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| Monday, August 06, 2012 - 8:50 am
I can't find anything to suggest Luke S didn't nominate, so I presume he did. Unless Insiders fans are rallying around Ashleigh she'll go but between Adam and Scott??? Who knows. Probably depends how Scott acts under pressure this week, sometimes he gets cruel and sometimes he gets funny. I wish Sara had been up instead (or as well).
| Monday, August 06, 2012 - 8:58 am
I think they shouldn't have told them how long the money offered counter would be available. Gave them a chance to "mississippi" & figure it was going higher. The only thing was who would hit it first but Conor was watching LukeS's hands. BB said to not touch the podium til the count started. Luke S didn't catch that part but should have been watching & mirroring Conor but he was lost in his own thoughts. Conor led him to believe LukeS was the only one in the competition for the money & that Conor just wanted the pass to the final. I think they shouldn't have said how long & paused for 3-5 seconds every 5000. I sure don't blame Conor for taking the money but I sure blame production for giving them ALL the money. It would have been more interesting if they had taken 10,000 to realize it would have gone up to 50,000 but I guess nothing could beat the LukeS melt down & that was almost worth giving it to Conor (almost) Thanks for helping me understand "fancy" - I assumed there was much more of a sexual connotation but I guess it wouldn't be used when referencing tea if so. I still think he is contemplating the groupie action though.
| Monday, August 06, 2012 - 9:10 am
I can't imagine too many people (other than F&F) that would be stirred to save Ash, Sara, LukeS. Nor can I imagine supporters of ex insider HMs being rallied to be anti outsiders. Dang it's suppose to be a double eviction this week & 2 will have to go - I so hate to lose any one but Ashleigh & Sara. Sara is like, a very like, lovely girl but I like, am like, so like, very, very, like, tired of like, hearing like, Sara like, drone on & like, get like, defensive like, when somebody like, doesn't like, agree with her.
| Monday, August 06, 2012 - 9:30 am
Yes, Sara's paranoia really makes her unattractive at times. I think both Deana and Adam would have beaten her. I'm just not sure with Scott, and of course we've no previous votes to give us hints. My guess is Deana is definitely safe and Adam is most likely safe and Scott and Ashleigh will go. I feel a bit bad for Scott though, I'd have liked him to have been in the final (but then not as much as D or A, so them's the breaks). It sounds from the live feed twitter that Scott has been on a Secret Agent task and has done pretty well, but Deana is annoyed at him for something. Good stuff for Scott (and bad stuff for Deana) could really change this vote.
| Monday, August 06, 2012 - 10:23 am
Watching yesterday's show, Luke S says he only pressed it because he heard the click of Conor pressing it?! Hmmmm didn't look like that from here! Nice how (at the moment anyway) they all seem to relaxed without Conor and Becky.
| Monday, August 06, 2012 - 11:21 am
I wonder how much Deana had drunk Saturday night?!?! She was slurring at the end! I understand she's kind of letting off steam and getting her own back for what's been aimed at her, but that's well, not good form. Interesting Scott stood up for her. I find it a little difficult to feel sorry for Luke S being upset at Deana's ribbing when he didn't care at all when Ashleigh and the others spent so many weeks saying much more cruel things at Deana, Luke A and Adam. He's upset at himself for the situation, understandably, and Deana's just brought it out. I hope Deana gets back on track.
| Monday, August 06, 2012 - 11:24 am
Luke S is trying to rewrite history - he knows he has to do something dramatic & quick to have a chance at winning. When Ashleigh goes, I expect us to see a whole new character in the house. I just don't think he has much character to give. Conor had every intention of beating him to the button - Luke just made it easy with his hands behind the back.
| Monday, August 06, 2012 - 11:45 am
end of last show was Amazing. Deana making fun of Luke S while lounging on the couch. Doing the robot voice and saying something like MUST show emotion, must cry to win the game! and then the video cuts to Luke S in diary room getting choked up then bursting into tears. LOL naughty editing ! but funny. I think deana ia correct, Luke S is going to need counselling after this. However, it will be watching the editing on the Daily Shows which will probably put him over the edge and SNAP!
| Monday, August 06, 2012 - 12:08 pm
I wonder how much emotion Luke S really has, seeing as he doesn't seem to show much. It's hard to know with those people, whether they just don't feel much or whether they just keep it bottled up to explode later. Yesterday's BOTS showed a clip of a chocolate finger task. I would have stored those chocolate fingers in my mouth, then my throat, then my stomach, before eventually storing them on my thighs. Yum.
