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| Sunday, March 24, 2013 - 6:16 pm
Nearly forgot it was on tonight. Pretty funny episode so far!
| Sunday, March 24, 2013 - 6:41 pm
I am on the way home and so won't be able to watch for another hour or two. What's happening?
| Sunday, March 24, 2013 - 7:27 pm
I stepped away for a bit. Just a generally pretty funny light episode. Everyone is happy and relaxed with Tom and Liza gone. They had a few drinks and then played a funny game of spin the bottle. For HOH they had to go through a maze, remember some numbers, say them at the end and then blow the horn on the vehicle that the winner will take home. Plus there was a 10k prize for winning HOH. Some of them got quite muddled up. The nomination ceremony was actually pretty funny as well. It's a good show.
| Sunday, March 24, 2013 - 8:51 pm
I thoroughly enjoyed it! Great fun. 
| Sunday, March 24, 2013 - 9:34 pm
Just watched it. Jimmer...the spin the bottle was pretty funny. Funny how Talla wasn't sure about kissing Andrew on national tv but could make out with Topaz on national tv. lol Andrew really gave Gary a long passionate kiss! I also found it funny when Alec told Suzanne he was going to nominate her because she's a threat. HA! That isn't the reason at all it's because she doesn't fit into their 'clique' or 'popular group'. I did like Alec's nomination speech to both Suzette and AJ though, it was funny. I don't blame Andrew for feeling cheated on his HOH and then on not being able to participate for the next HOH. But like Andrew said, he could have just pushed the wrong answer to prolong it.
| Sunday, March 24, 2013 - 9:43 pm
Hi Mame! 
| Sunday, March 24, 2013 - 9:46 pm

| Monday, March 25, 2013 - 9:36 pm
Andrew irritated me a bit on this epi. His anger at Alec was kinda ridiculous to me. I mean yes, he is writhing in jealousy that he didn't get any of the perks as HOH and then Alec gets 10k PLUS HOH and all it's amenities. And that's gotta suck. But seriously. Don't be pissed because Alec was smarter than you. "I do like Alec, but the fact that he...he's so smart...and he knew that..." He was kinda beating around the bush a bit but he basically admitted it. Yes, Andrew. Alec was smart and knew that it was a crappy HOH to win. Maybe you should start THINKING about things. Like really thinking and planning and then you would be really in this game too. It just irks me to see a player get mad at someone for outsmarting them when they should be pushing themselves to use some foresight as well. Be mad at yourself, dude. Not him.