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| Monday, July 22, 2002 - 2:28 am
Yes, folks, it all coming to an end over here in Britain and we're in the grip of Big Brother fever. Whiney Tim was the last housemate to be evicted on Friday, leaving the final four as Kate, Jonny, Jade and Alex. This year is the closest ever, with every one of the final 4 having a good chance of winning the whole thing. There's no telling how the public will vote this week... I'm soooo excited about it all. There is even excitement outside as the papers reveal that Lee and Sophie are now officially an item (Sophie, no! you could do so much better believe me). I can't wait and I'll be popping in here to update you all on the final week.
| Monday, July 22, 2002 - 10:08 am
Thanks for the update !!!! I'm thinking of changeing my name to Catch-up because I seem to always trying to..... 
| Monday, July 22, 2002 - 2:12 pm
Ooo when's the first person leaving, do you know? The website says they housemates have spotted BB erecting the outside scaffolding again so maybe it's tomorrow! I wish I could see it all live!
| Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 1:24 am
Big Brother have officially announced that there will be no more evictions until 8.30 on Friday night, so the housemates were worrying for nothing yesterday. The first person will be evicted at 8.30 and interviewed then, leaving the final 3 to battle it out until 10pm. Then they will be evicted one by one until the winner is announced. I can't wait!
| Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 2:16 am
Saturday's show summary: Saturday is the live task show and this week, the 4 remaining housemates are competing for their shopping budget. They are excited to discover it is an obstacle course in the garden that they have to negotiate blindfold, going by the directions shouted by the 3 others from the sidelines. They each go through the obstacle course, pick up an egg at the other end and bring it back. They win £25 for every egg and finish with a total of £250 (about 350 US dollars). The second part of their task involves betting a percentage of their winnings so far (£250) on an egg and spoon race that they will watch on the plasma screen. There are whoops of delight when the screen reveals their former housemates Spencer, PJ, Sophie and Lee. After much discussion, they decide to risk only £50 on Sophie (at odds of 3-1) winning the race. Although she is the last to cross the finish line, Sophie is declared the winner because all of the boys let their eggs drop off the spoons before finishing the race. That Sophie, she may have eye-wateringly bad taste in men, but she knows how to keep an egg on a spoon! The housemates are delighted to have won a shopping budget of £400 (about 550 US dollars) for the final week and start planning what they will spend it all. They promise a week of heavy drinking and frolics. They live up to this that very night, playing hide and seek and various other games. Alex confuses them all by hiding in the space beneath his bed and they cannot find him, despite him muttering to himself that they need to hurry up as he can no longer breathe! Will it be a week of love and harmony? Surely not!!
| Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 2:28 am
Monday's show summary:- (Sunday's show is a bit of a recap of the previous week with commentary from the Big Brother psychologists - this week it was mainly a final look at the 4 remaining housemates and their chances of winning. They weren't sufficiently nice about Kate so I'm not reporting it ) Alex seems to have been transformed from the whining, self-isolating moaner of last week into the life and soul of the party! The 4 housemates are happily working together on their weekly shopping list, ordering plenty of alcohol for the week ahead. (I'm getting flashbacks to a drunken Alex screaming at himself in the mirror that "alcohol is not my friend"). However, Alex does have something serious on his mind too - one of the chickens in the garden is ill. He has noticed that the cockerel Big Red has something wrong with his feet (claws?) and the vet is called in. Later Alex and Jonny administer antibiotics to Big Red, but Alex tells Big Brother that he is still worried about Big Red's health. Jade seems to have calmed down a little bit this week too, though this doesn't stop her from shouting through from the bedroom when she hears Jonny and Kate making fun of her (talking about how people will throw snacks at Jade when she is evicted and Jade will be jumping in the air to catch the food in her mouth). She shouts, as only Jade can shout, "I can hear you. At least say something original"... The balance of her mind may have been affected though as she has resorted to putting toothpaste all over her face to fight an outbreak of spots. When she emerges from the bedroom, Jonny jokes "I see you've decided on your makeup for eviction night then, you're going with the white look". Jade seems to be a little bit isolated this week as the other 3 play tricks on her, running off and hiding whenever she leaves the room. Jade takes this in her stride though and doesn't rise to the provocation. She does provide the nation with another Jade-ism though when she asks Alex what "Portuguenese" means (no that's not a typo). When he tells her it's someone from Portugal, she is confused as she thought Portugal was in Spain. Alex is uncharacteristically restrained in his response. Alex has been playing Follow the Van again with Kate when they were both drunk. Kate mentions it to Jonny (so now she's admitting it exists at least!) who says he wants Alex's van. Don't we all? Kate promises to get the van to Jonny later that day. I don't know how Alex will feel about that though. That's all I can remember right now, but I'll keep you posted about further happenings all week...
| Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 12:22 pm
Wow, things are going mad over here in the final week - this is the first year that the big prize is almost impossible to predict. Various newspapers and tv shows are running polls about who should win. The results vary day by day - some have Kate as favourite, others say Alex by a big margin while Jonny seems to be slipping down the charts daily. Maybe it's the endless drinking games that are starting to annoy the viewers. The remarkable story of BB3 here though is surely Jade who went from most hated to now, quite possibly, most liked. Quite a few papers and shows are backing her to win and I have to say I might even be changing my mind a bit too. This week, Kate and Jonny (the previous favourites) have done their popularity no favours at all, with nightly drinking games that ended the other day with them both being violently sick and Kate having to be put to bed as she was no longer capable. Jade had to play the sensible one and stop Jonny from feeding Kate more of their toxic punch (made with lager, cider [alcoholic cider for those in the US] and wine - yum?!). It was Jade who helped them both when they felt ill, and who made sure Kate got to bed. Who'd have thought that Jade would be acting the most mature?!
| Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 12:48 pm
Two days ago, the final 4 were given a mini-task to put on an old-time style seaside show. They each had to master a skill and put on a show for Big Brother. In return they will win a beach party (with or without the weather). Alex leapt eagerly at the chance to play the accordion, saying it was something he had always been interested in. Jonny snapped up the magic tricks leaving the two girls to fight over the plate spinning (which they both wanted) or ventriloquism (which Jade couldn't even pronounce). They drew lots and Jade was left with the ventriloquist's act and a slightly scary authentic dummy. They all practised faithfully (well, Alex walked round with his accordion so much his housemates suggested he might need to have it surgically removed). Jade struggled with the whole speaking-without-moving-her-mouth thing while Kate found that the plate spinning wasn't as easy at it seemed. Jonny had to be called into the Diary Room to be warned about giving away magic secrets... Despite a mammoth drinking night for Kate and Jonny (see above) which left them less than amused by Alex's accordion-playing as they nursed their hangovers the next day, all 4 housemates mastered their chosen skill and put on a marvellous show. They were given hilarious costumes - a Dickensian flat cap and boy's outfit for Jade, some fantastic tight lederhosen for Alex (who was very impressed), a traditional top hat and tails for Magician Jonny and a hideously garish pink leotard thing for Kate. Although Jade's ventriloquism got slightly confused when she started saying her lines without moving her lips and the dummy's lines out loud, they passed their task. The beach party was spectacular with the garden converted into a beach paradise, with sand, hammocks, ice cream, inflatable crocodile (which Jade wrestled in a Crocodile Hunter style), distorting mirrors and helium balloons. Inevitably, they all played that favourite old game of breathing in the helium to speak in squeaky high voices, though they did it so much that Kate's lips went blue. A lovely time was had by all. It's not been all harmony and love though ...
| Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 1:12 pm
We've had the highs so here are some of the lows, the fights, the arguments and the tension... Jade and Jonny have been curious for a long time about Alex's secret game, Follow the Van. Last night, when all four housemates were in bed, Jade caught sight of the luminous van glowing in the dark and made a grab for it. She and Kate ended up exchanging harsh words, with her accusing Kate (albeit while using her "baby" voice to try and make it look like she was joking) of being "dirty" and messing about under the covers with all the boys, saying it was no surprise that Kate lasted so long in the house if that's what she did. She thought she saw Kate putting the van down her underwear. Kate countered these allegations (though from the morally less-than-solid position of lying under the covers with Alex) with accusations that Jade was "the biggest bee-atch in the house" and the "most jealous" housemate, unable to handle being left out. Jade asked if she just wasn't funny enough to be included in Follow the Van, but when Kate and Alex later invited her to play, she said she didn't want to. Last night was also a night of revelations, while Jade was in the Diary Room. The other three housemates (prompted by Alex) started to reveal who they had nominated during the 9 weeks - something that is strictly against BB rules normally but seems less daring in the final days. Alex was particularly keen to find out who had nominated him and how often. He was relieved to find that he and Jonny has each nominated the other an equal number of times. He was very upset that Kate had nominated him several times (slightly hypocritical as he actually nominated her about as many times), in fact she even nominated him the week that Follow the Van had first been played by Alex, Kate and Adele. He reiterated his disbelief that Jonny and Kate had both nominated him and Tim rather than Jade the previous week. Jonny explained that it was because Tim was boring and dull (yep, Jonny, you tell him) while Kate said she felt that Jade wanted to stay in the house more. What was it that gave you that impression, Kate? Was it maybe when Tim said several times that he couldn't wait to leave? Jonny and Kate told him that Jade didn't nominate Adele (I don't know how they knew that since you can't discuss nominations) and he was very surprised. The next day (today), Alex can't get this nomination conversation out of his head. He tells Jade all about it while the other two are still asleep and makes a big deal of Kate's perceived treachery. This prompts a little bit of bitching from the unlikely allies, though for once Jade was doing more listening than joining in. During this conversation, Alex finally reveals the truth of what happened the first time he played Follow the Van with Adele and Kate - he claims that he, Adele and Kate were all snogging [kissing for those not familiar with UK slang] under the covers. Perhaps not that shocking given some of the stuff that's been happening already in US BB3 but remember we're British and reserved He is particularly upset that Kate nominated him after that and accuses her of playing the Follow the Van game with too much enthusiasm, putting the van in her general chest area (won't be more graphic here but he was) for him to remove. Since he is the one who brought the luminous van into the house, invented Follow the Van, encouraged Adele and Kate to play that time and initiated the game numerous times since with Kate, even when she was really too drunk to really know what was going on and had asked him to just let her sleep. As you can probably tell, I'm a bit annoyed by his attitude today!! He's not getting my vote anyway [personal rant over ] Today they have been given another mini-task - an etiquette task where they have to master correct posture, pronunciation, social skills and public speaking. Should be interesting - especially since Jade had to ask Alex how to pronouce "etiquette" when she was reading the instructions and he told her "equity".... Watch this space!
| Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 2:31 pm
They do seem to be clearing the air a bit, better to find out now than when interviewed by Davina! It seems like they can barely tolerate Jade now. I can't wait to find out who wins!