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| Monday, January 21, 2013 - 7:49 pm
I think because it creates a fuss if people know. BB has to agree to the demands of their celebrities if they're going to get people who are big enough or interesting enough to make a show out of, and some celebs are going to have other things going on that need to be accomodated. We have heard about some of the special dispensations past celebs have had, and I have no doubt there have been many more. Without feeds they can hide any stories from us they want, I'm more concerned with things like them covering up some of Jay's antics a couple of seasons ago, and then trying to create a story of the loveable rogue around him. The ins and outs of running a show with celebs instead of regular folk doesn't bother me really.
| Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - 2:30 pm
There have been various tweets over the past few weeks that indicate that C5 is trying to cover up the true extent of Rylan's jaunts out of the house. The wife of the "driver" claimed that Rylan used his mobile phone. Other X-Factor tour cast members have tweeted that they had been rehearsing WITH Rylan. Plus I frankly do not buy the explanation that the "driver" was driving a golf cart to take him 50 feet.
| Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - 5:10 pm
I worry that a lot of what is coming out about Rylan is just backlash from people who don't want to see him winning CBB. This season has just been a huge mess!
| Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - 5:47 pm
i hope rylan wins for the shear fact he was the only one with razor to tell the ugly americans to go home.
| Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - 5:59 pm
Speidi must be getting a lot of votes and Rylan must be slipping going by the all-out push tonight on BOTS to promote Rylan and further demonize Speidi. "We all love Rylan, don't we?"
| Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - 6:35 pm
Amy I think the same. I went to the BB area of Digital Spy recently (never good for the soul) and there are some people who really vocally hate Rylan and coincidentally (or not) they seem to really vocally love Speidi. I'm sure there are plenty of people who have formed legitimate opinions of Rylan and Speidi during the show, but as far as I know Rylan is the only one this season who has come into the show with a big army of haters and they're going to be grasping at any straw they can to pile on more hate. According to the bookies Speidi are still third in the voting, which is just crazy to me. They've been entertaining in places but there's a line and they're well over it imo.
| Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - 6:46 pm
Another thing is without Rylan, who would Speidi have upset?? The others seem to either just take the very British route of being polite and holding their tongues in the hope it will all blow over. They grumble a bit amongst themselves but really would anything Speidi has done been as entertaining (if that's the Speidi appeal) without Rylan to react to it? I just hate the idea that they will get rewarded for being so callous. I don't mind the "villain" act but to my mind you have to have in the back of your head that these are real people you're interacting with. Speidi only care about themselves.
| Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - 8:28 pm
I dont think anything that Spenser and Heidi have done or said is all that bad. Sure they take things a bit too personally and have some strange ideas and opinions, but everyone in that house is in show business and should have thick skins by this point in their careers.
| Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - 9:39 pm
You've made me think now, and I'm not all that sure! I think it's just the whole thoughtlessness and continual justification (by any means necessary) of their completely fabricated and self-centric comments. People are nice to them, they slag them off, the people who were nice to them get upset, and then they slag them off for getting upset and call themselves the victims! If they went back to their bed and did something villainous like laugh about how they got everyone upset that would be one thing, but when they're alone they still act as if they are the victims!
| Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 10:23 am
the English must have a strange idea of entertainment. watching someone be entitled, laying on the bed or couch all day, refusing to do tasks is not entertaining to me. it is boring and takes away from the fun of the house. the only time ive seen hidie act real is when she is drunk then she acts like sex personified.
| Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 1:10 pm
It was posted on the official bb Facebook page that two people will be going home tonight.
| Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 1:49 pm
It's not all the English, Nala, it's just some of the loud ones! We'll see what happens with the order in the final, that will give us an idea as to how many. I think the trouble with this season is that except for a few (Speidi, Rylan, Razor, Ryan) no one has really done much, and it costs quite a bit to vote... I'm not sure for example why many people would spend money on Tricia for example, even though I quite like her. I'm glad two are going home tonight, Amy! I thought from the way they spoke about it that it would be only one. The bookies have: Rylan 1/3 Tricia 3/1 Speidi 14/1 Razor 22/1 Claire 40/1 Ryan 50/1 Frankie 50/1 I have no idea why Tricia is so high on their list, just don't get it at all. I think Frankie will go for sure, and probably Tricia with him, but maybe Claire. I see Ryan as one of the higher ones, but I've been wrong before, many times ;). I have to go at about 1.45pm... if anyone wants to spoil I'd be grateful. (I'm probably going to miss the first hour of Friday's finale too, bad planning!)
| Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 1:54 pm
If I am back at a computer in time I will post who goes.
| Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 2:01 pm
| Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 2:21 pm
I think Ryan's right about the letters, they caved in at his expense. I think he was more trying to explain how he felt than guilt trip them, but of course Spencer tried to make it worse. And BB were a bit cruel maybe showing him using the same phrase to each one, the poor guy had probably rehearsed what to say in his own mind so that it was phrased how he wanted it to be phrased, and then instead of talking to them all at once he had to talk to them individually. Crowd response to all of them except Rylan (big cheers), Speidi (big boos) and Ryan (mixed) were all pretty tepid. I bet the lower ranking people don't get much share of the vote at all. Voting is now closed for the 7th place person, after that announcement they're going to open again for 6th, then close and open again at the end of the show for the final five.
| Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 2:31 pm
I'm still here, there are still chants of "Get Speidi Out!" and Brian's making the announcement... The fifth celebrity to be evicted is Frankie!
| Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 2:32 pm
Bye bye Frankie!
| Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 2:33 pm
not much of a surprise really, and to think he was one of the top runners (expected to win or be second) when he entered. gotta dash
| Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 3:09 pm
The sixth person evicted from the house is Tricia.
| Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 5:53 pm
Thank you I wonder why the bookies were so wrong about her. I don't know if someone makes a big bet (say a friend of hers) whether it has that effect, I don't really know how betting works. Right now my guess for the finale is: 1. Rylan 2. Razor 3. Speidi 4. Ryan 5. Claire It'd be interesting to see if those who really detest the Speidi experience will spend money to split their votes between Razor, Ryan and Claire in any organised and dedicated way. Because that's what it will take to get Speidi out anything less than third.
| Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 8:04 pm
I want Ryan to win cause he has been so true to himself and has spoke his mind more than others, Spewi just annoy me so much I have been fast forwarding . Funny thing with them all being high and mighty about not kissing and Spencer actually starts talking about putting his wife on the pole????? good grief
| Thursday, January 24, 2013 - 8:26 pm
Ryan's one of my favourites too. I'm hoping he beats Speidi but I'm nervous about it. Catching up on yesterday's BOTS... Tricia revealed just how much we were missing with the silliness that happened outside of the Speidi/Rylan drama. Makes you wonder whether the season might have been quite fun after all without the forced tension from Speidi. You can never tell how much the big characters stifle the others. Tricia and Frankie say they bent over backwards to accommodate Speidi too, whereas there are lot of people (DS!) saying Speidi are being treated badly. We only see what BB choose to show us!
| Thursday, January 24, 2013 - 9:17 pm
What do you all think about Spenser's speech at dinner (on today's BOTS) saying he was "cast" to be the bad guy, and he would have loved to be "normal" but that wasn't what he was paid to do. Do you think BB did actually encourage them to be the bad guys, or is it just part of what they think will get them votes?
| Thursday, January 24, 2013 - 9:24 pm
Spencer is a jerk. He has always been a jerk and will always be a jerk. What he did with the fake tears is set Emma (and others who don't know his reputation) up to buy into he was "just playing the game." Spencer and Heidi would sell their souls for a few dollars but they cannot, would not be able to, get along with others. Spencer has alienated everyone he has ever come in contact with. It's just who he is. As I said, a jerk.
| Friday, January 25, 2013 - 9:36 am
i agree with you Kitt. i think it would have been a great show without spedie. i also dont believe for a min. that was true tears or speech. i love ryan also. tonight will tell.