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| Wednesday, October 10, 2012 - 11:41 pm
How awful.
| Wednesday, October 10, 2012 - 11:44 pm
More here, and about the show (hms receive counselling, eviction cancelled, proceeds from the phone votes so far go to charity):
| Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 1:27 am
What a tragedy, so young, poor Josh, my heart, thoughts, and prayers goes out to he and his family.
| Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 11:24 am
I am glad Benjamin did not win the car. I was hoping for the girls. Happy with the result. They are doing their red vs blue challenge. Stacey being Switzerland just makes her more unlikeable to me. She gets the best of both with no chance of getting a penalty nom. And of course when she got to send someone to Switzerland she would pick Benjamin for the special visit. It would have made more sense to let Josh and Michael visit or Layla and Sam. But she had to let Benjamin get the special treat. Ugh. Michael's whining is getting annoying. He needs to deal with it. He is the one that always wants to nominate someone because they don't communicate with him enough. But instead of trying to communicate with his team he is whining that he wants to be with his friends. Why not use this opportunity to get to know Sam, etc, better? Nobody but Michael is whining about it. Watching Josh so happy is sad knowing the news he will get shortly.
| Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 1:47 pm
Lake_gal stated: Benjamin is star struck by Layla. That is also weird Not so weird. He's setting her up to get nommed. Watch for that group to nom her next week. Just by them discussing a certain hg in a 'certain' way, they all seem to nom said person. It's no different than discussing noms...just a sneaky way to get around it. Re Stacey being Switzerland, I thought I read that she can be up for noms and so hope that is true. No one has won this Red/Blue challenge yet, have they? Very tired of the Michael show. He's BORING and not all that, even though he and apparently the producers seem to think so. He whines a lot. It looks like the producers are pushing a Ben or Michael win. So hope that doesn't happen. Very sad about Josh's brother. He made the right decision to be with his family. I hope the media does allow them their privacy.
| Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 2:01 pm
STacy can be nominated but as a neutral player she is at no risk of getting nomination points for talking to the other side. I agree, its not really fair but it was randomly decided. BB was just stupid to pick an odd week to do this competition. None of it matters as they are cancelling the task anyway. They could have just put Stacy on the red team and continued on with it.
| Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 4:15 pm
From the BB AU site: If you would like to send a message of support, you can do so by emailing
| Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 6:03 pm
Thanks, Flagg. I agree they could have just put Stacey on the Red team and gone ahead. I thought this was a way of stopping the noms from always being the same every week, but I'm not sure if they were randomly picked. Thanks for the info, Puzzled.
| Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 7:13 pm
They weren't doing it to make noms different they were doing it cause they are following the BBUK formula down pat the whole way through. Other than the secrets task there has not be one single task that has not been a complete mirror of something they did in the UK. Turf wars was one of the more successful tasks this year. i preferred how they divided the teams in that one best friends divided would have been much more interesting.
| Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 8:07 pm
Didn't Stacy pick a white ball or was she just the last one to pick? I don't recall. I guess if BB called the order and there was no white ball then it was not random at all. I agree they have been cloning UK tasks throughout the season, thats been my main complaint all along. This one was slightly different though as I dont think UK had the rule where the teams could not talk, and I dont think they had the neutral player. AU was also much cheaper about the colored rooms, just changing linens and couch colors and putting up signs while the UK version had the rooms totally changed to their particular colors, carpets, walls, furniture, everything.
| Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 9:40 pm
i see the good parts of both sides would have rather seen the Aussie housemate divided the best friend's way but prefer their rule that they can not talk. They did have a Billy No Mate in Shiv who got to choose her team. Stacy is supposed to be neutral but cmon is she really. I don't think she should have been able to take Ben to the Switzerland twice.
| Friday, October 12, 2012 - 1:47 am
It's not verified, but I think this is Josh. And he tweeted a pic of he and his brother Toby, below.

| Friday, October 12, 2012 - 2:56 am
This is from

| Friday, October 12, 2012 - 12:34 pm
It appears Josh will be back at the BB House on Sunday for an exit interview. Josh Returns For Exit Interview
| Friday, October 12, 2012 - 1:34 pm
Need to add that Josh won't be in the house, but will be @ Dreamland for an interview with the host. Not sure what I think about this yet.
| Saturday, October 13, 2012 - 1:23 pm
I wouldn't expect him to be back in the house, "exit interview" would be an interview at the live show studio with the host. I was a bit surprised he was back in the house at all after leaving for a day. They seem to have pretty much dropped the old "no outside contact" rules on most BB versions these days.
| Sunday, October 14, 2012 - 6:57 am
Wow what a complete waste of an episode. I dont see how Josh merits an entire episode devoted to him, with about FIVE TIMES as much interview and clip time as any other evicted housemate. It felt like the show was just milking the situation for ratings. It should have been just a regular house highlights/update episode
| Sunday, October 14, 2012 - 9:25 pm
I so agree, Flagg. That episode was so weird to watch. I thought it was too soon for him to be there. They absolutely milked it. I'm sick of Stacey/Ben and their 'meepers.' They really think they are all that.
| Sunday, October 14, 2012 - 11:28 pm
Yea the last few episodes Ben Stacy and Zoe have really been shown in a less than positive light. Too much whining and complaining about everybody else. Today especially when all 3 were so upset about the cancelled eviction. I wish they would all go up for once. Unfortunately everybody else seems a bit more honest while they always nominate together and know how to get around the rules. BB really needs to do something about it.
| Monday, October 15, 2012 - 5:59 am
I'd rather be a meeper than considered one of the "cool" group. It was pretty obvious they were all going to nom Layla when they couldn't nom the others they think are unworthy. And why does Josh get to give a super power to anyone? He was not voted out he made the decision to leave.
| Monday, October 15, 2012 - 7:05 am
I agree, Flagg and Cricket--that was one weird episode. It became rather boring, too, as they went on and on gushing over Josh.
| Monday, October 15, 2012 - 9:31 am
The episode made me uncomfortable. I thought Josh left to spend time with his family. But he is right back on TV getting all the attention, etc. It was just odd but he didn't seem to be grieving. I know everyone deals with death differently. But it was just so soon. I get the impression he did not want to leave the show but was probably pressured to by his family. And the show is acting like he would have definitely won if he stayed because he was the beloved HM on BB.
| Monday, October 15, 2012 - 11:37 am
I noticed on some of the media coverage of Josh's exit that he is apparently some kind of radio personality in his home town of Adelaide. A fact never mentioned anywhere on the BB show. That could explain why he is so quick to grab all the extra TV attention the show is willing to give him.
| Monday, October 15, 2012 - 11:59 am Okay apparently not quite an on-air person but he does work for Nova FM, the same network of radio stations that airs Fitzy from FNL and a previous BB season. The network of Fitzy, Smallzy and Hughesy. Australian radio is strange. Fitzy who was on this season's BB at one point.
| Monday, October 15, 2012 - 6:31 pm
Good job BB with the nominations this week, the 3 from last week are still up but they are nominating 3 more from the 5 remaining. This means 3 from Zoe, Stacy, Ben, Michael amd Layla will also be nominated, possibly more if there are any ties. And immediately after discovering this fact, the demonizing of Layla begins with Michael, Stacy, Zoe and Ben. But thats fine, Layla will undoubtedly go up but they cant save themselves this week by their group voting. 2 more of them MUST go up if Layla gets nommed, hopefully more. I can just hear them complaining if one of them goes home this week but Sam, Angie and Estelle stay. If anything that is more than likely as the 3 previous noms arent acting like such jerks.