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| Tuesday, July 09, 2002 - 9:56 am
I know a couple of people had a passing interest in UK BB3, which is now down to 6 people of the original 12 and is therefore heading into its final 3 or 4 weeks. I know that US BB3 is starting tomorrow (exciting!) so everyone will be very busy reading all about that - including me! However, I will still be watching UK BB every night so will post show summaries here in case anyone is interested in what's going on. If people are reading the summaries then I'll be happy to do more detailed information but otherwise, I'll have enough Big Brother-related reading to do myself on this site so I don't mind if there's not much need for this. Just trying to share out that BB love from over here too
| Tuesday, July 09, 2002 - 10:13 am
Quick update of the story so far: The show started with 12 contestants. Within 6 days, Sunita (a 25-year-old trainee lawyer) had decided that the Big Brother experience wasn't for her so she was the first person to ever walk out of UK BB. She was replaced by Sophie, a 25-year-old boxing enthusiast who works as a recruitment consultant. The nominations in week 1 were as the result of a public phone vote (when I say phone vote, this always includes SMS text voting by mobile/cell phone and online voting through WebTV): the incredibly loud and irritating Jade and the miserable, quiet Lynne were nominated by the public. The housemates had to decide live on air on Friday of the first week which of the two to evict - they unanimously chose to evict Lynne (whose "crimes" in her first week included walking in on PJ while he was on the toilet and then repeating her mistake when she realised that he didn't find it amusing as well as telling the popular Spencer that he was "arrogant and cocky"). In week two, the nomination process settled into its normal pattern and the housemates each voted on the Monday for two people. Those with the most votes were then put up for the public phone vote all week, the eviction taking place on Friday. Week 2 saw three people up for eviction: bubbly Alison (27-year-old travel rep), enigmatic Sandy (kilt-wearing Scottish 43-year-old personal shopper) and hygiene-obsessed Alex (23-year-old male model with a need to clean and complain about cleaning). After an intense week of voting (and more complaining from Alex about certain people juggling with fruit and not cleaning the toilet), Alison was evicted. Week 3 (phew, this is quite hard work!) was a dramatic week as it saw the introduction on the rich house/poor house divide. The housemates had to perform a task - successfully scoring a basket. The first 5 people who managed it were on the rich side for the week, with a big shopping budget, comfortable beds, the use of the pool and lovely furniture. The others were on the poor side, with only the vegetables from the garden to supplement the rations of rice and chickpeas they received from Big Brother (no alcohol and, at least at first, no tobacco). They also had only the few things they could pack into a little backpack. Surprisingly, though, the poor side seemed to bond well in adversity while the rich side were not benefiting from their luxurious lifestyle. No-one from the poor side nominated another poor housemate, and the two nominees for that week were both from the rich side: bodybuilder and aspiring stripper Lee (22 years old) and 29-year-old firefighter Jonny. Despite Lee's efforts to titillate the public with his incessant flirting with Sophie (he shaved her legs, she read his palm), he was evicted to face the consequences on the outside with his girlfriend of 3 years, Carmen. Carmen didn't make it to the studio for eviction night but they are apparently still together. ... must go now but will write the details for weeks 4-6 soon. And I haven't even mentioned the shower-used-as-urinal scandal, the various shenanigans by various couples and, oh!, the backstabbing...
| Tuesday, July 09, 2002 - 10:51 am
Thanks so much for the update, Britchick. That is really interesting, and gives us some insite about what could happen here. I love to read your updates, so if you want to, I'd like you to continue. 