| Monday, August 06, 2012 - 7:32 pm
I think I agree that LukeS is rewritting history to make both himself look better but to also feel better. He seems to have some control issues and he would like to think he was really in control of that situation when he obviously so was not. LukeS is one of the more calculated of the group which is why he keeps his emotions under check in public and exposes them totally in the diary room, If he did not have that release valve I think he would have explosed long time ago. I am betting his unaired diary room time would make a pretty good show of emotion. Although I am grateful cause I want him in the final having not seen the shows yet I am a bit baffled at how LukeA escaped being on the block and Adam ended up there. We all know Ashleigh is done for, there is no saving her at this moment but it is going to be a show down between the three that are left. Scott has never been up and the only time Adam was there was 7 others with him and he was in the top four in no particular order. Deanna has a huge fan base behind her but was a lot of it anti-Connor and now that he is gone that could change the dynamics of it?
| Monday, August 06, 2012 - 8:29 pm
I think Adam ended up there because of the "incident" when Luke S came in from the white room and he accused Adam of laughing at him. Luke S was very angry and that could have carried over into nominating. My husband says is is because he is "American".
| Monday, August 06, 2012 - 8:50 pm
Oh yes, the incident! And it seemed like Conor actually liked Adam (or claimed to) so perhaps with him in the house they talked more about Luke A's supposed failings than Adam's. I'll be interested to see how Scott and Sara voted. I was hoping Scott, who seems pretty bright to me, would have worked out that his best bet was to nominate Sara and Ashleigh, as the Outsiders were getting saved in evictions and any one against them was likely (from the eviction information they've been given) to go. He needed to make sure it wasn't him, and voting Sara would have made that more likely to happen. I think some Deana fans won't be voting as often after the last two shows, where she's been revelling too much in her new freedom, but I think they will still be voting and I think she will be safe. I think Adam has to be careful against Scott, and it'll be interesting to see what the highlights show focuses on this week, as editing could make a difference.
| Tuesday, August 07, 2012 - 1:47 am
Sometimes even a bad edit can be a good thing if the voters think it of it as a fix like Aarron got last year. The guy could not catch a break and still came out on top, to boos but out on top. Hopefully Deanna's fans are not too complacent because it is a double and slacking can cause surprises can it not lol. Connor seemed to be the head of the clan for the insiders. He picked on who would be a threat to him early on. I think he may have take Adam's background into account and thought the american convict angle has not played over well before and it could make him less competition for the end game.
| Tuesday, August 07, 2012 - 10:22 am
Yes, the Insiders probably realised Adam was the least popular of the Outsiders. Plus more intimidating back, if they tried to intimidate him. Today they're doing that guards and exhibits museum task. Doesn't sound like there's been much going on with Scott or Adam, all seem to be getting on mostly ok (from what you can tell).
| Tuesday, August 07, 2012 - 10:44 am
Live TV schedule (times are PT): Tue Aug07 2-3pm BB Tue Aug07 3-4pm BOTS Wed Aug08 1-2pm BB Wed Aug08 3-4pm BOTS Thu Aug09 2-3pm BB Thu Aug09 3-4pm BOTS Fri Aug10 1-2pm BB: Eviction Fri Aug10 2-3pm BOTS: Live From The Garden Fri Aug10 3-4pm BB Live Sat Aug11 1-2.10pm BB Sat Aug11 2.10-3.10pm BOTS Sun Aug12 1-2pm BB Sun Aug12 2-3pm BOTS Mon Aug13 1-2.30pm BB: Live Final Mon Aug13 2.30-3.25pm BOTS Tue Aug14 3-4pm BOTS looking back at the final and forward to Celebrity BB Wed Aug15 1-3pm CELEBRITY BB Launch Wed Aug15 3-3.30pm CBOTS The schedule for Friday often changes as it gets closer, but as they've put BOTS directly after the one hour show I guess one hour is all we will get.
| Tuesday, August 07, 2012 - 10:55 am
Who nominated whom: Ashleigh: Deana (sneaky, snidey), Adam (snappy over prize money, manipulative) Deana: Ashleigh (selfish, two-faced, toastgate), Scott (acting differently now it's near the end) Scott: Adam (stares, gets on the least with him), Deana (takes jokes too far, cringey Soldier talk) (he debated nominating Sara but decided not to Adam: Ashleigh (shopping list sabotage), Scott (lazy) Sara: Scott (he talked about her mum's noms(!)), Adam (doubts he actually likes her, plays games) Luke A: Ashleigh (selfish), Scott (not a team player with cleaning, goes from group to group) Luke S: Deana ("doing his head in," irritating, keeps calling him Charlie), Luke A (gets on better with others) Scott 4 noms Adam, Ashleigh, Deana 3 Luke A 1 Sara 0 Luke S immune The Outsiders all voted for Ashleigh and Scott. And Scott went from barely getting any nominations to being top!
