emmet saying he was robbed only because he assumed Jill then had no chance of winning. You never know how the chips would have fallen, what questions could have been asked etc. arrogant of him imo. Yes Emmett did a good job of keeping everyone in his pocket but I hate when players trivialize everyone else's game play and call people undeserving. Gary being brought back was part of the game. I don't know how long he was in the jury house or how much of an advantage it gave him. Yes being able to feel out the jury gave him some insight but anyone would have known emmet was not the guy to take to final two regardless.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 7:02 am
Just watched them on the morning show. It was fun. And rest assured we needn't worry about Gary. He says, and I believe him, that he came into the house for fame and career aspirations and to prove things to himself and society, that he is extremely happy with the outcome. Frankly I would not have believed it, if I hadn't seen the show this morning. And he and Topaz are okay with each other, and she said she basically felt awful, and no, it wasn't phoney, and that Gary has reassured her he's okay with the outcome. Emmett is such a piece of work, he's so full of sour grapes, and has yet to congratulate Jillian and say he's proud of her. Which does not surprise me, he used her as much as Alec used Topaz. I couldn't stand Emmett for this from the getgo. Also, they will have a reunion show next Wednesday.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 7:03 am
Watched the morning show on Global. Emmett still bitter. Gary still amazing. Jillian came across as kind of dumb while Talla actually came across as intelligent as she said that they all deserved to be there and Emmett should watch his words. Also Topaz admitted her mistake ... feels bad but knows that for Gary it was not about the money but more about exposure for any boy, girl or girly boy who may be feeling marginalized. Good show ... helped to bring closure. Good and bad season. A lot of things that BBUS could learn for sure. It will be better next time around!
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 7:17 am
I am not a fan of his, and usually don't agree with Evel Dick, but I totally agree with his take on BBCA: (Caution: Language)
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 7:40 am
I TOTALLY agree with Evel Dick's comments.
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 8:32 am
No matter what you do in the game you don't "deserve" to win unless you got the Jury votes. Jillian got the votes by mistake. This "win" will be talked about for years. Jillian's statement that failure to follow the rules set Emmett's and her game back and they had to accept it. This is a ridiculous comparison. Emmett cheated. I also think he cheated in the POV with the numbers when he yelled out loud that the equation was a subtraction and not an addition because if he wasn't ahead that would make sure Jillian would win. I was shocked Emmett was not called out for blurting out this piece of information that seemed to go over everyone else's head. No one talks about this but it is another example of cheating. Making a mistake, on the other hand, is not cheating. Also the mistake did not hurt Topaz in any way. It victimized someone else - Gary. Gary is the person who actually got the votes. Jillian was willing to lay on the altar of sacrifice for Emmett. She is so lucky it is Gary that won and saved her. Very ironic. Whatever, on to BBUS 15. Very unsettling "win".
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 8:37 am
I slowed down the fast forward when Topaz raised her hand... what the heck was that all about?? I wonder how Julie would have handled that, at one point I suspected it was staged for drama, if it's true, good for them, they got my attention! Although I didn't get involved in this BB (somehow I couldn't get excited as with BB USA) I followed each week the evictions and surprised to see Gary voted back in the game, he got a second chance but to win the game would have been too much of a good thing. So Jill winning it's okay. I'm all for girls winning this game!
| Friday, May 03, 2013 - 9:14 am
Here's my take on this whole fiasco: I like Gary and was rooting for him, but the producers forced me to stop rooting for him when they let him back in the house at FINAL FIVE, and even worse, he got to hang out with the people who could be voting for him! (and ultimately DID vote for him - except for Topaz who apparently zoned out through the finale). I think that having a contestant hang out with the jury and then go back into the house destroys the um, integrity (!) of the game. It puts everyone who had to stay in the house the whole time at a huge disadvantage. I remember when Dan WON the chance to spend time with ONE jury member - that was highly unusual, and he had to WIN that opportunity. It was a big deal! On the other hand, with Jillian 'winning' without really getting all the jury votes makes it seem like she didn't win at all! I know the producers can't do anything about a voting mistake and I'm glad they didn't do a 're-vote' (that would have taken us further down the rabbit hole) but Jillian's win will always be a hollow victory. So, the only thing I'm really happy about is the Emmett was out at F3 - HA! Shouldda taken Talla, Milkman!