| Tuesday, July 09, 2002 - 1:52 pm
Oh thank you Owl! I'm glad someone is reading it! I know this is really quick and lacking in detail but it will fill in the background a bit and it's fun for me to remember what's been happening... So, I forgot to mention that just before Lee's eviction, at 7am when all the housemates were gathered to watch 28 minutes of the England-Nigeria World Cup football (US soccer) match that they had won in a reward challenge, Sandy took his chance to escape from the Big Brother house. After drinking about 2 bottles of wine to himself (before everyone else got up), he relieved himself in the kitchen bin (I'm not kidding...) and then made a run for it - climbing up the garden wall (about 15 feet), onto the roof of an outbuilding and out of the Big Brother house for good. He had been disappointed not to be nominated that week and had been miserable with the company he had on the rich side (yep, folks, he was one of the ones living in luxury!). So that was the end of Sandy. A couple of days later a new housemate was introduced to replace Sandy - his name is Tim and he's finished a degree in Business Finance. He's very posh and talks a lot about his travels, his sports car and the job he had earning about 1300 US dollars a week (he says it was "stressful but easy"). I don't like him and I can't make my reporting on him unbiased - sorry :P At the same time, all the housemates have another task to decide who will be on the rich side and who on the poor side this week. The task is a darts-throwing competition. The person to throw the highest score with a single dart is the winner. Alex wins, in a surprising show of manly talent. He wins the right to be on the rich side that week and also has to choose up to three people to go to the rich side with him.... Although he had just spent a week on the poor side with Jade, Adele, Spencer and PJ (making them perhaps more "deserving" of a move to the rich side), Alex chooses only the girls to go with him. Since Adele and Jade don't seem to be enough for him, he adds in Sophie who had already enjoyed a week of luxury. This infuriates PJ and Spencer, who feel they were cheated and are very resentful of being stuck on the poor side again. Spencer, a 22-year-old from Cambridge (near my new UK home!), is his usual laid-back self and just gets on with another week on the poor side but PJ lets his feelings be known -confronting Alex to find out why Alex didn't pick him. The tension rises... It's no surprise, then, that when nominations come round on the Monday, Alex receives nominations from all 4 of the poor side residents. Jade, currently living in the lap of luxury in Alex's rich-side harm, has got herself into trouble with Big Brother for discussing nominations with other housemates, something that is strictly against the UK BB rules (imagine that rule in US BB2!!! What would everyone have talked about?). As a punishment, Jade is not allowed to nominate in week 4 but can still be nominated by her housemates. However, she keeps herself out of the nomination hot seat for another week and the other nominee is a big surprise - Spencer. Although he's good-looking, laconic style made him a real favourite with the fans, male and female alike, it seems that living in close quarters with him is not so pleasant. His smelly ways (he's accused of not showering, only washing his clothes once in 4 weeks and generally being unhygienic). Kate still loves to flirt and cuddle with him but this doesn't save him from being up for eviction against Alex. The public vote is a hotly contested one - Alex and Spencer were the two favourites to win the whole thing but now one of them has to go. Alex looks the likely eviction candidate at the start of the week but by Friday the tide has turned - Adele has declared her attraction to Alex in a bubble bath shared by all 4 rich-side housemates. Alex is obviously delighted by her interest, but her admission later that same evening that she has a girlfriend and is still a virgin leave him more than a bit confused. He goes to the diary room to explain how he feels - he always falls for girls who are "out of his reach". His vulnerable charm works on the viewing public, who narrowly vote out Spencer (I didn't. I'm still quite sad that he is gone as he was my favourite!). Alex, who got only 1000 votes less that Alison in week 2 (out of a total of 1.5 million votes cast), has survived to clean another week in the Big Brother house. Jade dissolves into hysterical tears at Spencer's eviciton (and there you were thinking it wasn't all about her). She clings to Spencer, sobbing, while he clearly wishes she would just go away so he could pack his things before they got too tear-stained. Jade did the same thing when Lynne was evicted in week 1. No wonder noone dares nominate her - imagine how she would be if she was evicted, given how tearful other people's evicitons make her. On his eviction, Spencer argues that he did shower more often than the editing seemed to suggest and admits that he likes Kate though he doesn't know if anything will come of their flirting and her obvious attraction to him. Kate, meanwhile, goes to the poor bedroom for a quiet cry alone. She sleeps in Spencer's bed that night and gets up telling everyone that she "smells of Spencer now". Someone should have warned her that wasn't a good thing. Week 5 coming soon... Big Brother is on in five minutes so it might not be until tomorrow...
| Tuesday, July 09, 2002 - 2:40 pm
Oh Man, Britchick!! I lost power for the afternoon, and just got it back. I'm glad you wrote another report. So much action!! I love it!! I sure hope ours is going to be that exciting!! Did they ever find Sandy? What ever happened to him? Is there any sex on the live feeds? That is so exciting, I can't wait until the next edition!! I think that since there is a bedroom with cots, that's what ours is going to be like. Thanks alot!! 
| Tuesday, July 09, 2002 - 9:57 pm
Hey Britchick, this is my first post in the club house and wanted it to say thanks for the summeries. I have been reading the boards but don't get the show here in midwest of the USA. Love to read the websites even tho am occasionally confused by some of it. Am still wondering why "batty boy" is such an insult!!! So thanks again, am now heading to the BBUKonline to read what has happened today. Kelly P.S. Am really glad the bars finally came down.