| Tuesday, August 07, 2012 - 11:01 am
I liked the from the Garden BOTS last year except I hope they are a little bit better at chosing which friends and family get to talk about the housemates. It can be enlightening for them to get some idea of how the outside world truly feels and it is close enough to the end that it shouldn't have a big impact on things. I like that they are doing that BOTS inbetween the final and celeb. One of my favourite things used to be the BBLB wrap up that Dermot would do where all the housemates had some knowledge of how things had played out and what was said or done behind their backs/ It gave people a chance to either repent or get revenge lol. I miss Dermot I have tried watching X factor but just can not get into it.
| Tuesday, August 07, 2012 - 11:14 am
Dermot's lovely. He's sweet on X-Factor but he's not in it much. Hate to say it but he's probably too good for the BB side shows, they've deteriorated so much.
| Tuesday, August 07, 2012 - 12:32 pm
The main twitter has just tweated this: Official Big Brother @bbuk Support your faves by using those last twitpics however you please! So here are the twitpics! Someone at BB had fun.
| Tuesday, August 07, 2012 - 3:11 pm
Deana may be pushing it a little too far. She doesn't seem to know when to stop. Most joking/teasing can turn nasty if taken too far and she's stepping over the line a lot. It wouldn't surprise me if she ended up second or third because of it.
| Tuesday, August 07, 2012 - 3:17 pm
I think you're right. I think Luke A will win now. Hopefully she gets through this week, but maybe some who would have voted for her will now vote for Adam, and with the Scott wildcard I think she's suddenly in danger. Such a shame she's let this kind of freedom/revenge mixture go to her head. If you didn't watch BOTS, they confirmed it was a double eviction by the way.
| Tuesday, August 07, 2012 - 5:38 pm
Since Luke a is safe, I almost don't care who goes as long as Ashleigh goes. Ashleigh and anyone else is OK with me. I'd rather the three outsiders all make it to the final, but it would be OK if Scott makes it along with two of them. BUT Ashleigh has to GO!!!
| Tuesday, August 07, 2012 - 5:42 pm
I do think Deana has gone a little over the top the past few days. She is way over doing the soldiers thing and the way she treated Luke S after the white room was way too much. I know she was a little drunk for part of it but she enjoyed torturing him. He will probably need therapy but it will be because of Deana being at him about it nonstop. My personal opinions of Deana started changing awhile ago and I hope she doesn't win, have never really wanted her to win through the whole show. She has this air about her that she is better than everyone else and this is one thing that has always bugged me about her.
| Tuesday, August 07, 2012 - 6:26 pm
I don't think Deana is pushing it at all. I think she's being herself and not caring anymore what people think; she no longer has to protect herself and reel in it. Deana has not had anyone on her side, no one who really even tried to get to know her. She's been ridiculed, denigrated, chastised, belittled, etc. Everything she's said has been scrutinized, every thought she's expressed, everything she's done has been put under a microscope and judged, including at times, by Adam, Luke A and Sara. So it doesn't surprise me at all that Deana is expressing herself now, even if it looks insensitive. It's surprising she's not hanging from a chandelier. And Deana did apologize before, then after Luke A gave her his perspective, she did see that she might have been paying Luke S back for his words towards her, so she was not just being horrible and doing a jig about it. I do not feel bad for Luke S, he believed Conor, that was his downfall in that task; his arrogance told him that Conor cared about him, when Conor had his own agenda, which was his prerogative. Now Luke S is shedding tears and we must feel sorry for him? It's ridiculous. Luke S has been deceiving Ashleigh, but he sheds tears over Conor and money, rather than how what he did will affect Ashleigh. Luke S didn't have the money to begin with, it wasn't his, he dropped the ball; no matter what Conor said or did, Luke S is responsible for his not winning the money. I think Luke S should grow a thicker skin, bc he's going to come across a lot of people outside who will chide him worse than tipsy Deana did. But then again, maybe Luke S was weeping for votes. I am flabbergasted at the hate for Deana at some of the boards (not here), I just don't think it's about people feeling bad for Luke S, it doesn't make sense. I wouldn't be surprised if Conor's friends were out there badmouthing her. I still hope Deana wins, but even if she gets evicted Friday, she'll leave with the knowledge that she is a very strong person to withstand all that she did. Thanks for the pics Kitt ![](
| Tuesday, August 07, 2012 - 7:45 pm
I think the reason Scott went to the top of nominations is a friends and family nomination hangover. They would think that the nomination would reflect how Scott himself felt about things and his votes were Deanna and LukeA. They didn't know that Scott's little sister had spent the day shopping with Connor's gf. Sara's mum chose two insiders and that would put her closer to the outsiders than the insiders. Deana is finally able to feel more in power than she ever has been. She knows she has been saved multiple times and the people who hated her most are gone. She has been under a cloud since having to nominate on the first night. So this could be her downfall.