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| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 7:40 pm
Wow! These are hard tasks! I don't remember any one leg being this physical. I think the hockey players made the right move with the pass. Why let another team move to the front? We'll see if the twins keep their promise.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 6:53 am
Great tasks. I love this show. Everything about it is great. Nicole showed a lot of grit and dedication!
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 7:52 am
Loved when Audrey yelled to Alain, "Remind me never to let you buy a gun!" It was nice to see them do well on that challenge. And yes - lots of physical challenges. I noticed the same when I watched the first couple of Australia Races and the South American Race, too. Wonder what conclusions could be drawn about Americans' physicality......
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 8:03 am
Nuts - I was washing dishes while watching. To whom did the girls give the express pass?
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 10:54 am
The twins,Teach. They gave them the pass in exchange for a promise not to u-turn them and to possibly u-turn another strong team on their behalf if they arrive first. Hope it works out for them.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 2:41 pm
I really liked Nicole and C..oh whatever her son's name is. He was interesting because he seems kinds nerdy but also outdoorsy. I'm sorry to see them go rather than, say, Rex and Rob or Suhki and Jinder. I can't imagine why anyone would choose the "duplicate this camp site" task. Have they never watched this show? Those tasks are always impossible. Although, I guess, some people didn't want to do the running the dog team required.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 4:03 pm
I had a little cry for Nicole and Cormac, she really was determined to finish that challenge. I felt for her. They appear to have such a good relationship. That seemed like an exhausting leg and once again Rex whined his way through it. I had to laugh at the dog sled challenge. Even if you had never harnessed a dog there was clearly a logically head and tail section. I think Audrey had that poor dog's back legs in the head section at one point. A hockey challenge next week seems a little biased, but I'll assume they set the challenges prior to getting the racers.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 9:38 pm
Thanks, IheartKaysar. Did the twins have to use the express this episode, or do they get to use it up to a certain point in the race?
| Friday, August 08, 2014 - 6:05 am
They didn't use it this episode. I'm not sure how long they have to use it.
| Friday, August 08, 2014 - 7:51 am
So agree with Tishala...Rex and Rob are so whiney and I feel the other 2 just got lucky this week. That last challenge was so exhausting if you didn't get started right. Gotta love those who keep on going and don't take a time penalty!!
| Friday, August 08, 2014 - 4:25 pm
I checked Wikipedia- according to that, they have to use it by the end of Leg 8 (it was Leg 7 last year, but there were two fewer legs)
| Thursday, August 14, 2014 - 9:59 am
another good episode. I thought the hockey was going to be a snap for the girls. I am not sad to see Rex and his whine leaving. But I am glad that they had a good time. Next week's trip to France will give a slight advantage to the Francophones. Although my husband learned to speak French in France and could not really under stand the Quebecois French. So maybe not. From the snip for next week it looks like it will be emotional for some. I have been where they are as well, and the place does have a feel to it that is overwhelming. (imo)
| Thursday, August 14, 2014 - 11:55 am
I was sorry to see R&R leave - especially since they thought they were in 3rd place! Enjoyed seeing Rex "dance" with the ballerina. There was a good post-race interview with them in the Calgary Herald.
| Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 11:39 am
Have people stopped watching? I somehow missed last week's episode in Normandy, but caught this week's in Paris. I loved how much joy the teams took in U Turning other teams and, I have to admit, loved that it bit the twins in the butt. I was sure Micky and Pete were gonners she they ended up at the Place des Canada, so them coming in third was a big surprise. I was also happy for Audrey and Alain. Their PDAs annoy me sometimes, but getting engaged along the Seine made it totally worth it.
| Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 12:55 pm
I'm still watching and enjoying each episode. I just found out on the weekend that Ryan is a friend of a friend and I didn't realize it was "that" Ryan. So I think I'm on his band wagon for now. However, I don't think I've ever seen someone so directionally chanllenged as him (last week's episode in Normandy). I'm enjoying the extras on the CTV website - some interesting interviews, etc. I'll be happy when the brother and sister leave - they are so ignorant and it makes my blood boil when they are in Paris and saying things like "rapido" to the taxi driver or "scuisy" to the locals, etc. They grew up in Canada (I believe) and so would have taken some French in school at some point. Tho, I sure enjoy the fact that the producers are playing up their ignorance.
| Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 5:42 pm
I'm still watching every week as well. I like all the teams, so I'm still not sure who I'm hoping wins. 
| Monday, September 01, 2014 - 6:39 pm
Still watching too and loving it. Couldn't believe the twins did so badly last week. They really did deserve to lose that segment. Looks like hockey girls will win, but the long-haired guys are great!!!
| Monday, September 01, 2014 - 9:03 pm
This is such a fantastic series. Entertaining teams, great tasks, lots of travel. I absolutely love it!
| Tuesday, September 02, 2014 - 2:51 pm
I just watched last weeks ep. That was so good! I don't I have ever seen such a fall from grace as what those twins took. Karma really is a b. Bet he'll never look at Mentos the same again. I have to say that that speed bump seemed so difficult in comparison to the one the sibs did prior. AS for Suki and Jin, they do seem ignorant. And I believe they were both born here. So definitely they had to have taken several years of French, at least four when I was in school. So I will just chalk it up to the fact that both of them just seem to get frantic. They probably can't remember where they are. This is one of the best seasons I have seen of any version of TAR in a long while. imo And I thought it was a very sweet proposal. It actually seemed rather natural versus some of the tv proposals I've seen that are uncomfortable.
| Friday, September 05, 2014 - 3:47 pm
Another good episode! Those boys are sooo lucky. That bead challenge looked like the tougher of the two but I imagine your tongue would just get overloaded and everything would muddle together on the grill challenge. And the drawing challenge, I have to say Suki and Jinder really took that in stride. It must have been incredibly awkward for them. It would have been even odder for the guys considering their pose. Considering the gazillion times we heard about the father and son on TAR All stars and their cancer I was surprised to hear Rob mention it for the first time and I'm glad that he didn't make is a focal point of his backstory. or that tptb didn't. He brought it up in a situation that warranted it as I'm sure people would have been wondering what the scar was from, we are a curious lot!
| Friday, September 05, 2014 - 5:03 pm
I am loving this entire season! I was glad it was a non-elimination, especially as the guys refused to give up.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 10:04 am
Last night's episode was good - those tasks were not easy (USA Amazing Race take note - it's time to up your game). Since they were in PEI, I kept looking at the people in the background in case I spotted one of my cousins. Really enjoyed listening to Mickey and Pete - they must be so much fun to be around. And loved Mickey's comment in the preview for next week after the challenge at the Dairy Queen - "I may just be employable!" I continue to cheer for Ryan and Rob for the win.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 3:52 pm
I decided I don't like those hockey girls, which probably means they'll win the race. All that attitude and drama over Jinder gesturing in the wrong direction? During a race? Seems so silly to me, and I'm no fan of Suki and Jinder (although I sorta love them for being so nonplussed about the nude Express Pass last week). I'm totally team Mickey and Pete. Seeing them going around that horse track was pretty amazing and they always have a great sense of humor. The horse pooh speed bump was perhaps the hardest speed bump I've ever seen. That had to suck. Two things I didn't know: That Canada was only confederated in 1864, and that it happened on PEI (I would have guessed earlier and in Montreal or something). Also, Canada had prohibition. Who would have guessed. Another great reason to watch the show....
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 5:44 pm
Tish, Confederation took a few years to work out and only happened in 1867 (PEI, Nova Scotia, Quebec and Ontario). We sure had prohibition but many a fortune was made running booze over the border to the USA. I always enjoy learning about the places they visit on both the Canadian and US version of the show.
| Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 6:47 pm
Oops, I meant to say New Brunswick not PEI that joined Confederation.