| Wednesday, July 10, 2002 - 1:34 am
Glad you are enjoying the summaries! Should be able to get up to date quite soon and then I can start posting day-by-day updates (the show airs every day here). To answer your questions, Owl, Sandy is now back at work as a personal shopper in a big London department store. He refuses to have anything more to do with Big Brother and calls the other evictees who do interviews "sad" for clinging to the past... There have been many rumours of sex and sexual activity - there has certainly been some under-the-covers fumbling. PJ and Jade, fuelled by drink, had a naked cuddle though apparently it wasn't sex. Alex and Adele were very kissy and played a game with Kate under the covers - it was called "Follow the Van" and was played with a glow-in-the-dark toy van. Lee and Sophie were rumoured to be more than friends, but this has been denied since. They did kiss though, which was possibly why Lee's girlfriend Carmen wasn't there in the studio for his eviction. Last night, they all got very drunk and there was lots of nudity. Jade lost in a drinking game where the forfeit was to strip. Alex got very drunk, talked to his reflection in a mirror and tried on his thong underwear to show to the group. Scary. Kelly - I have to agree about the bars! Just to explain, "batty boy" is a not-very-nice term used for gay men. As far as I know, it's only really used as an insult. If you have any other Brit-based questions, just ask! I'm so glad you are going to the trouble of following UK BB and that I am not alone on these boards! This week should be fun, with everyone starting to tell each other the truth (under the influence of alcohol most of the time). I'm still so disappointed that I can't vote for Tim though...
| Wednesday, July 10, 2002 - 4:36 am
So, week 5 (probably in little installments as it's hard to find the time during the day and anyway, you're all busy looking forward to the first episode on US BB3!)... Spencer has gone, the house seems subdued, all the female fans are missing Spanky(as he was affectionately nicknamed) and the bookies are desperately trying to decide who to make their new favourite to win Big Brother 3. Meanwhile, in the house there is a new task to decide who will live on which side for the next week. All the contestants have to pack their belongings ready for the challenge, preparing themselves mentally and physically for the hurdles ahead. And this week's all-important BB challenge is.... a game of musical chairs (rumours that this was designed to make sure Jade could understand the rules have been denied ). The loser (first person out) is to go straight over to the poor side. The final winner (last person sitting) will be on the rich side. The loser and winner will take turns to choose people for their side of the house. This is very like being picked for sports teams at school (always a horrible memory in my case) but with the twist that you have to think about who you offend and who you favour if you want to avoid nominations in 2 days time. Jonny loses and is back on the poor side for a second week. Alex wins, after Tim (who is adopting a tactic of complimenting everyone as much as possible and keeping his head down in an effort to stay in the house as long as he can) does a pathetically unconvincing dive for the chair to ensure *he* doesn't have to choose people and risk offending anyone. Alex is distraught to be in the position of choosing again and takes a loooooong time to decide. Alex's first choice is PJ, demonstrating that he learnt the lesson from the previous week (when he snubbed PJ and Spencer in favour of a gaggle of girls). Jonny does the fairest thing possible - he chooses for the poor side those who have just had a week on the rich side. His first "poor" choice is Sophie, who just enjoyed 2 weeks of luxury. Alex agonises over his 2nd choice but in the end grants his admirer Adele another week on the rich side (ignoring Kate who was hoping for a hot shower and the use of an indoor toilet). Jonny's 2nd choice is Tim, who has claimed that the poor side is no problem even though he has never even been camping and is reliant on a ridiculously high level of hair maintenance. Alex then snubs Kate again in favour of Adele's bestest friend and "little princess" Jade. He probably couldn't bear to the think of the tears that would have followed if he had not picked Jade! Jonny is left to welcome his friend Kate back to the poor side for a second week. Will Alex's decisions come back to haunt him at nomination time? Will Tim's hair survive a week of cold showers and limited grooming facilities? Will Adele and Alex finally get it together now that they must be feeling at home on the rich side? More later...
| Wednesday, July 10, 2002 - 5:53 am
Oh I love it!! I hope ours has the rich side, poor side!! It sounds so juicy, for lack of a better word!! 
