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| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 6:09 pm
Hi All! Anyone watching? I'm just starting now...a little late but better than never!
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 6:17 pm
I'm watching. Funny how only Andrew was smart enough to figure out how Peter could have got him out if he had used POV on Topaz.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 6:24 pm
Started by recapping last week with Alec leaving ect One funny thing was the recap of Emmett's nomination: Talla I nominate you because you are annoying. Then Talla in the DR responding to said nomination: Bad move Milkman, bad move. (ROFLMAO...."milkman" ha ha ha) Ok....watching the HOH challenge where they are each in a chicken cage with chicken heads. In between shots of the challenge they are showing clips of each hg in the dr and they are saying who each of them is trying to get out. Jilian goes bonkers when she wins....she looks pretty funny with the chicken TAlla mad at Emmett for being on the block. Now Emmett having to talk to Talla about why. He's trying to make sure he doesn't burn too many bridges. Emmett telling Talla, " you were only up on the block for like 10 seconds." Talla in DR she gets the message loud and clear. He could have put up Topaz or Peter. She thought they were in an alliance. (Can't stand it when women wear a black bra under a lighter colour shirt as Talla had on in her DR session.) Andrew talking to JIllian about Emmett's nominations. Jillian in DR saying she thinks his nomination has put a crack in Andrew's alliance with them. Now Jillian said in the DR: Peter, you're supposed to be the smart one (with her big cheesy grin acting all bubbly and overly cheerful as her usual DR self) why didn't you use your POV on Topaz?!! (That's what I was wondering too!!) Andrew saying if Peter did use it, Andrew could have been put on the block next to Talla! Andrew pissed.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 6:25 pm
Hi Flagg! Ya it was Andrew figured it out then Jillian talked about how stupid Peter was in the DR. LOL
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 6:35 pm
And back from Commercial with the super bubbly and happy JILLIAN!! Talking about her alliance situation and who she will put up as a pawn. TAlla telling Jillian that it's "YOUR" choice (guess she thinks Emmett will make the choice) who she puts up. Jillian in DR saying Talla hasn't won anything out of those in her alliance so she should just sit pretty on the block as a pawn. Jillian's HOH room. Andrew in DR says: It's another week of Jillian and Emmett up in the HOH room, yay yay yay. (dripping with sarcasm.) Next shot Andrew rah rahhing with his hands up when she announces it's HOH room tie. Him pretending to be excited. Talla is so not excited for her to have another HOH too. Talla in DR saying she'll have to be a tiny bit fake. Jillian gets a Nova Scotia pillow case. Peter saying in DR he's sick of going to all of the HOH's room openings. Peter pretends to shoot his head when Jillian is reading her letter. Jillian knows everyone is tired of her HOH room. Peter in DR: Emmett and I have been aligned since Quatro. I need him to believe Andrew is the biggest threat in the house. Emmett not saying much, just listening. Doesn't confirm he is onboard with what Peter says. Jillian and Emmett chatting. Emmett thinks Peter is the bigger threat than Andrew. Jillian says she feels Andrew is the bigger threat during comps.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 6:48 pm
It is turning out a bit boring with Jemmett winning every HoH. The rest of them waited too long to try to split them up. Now its getting to be too late.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 6:56 pm
I am surprised that nobdy put them up--ever at the same time. And now they are hoping that one of them will make HOh every week, with their track record its quite likely. Talla was so childish about losing! She seemed to have gotten herself together after awhile. She had better be prepared to be put up again. I liked that speech Andrew gave her about whats what in the game.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 6:57 pm
