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Joey Chestnut and Tim Janus

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Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - 6:23 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    

Name: Joey Chestnut
Age: 33

Instagram: @joey.chestnut
Twitter: @joeyjaws

Hometown: San Jose, California

Current occupation: Competitive Eater

Describe what you do: I compete in eating contests all around the world for cash prizes. I also represent brands and make appearances.

Three words to describe you: Goofy, honest, and competitive.

Favorite hobbies: Fishing and gambling.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
I win everything that I try.

What scares you most about traveling?
Getting sick.

What excites you most about traveling?
Laughing with strangers.

What country and place would you most like to visit and why?
Jerusalem. There is so much history.

What do you hope to accomplish by running the race (other than winning $1 million)?
Showing myself and the world that competitive eaters are the best at solving problems and have a blast beating people.

Name: Tim Janus
Age: 41

Twitter: @eaterx

Hometown: New York, New York

Current Occupation: Waiter/Bartender/Manager/Competitive Eater

Describe what you do: I am a waiter at a very comfortable, high-end pizza/wine bar. I'm an on-hiatus competitive eater, named Eater X, one of the best in the whole wide world! I'm also the world burping champion, according to the World Burping Federation.

Three words to describe you: Determined, loyal, and daydreamer.

Favorite hobbies: Skiing, sleeping, crossword puzzles, and reading the news and trying to understand this world.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
I was the third eater ever to eat 50 hot dogs in 10 minutes. Joey was the second. Nobody believed I could do it until I did it, but I worked hard and surprised everybody. I felt like I did what I once thought was impossible, and in general I'm proud of myself anytime I persevere.

What scares you most about traveling?
Nothing. It's an adventure. I'm on vacation. Who cares?

What excites you most about traveling?
I love learning new things about people and customs. People do things differently all around the world, and it's easy for us to believe that our way is somehow better or makes more sense than somebody else's. But when you travel and you're open to learning, you see that every way is valid and worthwhile and worthy of respect. We do things a certain way because that's what took hold where we are, not because our ways are any better than anybody else's. I really enjoy being reminded of that again and again and again by seeing it firsthand.

What country and place would you most like to visit and why?
Australia. I love it down there—the land, the animals, the accents. If I get eliminated in Australia, I may never come home.

What do you hope to accomplish by running the race (other than winning $1 million)?
It would be a lot of fun for me to hang out and goof around with Joey. We've always lived on opposite coasts, and we've always competed against each other. We're friends, and we've traveled together for contests, but we've always been rivals. Win or lose, it'd be cool to bond over this adventure and this shared goal.

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