| Wednesday, July 10, 2002 - 10:58 am
Continuing with week 5... So the new groups settle into life on their respective sides of the house divide. Sophie has spent her first two weeks in the house on the rich side and this week takes the opportunity to get to know Jonny and Kate. However, she is starting to pay the price for her "special relationship" with bodybuilder Lee during the first week. She spent so much time with just Lee, doing all those things that friends do (him shaving her legs, him asking her what underwear she was wearing, her massaging his back and his ego) that she has failed to really bond with any of the other housemates. Tim, who arrived the at the beginning of week 4, has made no secret of his dislike for Sophie, saying she just wasn't his kind of person (and *not* saying that possibly he sensed her weak position when he was watching the show before he came in). During week 4, Tim lost no time in joining in anti-Sophie discussions with Jade, Adele and Alex. A couple of times these conversations only stopped when Sophie herself came to bed. The tension was getting worse... Now that Sophie is on the poor side, she is making the most of her new company but the bitching about her hasn't stopped over on the rich side. Jade complains almost constantly about her and everyone seems happy to join in. They do impressions of her, making fun of the fact that she calls people "mate" all the time. Jade, Adele and Tim in particular delight in this, and also at giggling to each other whenever poor Sophie opens her mouth. It becomes quite uncomfortable to watch, like seeing someone get picked on at school. Sophie is well aware of what the others are saying about her. She has the strength to just ignore it and walk away but the behaviour doesn't change. It's no surprise to the viewers or to Sophie when she is nominated (by Jade, Tim and PJ). The housemates do not know how many nominations they receive or from whom, so Sophie doesn't realise that Jonny is even less popular in the house than she is. He is nominated by Alex, Adele, Jade and Tim. The meticulously groomed Tim avoids eviction despite being the new boy. Sophie begins to confide in Jonny about how upsetting she finds the way she is being treated. He agrees with her that the best thing to do is just leave it, that's its schoolyard stuff and she should just try to ignore it. Kate is also very sympathetic to her situation and eventually asks Jade and Tim what their problem is with Sophie, as she feels her new poor-side companion is getting a rough deal. Tim simply says that Sophie isn't his kind of person and that he finds her fake (in particular her friendship with Lee). Jade is much less restrained, going on and on as only Jade can, in a loud voice about how annoying Jade is, how she was "begging a friend" and only talks about herself. Sophie can't help but hear the comments as she walks through the living room to the bedroom. The watching nation feels sorry for her - after all, her worst fault in the house was really only bad taste in men (and a tendency to repeat the word "mate"). It hardly deserves this kind of treatment. The public mood turns in favour of Sophie and strongly against Jade and her cronies in the anti-Sophie campaign. Sadly for Sophie, she is up for eviction against cheeky chappy Jonny who has replaced Spencer as joint favourite with the public (along with Alex). She is evicted, but the public give her a rapturous welcome on eviction night as the perception is that she was badly treated and handled it really well. Just before her eviction, Jade apologises to her for her behaviour and they call a truce. Sophie is very gracious in accepting the apology and redeems herself in the public eye for her misguided attraction to Lee (who, by the way, is now doing a one-off night as a stripper with the Dream Boys) Jade's popularity outside of the house is at an all time low and the housemates get an inkling of this on Sophie's eviction night. Huge crowds gather outside the house to see the live eviction. After Sophie's exit interview, the crowd are in fine voice and the noise even reaches inside the BB house. The housemates are not sure at first what they are hearing but in the end, noone can deny that the crowd are roaring "Get Jade out! Get Jade out!". Jade is left with a lot to think about as are her friends and co-conspirators as they all look ahead to week 6...
| Wednesday, July 10, 2002 - 11:35 am
Week 6 in the Big Brother house (I'm doing these as quickly as I can so I hope I don't skim over the details too much) The shouting about Jade is on everyone's minds as week 6 begins. They are all pleased that they heard such loud cheering for Sophie and Jade repeats her regrets for the way she behaved towards Sophie. She is starting to consider what parts of her behaviour have made her so unpopular on the outside. Meanwhile, her former bosom buddies Alex and Adele are starting to re-assess their relationship with her as they realise she may be a liability to their popularity both inside and outside. The two are acting more and more like an old married couple, with Alex's interest in cleanliness and order matching Adele's enthusiasm for getting up early and cleaning the rich side of the house. They form a little mutual appreciation society spending more and more time together. Adele raises her concerns about Jade, pointing out that Jade seems to talk about everyone behind their back so maybe she's doing the same about them. She feels she would like a break from her close friendship with the girl she calls her "princess" and hopes that they end up on opposite sides of the house divide after the Saturday night task. Alex is more than happy to agree with everything that Adele says (as always). Maybe he's hoping that he will be able to replace Jade as Adele's bedmate in the double bed! PJ shared a drunken night of passion with Jade (one which involved very few items of clothing between the two of them) but has always had his reservations about the girl. He is not slow to share his opinion that her backstabbing talk is probably the cause of the chanting they all overheard. Everyone is thinking about the chanting though as it has been an unwelcome reminder of the outside world that awaits them. How will things change with the task? Who will end up on the rich side and who will be cleaning out the chickens and boiling vegetables on the barbecue? or, are the rumours true that the divide will be coming down, that the bars separating the house will be disappearing after this week's task?
