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| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 2:20 pm
"Patience is the New Me" Starts later after 1-1/2 hr Survivor, not clear if this might be a longer show too.
| Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 9:00 pm
Wait, what?!? I am the first one here, and the show has been over for almost an hour? I was almost heartbroken tonight when Claire and Derek arrived at the first task first, and they decided Claire should do it. Presumably because they arrived first, they did not know what the task was about, as it proved to be way beyond Claire's capabilities, while Derek could have done it lickety-split. It was looking like Claire and Derek were going to be eliminated, when Claire finally got the hang of it after all the other teams, except the cheerleaders who got lost, departed. I was happy to see the soldier brothers, get first, the newlyweds came in second for the second time, and Claire and Derek miraculously came in 4th. Whew! NFL coach and buddy eliminated.
| Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 9:05 pm
I think I love newlyweds Glenda and Lumumba, and I hope they win, so they can boost that baby fund. They are going to start working on a baby after the race. It was difficult to see how they were going to pull off the dancing with the difference in their sizes, but Glenda devised a way for Lumumba to be able to twirl her, and they accomplished it easily. They are just sheer joy together.
| Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 11:18 pm
Juju, I agree with all you posted. I’ll add that I am enjoying the long lost twins, Emily & Molly.
| Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 11:18 pm
Glenda's yodeling was pretty spot-on too! I was also very relieved that Claire and Derek managed to make up time. Good choice for the bells, and also obviously good directions, as they went from 10th to 7th just with that.
| Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 11:56 pm
I believe this one of the few seasons I love everyone! I truly did not want to see any of them go home! Not only is Glenda 7 inches taller than Lumumba...but add at least another 8 inches for the hat on her head lol Abby and Will are pure joy. The sisters are so sweet. Love Claire and Derek. Love the Dad and daughter, they have such a special relationship. Love the military friends. Really such a great bunch, all of them Was very sorry to see Tim and Rex go. They were such nice guys and funny!
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 2:34 am
So many great teams.. But I was so worried about Derek and Claire, whew.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 9:05 am
I'll echo that it is a wonderful season. Beautiful scenery, fun challenges and all the teams have been great to the point that I don't know who to cheer for. I'm happy that there don't seem to be any one or two teams that standout in an exceptional way. They all seem competitive and balanced.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 10:03 am
I was very sorry to see Tim and Rex go, especially Rex... his ability to stay calm and focused even when things weren't going well is such an excellent model for everyone (not just other racers!).
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 11:37 am
I felt for Rex having dyslexia and having to do comps where he had to read music and lyrics. Kudos to Claire for staying calm and competing the yodeling task as well. I can't imagine the build of stress they both felt. Great season so far with some great teams!
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 12:13 pm
I find the cast in general very likeable this year. It is like a keep trying year. I was amazed that Dom found her hat so quickly. It was pretty far away. There was the dancers who were following others only what ? Was it not them, did they end up following the wrong car?
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 1:57 pm
Enjoying the teams this year, too. And beautiful scenery. I've been trying to sell the show to people who don't watch. They don't know what they are missing!
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 1:59 pm
My late husband always said he wanted to do this show with his grown son. I could just see them doing the dancing!
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 3:50 pm
I find Dom annoying but I love all of the other teams! I was so worried for Derek and Claire. I am really amazed at their good spirits while struggling with this task. They both seemed happy and positive. I would have been cursing or crying. I'm glad they were able to make up time so easily!
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 4:25 pm
I also find Dom kind of annoying. One thing that's throwing me off... when they were all getting directions from locals to Austria, it sounded like they were being told "ten minutes." That must have been to throw us off because when one team got directions, the guy told them it would be two hours. Are they the team that went in the wrong direction? I got so confused about them driving to Austria.
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 5:49 pm
I agree. I cant put my finger on why. I was thinking it is because she is a positivity speaker and she seems to stress out more than the rest but it is probably just editing
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 6:33 pm
I actually find Dom to be disingenuous as a motivational speaker. Just my instincts yelling “don’t trust her”…even if she “thinks” she is sincere in what she says. It’s kind of like she overemphasizes just to prove her worth - when she doesn’t have to.
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 7:18 pm
Lexie, it was Quinton and Maddie who were told "10 minutes" because they were asking for a street name. It really seems they failed to read the clue that said "go to Austria!" and then find this street. That's why they were so far behind. Once again, READ the fricken Clue already! Yes, Dom seems disingenuous to me as well, kind of full of self importance. I find it very off putting.
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 8:54 pm
My problem with Dom, besides obviously not reading the clue about the hat was when they ran back and she did find the hat, she ran off and left the car door open. That in itself was incredibly risky (but maybe production was guarding the vehicles because if the car was stolen, or their belongings were stolen, or the car battery died.. just a terrible oversight. I know in episode one we hear Claire quizzing Derek to make sure he locked the car, which he had done. In an interview, Claire said she was hyper focused on not losing their stuff. Also, while I really enjoy Dom's colorful look, I would shorten those braids because right off the bat in the first episode, they were literally slowing her down on the barrel rolling task. I think you want to be a lean mean clean running machine for the race.
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 9:36 pm
Dom is annoying as hell!
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 9:36 pm
I would have rathere seen TRex go through
| Friday, September 30, 2022 - 3:34 am
Right Seamonkey!!! I couldn't believe Dom left the car door open. I can't help but think those braids are going to be a challenge at some of the tasks.
Board Administrator
| Friday, September 30, 2022 - 9:18 am
Did they not have to turn in the car keys when they were done with the cars? It seems like they were told them to park them and leave them? So, either they turn the keys in later? Or production unlocked the car for her? Or they never locked it. I guess we'll never know.
| Friday, September 30, 2022 - 9:42 am
I had the impression they wouldn't be using those cars again. But yes, just rude to not close the door. Sheesh.
| Friday, September 30, 2022 - 10:35 am
I think it is the hair that makes Dom seem less genuine because obviously the hair is not, that is a lot of weight to carry on. And, yes, I bet it will get her on a swimming challenge I still remember one couple that thought carrying and washing underwear at each stop was too much (often did not have time to dry), so they bought diapers when ever they could. I think that was posted on a site, never made it to TV. Another woman said she cut their hair short so as not to be bothered by it and for it to dry quickly. The reason you probably thought they were done with their car was because the clue said to park and then bring all your stuff to the pit stop.