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| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 6:02 pm
Just getting started....anyone watching with me?
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 6:14 pm
Where we left off last Thursay night with the HOH comp them all on the giant ice berg. Emmett decided to sit to conserve energy. Freezing cold water hosed on them while the berg tilts them all so they are hanging onto the bar over the water. They have been on there for an hour and 14 minutes. Alec swinging, looks like he's going to go. Peter struggling too. Alec first off. Peter feels pressured now.Peter swinging and fell in. Left the 'east coast alliance' and Topaz; as said by Peter. Emmett disqualified for arm off the bar. Now it's just the girls; JIllian, Topaz and Talla. Talla whining and screaming. Talla came down at 2 hours and 12 minutes. Jillian's foot slipped. Now 2 hours 38 minutes. Topaz doesn't look like she's struggling at all. (JIllian's mascara is running.) Alec in the DR says Topaz was doing really well I guess all napping and drinking Mountain Dew regimin has paid off for her. (LOL)
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 6:19 pm
3 Hours elapsed. Now 3hours and 13 minutes. Jillian makes a deal with Topaz; the 4 showmances to the end. No matter what happens you or I slip we are both safe. Topaz says she's coming down. Topaz in DR says she could have stayed up longer but wanted to show Jillian she trusted her with what they just discussed. (Bad idea Topaz,if you had more in you STAY UP THERE!!! You're never safe unless you're HOH and even then you're not sometimes.)
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 6:22 pm
Emmet in DR: Just said as far as I'm concerned once you step down, you're the loser and the other person gets to decide what they want to do. (Just like what I just said! LOL) Jillian just told Andrew and Talla about her 'deal' with Topaz that she will have to break the deal. Jillian in DR talking about how untrustworthy Alec is at this point. Making shady deals with everyone.
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 6:28 pm
Jillian's HOH room. She has new photo's of her family and friends. Her letter is from her 15 y/o sister. Dear Jilian, Obviously if you're reading this you won HOH again. Twice eh? That's impressive. Don't expect some sad sappy letter like Emmett's I mean hey I'm a 15 y/o with a ?? Mom is so proud of you she does interviews with radio stations and tells random people at stores about you because she still can't believe it. She says she loves and misses you and to keep doing what you're doing, you're playing a great game. Also Janie and Mitch think you're doing awesome and are wondering if they need to add another name to their wedding guest list (camera goes to Emmett and he's smiling). JIllian in DR says put that plus one in pencil Janie.
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 6:32 pm
Emmet talking with Jillian and telling her to put up Alec and Peter. Jillian torn because of her promise. Topaz visits Jillian in HOH. Jillian telling her she deserves to be here another week. Jillian saying she is stressed out about Peter to see how Topaz would respond. Topaz says she is ok with Peter for having a smooth ride. Topaz now in DR saying she is trying to protect Alec so had to say that. Topaz telling Jilian Talla is a jumper to whomever is in power and goes to them each week. Jillian plays along even though she is in an alliance with Talla. Topaz feels like her plans have worked; she said in the DR.
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 6:48 pm
Alarms sounding Andrew discovering there is no coffee, no nothing, everything is empty except a bucket of slop. They're all confused as to why BB took all their food away. Alec visiting HOH to talk to JIllian. Jillian in DR says it's so awkward. Jillian letting him know there is a possibility Alec may be put up. Alec tells her that's not a good way to play HOH. (Bad idea Alec!!!) He's telling her he and Topaz will be upset, indirectly threatening her. Jillian says she needs to talk to everyone. Both leave HOH room. Red phone ringing. Everyone runs to the phone Peter beats them all. There is a task at hand. Peter: HG's you may have noticed we don't have food today. You see that phone is going to keep ringing and every time we answer it we say "yes". If we complete this task then we're all 'haves' for the week, if we don't we are ALL 'have nots' for the week. So for the next 5 hours we are only allowed to say one word "yes". They all start chanting 'yes yes yes yes......' Phone rings and Jillian answers and BB asks: Jilian would you like to like smother Alecs entire chest in peanut butter and then lick it all off? And Jillian said, "Yes!" So Jillian is doing it. Alec in DR says at first I thought BB was making our secret wishes come true. Alec is laughing/grinning like crazy. Emmet just smiling and laughing at Alec. Alec in DR says he thinks there were quite a few Canadian's jealous of Jillian. Phone rings. Andrew had to wear a maid costume. Next phone call Talla is dressed up like I don't know what and has to wax Andrew's legs. Andrew says she did a terrible job and would never go to her salon. Next Topaz answers the phone. Topaz had ot speak nothing but French. She only knows "Oui" in French. Emmet answers the phone and they ask him if he wants to answer the phone the next 5 times and he says "ok". BB is like Emmett would you like to drink a glass of cold milk? Emmett says sure. He drinks a big glass of milk. Then BB calls again and has Emmett do another big glass of milk. Phone rings AGAIN so he has to drink ANOTHER glass of milk, 3rd glass. Emmett getting milk sweats and feeling crappy when phone rings. He has to have another glass of milk. Feeling sick and looking pail. Just finished the glass and then puked it up. Meanwhile Andrew and Alec are laughing at him in the living. Topaz is trying to help him while he cradles the toilet. I think he had to do 5 large glasses of milk.