| Wednesday, July 10, 2002 - 12:02 pm
I bet your hands are really tired after all that typing Britchick!! Thanks for all of that, and I'm really glad that Sophie got such a great welcome out of the house. I can really relate, grade school antics. That gives me chills just thinking about it!! Thanks again!! 
| Wednesday, July 10, 2002 - 12:35 pm
Another thanks for the summaries!!! If it turns out (after subscribing to RealPass) that we can access the UK feed URLS, I'm sure lots of us stateside will be interested in the UK live feeds too...
| Wednesday, July 10, 2002 - 1:02 pm
No problem, Adamblast, glad you're enjoying them. It's really fun to remember the high points (and low points) of the show so far. I can't believe it's BB day in the US, I wish I could watch them both at the same time. Week 6 Task BB producers have obviously realised that house divide has a limited life - it has done what it's supposed to do, created tension and conflict. But it can't work much longer with fewer and fewer people on each side. So, this week's task offers the housemates the chance to bring the bars down!! They each have to answer an observational question about the BB house and if they get their question right, they are on the rich side. If everyone gets their question right, the bars come down. Excitement levels are high! All this comes crashing down when Jonny, the first person to answer a question, fails to correctly guess the number of steps in the BB stairwell. He is back on the poor side for a third week Things go from bad to worse as Jade, Adele, Alex and PJ all get their questions wrong too! The BB producers must be cursing themselves for asking such hard questions. Tim, ever the smarty-pants, gets his question right by knowing how long to soak chickpeas for. he is on the rich side, joined by Kate. BB turns things on their head again by offering the housemates a second chance to get the divide down. One of the housemates on the rich side can volunteer to answer another question - if they get it right, the bars come down. If they get it wrong, however, they have to go to the poor side for the week and give up their chance of luxury. Plucky Kate immediately offers to take BB up on their offer, even though she will be risking her first week on the rich side in 3 weeks. She goes to the Diary Room and is asked to name all 14 housemates (the original 12 plus the two late replacements) in alphabetical order. She has 30 seconds to consider it and then 2 minutes to give her answer, but BB will only accept her first attempt. As viewers across the UK are frantically alphabetising in their living rooms, Kate makes a valiant attempt but forgets her best friend from week 1, Alison. She is devastated to have lost and exits to the poor side, leaving Tim to a week on the rich side alone. Noone is happy with the situation, Tim complains about his lot saying that he has won but feels as though he has lost. Those slumming it on the poor side are ready for rebellion and discuss crossing over to the rich s ide and risking BB's wrath. However, the goody-two-shoes pair of Alex and Adele want no part in a revolution and the whole movement soon fizzles out. Will rich Tim feel the jealousy from his poor housemates and be nominated (at last)? Will Kate's failure condemn her to nomination and the public vote? Or will Jade's behaviour towards Sophie finally catch up with her and will she be thrown to the baying mob outside?
| Wednesday, July 10, 2002 - 2:52 pm
Thanks for all the updates Britchick, that's really nice of you! You must have sore hands! I'll check in regularly and read them .
| Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 4:54 am
Britchick, YOU ROCK! Long time, no see! Thanks so much for the updates--I'd heard things were going off the hook in the UK BB house. Too bad they never get that spicy here in the U.S. (well, with the exception of Nicole's toes...) You're a doll for bringing us up to speed
| Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 6:00 am
Thanks guys - it's good to be here among friends. *blushes at the praise but is secretly very pleased* I'm going to be away for the weekend (but have no fear, I have a number of friends who will text message me with the latest BB gossip). It does mean, however, that I won't be posting for a few days so I'm going to quickly try to finish off week 6, in much abridged form. This is the week of bitching (is that acceptable language by the way? it's not really considered swearing here but I wasn't sure about the US so sorry if anyone is offended) - everyone is sneaking off into corners to talk about everyone else. Jade is making a good job of letting her housemates (and via them, the whole world) know that she realises she went too far with Sophie and that she is really sorry. She discusses the things she has learnt in the BB house, for example that chickens don't eat cheese and that Mother Theresa wasn't related to Sherlock Holmes or Inspector Morse (I have to start a thread some time of the silly things Jade has come out with - today she was very upset because someone accused her of playing the game and having what she referred to as "tictacs" [tactics ]). Meanwhile, everyone is talking about Jade to each other and noone more so than her former best friend ever, Adele. She is constantly pulling people over to one side to discuss how they feel about other people