Quack Quack Day 51.....Have Not Comp "Rub a dub-dub 2 hg's in a tub" 2 Bath Tubs with bunch of boxes lots of bubbles floating around Andrew and Talla Peter and Emmet Each get bar of soap with key must soap the HG till they can get the key and then open the right box to be a have's. Peter wipes out before even getting to the tub. Andrew using Talla's leg. Emmett using Peter's long shorts to get more friction. (good idea! makes sense! Not that I want them to win. lol) Andrew and Talla laughing at how it looks with Emmett rubbing on Peter. Emmet gets the key. Andrew inspects their key wondering how they did it so fast. Talla pissed off. Andrew in dR saying Talla shouldn't act this way. Andrew reads the 'have not' task: Dear have nots, you must watch a 10 minute compliation of Emmett and Jillian kissing when you wake up. Oh thanks, yes! You must be the house staff for the next 72 hours; you will do the laundry, cleaning (Talla in background, oh no.) cooking and drinks and whatever the Haves want you to do. Emmett and Peter looking very happy. Cam switches to Talla in DR saying: You're joking right? You think I'm going to do any of this? Back to Andrew reading the have not card: The haves are not allowed to do any of these chores for this time. And to get this done, you must wake up an hour earlier than the haves to do your chores. Topaz says: Not happening. Then back to Talla in DR saying: I'm NOT waking up an hour early, I"m sorry, I'm not. Back to Talla in kitchen after Andrew read card saying," There's no way I'm doing that. I'm not seriously doing that. (Andrew looking at her increduoulsy) Then Emmet in DR copying what she said. Talla in DR saying: I didn't know I was going to have to be someone's servant. I didn't know it was going to be like this. Peter reads the "haves": Dear Haves, As a special reward once a day you'll work as a group to write one luxury to bring to the house. Only the haves can enjoy this luxury. TAlla miserable and saying this isn't going to fun. Peter saying in DR she can be intolerable at times but Talla as a have not it's dangerous. (LOL) Scary things can come in small packages. (Talla is going off on the HG's about her misery and how she's going to stew by herself in it. Peter saying he is genuinely scared to ask Talla for water. (LOL) What the heck is going on? Talla then leaves saying on the way out, "I'm going to leave now so you guys can talk about me and have fun. Don't worry about me." When she leaves Peter and Emmett start laughing.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 6:59 pm is boring with them winning all the time. Hi Cablejockey! Yes, Talla was acting like spoilt brat.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 7:18 pm
First morning for the early rise for Talla and Andrew. Talla got up no hissy fit. Now her and Andrew on the couch having to watch 10 minutes of J&E making out. Talla says she is a way better kisser adn Andrew making smacking the lips sounds. lol Talla in DR saying: Watching J&E kiss all I'm thinking is 'uhh' then we get to see a little portion of the making out with Emmett telling Jillian, " I think you're sexy." ( sounded so cheezy like a porn star.) Andrew says,"Oh such a smooth talker. How embarrassing for your family." Talla has her hand over her mouth ; shock? horror? laughign? lol She giggles when Andrew says about the family. They are showing clips of them in various positions and Talla says: OMG....Jill!!! lol Then a shot of Emmett groping Jillian's breasts and Andrew saying,"You guys should be embarrassed! It's like soft porn!" Andrew saying in DR: Emmett you better be careful because if I was Jillian's father I'd be waiting for you at the airport with a baseball bat when this is all over so good luck my friend." (LOL) Andrew starts cleaning and Talla is laying on couch with blanket, doesn't want to help, she's too tired. Andrew and Talla bickering. Peter and Emmett dressed in smoking jackets and ties and are having a special candle light dinner in the backyard. Now they are in Dr talking about their suits. Peter's tie looks ridiculous huge and has polka dots. Emmett has lobster, steak, veggies and a 2 litre of chocolate milk. Peter has a small cheese pizza, chicken strips and fries with large coke. Talla wants them to drink the wine. Guys are wondering if they can tell the have nots to throw the veto.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 7:36 pm