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 6:57 pm
Phone's Peter's turn. BB asks if he would like to eat an entire big salad all to yourself? Yes I would he replies. Comes out and tells them he has to eat something that is nothing that he eats. Andrew in DR saying poor Peter obviously has struggles with foods he's very particular about food he only eats fries, chicken nuggets adn pizza. Peter's never eaten cherry tomatos, pepper, no other lettuce except Romaine on a ceaser salad. Peter in DR says I know this may seem ridiculous that a grown man can't eat a salad it's not just because I'm picky, it's serious food aversion so if I'm completely unfamiliar with it it's very difficult. I got next to the sink and puked. I've had a lifelong difficulty with this but I didn't want to let the other HG's down. He did complete the task. Phone rang Alec's turn. BB asks would you like to bathe in a fish bath for 5 minutes. Its cold so he wriggles about trying to keep warm and accidently splashed in his eyes and mouth. Then when the 5 min is over he dunks himself, GROSS! He didn't have to! They are all HAVES for the week. Pizza and wings for everyone. Alec still smells bad. Peter visits Jillian. She asks Peter what she should do. Peter says he's not comfortable being the pawn.
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 6:59 pm
Peter telling Jillian don't put Topaz up initially and then when someone uses the veto put her up and say I held up my end of the deal. Jillian telling Peter about how Alec threatened her. Peter in DR is asking why he would do that?!! Jillian pretending to get Talla out. Peter says in DR he felt ok when he left her.
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 7:00 pm
Where is everyone?!! I'm lonely!
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 7:06 pm
Nomination ceremony. I have nominated you Alec and you Peter for eviction. Alec I'm sure you know as HOH everyone comes to you telling you what you want to hear but your actions do not reflect what you're saying. Peter in case you win the POV I want you to use it on yourself instead of on Alec. I wish you the best of luck. Peter says thanks and has his elastic bands next to his face on two fingers. (shout out to Liza or just his own thing?) Alec in DR saying he is having doubts now about keeping Andrew over AJ. Shouldn't have put my trust in Emmett. End of show.
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 7:06 pm
Miz great job! I missed the episode but feel all caught up. Peter is so brave LOL. He ate a salad. I knew he had the culinary sophistication of a 5 year old when he acted like some one killed him at the surf & turf dinner. He is so wierd.
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 7:09 pm
You're very welcome Hwest. Seems like Peter has OCD with this all food except the 3 mentioned.
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 7:28 pm
Thank Miz. Much appreciated!
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 7:42 pm
Your welcome Jimmer.....happy you guys are enjoying it.
| Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 9:02 pm
Missed tonight's ep, so VERY THANKFUL for the play by play, Miz! :-)
| Monday, April 08, 2013 - 6:36 am
Hi're also very welcome. Thanks for letting me know your appreciation. It can get lonely here lately.
| Monday, April 08, 2013 - 10:28 am
Miz, lately I'm busier than a one-armed-paper-hanger, but I PROMISE to pitch-in and help once I get a moment. 
| Monday, April 08, 2013 - 2:33 pm
Thanks Mame... I understand. Miss more chit chatting with you on here more than anything.