and especially Jade. She tells her ally Alex that he should get to know Jonny and Kate better now that they are all on the poor side together. She says that they are not as bad as she and Alex (who have both nominated them in previous weeks) originally thought. Alex and Adele also warn each other that they need to watch out for Jade and call her lots of mean names that I won't repeat here. Jonny, Kate and PJ are happy to be more friendly with Alex and Adele. Tim does nothing but complain, despite having 400 pound sterling (about 600 US dollars) spend on his own shopping for the week. He moans about the lack of company, the lack of things to do, the tasks that they are given by BB and generally anything he can think of. The nominations on Monday are: Alex and Adele both nominate Jade & Jonny, saying that neither of the J's can be trusted Jonny and PJ nominate Adele and Jade - they agree that Jade is backstabbing everyone but also feel that Adele is just as guilty as Jade and that Adele has a definite game plan Kate nominates Alex and Jade - she just doesn't feel that she can completely relax round Alex (what with his objections to her juggling with the oranges that he may later have to eat) Tim nominates Kate and Jade - he thinks that Kate behaved disgracefully when she snogged [kissed] Alex during a game of spin the bottle, given that Kate had been so attached to Spencer Jade nominates Kate, because she doesn't know her and feels she is a bit fake and Tim (at last, someone finally nominates Tim - what is wrong with these people) So, the exciting outcome this week is that no fewer than 4 people are up for eviciton: Adele, Jade, Jonny and Kate The housemates are quite shocked though they agree that it feels better than just being up against one other person. They probably all feel quite confident that Jade will go. However, over the week (this is the *very* potted version of what was actually a really exciting week), Adele just can't stop bitching about everyone and it seems that she can't keep her opinions straight. She tells Jonny or Kate that she likes them now and doesn't like Jade. Just after that, she tells Alex or Jade that Jonny is a... well I won't use the word but it's a very bad word. She says she can't stand the thought of living with him another week. Meanwhile, Jade has definitely cleaned up her act and is making much more of an effort (the lack of alcohol probably also helps). Jonny is such a public favourite that Adele's harsh criticism of him makes her very unpopular. It's clear to those of us watching that Jonny and Kate are in no danger of being evicted - it's a two horse (no comment on looks intended there) race between Adele and Jade. On the night, it is the highest every phone vote with 2.5 million people registering their preference. Jonny and Kate get less than 1 percent each but the shock is that, with a massive 62 percent of the vote (or roughly 1.5 million votes) Adele is evicted. The shock in the house is palpable as they were all sure that Jade must be the most unpopular person in the public eye. This eviction night gets the highest ratings ever for a BB episode - 7.1 million or something (which when you think of the size of the UK compared to the US is pretty high). Right, that's a very quick update for now and I'll fill it in when I get back on Monday. This week, after Adele's eviction, the bars came down so the whole house is reunited but there's a price to pay - they have 3 minutes to choose 2 housemates who will receive a message from home but who will also be up for eviction that week.... They draw straws to be fair (I was screaming, Tim! Tim!) and unfortunately for me, it's Kate and PJ. We'll find out who goes tomorrow night.
| Monday, July 15, 2002 - 1:50 am
Quick Monday update: PJ was evicted with 80 percent of the public vote on Friday. It was only the second time in UK BB history that a woman has won the public vote (and not been evicted) when a woman has been up for eviction against a man. PJ was a little surprised: a good illustration of this is that, to prepare for eviction Kate had washed her hair, showered, shaved her legs, packed her cases, painted her nails and tried on various eviction outfits where as, to prepare for eviction, PJ had folded one shirt!! PJ thought he heard boos from the crowd outside and was very worried about his reception, but in the end was delighted by the crowd's cheering (and the women who threw undergarments at him!!). In his post-eviction interview, he was grilled about "that night" with Jade but denied that anything sexual happened, just kissing. He acknowledged that he hadn't treated Jade very well afterwards and said he regretted his behaviour. He also said that he thought Jade was a lovely girl and that the negative press she was receiving was unfair. He also claimed Tim was a good bloke, though the boos of the crowd at Tim's name were so loud they were even heard inside the BB house. How will Tim react to the shouts he heard from the crowd, will it shake his self-confidence? How will Jade feel about losing PJ and how will the house dynamics change this week - we will soon find out...
| Monday, July 15, 2002 - 1:45 pm
Thanks for the update Britchick. Do you know why the public seem to hate Tim so much? He doesn't seem very enthusiastic about anything, but I don't see why they hate him. Was it anything in particular that he did?
| Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 2:35 am
Argh, I have to admit that I don't like Tim at all. He moans constantly about not having enough to do and then moans that the things they are given to do are boring or childish. He complains about everyone else behaving like they're in a pantomime or being like kids and says how he is much more "adult" and just won't join in that kind of behaviour. He seems to be confused about what show he applied to be on - it's Big Brother not some intellectual talk show. He also talks a lot about how much money he's earned in the past, how he runs a company now and all the fancy sports cars he's owned. He's annoying. I don't know how to convey it enough. He has a really superior attitude to everyone and clearly thinks he's cleverer and better than them. He has no self-awareness at all, as shown by his total disbelief at the public dislike for him. He didn't foresee that at all and cannot understand why he is not liked. Those are my personal reasons (and I'm sure there are more that I could think of!) but I think a major factor with the public generally is that he has been extremely critical of two of the most popular people in the house - Jonny and Kate. He has accused them of being fake and childish, playing up for the cameras and not being themselves, when it could be argued that he does this as much as, if not more than, the others. He is still obsessing over his lack of popularity and has already said he's considering walking rather than facing the public vote and possible boos on Friday, which makes him wimpier than Jade (who has also heard extremely negative things from the public outside). He's annoying - have I convinced you yet?
| Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 10:05 am
Is anyone going to archive this thread? It's soooo long to scroll down now (I know, I know I've only got myself to blame!). To bring you all bang up-to-date, here are the last couple of days since PJ's eviction on Friday: Saturday is live task day, where the group do a task to see how much they will have in their shopping budget for the week. This week, they each had to answer questions about their housemates. For each question they got right, they got 25 pounds for the shopping budget. The housemates went to the diary room one by one and between the five of them managed to get 8 questions (from 15) correct so their budget is 200 pounds (about 300 dollars between the 5 of them). The second part of the task offered a 40 second phone call from a loved one to only one of the housemates - they were to decide between themselves who would get the chance to speak with home. Tim had been in a terrible state since PJ's eviction when he heard the crowd shouting "get Tim out!". Since then, he has been asking everyone why they think he has not liked and accusing the public of being shallow and not liking him because he has a posh accent and is rich (not because you're really annoying then Tim?). He has even hinted that he's ready to leave the house. He claims that he did not have the support of his Swedish girlfriend, Johanna, when he came onto BB and is worried about how this is affecting her. He has also admitted privately to Alex that he has not always behaved well towards women and that he has "a lot of skeletons in his closet" that may be the cause of his public image. Jonny, who has stated several times how much he misses his family, leads the housemates in saying that Tim should get the phone call as it will put his mind at rest and ease his fears about Johanna. Kate, Alex and Jade agree while Tim feebly protests. He goes into the diary room and speaks to his mum, who tells him "Johanna loves you, we all love you, don't worry" (that is the general gist of what she said in the 40 seconds...). So Tim is relieved and happy (and crying) and his housemates are also crying watching the conversation on the plasma screen in the living room. Aaaaah! Sunday and Monday don't see an end to Tim's complaining though as he harps on and on about his lack of popularity with the public and what could explain it. Alex tries to reassure him that it is probably nothing or that it could be because they have both (he and Tim) said very negative things about Jonny, who is popular outside (they deduce this since Jonny has escaped eviction 3 times when nominated). Alex is also unhappy, spending more and more time alone playing darts or keeping away from the rest of the group. When Jonny and Kate make a water slide in the garden on the hottest day of the year so far, Tim and Alex watch disdainfully from the kitchen, moaning about how juvenile their housemates are and how much more adult they are. Alex goes to the diary room and says that he no longer feels like himself in the house, he is not happy and he is turning into a miserable old moaner (not a huge change from his behaviour in week 1 really ). Jade tells BB that she is feeling happier the last couple of days but realises that her loud voice is probably really irritating the others. There is a long time spent in Monday night's show on hair problems - Tim, claiming that he is not a perfectionist about his hair (despite spending an average of 25 minutes a day doing it) asks Kate and Jade to trim his hair; Jade buys hair dye from the shopping budget to do her roots with Kate's help but is dismayed when the result comes out more ginger than blonde; finally, Kate's grooming is discussed in great detail but since it doesn't involve the hair on her head but elsewhere, I won't go into the same level of detail here. I'm quite surprised about the level of detail shown in the discussions on the tv show actually, and maybe it's linked to the news today that Kate is now the odds-on favourite to win the whole thing, being the first woman to do so (go Kate!).
| Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 10:10 am
[Aha, realised that splitting posts into more little posts will make archiving happen more quickly!] So Monday is nomination day but since nominations can't be discussed, there is only speculation until the results are announced on Tuesday. Tim has already expressed his desire to be nominated this week and fully expects (with good reason) to be evicted on Friday if nominated. The general assumption is that Jade, who has been bitched about by everyone in the house this week for one reason or another, will be the other nominee or that there will be more than 2 up for eviction this week. There is a tense atmosphere in the house on Monday after nominations as two distinct camps form: Jonny & Kate versus Alex & Tim, with Jade stranded in between the two. Jonny overhears some shouts on the other side of the wall saying that Tim is boring. He tells Tim (the housemates have previously discussed the fact that they would like to know if anyone hears anything about them over the fence). Tim is extremely annoyed about this and starts defending himself saying he is "bored" but not boring. He says that he will not stoop to stupid, childish games to entertain himself, citing the example of the water slide. Jonny takes offence at this and asks if Tim is suggesting that Jonny and Kate are stupid and childish (duh, yes, that's exactly what Tim's suggesting). They have a very tense conversation about it and afterwards each run to their bestest friends to report it. Alex says that Tim was completely right to say what he did, while Kate tells Jonny that Tim's comments were "out of order"... Luckily, everyone is distracted from this squabbling by Jade doing gymnastics in the garden. A very distracting sight as she is only dressed in a bikini...
| Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 10:14 am
Tuesday morning, and the housemates are woken early (for them) at 8.30 with details of their new task. The former "poor side" bedroom has been converted into a 70s style rollerdisco and they are all provided with rollerblades, knee and elbow pads and helmets. Over the next two days, their task will be to respond every time BB sounds a klaxon. When the klaxon goes off, they have 3 minutes to get into their rollerblades and protective gear and get dancing in the rollerdisco. If one or more housemates is missing more than 3 times, then they will have failed the task. The klaxon can sound any number of times between 9am and 1am in the next two days. If they succeed in the task, they win a 70s theme party. It is no major surprise that Tim immediately complains about the task as he has never rollerbladed before.
| Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 10:19 am
Tuesday lunchtime and the nominations are announced - this week's nominees are Alex and Tim. Tim is delighted at the news and can't hide his pleasure. Alex, however, is distinctly unhappy. Jade is amazed that she was not nominated (as is everyone else inside and outside the house). This all leads to much complaining between Tim and Alex about the others, as they are disgusted that Alex was nominated over Jade. Tim knows that he will be going on Friday and is delighted with this. Alex, however, goes to the diary room to talk to BB. He is not happy at all and is thinking of leaving the house. He says it is not to do with nominations but to do with the prospect of another week in the house without his ally Tim, but with the three people he likes least - Jonny, Kate and Jade. BB has told him to think about it as he only has a week to go. Tim encouraged him to stay as he thinks Alex can win the whole thing, but Alex isn't sure as he feels he doesn't like the person he has become in the house. Will Alex leave? He can't take the same route out as Sandy as BB has now covered the garden with a wire net. What will happen to the evictions if Alex walks? Tim has informed the other housemates of Alex's state of mind and now it is just a waiting game to see what he decides...
| Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 12:06 pm
You didn't have to convince me about Tim - it's just he joined after I left so I haven't seen enough of him to know why he's so disliked. It makes me wonder why he ever went on the show, he didn't seem to like it from the beginning.
| Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 12:13 pm
Thanks for the updates . I want Alex, Kate and Jonny to be the final three, in that order. I'd be happy if Kate won, but not Jonny, there's something very unnerving about him, I don't know what it is.
| Monday, July 22, 2002 - 1:34 am
So, no big surprises - Tim was evicted on Friday with a massive 81% of the public vote. He got a mixed reception from the waiting crowd but handled it well and was happy to be out of the house among his family and friends again. It had been a week of high tension, with Alex and Tim forming a separate little clan to the rest of the house. Alex offered Jade a piece of his mind about her backstabbing ways, and claimed that Jonny and Kate had only nominated him because he was "the competition". The confrontation left a bad atmosphere in the house for a day, but Jade persisted in trying to clear the air with everyone, telling them they all had the right to their opinion and that she didn't want this bad atmosphere in the house. However, with Tim gone, Alex's spirits seem to have lifted and he is having fun with everyone again. Everyone seems to be getting on well (for the moment). [Sorry about lack of updates - had a busy weekend as a bridesmaid!]
| Monday, July 22, 2002 - 10:18 am
Britchick, you truly rock, thanks for such detailed insightful reports!!!!!!
| Monday, July 22, 2002 - 2:17 pm
Thanks for that Britchick, we're very spoilt having you to keep us up to date! I think Alex was right, I get the impression Johnny and Kate really don't want Jade around but thought Alex was more competition. I'm not surprised he was so hurt by the nominations. 81%! Poor old Tim, he seemed ok though once he braced himself! Go Alex! Go Kate!