back from commercial and Talla doesn't want to be put on the block next to Peter. Andrew in DR angry: Talla is scared. (in a mocking voice) Talla doesn't know her 'role' in this alliance, she hasn't won anything and floated her way here the 'pawn' is usually the floater, weakest link and Talla you are the weakest link. (Sorry but who made you god Andrew? I'm no Talla fan but that isn't how it always goes, I know as I have watching every single season of BB USA since the beginning. Of course she would be scared to be put up. Of course she's goign to try NOT to be put up. What did you think, she would just say ok?!! Come on Andrew, you would do the same thing.) Andrew to Talla: You have to understand this, my dear, ok. And I don't wantcha taking offense to this but I was up on the block because I was a threat and luckily I was saved but I have won 3 times and that is typically not a pawn cause that's when certain people will turn their back on them to get them out. Talla to Andrew: So I'm assuming you see me Andrew: I will go on the block Talla: I hear Andrew: If Peter used the veto, then one of us is going the F home. So you gotta know that because there are only 5 people in this game. Talla: I know Andrew in Dr: She has to know that there's more than just looking pretty and she has a role. Andre to Talla: So you need to come down off your high horse and stop worrying so much. We're in a strong alliance of 4, it doesn't matter if it's you or me (Then how about it being YOU Andrew?! Nice manipulation.) Talla: I don't want Peter to win POV. What if he wins POV? Andrew: Then guess what? one of us is going home. Andrew in DR: I think she gets what I"m saying and I think I scared her a little bit but now she knows where I stand and she knows what we're doing. Andrew says one of us will be put up, unless you want to put up Emmett to which JIllian says, "Awe little Emmett." The Andrew says," He's not 'little' for christ sake." Now a shot of the main bedroom and we hear Peter talking about how he runs scenarios at night. He's come up with one he should let Emmett know about. Peter calls Emmett over to his bed and says: If Talla and i are up and Andrew wins, he pulls Talla off then you and I are up. It has to be Andrew and Talla. Seems like Emmett bought it, he's going to go talk to Jillian. Jillian says, how did we not think of this?
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 7:45 pm
Nomination Ceremony. TAlla-Tu tu you are safe. Milkman, you are safe. Andrew says, shocking. I nominated you Peter and you Andrew for eviction. Peter, choose you because last week i put your best friend and ally on the block and he's gone home and I feel like there is a rift between us that will be extremely hard to repair. Andrew, I chose you because I had to choose between you and Talla and I think Talla is just too too cute to put on the block. Andrew looks stunned and Talla looks proud and relieved but she is trying to keep a seriou s face. Andrew in DR: Lala is too cute to be on teh block, I must be chop liver. I don't feel great I'm just going to bust my tail to win that veto but ahh I don't want Peter to win it. I want Peter to go home. Peter in Dr: If they want to use me as a pawn I can be fine with that however Jillian has a history in the house of being a liar. i'm in kind of a tight spot this week. Jillian in DR: Emmett and I are in exactly the same page right now but he has to trust me, I trust him, I know what I'm doing, I'm not a stupid girl. The End.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 8:28 pm
Thanks Miz! Talla seems to be losing it. And Peter made a disastrous mistake not vetoing Topaz.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 8:33 pm
Your welcome Jimmer. I agree with both your points.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 8:35 pm
Hey...when did they start calling Emmett "Milkman"? Tonight was the first I heard of it when Talla called him that in her DR. Then later I heard JIllian call him that too. It's funny.
| Monday, April 15, 2013 - 4:11 am
Thx MIZ!!!! Missed tonight's ep.
| Monday, April 15, 2013 - 6:33 am
Your welcome Mame! 
| Monday, April 15, 2013 - 12:32 pm
Another lopsided competition. That soap HN comp was totally biased towards Emmett and Peter. As they said,they got more friction to wear down the soap by rubbing it on the cloth instead of skin. Peter's costume had a lot more cloth than Talla's, and Talla's costume was not exactly useable in the same way as Peter's. They may have done better with Andrew in the tub, but then Talla would have had to actually work and do something.